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wed 18 jan af daily

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    wed 18 jan af daily

    sidney;1247425 wrote: Congradulations to Sunni and 3DN! Inspiration for me. Not much going on in the big smoke except it is finally winter. Now I am waiting for spring. Sid
    Pssst... I got my Spring Plant catalog in the mail this week
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      wed 18 jan af daily

      hello my wonderful fab ab friends!!

      HUGE congrats to TDN for 60 days and to Sunni butt for 100!! Way to go girls!!

      TDN-wasn't that wind something else today? Most of our snow is gone but will be replaced a bit Thurs nite and a LOT on Sat. Yep, winter is here!!

      LVT-I'm glad you enjoy the games and eveyrthing involved in HS sports. I know I do!! I'm going to miss the hockey games after this year.

      Det-awesome pic and :goodjob: on staying AF in Sin City!! You rock!

      Peace!!:welcome:!! You will find lots of support and :b&d:when you need it. We are deadly serious about our AFness here but don't let that scare you-it's what saved me!!

      Greenie-Yep, I have felt that way most of my life!! I never seem to be happy where I am, in work or residence. Always striving for something better is the way I look at it and what's wrong with that? Although, I guess being satisfied with the status quo can't be all bad. Sigh.

      Sid-stay warm!!

      Kas-hope all that work is over soon for you so you can get out on those skiis!!

      Uni-I have those visions about my family every so often too-get myself in quite a state! They used to be much worse when I was young and babysitting my siblings. Convinced myself most everytime that the reason my folks were late was because they had been killed in an accident! Never once thought they were just having fun :H. Now adays I give myself a virtual face slap and try to get back to reality. Its tough tho!!

      Bear-oh once those chocolates call, there's no stopping them!! I feel for ya girl! Love the quote from Dexter-spot on!!

      So today was THE most grueling work day evah!! Orientation was pretty much a train wreck because I didn't finish all my evals. At least 25 students weren't able to register even tho I worked feverishly to get the evals done. I was so stressed last nite I had to take 1 ambien and 1 benedryl just to sleep for a few hours!! I went in at 8 and didn't leave until 5:30. It was non stop data entry and taking phone calls from the advisors over in the registration room asking to have this person's name or that person's name go to the top of my list. Oy vey!! But here's the kicker-my boss wasn't the least bit mad or stressed out about the whole thing and he was the one who had to deal with everyone in person!! I want his drugs!! I couldn't believe it. Maybe I need to reevaluate my thoughts about staying (still hate what I actually do tho). Anyhoo, one thing I am eternally grateful for is being AF. Not only was I able to power through today but as I thought how after a day like today I would have felt entitled to a "few" drinks tonite (in the past), I realized I had no desire what so ever for a glass or 100 of wine. None. Zip. All I wanted to do was get home, love on my boyz, grab some dinner and crawl into bed. And that's what I did!! In my past life I would be passed out by now, wake up to a hangover and be no good at work tomorrow (and believe me I've got even more work to do!!).
      There is NOTHING better than an AF life!!! Believe!!
      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        wed 18 jan af daily

        Yay papmom! That is all.


        Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
        Status: Happy:h


          wed 18 jan af daily

          whew, back to hotel room again with sore feet but an AF brain happy to report

          21 gun salutes to Sunshine and ThreeDog for fabulous AF times

          Papmom, you and I are going to be ready for some vacation time soon eh? all this zooming around.

          oh get this....the porn star convention is currently underway here in Vegas starting tomorrow. um... no comment

          well, must process my camera cards, recharge batteries and do some emails. and maybe even get some sleep.

          be well friends
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            wed 18 jan af daily

            Papmom, so glad you are at least feeling better--but all that work!! YIKES! But you are AF and can handle it. We didn't have high winds yesterday, but it got really cold as the day went on, and was 3 degreees when I woke up. Snow tonight, I guess, then more Saturday.
            Det, can you get a few pics of the porno stars, LOL??!! What a hoot that would be!

            "One day at a time."

