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January Jewels - Week 4

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    January Jewels - Week 4

    Good morning Jewels,

    Having a hard time getting started - no sun out there today

    I need to get my tired self to Curves. I deliver eggs to them as well today Don't have as many this week ~ the girls were a bit lazier this past week.

    Hello to Rustop, Sooty, Chill, cyn, Dill, LBH, Cassia, SD, Rusty, Star & who did I miss??
    Have a wonderful AF Hump day

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      January Jewels - Week 4

      Happy Hump Day, jewels (esp Sooty!).

      I just returned from a PT session. I recently saw an ad that a Senior Facility near here has an open rehab place that does laser work. I've thought for a long time that laser work would really help my neck and back, but thought I had to have a Dr's referral. Not! And they take my new insurance! (Even though i'll have to pay 100% until I meet my deductible...) Anyway, I was proactive about trying to deal my pain, and so feel proud of myself.

      LBH - sorry for your foot pain; glad you could still garden, though. Thank you for this: "So often for me goal oriented activity and all of its trappings has distracted me from how much I really love the daily bits of life, things people tend to find boring I often find full and comforting." Exactly, and how nice to know that it is worthy of experience.

      Lav - how incredibly fortunate your family is to have you at the ready! That day would have seriously done me in...

      Rusty - anyone turn out the lights on you yet in the bathroom in OK?

      Chill - congrats on selling the TV! I never turn ours on, and like Star keep it around just for HB. Isn't it great that selling/giving things away leads to en-lightening-up-ment?

      Star and everybody, kudos on your healthy eating. For all of us that mindfulness bears fruit. SD - great job with the vitamins and feeling the good effects...

      Somebody threw out Focus as a February name -- it seems like there has already been a Focus and Attention shift for all here, how wonderful.

      Good day all ---
      to the light


        January Jewels - Week 4

        Hi cyn!

        What sort of laser work on your neck ~ tell me
        I know a few people living with chronic back pain. They had surgert, pills, tons of PT, accupuncture, etc but still have pain

        My family IS lucky to have me around :H
        I just returned home from a big food shopping & the second I sat down my husband instant messages me wanting to know if I needed help tonight. With what I ask? Babysitting! No I answer, that was yesterday :H :H So I told him he could come over for dinner anyway......he's damn lucky :H

        Didn't we have a Focused February in past years or maybe I'm just dreaming. Let's use it again!!

        Did we scare off G again?????
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          January Jewels - Week 4

          Hey Lav! We're ALL lucky to have you around us!

          RE: laser therapy. I have to say, the PT did my neck and area between shoulder blades this morning...the pain is somewhat improved, and the flexibility!?! I don't know how long it has been since I could touch my chin to my chest, amazing. This is the product: LCT - 1000., Deep Tissue Lase Therapy, good for just about anything that is inflamed. They use it for discs, carpal tunnel, TMJ, Arthritis, post-surgery, plantar Fascitis, headaches, etc etc. I'm going to move into the rehab center so that I can sleep next to the machine!

          Sleep tight all/Happy morning and start to the day you Isle-landers (and mr G, if you're lurking, please post)
          to the light


            January Jewels - Week 4

            Interesting about the laser, Cyn, quite new to me. Goodnight from here everybody, just heading off with a seed catalog with the thought that I might dream of spring. I also just got an email regarding a new free 21 day meditation challenge from Chopra starting February 20th and signed up so that?s another good thing to look forward to. You can find it as usual on My dogs love it when I get all mindful, improves the ear scratch perhaps. For those of you thinking of getting a little dog, I always had big dogs, usually sweet shelter mixes and once even a huge AKC champion Great Pyrenees. I now have my very first little dogs, two surprisingly quiet Yorkshire terriers. They are cheerful but steady intelligent girls with oddly deep growls, no yapping or yipping. They do make their way to sleep in laps when we are reading or watching a movie, but like all eight determined feet on the ground otherwise. They are very loyal and focused, staying right with me when we are away from home. My cousin also has a terrier, a Jack Russell, and he too is ?all dog?, a sturdy fellow with a serious demeanor, I like him very much. Well off to enjoy a sober drifting. Love, Ladybird.
            may we be well


              January Jewels - Week 4

              Good Evening Jewels,

              I am happily back in Wisconsin and will work in state a few hours from my house tomorrow and Friday.

              Cyn-I didn't know you were having neck/back pain.:l Do you have herniated disks?

              Regarding dogs...we always had black labs, but then my sister got a Morkie...a Maltese and Yorkie mix. He is so sweet and so cute...definitely a lap dog...but a real yapper only because he shares the house with two massive labs and he barks when they do. I used to be a big dog snob...but this little guy is so fuzzy and soft....he likes to cuddle. Even my BIL loves him.

              Ok...back to names.....Fit and Focused February?

              Good night to all....I'm exhausted and am off to sleep. ZZZZZZZ I'll try to check in tomorrow.


                January Jewels - Week 4

                Good Evening Jewels-

                Quick check in here too...I'm very tired tonight...and it has been one of those days that has really got me thinking...if you know what I mean??? Perhaps this might shed some light...had a student come to my office today (she was absent Monday and I was gone yesterday)...anyway her and her siblings had been taken to foster care over the weekend because her mother essentially tried to choke her to death....and yes, mom was completely listen to this 10 year old retell of that horrible night and how she escaped and hid in the car (in below freezing temps) until the cops there absolutely broke my heart...I wanted so badly to cry with her. :upset: I fought back tears with all my see how much emotional damage that mom and AL have caused her kids...and I'm not judging, I'm sad because I too have caused so much hurt in my own home and it hurt so bad seeing it through another child's eyes...I hope and pray that this mom realizes the gifts she has and gets help.

                Sorry to be a bummer....we are so lucky to be here and have the support of one another!! Thank you Jewels!!:l:l
                "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                  January Jewels - Week 4

                  Good morning Jewels

                  SD - what a powerful message from a ten year old, absolutely heart breaking, I hope her Mom gets help. It's only when we hear these things from outside ourselves that we sometimes see things in ourselves that we were too blind to see right under our nose. When I ever hear of an serious accident involving a DUI I silently say "there but for the grace of God go I". We can't change the past but we can make sure the things we did never happen again.

                  Lav - YB IS lucky! Do you think he realizes whats right under his nose?

                  Star - yes that's no more TV for me as I only had one but I have to confess to being able to watch iplayer on my computer if I really want to. I think it was your suggestion to have FEBRUARY FREEDOM which i love, freedom is what we give ourselves every day we remain AF.

                  Time to embrace Thursday........
                  "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                  AF - JAN 1st 2010
                  NF - May 1996


                    January Jewels - Week 4

                    Good morning to all...

                    Lovely to read all the posts, are there about a dozen of us regulars? We are a diverse group with the same goal in mind - freedom from alcohol. However, that is just part of our journey, we also want to heal in our relationships, our bodies and spiritually. All that was taken away or negated by our drinking. What a relief to be on the right track, whether AF for a long or short time.

                    SD, my heart goes out to you, to hear stories like that are awful. However, I had a similar job and learned to protect myself. It worked most days, and supervision is essential. Do you have anyone to debrief with about these heartrending cases? To carry around that kind of pain is overwhelming. Just know that although you cannot solve the problems this young girl is experiencing, you are a safe haven, a sanctuary in her life. Sometimes that is all we can be. Lots of times in alcoholic families, no one talks so the fact that she could share her trauma is healing. I am sure you know this though. Just want to be there for you. PM me any time.

                    Chill, no TV and stripping yourself of the essentials reminds me of entering a convent or monastary. I have always been interested in the contemplative life and feel that if there are past lives, I could have lived like that...who knows. OK, am I being dramatic about the TV? I just admire you so much for being courageous and willing to make these changes. I have also been thinking about your statement, about EMBRACING the day. What a wonderful way to start my day. Hope your mood is stabilizing and that your job is going well.

                    Rusty, hope you enjoy your work at home. Any special plans this weekend?

                    LBH, your doggies sound so cute, a rich part of your life.

                    Rustop, whew, all that exercise. How is the weather in Ireland these days?

                    Dill, let's have another cup of coffee :

                    Lav, Cyn, where is Papmom, Sooty, and all, have a terrific Thursday.
                    Formerly known as redhibiscus


                      January Jewels - Week 4

                      Good morning everyone

                      We are indeed a diverse group but have so many things in common apart from our problem with Al. Our love of animals, our need to loose a few pounds, an interest in spirituality and in learning about new places and people. Star - we have had lovely weather the past 6 weeks, very mild but it is not so nice today, sleet and snow on high ground.

                      SD - I dont envy you in your job. It must be so hard to switch off, I do hope that there is some system in place so that you can debrief.

                      Chill - you sound a bit brighter these days, are things improving any for you? I guess until such time as you decide what and where you are going, its a bit like a limbo for you. Hang in there and come share anytime it gets too much. You too SD.

                      Cyn - how are you feeling today? Better I hope.

                      Star and Dill - enjoy your coffee. I am just after making the fennell, leek and pepper soup so going to have an early lunch.

                      Everyone else big hello and have a great Thursday.



                        January Jewels - Week 4

                        If wrinkles must be written upon our brows, let them not be written upon the heart. The spirit should not grow old. ~ James A. Garfield

                        Cyn, I didn’t know about your neck pain either. I have been through 3 rounds of PT over the past 15 years for neck pain. The PT has always helped but I do not remain diligent with the exercises in between. Thus, I return. Mine is common degenerative disc disease. The doc says I one day may have to have surgery, but I pray not. I use a memory foam support pillow which helps a lot as I am a side sleeper. Have you tried one? The laser treatments sounds interesting to say the least.

                        LBH, When did you acquire the Yorkies? It’s nice to hear they are solid dogs. I shall keep this in mind. I hear good things about Jack Russels but a friend at work complained that they shed a great deal. I was kind of surprised because I thought terriers in general don’t shed. Are your new ones from the same litter? What are their names? I too got the Chopra email and thought of you. I shall sign up and do the challenge with you.

                        Rusty, the Morkie sounds quite intriguing, but I must admit, I am not a fan of “yappers”! Glad you’re happily back at home.

                        SD, Your day sounds very draining and painfully enlightening. I have had those moments too when I could be aware of my past behavior and feel the shame through that awareness. But at least that is in the past and you are moving steadily on. You are a good parent and you know I am proud of you and your accomplishements. And in a way you can claim to have a part in saving me. Your return to our thread was one of the reasons I felt pulled to return. Thank you. There was a time when I did not think we would ever “see” you again and it saddened me. Your return meant a great deal to me. Here is a link to a song I found while lurking on the Army thread. It was posted by G about a week ago. I thought you might like it. Well you and Chill and Cass and well, maybe just all of us!

              [/video]]Kelly Clarkson - Sober - YouTube

                        Hi Chill, I shall embrace the day with you. I’m starting out feeling grateful yet again.

                        Star, you are my good example as far as health and fitness goes. You keep me conscious of the necessity of eating well and keeping fit. I keep following your lead. I don’t think I’ll join weight watchers, but I think I shall dig out my old materials on the system and get back into staying within the points.

                        Lav, your life has just gotten better and better, hasn’t it? You’ve been through hell and back with YB but I believe you have grown stronger and wiser for it.

                        Good morning R59, can I pour you a cup as well, or do you prefer tea?

                        I am glad to see your posts this morning. Last evening I felt kind of like I was wandering alone in a desert. I wasn’t having cravings per se, but I was experiencing the isolation or loneliness (for lack of a better description) of this journey last night. I tried to come on here and write, but I felt simply unable. Does that make any sense to you? I read on other threads and that helped somewhat. But, on top of that, we got a call from our son asking us to come pick him up at some shopping center in town. He and his wife had had a horrible fight and he felt the only way to end the conflict was to walk away. His marriage has been failing for quite awhile and it is painful to watch. Especially for their children. I was so grateful that I was sober when that call came. So very grateful to be present.

                        Sorry for the longish post. Have a wonderful af Thursday all!

                        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                          January Jewels - Week 4

                          Good Morning, all -

                          Beautiful words to read this morning, thanks to everyone.

                          Dill, thank you for writing everything -- please never say 'sorry'. It's the depth and consolidation of all the thoughts and emotions that really sinks into my bones. I think it is safe for me to say that we all really missed having you here on the thread, and are so happy for your return.

                          RE: neck. My pain is associated with, but in addition to Fibromyalgia, I have issues pretty much everywhere. Osteoarthritis mostly, (thanks to AL), but I had a traumatic injury to my head and neck that has left its legacy...

                          SD, what a roller coaster you go through every day. I hope that have, as Star suggested, a resource to help you de-compress.

                          Hmmmm, Chopra meditation course? I will check it out. Maybe if you all are doing it, I might stick with it....thanks, Lav.

                          Star, you are contemplative in this life - it seems right that you may have done that full-time in another life...

                          Embrace le jour! (I just made that up, please don't quote me)
                          to the light


                            January Jewels - Week 4

                            Good morning Jewels,
                            How did it get to be 10 am already? OK, well I did oversleep a bit (I needed it)

                            cyn, I will look up that laser ~ sounds pretty cool!

                            LBH, I signed up for the Meditation Challenge last night myself. I think this will be the 4th one for me - love them!

                            Rusty, welcome home! Enjoy your home work the next few days

                            Chill, I am finding the iPad to be an amazing & useful tool. I have downloaded half a dozen kid apps that keep EB entertained for hours :H

                            Star, I hope you are having a terrific day!

                            SD, I'm afraid what you are going through with the kids at school is exatcly what my DIL will be facing when she finally gets her social work degree As a matter of fact her internship starts today - oh boy! Just happy to hear the kids were not harmed & hopefully Mom will be having a thorough psych eval this week.

                            Rustop, a pot of soup sounds like a good idea today - hmmmm, what shall I make?

                            OK, off to get my day's worth of chores done. Wishing everyone a great AF Thursday!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              January Jewels - Week 4

                              Hello jewels, boy it's gone cold and windy here today. Choir is cancelled I'm pleased to say, so I can stay in my scruffy joggers and keep warm. No snow forecast for my neck of the woods though! I haven't had to use last years snow trackers yet!

                              Have a good evening everyone, see you all tomorrow x


                                January Jewels - Week 4

                                Evening Gems,

                                I haven?t had time to post but I have been reading and lurking, I?m feeling tired and weary tonight but I?m off out to my Meditation Group so although I could just curl up on the sofa and veg I?ll truly benefit from being around compassionate and kind folk. I just hope I don?t fall asleep!! I haven?t been meditating much recently and I really need to get back into the habit because I so enjoy it and feel much calmer and grounded when I do meditate. You would think that would be reason enough to do it every day

                                Tomorrow is Friday again and another week flies by, my boss is taking me for lunch to a lovely restaurant ? now I wonder what he?s up to?? Okay better go or I?ll be late.

                                Dewdrop :h
                                Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....

