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Thursday, January 19th

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    Thursday, January 19th

    What? No thread? No Bear? What's going on!?

    Well, I'll be the first to say Happy Thursday, then
    It's still snowing and blowing here :upset: Really quite yuck. I just hope it's going to be decent tomorrow, as I am planning on fetching the peanut for the weekend. There will also be a bunch of other stops on the way, seeing that I don't do this trip to the big smoke very often.

    What's everyone else up to?
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013

    Thursday, January 19th

    Hi, Sunni.

    Thanks for starting this up. Hope Bear is okay.
    Cold here, too, and guess some snow tonight and more on Saturday. But not a whole lot, unlike most winters.
    I am doing an online AA meeting as I post here. Different, but still helpful.
    A friend is picking me up later this a.m. and dropping me off in town. Have to fill out an application for a job at a jewelry/art gallery. Not sure how many days/hours a week it is, but would like to get out of the house --and earn a little money. We'll see what happens. Then my noon AA meeting, and that is about it for me! Maybe watch a Netflix film and read here and on some other sites.
    Sorry to ask--who is Peanut?

    Happy AF day to all!

    "One day at a time."


      Thursday, January 19th

      Hello Abbers,

      Thanks for starting us off, Sunny, and hello TDN.

      Even though we are at freezing temps here in the south of USA, I am glad not to be up in the frozen north. I know my temps will climb again before the next wave comes through and my toes will thaw a bit. :-)

      Just wanted to jump in and say hello before I get back at the painting. Actually, I am putting it off for a bit but I better slow down on the coffee or my cuts won't be so straight.

      Hope all have a wonderful day.

      AF April 9, 2016


        Thursday, January 19th

        Good morning Abbers!

        Good question, where is bear & where is Marshy this week??

        Sunni, you must have a LOT of snow on the ground, sorry about that. I'm sure your weekend will be wonderful, have fun with peanut

        TDN, we're expecting a coating of snow this evening & more on Saturday too. You must be directly north of me? Hope your job searching works out for you. It's good to have something to do, a routine.

        Cindi, I painted a few rooms last year (with no help) but the living room really needs paint & I won't attempt it. The ceiling is way too high & is going to require someone with scaffolding to do the job. That's going to cost me $$. I'll keep saving.....

        I am watching my grandsons this evening. My DIL has earned her orange belt in karate & is quite happy with herself so I'll keep on keeping the kids while she goes to her class

        OK, going to head out for supplies, etc, etc.
        Have a terrific AF Thursday!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Thursday, January 19th

          TDN, Peanut is my grand son One of 2 grand peanuts.. although the other one is more of a coconut :H Anyways, this is the original Peanut:

          Cinders and Lav, we have a good 2.5 feet of white stuff now. Admittedly, it isn't as much as other winters but I could do without it altogether

          Just came back from the barn. My horse is still hung like an elephant - mind you, he's in great spirits and doesn't look to be in pain. I'm dreading tomorrow when he needs another needle. I may chicken out and call my neighbour over again. Lav, would you....? :H

          Btw, you could always splash some paint where you can't reach and call it art :H

          I better get back to work. Have a fabby day, all.. one thing is for sure!
          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

          Winning since October 24th, 2013


            Thursday, January 19th

            Hey everyone. Where IS Marshy and Bear? Did Britian have some kinda accident? I certainly hope not. Lav and Sunni I envy your time with gks. TDN have a nice day. Cindi what is a cut? Sunni, what ever is wrong with your horse? When I have had to have a horse aethesthetized the vet always scrunches up the skin right at the base of the mane...? If its justs a subcutaneous...? Why am I asking so many questions?

            Ok, whew, got that outta my system. I have this one little fart of a paper to squeeze out, then I am done. Its -9 C here, and blowing again. The little birds are hiding in the bird feeders. The Stellers Jays and Flickers are fighting over the suet hanger thing on the Grand Fir tree.

            Everyone have a great day.

            Kaslo of the F N.

            Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
            Status: Happy:h


              Thursday, January 19th

              Kaslo, dear... I don't DO needles.

              I don't give.
              I don't receive.
              I faint.
              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                Thursday, January 19th

                Evening all - running late this morning - feeling bit lethargic and over sensitive today - pmt anyone?At least I'm not hungover as well!Long day at work and can't be fagged to hit gym - resting knee this week - that's my excuse and i'm sticking to it. Leftover steak and stilton pie and veg for dinner. Not much to say - meh. Looking forward to three day weekend - feeling bit doom and gloom about knee and not skating, I'll bounce back.
                one day at a time


                  Thursday, January 19th

                  I've never injected a horse Sunni but why not? What am I giving him by the way? :H :H
                  Love the Peanut pic

                  Kaslo, fart thy paper & be done with it
                  I do my best to keep the bird feeders filled around here but for some reason the cardinals are missing this year? Where have they gone??

                  bear, keep yourself occupied with other stuff while you can't exercise/skate. Get into some good books, puzzles, etc. Try to not dwell on the negative stuff.......
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Thursday, January 19th

                    ahh Bear rest up your knee it can get better then. It is weird when you don't start off the thread in the morning. Hey Det missing you in chat. I have no one to swap recipes with.

                    Snowing today and the drive home from work will be brutal. Looks like I find out Monday if I will get a buy out and retire in March. This has been going on since the fall. I am restless about it. Need to learn some patience. It will be what it will be.

                    I think I need a new picture without about with spring flowers. What catalogue you get Sunni...Park Seed? Sid


                      Thursday, January 19th

                      Hi, Sunni, Lav, Cindi, Sydney, Kas, Bear--
                      Sunni, that Peanut is the most adorable little boy!!! How nice that you are going to see him.
                      Good luck with the paper, Kas. Sounds like a bunch of "merde" to me, LOL!
                      Lav, guess we are straight north of you in NH. Let's just say that we live where one of the Republican presidential candidates has his summer home, and we can all imagine what it will be like if he wins!!!

                      Take care, all--

                      "One day at a time."


                        Thursday, January 19th

                        Hello again Fabs!

                        I'm doing a mighty fine job avoiding work today, if I do say so myself!

                        Bear, distraction is key! You will be back on your feet soon..

                        Lav, he's getting Penicillin every 3 days (in the neck muscle), and Phenylbutazone (Bute) every day, and warm compresses. Yes, I get to crawl half under him and warm his swollen nether regions. I bought a microwavable thingie yesterday.. figured water cannot be comfy this time of year.

                        Kas, we don't really know what caused it (he's the 4th on the island in the same predicament).. the vet thinks it must have something to do with the crazy up and down temperatures. All in all, it doesn't seem to bother him much at all.

                        Sid.. I get Botanus (they're in BC). They don't do seeds, just plants (bare roots, etc.).. really good quality, though. Oh.. and weather is dreadful here as well. Drive home carefully!

                        TDN, thank you. I agree, Peanut is a cutie :h But then, I may not be the most objective observer By the looks of the weather forecast I'll probably have him til next Wednesday or Thursday. It's a long drive, especially in crappy weather.

                        Ok, back to work. I should get some cleaning done, too before the lil whirl wind gets here tomorrow.
                        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                        Winning since October 24th, 2013


                          Thursday, January 19th

                          I will drive as carefully as I can. Do they specialize in plants that do well in a Northern climate? I am always looking for that.


                            Thursday, January 19th

                            gg that little peanut is just so sweet!!! I just love little ones!! My babies are all grown up - even granddaughter is 25!!!! Oh well, keep the pics coming - I can oooo and ahhhh over them!!! - oh, and happy Thursday even tho it's almost over..
                            Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
                            (quote from Bean )

                            Goal: Survival


                              Thursday, January 19th

                              sidney;1247949 wrote: I will drive as carefully as I can. Do they specialize in plants that do well in a Northern climate? I am always looking for that.
                              I wouldn't say the 'specialize' but everything I've gotten over the years has done well. Whaddaya mean.. you're not even NORTH!??? :H
                              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                              Winning since October 24th, 2013

