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January Jewels - Week 4

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    January Jewels - Week 4

    Your meeting would have left me thinking....WTF?
    Why can't people just talk normally?

    papmom, I didn't download the program myself. It was actually a purchase from Prevention Magazine. I'll get back to you with the specifics.
    My plan to start tomorrow has already gone out the window.....
    Turns out I have to be at my son & DIL's house at 7 am tomorrow - Yikes!
    Her new semester started today, she has early classes & it takes an hour to get there. I have to handle both kids & dogs including dropping off & picking up my grandson from preschool. I plan to bring them back here afterwards to my more comfortable space (away from the Insanity Twins :H )

    So, I'll say good night & have a nice day tomorrow one & all!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      January Jewels - Week 4

      Happy Week Four. I loved your Water Dragon report, Cyn, and all that this Year symbolizes. Hello Everybody. I am still laying low as in addition to being unable to exercise until February because of my biopsies (which were fine by the way, just something to check again in two years), I am also hemmed in because I additionally can?t take any of the usual OTC pain medications until February and have a sore, black and blue foot (it started hurting when I was hiking with the yakking Swiss), making it hard to go from place to place. Just pulled or dislodged or tangled something or other, no big deal in the proper picture. These physical things are in any case forcing me to be still, and, after a flutter of hand wringing and cabin fever, I am just going with the flow. So often for me goal oriented activity and all of its trappings has distracted me from how much I really love the daily bits of life, things people tend to find boring I often find full and comforting. A storm will be coming but in the meantime we had a glorious day of sunshine and low fifties, and, while it took me forever to take care of some winter things in garden, I hobbled happily around with a tall staff like Moses and a little stool to use as a perch and launch pad. I must have looked eccentric to all of the people and dogs walking by my garden, braids undone, muddy overalls, a limp and grin. If I had been drinking I might have been feeling less pain but I would have missed as well the beautiful honesty of things as they simply are. So let's not take the edge and clarity off, Fabulous, Free, Fearless, Fierce, Fractured, whoever we are. Speaking of blurry, Cassia, I am with Fitso buddy Lav and have no idea what in the world went on in your meeting, but join you in being glad its over. Love, Ladybird.
      may we be well


        January Jewels - Week 4

        Good morning everyone

        Cassia - I'm with Lav and LBH, have absolutely no idea what went on in that meeting. Hang in there.

        LBH - sorry you are not able to get around and glad that you have decided to go with the flow. I am reading The Power of Now and the benefits in just 'being'. Makes a lot of sense.

        Lav - enjoy your day with the kids and the insanity twins. Also love your name of Fearlessly Fierce Fitso's

        Dill - It is nice that you have new neighbours. We moved into this house when I was 6 months pregnant and 2 lots of my neighbours were a lot older. I will never forget how kind they were. I try and return the favour now that they are older especially in the snow and bad weather.

        Rusty - Glad you found someone to tutor you.

        Papmom - Good to see yuo up and running again and like your old self.

        Star - Meet your weight watcher sister. I have joined so many times. Like the new plan and my aim for this my 29th year is to reach gold!!! I am inspired by a lady I walk with. She stuck and stuck at it and reached goal before xmas. She lost 2 stone and even though she gained 3lbs during the summer she went back not like me. Well I did, gained 3 like her and then the first week when I gained another 1lb I gave up and stayed away.

        Chill - Do you have an open fire? I find the dark depressing at times but love a big blazing log fire in the evenings and being all cozy inside.

        Cyn - I miss the JR around the place, he was always in the house and was totally on the ball. The goldie is lovely but a bit blond at times. She is also becomming very spoiled. My daughter is on about getting a puppy for her 18th in May, we will see.

        Big hello to everyone I did not mention. Off to an early WW meeting and then a cookery demonstration. Catch you all later.



          January Jewels - Week 4

          Good morning...

          Rustop, I have joined weight watchers before, this is my fifth time. This time WILL be different, I have to lose weight as I am so uncomfortable and getting older, not a good combination. Plus, I again joined with a friend and we will encourage each other. My turn today to text her or something. This is about lifestyle change for me, not just a temporary diet. I am glad I failed my first day, I did not realize that portion control is my problem. I liked your story about the lady who just kept on, that is what we will do to, keep on and conquer.

          Dill, it is lovely to have a new neighbor who is having a baby, an opportunity to enjoy. I understand how hard it is to have your kids live far away, it is just impossible to be a part of their everyday lives long distance. Thank goodness we can talk on the phone more and long distance is not a big taboo as in the past.

          Cassia, I loved your description of the meeting. When confronted, the bully bullshitted and made an idiot out of himself. Bottom line. He had not substantive to say, therefore, there was nothing. I loved that you remained calm and stuck to your guns. It is hard to believe in a business environment that someone in charge could create drama and get away with it, it takes away from efficiency and productivity. It would be cool if you could say, "be specific and let me know exactly what is going on, I don't have time for this timewasting to do about nothing."

          Chill, good that you feel empowered. He obviously has some resources, just not any he is willing to share with you. About the going to school thing. I have always had a fantasy about moving to a college town, renting a room in an old house, and living simply, attending school and working. I loved university, love to learn, the atmosphere, the library, everything about it. So, when you mentioned having to downsize, that is where my mind went. As an older student, which I was, it was such a great experience. Just wanted to share my thoughts.

          Cyn, how preceptive, I was crabby and depressed yesterday. It did not get too much better, but today, I woke up feeling well rested and more positive. Hope you have a great day.

          Pap, so good to hear you are feeling better and getting your work done. Getting sick like that really puts a person behind, adding to the stress.

          Rusty, Oklahoma in the winter is blah, but good company makes up for the scenery.

          LBH, continue to take care of yourself. You mentioned gardening in the winter? Please share with me your activities. I totally leave things alone, of course under much snow. I am already thinking of a new garden for spring.

          Hey Lav, you are one busy lady. I know, the writing down the food is a pain, but obviously I have been deceiving myself as to my actual amount of food and need it.

          To all, have a great day.
          Formerly known as redhibiscus


            January Jewels - Week 4

            Rustop, I love The Power of Now, a seemingly tiny paradigm shift that changes everything. My mind served me well, but over time it took over, a relentless self serving chatterbox. Drinking muzzles it for a while but it also makes me really stupid and that is clearly not the point of getting outside the conventional egoic thought based world. Star, my winter gardening is just tidying up and watering when the hoses are not frozen as we are in a prolonged drought. At the moment we are having both light snow and sunshine coming in at the side of the clouds, very cool. I also have a small indoor seed bed and growing area with broad spectrum light bulbs on a timer. It is in the room where my old parrot lives and I think it helps us both with the winter crabbies. My hats off to everybody on the Weight Watchers route and to Curvy Lav. As I have really narrow bones and don?t seem to be able to carry any extra weight attractively (I skip over that pretty, rounded stage and need to be at the very bottom of the ?normal? range) I am on board with my eye on ten pounds of winter baggage. We might as well be sober and gorgeous. Love, Ladybird.
            may we be well


              January Jewels - Week 4

              Evening jewels

              Where is everyone today?

              Rustop - I miss my woodburner which I used to light nightly with my candles. My rental is a characterless semi box in a housing estate so no such atmostphere but at least im warm with good central heating.

              LBH - "Sober and Gorgeous!" I love it and arent we all just exactly that.

              Star - You conjure up a romatic picture which I could see myself in. Im drawn to Oxfordshire which is a beautiful part of England and of course has the famous Oxford University, reeking of the images you have in your mind.

              I am so excited tonight after a man answered my ad in the local shop and came and bought my TV. Its my 1st step in disgarding my "conventional" possessions and it just felt so damn good!
              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
              AF - JAN 1st 2010
              NF - May 1996


                January Jewels - Week 4

                Hi Jewels, Late check in for me, Chill. I prefer to check in in the morning, but it seems lately I just don't have the time. I am not getting up early enough. It's hard to get motivated because it is so dark and so cold, I just want to stay in bed!

                On the bright side, it's great to wake up in the morning and feel good. I felt grateful this morning for that simple pleasure. Like most of you, when I drink, I get up early with feelings of anxiety and remorse. I couldn't sleep in if I wanted to! I wonder if we appreciate our mornings more than people who never had a problem with al.

                I like the February Freedom or Fab Feb Freedom. Whatever we call ourselves, may we be free and fit in February.:h

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  January Jewels - Week 4

                  Quick late check-in here - literally falling asleeeeeeeeeeeeep (see) at the keyboard, so will jump back on early tomorrow morning. I was able to read a little, earlier in the day, but not respond. Thank you all for comfy bed of thoughts that I shall now wrap myself in.

                  More tomorrow....
                  to the light


                    January Jewels - Week 4

                    Sober and gorgeous LBH - I like that

                    Speaking of WW, healthy eating, changing habits, etc. Does anyone know, is it actually possible to return to your pre-menopause weight? Honestly I am beginning to think the answer is NO!
                    Well, I promise to keep trying.....

                    Star, serving sizes are quite an eye opener with WW :H
                    I absolutely love pasta (don't think I can live without pasta). But when you start measuring servings - yikes!!!!! I wish you the best, it's nice to have a friend along on the WW ride!

                    Rustop, if you get a puppy, what kind would you get? I've been thinking for a long time but I'm not sure what to do. I have had large dogs all my life but I just don't know if I should get another large dog at my age........I would not be happy with a lap dog, I know that much. I almost wish another 'Girl Dog' would just show up at my door like the original one did.

                    Rusty working in the heart of America this week.....sort of. I hope the week goes quickly for you. I will get in touch soon with you about the latest project.

                    Papmom, hope today was kinder to you!

                    I am completely exhausted but my day went well. Got to my son's house at 7 am, he was long gone for work already. My DIL was up with the little one, handed him over & she left by 7:30. EB woke up at 8 with a ton & a half of energy. Got his dressed, fed and dropped off to preschool by 9. Dealt with the big dumb dogs, picked EB up at 11:30 & brought them back to my house where they stayed until 8:30 tonight. Somehow I managed to keep the kids alive & make a chicken pot pie at the same time :H
                    Yes, I will sleep tonight

                    Wishing everyone a great night!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      January Jewels - Week 4

                      Evening all,

                      Dill - totally agree with you - it's great to wake up and have no anxiety or remorse. I definitely appreciate my mornings so much more. I am actually a morning person now!

                      Chill - that's great news! I am so pleased to hear you sounding positive. Keep at it lady!

                      LBH - sober and gorgeous is definitely the way forward. I just love reading your posts! You are a really poetic writer.

                      Star-hope you had a great day! What did you get up to?

                      Rustop - how did you get on with ww? What type of cookery demo did you see?

                      Sd-so sorry to hear that you are having problems with a bully as well. Why cant people just be normal and play nice? Surely we all just want a quiet life? Keep your chin up and fingers crossed that a new job is just around the corner.

                      Love you all! X
                      'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                      "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                      AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                      "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                        January Jewels - Week 4

                        Evening Jewels!

                        I missed checking in yesterday...but there is no possible way I'd EVER get up early enough to read posts and get a message written before I had to get ready for work...I barely make it to work on time as it is--even though I have all my clocks set ahead to fool myself!! :H

                        Yesterday we FINALLY got enough snow to accumulate like an inch maybe two on the I got to bust out my new snowblower!!!:yay: I was having a good time...did my driveway...went down my sidewalk, turned in to my neighbors (not my neighbor that I'm always talking about...the one to the other side of me....she's an elderly lady--as well) I did her driveway too..i think I would have kept going but it was then I started realizing I couldn't feel my toes anymore!!:H

                        Dill--How neat that you have some cool new neighbors...I really wish my neighborhood was a bit more friendly and social. No one, beside me and my neighbor to the north (the one I'm always talking about) really ever talk to each other or are ever even outside. It's just the strangest thing!! On my parent's street a few blocks away, they are all so friendly and know everyone...and have dinners at each others houses and things like that!! FUN!!

                        Chill--I got excited for you for a second as I started to read your post...about "you getting excited about a man answering your ad" mind began getting a big smile...then I kept reading and realized it was an ad for a TV...not a personals ad!!:H Hey...I've thought about it but I can only imagine what would come crawling out from under their rocks in this town...if it's anything like going to the County Fair...I'm always amazed...Where in the world do these people come from...I say every year!!!

                        Lav--How was your busy day with the grandkids and all the running around?? Probably felt good to get home and sit down and relax for a bit...hopefully you got to do that some this evening!!

                        Pap3--I hope you had a good (non-stressful) day!! Enjoy Agility tomorrow!!

                        Cass--I'm really glad your meeting went ok...strangely, but ok!! My situation will probably persist the rest of the year...but today I really felt I came out on top as well....long story, but for the first time I actually felt like I was in control...and maybe I was/am, because I'm taking care of me and looking out for myself and choosing a positive attitude whenever around them...and I think it has them wondering what's going come she doesn't look sad or worried anymore??? AND I LOVE IT!! Let's hope I can keep it up....

                        Star--I've done WW a couple different times...and I found when I did it with a friend it was the best!! It helped me to have someone to push me and kind of hold me accountable...I didn't really care what those ladies at the WW place thought...but my friend, I did. The thing I had to keep in mind was to not get down on myself if she lost more weight than I did...I'm kind of a competitive person...(which sorta helped me too...if ya know what I mean)!! LOL!!

                        Rusty--you hangin' in there out in OK?? :thumbs:

                        Well...I need to go get some supper dishes done (blah)! AND get my son to bed a decent time (for once)--I think he's taking after me and is a night owl!! Wonder if I'll have trouble sleeping tonight...I was at an all day inservice on Teen Killers....VERY graphic...but VERY interesting!!! It was mainly for cops but since they were using the school to put it on, they invited the counselors/principals/administrators.

                        Alright...Happy Hump Day to everyone...we're almost half way to another weekend!! Oh one more thing--I had another B12 shot last week (thats 2 now) plus all the other vitamins I've been taking...I can't even begin to tell you how much more "perky" (and happy) I feel this week!! I've also filled out 2 applications for jobs in two others towns...that may have something to do with the change in my attitude as well!!

                        Good Night All---
                        "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                          January Jewels - Week 4

                          Good morning all...

                          My Tuesday was a much better day all around than Monday! Now it is hump day and I am feeling good and appreciating my healthy morning, Dill. Mornings without drinking the night before are so wonderful, I love this time of day. It is dark out though, so a good cup of coffee and good friends o MWO are positive energy.

                          Lav, you day sounded fulfilling but exhausting, again so lucky to have family close.

                          Chill, the picture of Oxfordshire sounds like a British version of my fantasy. Will you have no TV at all now? I wonder how I would do with no TV. With a husband, that will not happen any time soon, he loves his TV more than any other possession. Seriously.

                          SD, keep on looking for jobs, eventually, you will get replies and have options. It just takes time. Isn't it amazing how remaining calm changes how others react to you?

                          LBH, it takes more effort to look good as we get older, and it takes more effort to feel good, so I am all for being AF and gorgeous!! Thanks for sharing the gardening upkeep with me. We have the opposite problem, possible flooding when it rains and snows so much.

                          Did well on my eating plan yesterday, lots of work today, so have no time to exercise. Oh, well, I am sore from too many leg lifts and sit ups.

                          To all, have a good day.
                          Formerly known as redhibiscus


                            January Jewels - Week 4

                            Happy humpday jewels, my favourite day purely because of the name

                            A busy few days this end, daughters birthday last Sunday which seemed to last the entire weekend then I was out for the day on Monday meeting with my meditation teacher and I dunno where yesterday went !

                            Anyway it sounds like we're all doing ok. I like any of the February names, something that included the word fit would be nice, cos lots of us are incorporating exercise into our lives and it has a different meaning in the uk you know and it describes us all so well!

                            Have a good day gang xxx


                              January Jewels - Week 4

                              Good morning, Jewels!
                              Hi Soots, good to see you and your cheerful avatar this morning!
                              Star, I'll have another cup of coffee with you this morning before I go to work.

                              Lav, once again you and I are joined at the hip, this time on the issue of dogs. Both my girl dogs are elderly and frail; not long for this world I fear. I prefer large dogs and think they are generally more centered and calm. However, I have known some small dogs with large dog personalities. You might find one. I bet you could google it and find breeds of small dogs that have calm personalities. I am having the same dilemma as you. At my age, should I even get another dog? If I get a large one and then have to move into a smaller living arrangement due to physical or financial changes, what would I do? I’ve been thinking about it.

                              SD, Our neighborhood is not particularly friendly or social. Until these new folks moved in, we basically only had one nearby neighbor that we spend a little bit of time with and that is mostly the HB’s having a common interest in music, and one of the children having an interest in gardening. The rest of the neighbors we barely know and one in particular we are leery of. The interesting note there is that the Mr. is a full-blown alcoholic and has demonstrated some poor judgment and a mean streak, so we have kept a distance. Interesting stories, those. The snow blower sounds like a fun new toy!!!

                              Cassia, Chill, Pap, LBH, Cyn, Rusty, R59, Everyone reading, Have a Happy Humpday, AF!!

                              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                                January Jewels - Week 4

                                Good morning

                                Happy hump day to one and all.

                                Dill - I agree with you, nothing beats waking up after an AF night. I often give thanks in those first few seconds when I become conscious. I shudder when I remember those few seconds after a black out, ugh. No harm being reminded of it though.

                                Lav - Regarding weight, bit like becomming AF for some of us, just never give up. I only lost half a pound this week but better off than on. If we do get a puppy again, more than likely it will be another Jack Russell. Big dog temperament in a small body!! My hubby loves them, I would not mind a westhighland either.

                                Cassia - A local handweavers opened a shop and restaurant about 20 years ago and they do a fantastic trade. The food is delicious and they are now trying to add healthier options. The hold a demo each week, it costs 10 euro and you get about 8 recipes. 4 of us went and of course we ended up having lunch and trying out some of the things demonstrated (thats the idea of course, to generate business). The soup I tried was delicious, fennell, leek and red pepper, very low fat, no cream. I also had a marinated chicken salad, with oranges, avacado etc.

                                Went swimming this morning and am exhausted. She had myself and another lady doing lenghts of the pool. Know it is good for me, have to keep telling myself that and I do feel great afterwards. Did a short walk with the goldie when I came home and now off to pick my daughter up from school, half day.

                                Big hello to everyone and enjoy the rest of hump day.


