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AF daily - Saturday Jan 21st

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    AF daily - Saturday Jan 21st

    Hello abbers!

    Last day of the working week for me today. Hooray! Tomorrow we're going to see Carnage. We were given free tickets for it when we went to see Shame the other day (it's musical comedies all the way at the moment :H). We keep being given free stuff lately, maybe we should do the lottery too LVT! Then the plan is to head into Chinatown to see the new year craziness.

    Lav - not sure about the pollution. The main Olympic site is outside the city centre so there's probably less pollution there. I remember everyone saying pollution was going to be a problem in Athens and again in Beijing and it turned out not to be. I think the transport system will be much more of a problem. It barely copes with getting us lot to work every day, god knows how much more crowded it's going to be during the Olympics. As we couldn't get tickets, me and GF are doing the only sensible thing and getting the hell out of town for the duration (we've booked a villa in Greece for a month!).

    Greenie - wow, if acupuncture has such a dramatic effect on mojos maybe I should try it. (When I had addiction counselling it was offered there but I never took them up on it).

    Stay warm Kaz, Sunny and anyone else in the frozen north.

    Have a good day all!
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman

    AF daily - Saturday Jan 21st

    hey marshy.
    Day 1 again.
    I am off to rethink my approach. 2 glasses of wine - didn't enjoy them - added nothing to my evening. slight hangover today. I will stop this downward slide.

    I am gonna take a break from the forum for a bit - I think for me I may be better just being accountable to myself. Got to be worth a try anyway - try new things,right?
    I have learnt a LOT here but think I may need to go solo for a while.

    Will pop in to say hi once in a while . Happy Saturday.Thank you ALL.
    one day at a time


      AF daily - Saturday Jan 21st

      Good morning, Marshy, and thanks for getting us started!
      In asnwer to your question yesterday about AA, I am doing really well with the program. Go to meetings every weekday at noon, and each day is a different topic, so it is good. It's a great group for the most part--very supportive--and we have gotten a few new people who are sticking with it, and that is encouraging. One member got her 19 year medallion yesterday, and I got my two month chip. Funny thing is that everyone cheered as loud for me as they did for her!!
      It sounds like you have a great day planned. I haven't been in England for years, unfortunately. I was an au pair girl in Bracknell in the seventies, and my best friend was in aneighboring town, and we had a great time! Don't blame you for getting out during the Olympics.
      Cold again here--but we are avoiding the snow, it seems. Not going anywhere until we go to friends for dinner tonight. Will continue reading PIECE OF CAKE--what a story!
      I hope that everyone has a great AF day!

      "One day at a time."


        AF daily - Saturday Jan 21st

        Marshy;1248612 wrote: (we've booked a villa in Greece for a month!).
        I am greener than the usual green with envy! Is there even enough popcorn in the universe for this one?

        That particular accupuncture works really well for me. First measurements are taken of the energy meridians and the excesses, deficiencies, and "splits" are identified. The accupuncuture is then done to balance these and clear out the stagnant energy. My extremity joints really respond and I've been having some problems with that.

        I'm off to yoga, and work. Then to a GF for a girlie pre-birthday get together. Covered dish and bonfire except that may be fireplace, as rain is likely. Last get together was a food extravaganza.

        tally ho!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF daily - Saturday Jan 21st

          PS, bear take care of yourself. You know what to do.

          Hi TDN and CONGRATS ON 2 MONTHS!!!!

          Turnagain, are you hanging in there?
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF daily - Saturday Jan 21st

            Hi, Bear.
            Cross post, so am just saying I would miss you so much if you stopped coming for a while. I always look forward to reading your posts, and your honesty is very encouraging. I don't mean to butt in here, but even posting your slips or whatever we call them, can help others and maybe writing about them can help you, too, even if it doesn't seem like it. When I got my first DUI in May, I had just posted that a.m. about being excited about going AF!! And I was, but wow--what happened that night will be with me forever. Then I was just too embarrassed and isolated to post for a good long time. Not a good thing. Now I come every day, and I hope I will continue to be AF. But if I slip, I have promised myself that I will still come here.
            I hope you don't take this the wrong way, and I am sorry it I should just mind my business.
            I'm here most of the time, so am always available to chat if you want.

            "One day at a time."


              AF daily - Saturday Jan 21st

              Good frosty morning Abbers!

              Looking at an inch or two of snow outside with a layer of ice on top

              Marshy, I thought about the transportation issue too while listening to that radio program. Good decision getting out of town for a month! We'll all meet you in Greece, OK :H

              TDN, glad you're not getting snowed on

              bear, I am sorry to hear your news. What do you really want?
              Please don't stay away from MWO. I think the constant reinforcement helped me decide what I really wanted.

              Greenie, maybe we should start something new - Accu-tude!!!!
              I'm happy to hear that you feel better!

              OK, now I need to do something useful......
              Have a great AF Saturday!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF daily - Saturday Jan 21st

                Morning abbers - love waking up not hungover!

                hockey, hockey and more hockey this weekend (what else is new)

                Bear - only you can decide what you really want. If you really want to be AF or if you want to mod. I hope you can find your way - we love you here.

                Okay, I'm off, gotta get the girl out the door and she is currently still playing with the dog! LOL

                Love and hugs,
                Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                  AF daily - Saturday Jan 21st

                  Hi everyone. Marshy thats amazing that get to go to Greece for a month! Fabulopolous! When the Olympics were in Vancouver, last year or the year before? Lots of people complained about it until it was actually happening and then the whole province was SO enthusiastic, it was really kind of sweet.

                  Hellos to Uni, Bear (bye for now, see ya later, come back when you are ready), Greenie of the aligned Chakra, Sunni, Lav, and all yet to come. Congrats to TDN!

                  Everyone have a great day. Its really been snowing here, which is usual, but not this winter, so its nice to see a good 6 inches of snow on the trees and everywhere. Very pretty. Not too cold. I might go to Nelson to try the outdoor exercise machines by the lake. Its like a gym but outdoors, with a fabulous view. Its very cool. Also have to look at a gas plume pollution gradient for a private client. And mess around with a question about how much air pollution would be released if some contaminated trees were burned....Which sort of reminds me I should comment on the Olympics vs air pollution, but I am pretty sure yall are tired of me being a know it all. My Friday night was spent sewing. Last night I made a little grey vest for my grandson, to match the pants I made. Very tailored looking, and not too hard to make, either. Interfacing, lined, etc. Now to try and figure out the button-holer on my machine. I have never used it. I watched a video last night though. The internet rocks. If I had youtube back in the day when I was teaching myself how to sew, boy there would have been less blue air over British Columbia.

                  Have a great day alla you AF month people. I am feeling pretty blessed actually.

                  Kaslo of the Frized up snowed on gorgeous North.

                  Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                  Status: Happy:h


                    AF daily - Saturday Jan 21st

                    Happy Saturday ABanikis from Crete to Croatia!

                    Fabulopolous I just love that LOL

                    well, I survived my Vegas tradeshow intact. yay! now I'm still in crazy clown-town but with my uncle, nephew and nieces so now it's family visiting time.

                    Bear, i can't imagine staying away from here would help reinforce your sobriety, but you must 'know yourself' the best way you can, whatever that may be.

                    well, off to be with family

                    be well my friends
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      AF daily - Saturday Jan 21st

                      Morning fabulous AB peeps...

                      Just popping up from the Project Zone to let you know I'm doing fine and have just one more long week to go...Monday the 30th is the last day we really have so the grant WILL be in by matter what! Big stress like this was once a huge trigger to drink. Well, HELL NO, not for me no mo. My AF muscles are getting very buff. Last night tho, out at dinner, my husband and I were at a very small table and I automatically reached right for his beer instead of my lime water. YIKES! Some part of the brain hasn't gotten the message! Good thing the stronger part of the brain said EXCUSE ME???? This addiction is such that I think even an accidental ingestion could throw me back into the black pit of daily drinking. Accepting that my body cannot tolerate any amount of alcohol has been such a REFLIEF - why was I so afraid of acknowledging that for so long?

                      Before I head back to work....Bear...I need to tell you I will miss you,too - and I hope you will reconsider. Because of our time difference, your posts for the new day are usually the LAST thing I read at night before I go to bed. I love hearing about your progress....your process and about ROLLER DERBY! I know for me...coming here is a big part of my personal accountability. And, of course, it is essential support and I learn something from everyone here....every day...even when I only have time to read and run.

                      If you do end up taking some time away....we will keep your place here warm and toasty....hoping for your rapid return. Take care, dear friend. I hope I see you again...last thing tonight.....
                      Sober for the Revolution!
                      AF & NF July 23, 2011


                        AF daily - Saturday Jan 21st

                        Good Afternoon, fabberlicious ones!

                        Bear.. what everyone else said. Only you can decide the best course of action for yourself but we will miss you and think of you often.

                        I'm with Greenie... green as broccoli, Marshy!!!!

                        Kaslo.. I'm jealous of you, too! I WISH I could sow something together that doesn't look like it came from Omar, the tent maker! So, is the little one gonna model for us?

                        Det, glad to hear you survived the Vegas frenzie... have fun with your folks!

                        Turnip!!! So happy you gave a wave! Missed ya! I haven't done the accidental reach for wrong glass yet.. but that would freak me out immensely. Yikes.

                        A hardy hello to TDN, Uni, and all to come! I haven't got much time to dilly dally here, the peanut will be up from his nap soon-ish Here's a picture from this morning (we were out feeding horses)

                        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                        Winning since October 24th, 2013


                          AF daily - Saturday Jan 21st

                          WOW Sunni,
                          Looks like he's having lots of fun
                          Hope you are as well!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            AF daily - Saturday Jan 21st

                            4 young adults (2 uni students) age 22 - 24 were killed when they crashed into a building at 5 AM after being seen at numerous night spots. It was one girl's birthday. Thankfully they were killed on impact and not from the ensuing fire. How tragic. I looked at their photos for a long time. Happy, smiling, full of promise and thought of their families and friends and all those whose lives would be touched by the loss. I thought of my own near misses and am ever so grateful I don't drink anymore.
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              AF daily - Saturday Jan 21st

                              Oh, Greenie. That is horrible. Sure could have been me, and I shudder to think of it.
                              On a brighter note--Sunni, that Peanut is so darn adorable! And he just looks so happy! And who is the sweet doggy? He seems to be having a great time, too.
                              Going to dinner at some friends. Haven't even been out today!

                              Have a nice AF night, all!

                              "One day at a time."

