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wed 18 jan af daily

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    wed 18 jan af daily

    morning all - up ready for another day - ate a TONNE of chocolate last night. Still at least Christmas chocolate has nearly gone now.Feeling a little slimmer - not weighing myself until Friday though as it will be two weeks.I find weekly weight loss just dissuades me.

    Today I am going to the gym after work to start my cycling/weights - gently! I can't cycle to work today as I have to drive to a meeting.

    Happy with the afness - not feeling any cravings at the moment - not complacent though - they will come and I will be ready. Work colleague's behaviour continues to be challenging and I am getting inspiration on how to deal with it from Dexter the series - not the character - that would be BAD!!!:H

    Deb is in counselling and frustrated at someone's behaviour - counseller replies ' well a chair is a chair - expect it to be a chair'. Variation on 'it is what it is' and 'let it go'.
    one day at a time

    wed 18 jan af daily

    Hi everyone , Mario suggested I post here because I wanted somewhere to write my thoughts down and someone to be accountable to in my commitment to be AF. I've been on this board for over 2 years all the while trying to control my drinking sometimes with success and sometimes not very successful.

    Since new years I have had a lot of AF days and the days that I did drink, I have been able to control the amount. The problem is that it sucks! I'm so tired of trying to control this beast. It's so exhausting and it takes up the same amount of mental anguish as drinking. I have never promised any AF time to anyone, but I am ready to promise myself and this group that I will go AF, for at least 30 days.

    I didn't drink yesterday and won't today.


      wed 18 jan af daily

      Hi Fabbies!

      bear you ate a tonne of choccie and you feel slimmer?? Give it a couple days to settle in :H

      Welcome, peace! I understand your feelings from personal experience. I'm glad you decided to get your game on, you won't be sorry! It's such a relief to take the possibility of drinking off the table. You're right, it is exhausting. What is your plan for difficult times you may encounter?

      I'm having "is this all there is?" feelings from time to time, which is my mojo wandering off. I ordered business cards the same evening I responded to a job inquiry (not an offer, just an expression of interest) as office manager across town. This exemplifies the lack of balance I am feeling. This is dangerous for me so I'm glad I have that unlimited yoga classes for a month thing going on.

      Hi to everyone from yesterday; I read the thread but can't remember what anyone said. :H LVT, are you getting along OK?


      Zoom, zoom!
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        wed 18 jan af daily

        Morning abbers!

        Sunny - AWESOME on 100 days! You go girl!
        Bear, I also ate a ton of chocolate last night - you are not alone. I MUST work out today.
        Det - nice pic - glad it's not us, eh?

        It's snowing here - I hate snow. Welcome to Canada - LOL

        I had a brutal vision yesterday of little uni getting seriously hurt. Sent me into a major panic attack and I had to keep yelling at myself STOP to try to get the vision out of my head. I know logically that it was a ridiculous vision but I couldn't get it to go away. It was awful. I hate when that happens. Anyway, I went and picked her up early and of course she was fine. But for a while there I had to deal with severe anxiety. Sucked.

        Looking forward to a productive AF day today. Homework, laundry and working out. That's enough for me for the day.

        Hope everyone has a great AF Wednesday!
        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          wed 18 jan af daily

          Good morning Abbers & a very Happy Hump day to one & all

          bear, I admit to a bit of dark chocolate myself........makes me happy :H

          peace, welcome! Glad you are here & commiting yourself to an AF life!
          You seriously will not miss the mental anguish

          Greenie, sometimes you remind me of myself. All of my life I've had the predicament of finding myself in one place but wishing I was in another. What's up with that anyway? Especially when I was mostly happy with what I was doing Hope you find some clarity!!!

          uni, I think it is perfectly natural to always have an underlying worry about the health & safety of your loved ones - hell, I still have it to a degree. The trick is to keep it tuned way down & recognize it for what it is. It didn't help much to have a husband choosing a dangerous profession, same with my son......

          :yay: Sunni on your 100 AF days :yay:

          OK, taking myself to Curves then I don't know what - we shall see!
          Have a great day one & all.

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            wed 18 jan af daily

            Good morning, Fabs & Fabettes!

            Bear, you go girl! Make that Christmas chocolate disappear! :H I'm still working on left over candy canes.

            LFP, welcome! So glad you're going to give yourself some peace by taking drinking off the table. Who knows? You might really come to enjoy the freedom

            Greeeniebutt, have a fabby yoga class. Like Lav, I can also relate. Unfortunately I have no wisdom to offer... still fumbling my way through.

            Uni, those visions, thoughts, whatever really suck. I get them too, occasionally - probably everyone does (especially in a caregiver position). Looks like it has stopped snowing but we'll definitely have to fire up the tractor and dig ourselves out today. Yikes, that was about 30cm of snow yesterday. Welcome to Canada, indeed.

            Lav, happy curving! That reminds me... I want to start with at least Ab exercises again. Must make time for that today.

            Thank you, for the 100 day congrats I'm mighty pleased with myself and how things are going. In Greenie's words: "I never wanna go back to the hole again!"

            Happy Humpday, stay warm and dry! One thing is for sure...!
            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              wed 18 jan af daily

              Good morning to everyone!
              Sunni--posted my congats on another thread, but will repeat it here!! So very happy for you. I know it inspires me, and am sure it does for others, too! I bet even the horses are proud of you!
              I have 60 days, today, and never thought I'd make it this long! One day at a time is what I can do. Coming here every day, several times a day, has been a huge part of my recovery, and I thank all of you!:thanks:
              Hubby is out trying to spread sand ove the (very long) driveway, and I am trying to keep wood stove going. It was above freezing last night, but not warm enough to melt the ice. Going to get colder and windier as the day moves on.
              Wishing everyone a wonderful AF day!!

              "One day at a time."


                wed 18 jan af daily

                Forgot to extend a big welcome to Peace! One day at a time is all it takes!

                "One day at a time."


                  wed 18 jan af daily

                  Thank you all for the welcome and I'm sure I'll get to know you all better as I post daily. Feeling good today. Hope you all have a fabulous and happy day! Peace


                    wed 18 jan af daily

                    Big congrats on 60 days, TDN!!! :l
                    Remember when we thought there was NO WAY we could hold out for 7 days? Boy, were we wrong!
                    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                    Winning since October 24th, 2013


                      wed 18 jan af daily

                      Hello friends,

                      Big congrats to Sunny and 3DN on those big milestones!! Kudos to anyone and everyone making their sobriety goals-whatever they may be!

                      Welcome about Looking for Peace!!! It's always wonderful when people join us!!!:welcome:

                      Thanks for asking about me Greenie! I have been busy, but don't feel very productive. I'm learning if I don't have a plan of action for the day I find myself sitting around watching tv! :b&d: I noticed yesterday before I left the house that I never even turned it on. (Good idea) I record Intervention and no one else here cares for the show, so I have to watch it when no one else is around.

                      #2 son has started his basketball season, so it will be go, go , go for a few weeks now. Between the 2 boys and other stuff I'm involved in, we'll be gone 4 nights this week, and 6 nights next week. So I really need to keep myself busy at home getting my winter projects and housework done. I love watching them though, wouldn't trade it for the world!

                      I messed around too long (again) and my LVT license is due for renewal April 1. I need 16 continuing ed hours by then. Two years ago I went with a friend to Vegas for the convention there and it was fun, but I do not want to do that this time. I've looked into online CE courses, but my state will only accept 4 hours of home study. Fortunately the big AAHA convention is in Denver this year in March. So, I guess that is what I'll do.

                      Anyway, enough about me. Uni--I'm so glad I don't suffer from anxiety attacks. I do know what you mean about the visions though. I hate that!

                      Papmom--I hope you get well soon! Man o man, seems like you've been sick awhile! Take care of yourself, ok?

                      Sorry, like Greenie, I can't remember everyone's posts this week--but I think of you all! (Greenie, according to Doreen Virtue, you sensitive people will be feeling lots of "stuff" as there is a big shift in energy going on right now!"
                      "If you're experiencing intense or odd energies and feelings right now, you're not alone. There is a big shift occurring, and sensitive people are being highly affected. Now is the time to allow your inner light to shine as brightly as possible. How do you do this? By being your natural beautiful self, by praying, meditating, taking excellent care of your body, and focusing upon your blessings and gratitude. This world needs as much light as possible right now, and your light can make a huge positive difference."

                      Ok, better get busy cleaning a bathroom!

                      Have a great sober day all!:h
                      NF since June 1, 2008
                      AF since September 28, 2008
                      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                        wed 18 jan af daily

                        CONGRATS to you TDN on your 60 AF days!
                        Terrific work, now stick with us

                        LVT, I have 2 1/2 bathrooms here that could use your attention :H
                        About license renewals........
                        I am happy that I can renew my nursing license every 2 years with proof of 30 hours CEU that I do completely online Seriously, if I had to go somewhere & sit thru several long, boring seminars I'd just give up the license. I don't even know why I bother with it (I don't plan on doing any more nursing). I guess it's not wanting to give up something that I worked so hard to get & maintain so long ago.

                        Now I need to get to work myself!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          wed 18 jan af daily

                          hi everyone, welcome Peace, nice name. Sunster, happy 100, I musta missed that and will have to check yestrdays thread. Big hello to TDN, Lavanre avec les Curves, Uni, Greenie your mentioning Is that all there is made me go and read a bit about Peggy Lee, married to an alcoholic and possibly one herself, her smokey rendition of the song used to epitomize all that was alluring about AL, except the have a ball was not really a ball. At all.

                          Yep this is all there is. And better make the most of it while you have it.

                          I have to go see Dets picture. And THEN I need to get to work. Its - 7 and blowing with a windchill of about - 20 C which is Canadian for COLD. I love it actually, and wish I could grab my skiis and head out the door, but alas the followup to the big stinky paper (BSP) is waiting in my office.

                          Sunni dont you get on your hosses and ride around in the snow?


                          Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                          Status: Happy:h


                            wed 18 jan af daily

                            Missed also that its TDNs 60 day anni. WHOOO HOOOOO! 60 days is a LOTTA days and the start of something big! Keep it up, you will find its well worth it. And this lot here is a very helpful buncha people, who will give you lots of support when you need it and a kick in the kiester when you need that too! YAY Three Dog Night!

                            kaslo of the F. North.

                            Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                            Status: Happy:h


                              wed 18 jan af daily

                              Congradulations to Sunni and 3DN! Inspiration for me. Not much going on in the big smoke except it is finally winter. Now I am waiting for spring. Sid

