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January Jewels - Week 4

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    January Jewels - Week 4

    Oh LBH-they are just too precious! I love their haircuts too! They are so lucky to have found you and vice versa I bet too!

    Lav-It is so great you are present and available to help out your kids even at a moments notice. My dad does the same for me. I know your kids appreciate you as much as I appreciate my dad!!

    Horrible horrible day at work today. I was beaten up verbally by a new student for a couple of small, not life changings mistakes of omission I made on her record. She is one of those people who just can't stop spitting venom even when they get an apology and off to try to fix the problem. For once in my life I was almost speechless (but not quite). She ended up hanging up on me as I was trying to explain how I could fix one error. For some reason it really bothered me and I almost lost it. I did tell my boss what happened and he was really really wonderful about it. I'm telling you, I want his drugs!! Unfortunately it set the tone for the rest of the day and I couldn't get out of my funk. On the way home I seriously thought of stopping for a bottle of wine-I just wanted the pain to go away. But, I didn't-I went to Target and Barnes and Noble instead and I treated myself to a Nook. I've been thinking about it for a long time but didn't really budget for it. I have some extra money in my account so I used that. Probably won't be able to send Mickey to day care next month so i'm feeling kind of guilty about that. Sigh.

    Looking forward to 2 full days off. Lots to do, none that have to be done so it's all good.
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


      January Jewels - Week 4

      Good morning everyone

      Beautiful frosty morning here. I like this type of morning, find it refreshing. Going to take the goldie on the river walk and let her have a swim if it is not too cold!!

      LBH - your doggies are adorable. I plan to have small dogs eventually. Dont really feel ready to replace the JR yet, need a little more time. Dont care what my daughter says, I know I'll be the primary care giver.

      Papmom - sorry you had such a funky day and well done on not stopping for the wine. Thats our old way of thinking 'I'll show them' attitude. Pardon my igornance but what is a nook? You learn something new on this site every day.

      Lav - you are such a good grandmother and I am sure your family really appreciate having you around. One of my incentives for stopping drinking is so that I live long enough to be around for my girls later in life. My mom never got to enjoy her grandkids. She died at 54 from heart disease. 33 years ago last week!

      Nothing major planned for today. My daughter is studying for exams and the other one is off for the week-end debating in Trinity. She is really enjoying university life which is great.

      Have a great week-end everyone.



        January Jewels - Week 4

        Ah yes! The Guatemalan worry people. I remember giving them to my children years and years ago. I think I?ll try to find some to give to my grandson. He?s going through hard times with his parents splitting up. I think he can use any tool I can give him at this point.
        SD, I do know exactly what you meant by ?stranger? and didn?t take offense. I am touched that you were thinking of me and intentionally pulling me to return. I guess I should have known that, but I didn?t. You touched my soul with that one.:l
        Star, sorry you?re cooped up with a grouchy guy. It?s probably cabin fever. Is he still on the af journey with you? That is such a big help when the spouse is on board.
        Chill, I should have guessed that you would already know that song! Thanks for that beautiful quote.
        Pap, interesting topic about your coworker that is harboring a resentment. I had a situation like that last year and never did find a way to help the woman let it go. It just took time and in the end, she still harbors the resentment, but it has diminished. It?s like an ember though and it could flash into a full blown fire with just the right conditions. And good job on not letting that crazy student knock you off course.
        Lav, I am ready for spring, too! We had a little sunshine briefly yesterday and I noticed that the sky was light noticeably later. The days are growing longer; ever so slowly we are creeping toward spring.
        LBH, Isabella and Tootsie are adorable! You didn?t get them as puppies, I take it. It?s good when you can pick a dog whose personality is already established.
        R59, it is still dark here so I have no idea what the daylight will bring. I believe it?s going to be another cloudy day and maybe some snow. I?ll just imagine your beautiful frost.
        Hi G, good to see you!
        Hi Rusty, Cassia, Dew and anyone I may have missed. Come back Sped.:h

        Today will be fun. We are taking our grandson to a Discover the Dinosaurs event . There will be life-size dinosaurs and interactive displays. He?s the perfect age for it at 6. Have a great day everyone,

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          January Jewels - Week 4

          Good morning Jewels!

          Semi sunny here this morning - better than nothing I guess.
          Feeling a touch more optimistic this morning. Never did like this time of the year - ugh.

          papmom, sometimes people just don't want help with their issues. Look at what I've been thru with YB over the years. When he would say something like 'I feel like I'm spinning out of control' I would respond (in a kind way) that he should go talk to someone about those feelings. His response was always 'I'm not crazy - you're crazy'
          Enjoy your Nook - you deserve a little something special!

          Rustop, I'm not ready yet for the tiny dogs. Believe it or not I have just discovered there is a smaller version of my large breed Swiss Mountain dog. It's called an Entlebucher Mountain dog. These dogs are literally half the size of my Maxie & would be perfect
          The AKC is recognizing them this year along with 5 other dog breeds I never heard of before. I think I'll follow them along for a while, see if there are any breeders around this area.
          Hope you enjoy your weekend! A Nook is just like a Kindle!

          Dill, what a great event to enjoy with your grandson! I hope you all have a wonderful time
          Having his grandparents nearby will help him in the long run, I'm sure. I am truly grateful to have all this time with the grandkids yet I still wish I had just a little adult time too. My friends are not that nearby & have normal spouses....

          Don't know what's happening yet today but I always figure it out
          Wishing everyone a terrific AF Saturday!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            January Jewels - Week 4

            Lav-that is great news about the new breed of piggy swissies!! Here is a list of upcoming dog shows in PA: InfoDog List of Pure Bred Dog Shows Held in PA. Don't worry about the closed status-that just means no one can enter their dogs now. I have always found that the best way to meet breeders in your area who are reputable, especially for new breeds is to go to a show. If you click on the show you are interested in, over on the left you will see the Judging program if the show is happening fairly soon. Open that and you will see what time and what ring the breed is in. You'll also be able to tell if this new breed is being shown. It might be tough to find them right now but they'll start showing up. Sounds like a great project for you!!
            I'm sorry you are feeling over taxed with helping out your kids. You will find the right balance tho in due time. In the meantime, enjoy your time with the GKs!!

            I'm feeling much better today. A little buyers remorse with the NOOK but hoping that as I find more and more free EPub books to download from my library I'll feel better about the purchase. It sure is nice that it fits into my purse tho!! Nice to know also I'll always have something to read no matter where I am waiting!! I can also download in a split second a ton of magazines and newspapers if I want something different. The only problem with the mags is that this is the Nook Touch so it's not in color. Hmmmm. Maybe no mags.

            Heading off to do some errands and get some info on used cars to replace the lemon I have. My biggest fear is that I will be stuck with this car and it myriad of problems for a few more years-sucking the life out of my budget every few months. Sigh. Trying not to panic until I get more info.
            wish me luck!!
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              January Jewels - Week 4

              Happy sober Saturday everyone!

              Just been to hot yoga and now having the most amazing bagel EVER and a wee cup of hazelnut coffee. Yum Yum!

              P3 - Hey lady - people are just awful aren't they? Long gone are the days when a simple I'm sorry and I will fix it was enough. I mean, unless the person you are dealing with is rude or you incur some sort of financial or emotional loss then everyone just needs to calm down. Sounds like you made the best out of a bad situation and i am really proud that you didn't stop for wine but bought a nook instead. I am sure it will pay for itself and you deserve to treat yourself. And at least it happened on a Friday as opposed to a Monday!

              Rustop - your cookery demonstration sounded amazing! I can't believe you walk away eight recipes!!! I am going to look into cookery demos in my area - I love good food.

              SD - babes - my heart goes out to with your job, having to be strong enough to support such young kids through what could ultimately shape their world view. I will keep that lady in my thoughts and prayers that she gets the help she needs and the family can begin to heal. And good on you for coming out on top with your work situation - it feels good to be in control, doesn't it?

              Dill - thanks for all your quotes this week - they have really kept my spirits up.

              Hey to Chill, Lav, Cyn, Star, Rusty, Sooty, G-man (good to see you mate), LBH and anyone else I may have missed.

              I want to touch on what you all discussed earlier on in the week, if I may. I am so thankful that alcohol has brought us all together, but I don't feel like that's what keeps us together on this thread. For me, Its the fact that we have things in common (I know someone made a great list) outwith alcohol. It's the fact that we provide support for each other in the challenges that are facing us in our personal lives. Its the fact that we can be open and honest with each other and while we might not always agree with an opinion, we respect each others right to express it. When I was kicking about MWO for a while, I was feeling really lonely - I now realize that I never have to feel lonely again - I only have to log on here and read all your brilliant stories and share about me (even if its mundane nonsense). It's like we are family. It's really really nice.

              Just as an aside. I went to HR about my work situation on an informal basis. Sorry for kinda dumping about the meeting earlier in the week - I just had so much to see. The long and short of it was, I asked him to justify himself, he backtracked and refused to come up with specifics (while getting angry, belligerent and acting like an ass) so despite pressing, he came up with nothing. Meeting over. I decide to speak to HR to get it noted because ultimately he made a unsubstantiated complaint and tried to tarnish me and that is harassment. HR was concerned and asked me to get them involved right away if it happens again. Let's hope its over but I fear not.

              Speak later.

              'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

              "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

              AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

              "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                January Jewels - Week 4

                Greetings Gemstar's!

                Hiya Cass.

                Yep, this is a very spesh thread made so by the people. Good job registering that stuff with HR. Harrassment comes in many shapes and sizes, and here in Oz at least, we have workplace laws in place that take it very seriously, as it sounds you do there. Bullying and harrassment are illegal here, and either way, i for one, and i know you, don't accept it.

                Pappy, well done on going the nook option. What are you reading on the fly?

                Lav, you are a star. Just felt like saying it.

                Big wave to everyone. Have a great weekend.

                G x

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  January Jewels - Week 4

                  fun day today and hi Mr G, Lav and Cassia!!

                  I took out 5 audio books to download to my Ipod for my commute to work everyday, and then went to a local Ford dealership to talk about preowned Ford Escapes. If I can swing $200/month, they can work with me and my choices are a 2007 or 2008 escape and a 2007 Explorer. And they offer financing. Problem is, $200 is really $300 as I still have to continue paying my dad for the Sub every month so this isn't going to work. I may need to take my chances with a small private dealership again where I might be able to get an older car. Problem with that is I'll have to get financing from a bank which means a 20% downpayment which I do not have. ARGGHHHH!! I'll keep looking and researching tho. Something will work out.

                  I've downloaded one Epub book from the digital catalog onto the Nook and it was a piece of cake once I downloaded the required software. It's a Christmas Cove book by Debbie Macomber. I've been reading her Blossom Street series so I thought this might also be a good series. These books expire after 14 days so I don't want to download more than one at a time.

                  I also put together a new office chair since the one I've had for like 14 years has finally had it. No padding left in the seat-ouch!! Took me 45 min and lots of sweat and swears but its done and it feels sooooo good! Ahhhh.

                  thats it so far today. Might get motivated to do some dishes but those can wait until tomorrow.
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    January Jewels - Week 4

                    “Finish every day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.”
                    ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

                    Hi Lav, Papmom, Cassia, Mr. G and all readers,

                    We are back from our fun day discovering dinosaurs. G-son truly enjoyed himself. Glad we went. Home now and settling in for an af night with a movie and maybe some popcorn.

                    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                      January Jewels - Week 4

                      HI Jems!!

                      Justing checking in on a Saturday night....sitting here watching my son and my parent's exchange student play some video games...waiting patiently until it's my turn to play Price Is Right with them!! I think I may be waiting awhile!! :H

                      My son had another basketball game today...his dad came, which was nice. They lost (but not nearly as bad as last time--only by 30 points this time, not 50). What was really cool was with 5 seconds left in the game my son stole the ball, dribbled down the court and threw ball in for two points at the his team 5 points!!!:H Oh gosh, they just have to get better!!

                      Dill--I had to laugh...after I posted the other day, I went back and played that song "Sober" you had linked by Kelly C...I REALLY liked that song (which I had never heard before) dawned on me the "Sober" song on my cell phone is by Pink. Glad you had a fun day with your grandson!!

                      Pap3-Sorry I had to kinda chuckle a bit when I read "lots of sweat and swears" when putting the chair together!! That is TOTALLY me attempting to put anything together...I am so NOT mechanically inclined...and by mechanical, I mean able to use a hammer or screw driver and follow simple directions!!! That's awesome you got your chair together--I'd still be swearing at a pile of stuff on the floor!!:H

                      HOWDY G!! Nice to see you again!!!

                      Cass--Sounds like you most def got everything in oder and under control with your work situation...and if sh*t should happen got people ready to help and back you!! Awesome!! Way to use all your resources girl!!!

                      Lav-I hope whatever you decided to do with your day it turned out to be a great one!!! You deserve it!!

                      Rustop--I'm sure its a great relief to know your daughter is enjoying college life and is doing so well!! I think it was hard on my mom when I went away...I struggled...I didn't want to go, plus just didn't really enjoy it or "fit in" as a mom, I can see how that would be such a helpless feeling but one of life's things a "kid" has to get through I suppose??

                      Chill--Hope you are having fun and will have lots to share!!

                      Ruuuuustyyyyy?????? Speeeeeeeedddddd??????

                      Who else do I need to yell for???? Oh..HEY!!!!! I think it's my turn!!!!! C'mon down...your the next contestant......Whoo Hoooo.....

                      I'll check back in tomorrow...hello to all Jewels--LBH, Dew, Star, Cyn, Sooty and anyone I may have missed....
                      "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                        January Jewels - Week 4

                        Lav's exciting day:
                        Trip to the feed store with YB (I still won't lift those bags)
                        Cooked dinner & fed DIL & grandsons........finally kicked them out of here at 10:15 pm.
                        OMG, both of those kids were still wide awake & raring to go!!!
                        One of these days I'll have a ME day

                        papmom, thank you for the link - I will explore it further. Right now the closest breeder I know of is in NW Ohio (and that's not real close). I'm jealous of your new office chair, could use one myself.
                        About the new vehicle.......don't forget to add in the increase in insurance costs & the extra %% for gas those vehicles use YB was just moaning about wanting to replace his 8 year old truck but the new F 150s run about $30,000 (he says) & is not happy.

                        Dill, glad you enjoyed the dinosaur show - sounds cool!
                        I love the quote because that is exactly how I'm trying to live my life these days - just makes sense

                        Hi G, Cassia & SD!
                        I know Rusty is on her home turf but have no idea about Shelley (please check in).

                        Time to end this fabulous day :H
                        Have a great night one & all!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          January Jewels - Week 4

                          Good Morning Jewels-I guess this is our last day of week 4 and tomorrow we should move into our February home.

                          thank you Lav for the reminder about the extra/hidden costs of a new car. I don't think I wanted to acknowledge those! YB is right-at least $30K for a new ford truck. The sticker prices are just unbelievable!!

                          Dill-so glad you had such a great time with the GS and the dinosaur park! I love the 5-6 year olds!! My neph turns 7 this summer. At least I think it's 7-might be 8!! Oh no!!

                          SD-sounds like you had a nice quiet nite too. Glad you and your ex can be at the same game together and put your son first. Good on you!!

                          Watching Oprah's Super Soul Sunday-the last one I can watch for a very long time as i go back to working Sundays next weekend. :upset: Todays episode is a repeat of Oprah's Life Class and is all about letting go of anger and forgiveness. Its been an eye opener for me. I want to post on the bulletin board they have but I can't take the chance it will be seen by someone from work so I will ask your toerance and patience while I try to work this out:

                          Most of you know I applied for a job within my school that would have been a big promotion and given me financial freedom. A good friend of mine was on the 3 person search committee. I felt I was absolutely qualified for this position. It would have been a natural progression given my experience.
                          I did get a phone interview but was not invited to be one of the 3 finalists. I have been so angry since then and it has been very hard for me to treat the person who did get the job with respect. I am constantly looking for mistakes she makes and inwardly gloat when she does. Ha! See-they picked the wrong person-I would NEVER have made those mistakes!
                          Iyanla says that there are only 2 emotions-love and fear. Anger and hurt are manifestation of fear. Hear is what she asked us to do to move on:
                          1. drop arms to the side, close your eyes
                          2. Drop below the anger to the hurt in your belly
                          3. I hurt because....... My experience and value were not respected
                          My friend did not respect me enough to fight for
                          candidacy even tho I trained her
                          I was rejected
                          4. What is my fear? I am afraid that this opportunity was my last
                          chance to get out of my dead end job and to
                          be able to make ends meet
                          I am afraind I will never know financial freedom
                          I am afraid that despite my experience and skills I
                          will not be able to get a new job because of my
                          I am afraid I will not be able to realize my dreams
                          I am afraid I am stuck in this job until I retire if I
                          can even afford to retire
                          I am afraid that the lack of substantial salary
                          increases and the increasing cost of commuting
                          cost of living means that I will never catch up
                          5. How do I let this go? Address my fears and change what i can and
                          accept what can't be changed.
                          Forgive my friend but understand
                          that ?Forgiveness is giving up the hope that the
                          past should have been different and moving on
                          from here. It is not saying that what happened
                          was OK, just that it was the past."

                          thank you friends. I don't know if this will help or that I'll be able to move on but it certainly can't hurt and if it helps someone else on this thread then it will have been worth taking up the space and your time.

                          Nothing specific planned for today-maybe some cleaning and organizing, reading and then dinner at my sis's to say goodby to my dad who leave for SC on Saturday and won't be back until March.
                          :l :h
                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            January Jewels - Week 4

                            Good morning Jewels,

                            Sunny & fairly warm here this moning, nice

                            Perfect day for shoveling out the chicken house & dumping all that fabulous poop in the garden
                            Dill knows how much I love that job :H
                            YB actually offered to help this time which is good. I had the job all to myself the last few times.

                            papmom, I suggest you get yourself a copy of 'The Power of Now' on your new Nook.
                            Dill suggested that book nearly three years ago, I put it on my Kindle & read it like my bible. You can also tune into Eckhart Tolle TV | TV - Home[eckhart%20tolle%20TV]&creative=7748088706&gclid=CLra3uK49a0CFQnd4AodTmB bug
                            I love listening to him on you tube as well

                            OK, getting this day started!
                            Have a good one everyone!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              January Jewels - Week 4

                              Ok Lav, done. I also bought Eat, Pray, Love. Never read it and the author was also on Super Soul Sunday today. I loved her!! I went to the digital catalog but there is only 1 copy and there are 22 people on the wait list!! I'm sure it will be well worth the $13. The Power of Now was only $8 and wasn't on the digital catalog at all. Now, I had taken out the audio version a few months ago and just couldn't stick with it. Something about his voice just bugged me-it was so monotone. Not what I need while driving!! I'm hoping reading the words will speak to me better.

                              It's 11am and I haven't moved from this bed!! Should probably at least do dishes and a few loads of laundry before it gets too late. Have fun cleaning the poop shack-at least you get black gold out of all the work!!
                              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                              KO the Beast!!


                                January Jewels - Week 4

                                Hi Lav and Pappy, looks like we are in charge of keeping the home fires burning today.

                                Lav, I remember well the task of cleaning out the chicken coop. Not one of my favorites. We had a problem with starlings finding ways to get in the coop and they are truly dirty birds. I hope you wear a mask when you do the job so you don't get histoplasmosis. Be careful.:h

                                :lPap,:l It truly is an effort and it takes time to forgive, but it looks like you are takiing the right steps. It is healthier for you in the long run, as the resentment does nothing but harm. I read your definition of 'forgiveness' with interest and then went googling for other definitions, thoughts and philosphies on the subject. I finished up with Alexander Pope's famous line: "To err is human; to forgive, divine." I know the quote means that forgiveness is capital D divine as in God-like, but I think it is also lower-case d as in a divine or sweetly uplifting feeling. I hope you find the relief and release you seek. If it doesn't come immediately, don't give up working on it. You deserve the inner peace it will bring.:l

                                SD, that’s funny about the song. I’m glad you followed the link after all even though you ‘had the song as a ring tone on your phone’. When I followed the link the first time, I expected to find a cover of the Sober song originally sung by Pink. I used to listen to that one, too. But this Sober song is completely different and fits more in line with the place you are in: longer af time and still hanging in there.

                                Off to do some laundry and to bake some scottish shortbread cookies.

                                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

