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Weekly AA Thread - Jan. 17 - 22

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    Weekly AA Thread - Jan. 17 - 22

    I just thought I would get this thread started. Tomorrow we're going to an inn in VT for some skiing/snowshoeing w/another couple from AA. This is something I would never, ever have done while drinking...even if we went w/social-drinking friends. At the end of my drinking, the only thing I cared about was when, where, & how much I could drink in one day. I drank alone not socially & wouldn't have wanted to wait for "happy hour" to arrive. The skiing/snowshoeing/antiqueing/whatever would have interfered w/my drinking. I'm so thankful that I can enjoy life now. I'm healthy enough for an active lifestyle. I'm not fighting off a hangover or under the influence. What a gift sobriety has turned out to be! You can see that I feel very grateful today.
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Weekly AA Thread - Jan. 17 - 22

    Hi, Mary--and all others coming later.

    How nice to go to VT, Mary--and sober! I loved going to VT when I was in sales and found lots of places to shop, too! Manchester, Burlington--great places. Hope you have a really wonderful time.
    At my noon meeting yesterday, a woman I know from years ago came in. Actually, the woman who had helped me set up had to go and pick her up. It was apparent that she had either been drinking or was still drunk from the night before. Same thing today. I talked to her for a bit and she remembered me, and I just felt so bad for her. I had seen her a few weeks ago and she seemed fine--had apparently chaired a meeting I wasn't at and was not too happy that somebody had told someone else outside the meeting. Anyway, I went in to the kitchen to get some tea, and she was just standing there. When I asked if she was okay, she said that she just hadn't found her place yet. I spoke with another woman after the meeting and she said this person had called her a couple of times and had made no sense. I encouraged her to keep coming, and I hope she does. I could so relate to her pain and confusion and I thanked God that at least for today I am sober.
    Tomorrow will be two months for me, and it feels good. I don't take any of it for granted, though. Saw my nurse practitioner today, and she hadn't seen me since just before I left for rehab, when I went in to ask for Librium. She prescribed Paxil for me at that time, too. She was amazed at the change in me. She told me that I looked younger and that I was glowing! She asked what had finally clicked for me, and I told her it was finally accepting --not just admitting--that I was an alcoholic and could no longer do it alone. Told her about my AA meetings and she was so pleased with that, too!!
    Well, enjoy your trip!! Maybe you can hit Cabot Cheese and Ben and Jerry's!

    TDN (Pam)
    "One day at a time."


      Weekly AA Thread - Jan. 17 - 22

      tdn: You sound so wonderful! I've seen so many relapsers & people under the influence at meetings. I've noticed that unless someone is really disruptive, they are made to feel welcome whether they've been drinking or not. AA is so accepting that way. M
      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012


        Weekly AA Thread - Jan. 17 - 22

        Hi all! Mary, thanks for getting us started this week! I love this thread. The fellowship is so powerful for me and is such a source of comfort - knowing we are not alone, ever.

        I can sure relate to NOT partaking in life because it would interfere with drinking. That defined my life in my later drinking years. I quit a very highly paying job rather than stop drinking. I didn't want to go anywhere with non or normal drinking people because that was just frustrating. I didn't want to go anywhere with hard core drinkers because that was dangerous. home I stayed with my bottle. What a small and pathetic life. I am so grateful to be really LIVING again! I hope you have fun on your trip Mary!

        :yougo::yougo: CONGRATULATIONS TDN ON 2 MONTHS SOBER!!!:yougo::yougo:

        I hope you have fun at your meeting picking up your coin! Wow that is awesome about your meeting with the NP! Just wait - it keeps getting better.

        I too have seen many a drunk person in meetings. My experience has been the same - it's not a problem and people are welcomed warmly. A couple of times when someone was really out of it, a person would take them outside the meeting room to a seating area and just talk to them with coffee try to help. "Keep coming back" is the message that lets everyone know they are welcome wherever they are on the path.

        I am fully on board with school now so need to get to my homework! You are my meeting today.

        Hello to all the other AA participants and also lurkers and friends of this thread! Hoping everyone has a good day.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          Weekly AA Thread - Jan. 17 - 22

          I meant to add...

          There is a woman I see a lot at meetings. She carries a zip pouch full of this coin, and generously hands them out to any new people that come around. AA Coins Hand in Hand - Google Search

          I think it's awesome!

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Weekly AA Thread - Jan. 17 - 22

            Thank you, Mary and DG!!!! You are both a constant inspiration to me.
            DG, thanks for the congrats--I know that just for today, I will not drink. I have thanked God and asked for his help each day, and this is what I will continue to do.
            Did an online meeting at 6:30. Had tried onece before last spring, and my screen suddenly went blank, and I ended up having to get a new laptop. I somehow associated the online thing with this!! Now, isn't that a little sick? Anyway, it was just another way of connecting with other AAs and it was good. I will try to do these as often as I can.
            Going to a meeting at noon, then lunch with a friend and her husband, who is my husband's best friend. I do have a miserable cold, but not feeling so bad that I have to stay home. Then tonight, I am going to a women's meeting I haven't been to in several months. Going with another woman from AA who also lost her license, but will get it back next month. He partner will take us and my husband will pick us up. So I should have a good AA filled day today!
            Will get my chip on Friday--God willing--that's when our group gives them out.
            I'll look into the chips you mentioned. Would have to ask permission first, I guess. Great idea!
            I know that I went to a meeting several times after drinking, but not drunk. I understand that it is just important to get to the meeting. If this woman is there today, I'll try to get her to sit right next to me.
            DG--good luck with school.
            Mary--enjoy VT!
            Again, thanks for all your encouragement and support!

            "One day at a time."


              Weekly AA Thread - Jan. 17 - 22

              Three Dog Night, "I know that just for today, I will not drink", that says it all. For me sometimes that is the only thing I get right each day.
              Great to see you all here.
              Love and Peace,

              Sobriety Date 12.07.2009


                Weekly AA Thread - Jan. 17 - 22

                Hi, Mary, DG and Phil!
                I was just wondering why there are so few of us who poast here. Do most people on MYO not go to AA? Just wondering.
                Got my two month chip today, and one of our members got her 19 year medallion. Nineteen years! Seems like a lifetime!
                Do any of you get the AA Daily Thought? Just signed up on Wednesday, so have gotten it for three mornings now. I am enjoying that.
                Got my copy of A PIECE OF CAKE from ebay yesterday, and am enjoying it. What a horrible life the poor girl has had--and I am only up to age 12 for her! I'll have that to occupy some time this weekend. Also got a book I had read in rehab but wanted my own copy. It's about Alina Lodge in PA, and is called HOPE.
                Am trying to come up with a job I could do from home. Animal related (especially dogs) would be my choice. Have to do some brain storming!!!
                Wood stove is going, so it's nice and toasty sitting here!
                Hope you are having fun in VT, Mary!

                "One day at a time."


                  Weekly AA Thread - Jan. 17 - 22

                  tdn: I think that many people here at MWO do not go to AA. I didn't go to AA the first 2 years after I joined MWO. I thought I could stop drinking on my own wo/any kind of face-to-face support. I didn't want anyone (including my immediate family) to know the extent of my drinking problem. After I had a horrendous drunken experience in 2009, I knew I had to do something different. I still value & love MWO, but I know I need the fellowship of AA. I can't tell you how much the daily readings, the chips, the personal relationships, etc. mean to me. I know people who have stopped drinking wo/AA, so I don't have a closed mind about other methods. AA works for me, & I really like this thread. I like hearing about AA across the country & around the world. Mary
                  Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                  October 3, 2012


                    Weekly AA Thread - Jan. 17 - 22

                    VT was a lot of fun. The X-country skiing was terrific, as they had just gotten a few inches of fresh powder. We ate great food, played cribbage in the lodge, & enjoyed the out-of-doors. M
                    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                    October 3, 2012

