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fri 24 jan af daily

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    fri 24 jan af daily

    I'm up! Ready for another day - up early ready to cycle as that is exercise that i can do and will help. I had a bath last night then covered myself in coconut oil - hair,face,body the lot.
    Skin feels great today.

    Weighed myself and not lost any weight - not surprised BUT not put on so it's good.
    Papmom - you're right naval gazing is a trigger for me - and one I hadn't picked up on. Thank you.

    Have a great AF day everyone - I am off to do some positive thinking.
    Lovely 3 day weekend coming up with curry,friend's birthday curry, rollerderby friends,starting gym (gently) and sushi!!
    one day at a time

    fri 24 jan af daily

    Good morning, Bear and everyone!
    Sounds like a great weekend for you, Bear! I used to take coconut oil, and give it to my dogs (there is actually a product for dogs, as somebody had a great marketing idea!) Have to start that again. Read a small book "The Coconut Oil Miracle," and it touted all the health benefits of this oil. I did once cover my hair in it, and my hair was so soft. I now use Morrocan oil products.
    Snow overnight, but just a few inches. And it looks like we are going to miss the storm coming tomorrow. It is supposed to stay south of us--great, IMO!!!
    Watching a tv report on cruise ship drinking after that horrible incident in Italy. They are showing people out of control with their drinking. Glad I don't drink any more--well, at least for today!
    Applied yesterday for a job in town--well, it is actually the town over--an art/jewelry gallery. I know who the owner is, although I don't know her personally. I do know another young woman who is a jewelry designer there--she was a student at the high school where I taught in the nineties. Anyway, I brought my resume and references, but they handed me an application, and I went next door to a small cafe to fill it out. Of course, the first person I saw is a friend who knows about my DUI, as another friend told him, and then he asked my husband about me when they had breakfast last week. I think he was surprised that I looked so good--maybe expected me to be staggering, LOL! Then there were two AA guys who don't really come to meetings any longer, but I know they know about me, too. Anyway, I filled the forms out--stupid, as it is all the same info on my resume. Then I came to the part that asks about your license, and I left it blank. When I brough the app back to the shop, I told the owner what had happened and she thanked me for being honest. The job doesn't involve driving, and is ten minutes from home, but I have a feeling I won't hear back. But I was honest, at least, and if it is meant to be, it will happen.
    Not much going on today. Have my AA meeting at noon, and will get my two month chip, but also have to go early to make coffee and set up, as the person who usually does it can't make it.
    Hope you all have a great AF day!!!

    "One day at a time."


      fri 24 jan af daily


      Just read yesterday's thread and am very pleased I don't have a horse :H
      Hope he's improving Sunshine.

      Three Dog - I hope you get the job! And congratulations on two months - that's great! How are you getting on at AA, do you like it?

      Det - good pix of Vegas. I have fond memories of a weekend there quite a few years ago. Strange place.

      papmom - good to hear you're on the mend. But moving into a care home?

      Probably tons of other stuff I forgot to mention but at work and rushing. Off to book group tonight. There's one woman there who looks like a hard drinker but seems to get drunk on her first glass of wine at the meeting and I was surprised she got drunk so quickly. I mentioned this to GF and she said "Maybe she's had a lot to drink before she gets there." Penny dropped.

      Have a good day all!
      AF since December 22nd 2008
      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


        fri 24 jan af daily

        Morning Fabs!

        No snow, so getting Peanut is a go!!! Yay! Now, move slowly to not screw with back again

        Bear, dear... I believe it's the 20th.. you must be way ahead of the rest of the world Hmm.. coconut oil.. must try that. Must find it, first. We can't get stuff like that here on the island.

        TDN, that took guts. Hats off to you. I hope your honesty will be rewarded. Good luck!

        Well, I'm gonna get myself sorted here, jump in the shower (correction: crawl into shower, no sudden movements until after the peanut is back home) and get my stuff together.

        Kinda funny, Mr. Wonderful had given me a gift certificate to buy winter coveralls but had lost it before Christmas. So he had to go get another one. Since I'll be going right by the store today, he asked if I was planning to stop in and that my gift certificate was on the shelf by the kitchen door. I said "Uhhhm, no I don't think so, it's upstairs on my night stand"... well, long story short, he found the lost certificate. It had been hiding in plain sight all along :H

        K.. off I go.. have a fabby AF Friday, everyone!
        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

        Winning since October 24th, 2013


          fri 24 jan af daily

          Morning abbers!

          Sorry I haven't checked in a couple of days, been busy helping a friend move. Today I have to go to the doctor for a physical (yuck) but it's been 3 years since I've had one (bad uni). So I guess I need to face it!

          Things are going well over here - got hit with snow yesterday and it's freezing cold today but that's okay, it's Canada, what ya gonna do. We have had a really mild winter so far so I cannot complain at all. Hopefully this isn't the beginning of bad weather to come.

          Anyway, I'm off! Hope everyone has an awesome AF Friday - I know I will.

          Love and hugs,
          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


            fri 24 jan af daily

            Took the transit into work today so no worrying about the drive home. Dreaming about retirement and retiring that drive. I have worked at the library for 36 years. I think it is time for a change. However if I don't get the buyout I will have to stay for a year or two longer.
            Quiet weekend planned. Fine by me. It has been 4 months AF although I am not counting per say. Feeling strong and so well with all of you in my corner. Take care all. Sid


              fri 24 jan af daily

              Hello friends,

              Greenie--hope you're ok!:h

              Sunny-wish I was closer, I would help you with your horse. Smegma is gross!!! It is too bad it is too cold for the hydrotherapy, I think it really might help. Just don't get hurt reaching under there!:l

              I need to do a little venting and then be on my way--bear with me. Last week my #1 son was called into the office by the principal because he overheard him compliment his spanish friend (girl) that the way she had her hair, and makeup and attire, it really brought out the mexican in her. She accepted it as the compliment as it was intended. Apparently it offended the white principal. My son got a lecture and would not listen to my son and his explanation. I told my son I thought he was owed an apology, but never took the time to go into the office over the matter. Yesterday he was called in because the drugs he is taking for is ADD showed up on the random drug test. He also called in the athletic director and basically accused him of taking stimulants illegally and did he realize the consequences??? Again, they did not listen to his explanation--acted like they didn't believe him. They NEVER called me, nor apparently checked with the school nurse that has his prescription on file. The people that do the drug testing did call me and confirm the prescription and I am sending them a copy. But the school had no right nor reason to talk to my son about this before talking to me or the doctor in charge of the drug testing. I am a bit angry, and I am going in to talk to the principal today to give him a peace of my mind. I hope I don't 1. Show too much anger. 2. Cry.

              Wish me luck! Sure glad I don't drink!

              Have a great sober day all!:h
              NF since June 1, 2008
              AF since September 28, 2008
              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                fri 24 jan af daily

                Goof mergen Fibins. Mu fangetrs R frezin. Hokay warming up now. Its -845 UR out there. (as in U R darn right its cold) And we are supposed to get 300000000 ums of snow. Do the math.

                Holy COW, LVT does that ever remind me of high school. I used to marvel at how the adults in the mix used the situation as a way to inflict the world with thier particular issues of the day. I see it hasnt changed, but drug tests in schools? Isnt that an infrigement of good old US civil rights? Especially if the infrigement causes un-necessary harm to a persons whos rights have been violated? Hmmmm? Give em snoose, gal. However, IMHO icy cold polite disdain works better on those mofos than shouting or tears. Shouting and tears they get all day from their victims. Dont be a victim.

                Well Marshy, Uni, Bear, Sunni, Lav, TDN and all other compatriots of the 7UP, ice tea or OJ crowd. Have yesself a nice day. SIDNEY WHOO WHOOOOO YAY SID!

                I certainly am counting. I have 26 days to a whole year, fer me. myself. and I. All three of us.

                Yrs.trly. Kaslo of the Fr.N.

                Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                Status: Happy:h


                  fri 24 jan af daily

                  Good late morning Abbers!

                  bear, glad you have a good weekend planned for yourself!

                  TDN, I think I'll be getting that snow tonight/tomorrow - crap.
                  I hope your job app turns into an offer for you ~ you never know. Congrats on your 2 AF months, I'm very happy for you

                  Sunni, have a great weekend with Peanut. Give your horse my best!!

                  Hi uni & sidney!
                  Stay warm up there in frosty Canada.

                  Hi Marshy! I heard a report on my car radio today via the BBC about concerns re pollution for the Olympic atheletes. Do you think it will be a problem?

                  LVT, all I can say is I am so damn glad I no longer have the deal with the public school system & the overpaid idiots they put in charge...............
                  Let's just say ~ they knew my name when my kids were in school :H :H
                  I also wrote a few letters to the school board just so they all knew my concerns.
                  Come to think of it - the high school principal was a fat slob who brought donuts with him everyday.
                  The kids called him Joe Bag O'Donuts :H :H
                  Do whatever you have to do to protect your kids

                  Think I'll go to the Amish market for some fresh veggies (no donuts)!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    fri 24 jan af daily

                    Holy moly LVT drug tests in high school!!!! What is that about? That would have emptied my daughter's high school out teachers included.....she went to an art's school.

                    Give them hell. His script was on file. I feel terrible for him seems like he is having a rough time for no reason but so good you did not drink! Sid


                      fri 24 jan af daily

                      :H LOL--thanks guys. Yes, they started random drug testing here a couple of years ago. Only for the kids doing extracurricular activities mind you. As we already know, kids have no rights anyway, and they don't test the teachers or administration either go figure. Anyway, I'm thinking of having my son try to buy some lottery tickets because he is either being "random" drug tested a lot or picked up by the cops for one reason or another. It does give me some peace of mind, because I know he's not doing anything wrong and I don't have to be the bad guy.

                      I called the school to make an appointment and the next thing I know I am talking to the principal. I am proud to say I didn't cry nor raise my voice or cuss! I got my point across, listened, told him what I thought was wrong with the situation, and suggested a change in the policy to include any prescriptions for controlled substances be maintained in the students file (which I had my son give to the school nurse at the beginning of the school year) and told them that if they are going to have policies and procedures they better follow them. They had no business calling my son into the office, nor involving the athletic director without first contacting us. Period.

                      This guy is the 3rd principal in 4 years. The last guy had no backbone, and this one is trying to prove he is in charge. What bothers me is they always assume the worst out of these kids. No wonder so many of them try to live up to their expectations.

                      Anyway, I feel better and I think my son appreciates our support.

                      Thanks again.:thanks::h
                      NF since June 1, 2008
                      AF since September 28, 2008
                      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                        fri 24 jan af daily

                        Glad you're feeling better about things LVT
                        I have to agree with you - they always assume the worst before bothering to get any information
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          fri 24 jan af daily

                          Late check back from the frozen North. Well, north east. Or actually, north middle. Well, north and cold but not where Kaslo is :H

                          Got back from the big smoke with Peanut in tow... arrived at about 6pm. Dinner, playtime, bath, story, bed. Him, not me. I wish. I now gotta unpack everything I dragged back and put the downstairs back into some sort of order. Oh, and I'm gonna heat myself some more soup. That little piglet ate all of his and half of my supper :H

                          LVT, glad you got your say... just hope the principal takes it to heart. I am SOOOO glad I'm DONE with that. I'm not a fan of our school system at all.

                          Atlas was unchanged this morning... and I was all set to attempt poking him myself but my neighbour called over at 10am and said he was on his way. So, I got out of it one more time

                          Marshy, I didn't see your post this morning... that woman was me, a few years ago. Scary. I bet your g/f has hit the nail on the head.

                          Yoo-hoo Sid! Glad you took the TTC today! I wish there was something resembling public transit here.

                          Alright.. I better get going. Can't believe how good the peanut was and how easy he went to bed! Here's a pic from tonight after bath/before bed:

                          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                          Winning since October 24th, 2013


                            fri 24 jan af daily

                            Marshy;1248183 wrote: am very pleased I don't have a horse :H
                            my sentiments exactly! I couldn't BELIEVE it the first time I saw a horse dick. :H Once that happened to the dog (who used to get all excited over the puppy) and FH (who had never owned a dog) thought his intestines had fallen out and he was all in a panic. :H Geez, now THAT'S a funny memory.

                            Sid, CONGRATS ON 4 MONTHS!!

                            Kas, so you quit on Valentines Day? Am I counting right? If so, that is one hell of a gift to (well aside from yourself) Mr. Kas.

                            LVT, drug testing huh. I didn't know they did that. I wonder if I'd turned out differently if I'd been in a job that did testing.

                            I had accupuncture balancing and I feel SO MUCH BETTER. It cranked up my mojo and I'm so happy!

                            Det, nice pics of Lost Wages. I'm very glad you have the antabuse. :l

                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              fri 24 jan af daily

                              Sunnybutt.... What a cutie pie!!!
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

