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January Jewels - Week 4

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    January Jewels - Week 4

    Evening Guys from Miss 1st degree Reiki

    I had the most incredible 3 days which seem like a lifetime.
    It was an amazing experience from start to finish. The retreat centre was in a beautiful location in the middle of nowhere by the side of a loch and run by a buddhist couple who have the most engaging energy. There were 14 Student and we bonded very quickly, sharing bedrooms, bathrooms, meals and every minute in between. The course was fantastic, going over the history of reiki, the lineage and the vastness of how anything can in fact be "reikied".

    We had hour long meditation each day and went through initiation of being opened up to reiki for the rest of our lives. It was very intense and on friday night we were all exhausted by the 1st 2 atunements.

    Saturday was completeing the atunements and learning self reiki, as well as discussions on buddhism, diet, environmental issues, health and spiritual growth. I loved every minute of it and it felt so good to be with like minded people. On Saturday night we covered many aspects of death and those in the group who had lost close family poured out their hearts and experiences. Others shared family abuse stories where no love was lost and every one of us was crying and hugging each other. It was a hugely cleasing experience.

    Today we reikied each other and I absolutely loved it! I never feel im very good at anything but doing reiki, I really felt connected. Until level 2 we are not qualified but have to find as many friends we can practice on as possible. The level 2 course is in June and already full, the next one being November. I so want to sign up but have no idea where Im going to be.

    What the weekend did highlight to me is that I just cant continue doing what im doing. I feel like a dying flower, starved of oxygen. When Im in the energy of spiritual beings I feel myself growing and blossoming. I so want to somehow follow that path in every aspect of my life. I need to work out how best I can do that and make a living at the same time.

    Meantime I wish I could give you all reiki, im practising already on Elle
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      January Jewels - Week 4

      Hey Chill-I'm so glad you are back from your wonderful weekend! I just knew this was the tonic you needed!! Nothing you said about the whole experieice surprised me and I know that you need to point yourself in the direction of the spiritual field. Its your passion and you must do it!! Forget about worrying where you will be in June or November. Sign up for whatever one has room and you will get there no matter where you are. I know you will figure out how to reach your calling and how to make a living with it but it won't be easy. Get as much help as you can so you can save your energy for doing what you are meant to do.
      Please let me know how it goes practicing on Elle. I want to bring DD to a reiki session but I just don't know enough about it plus I don't want anyone getting bitten!!
      Sleep tight tonite!!

      Thank you Dill. I am sure I've made a pretty big step today but it will take more work. I'm glad I had you guys to test this out on. I felt better the minute I hit send!!

      Please send scottish shortbread cookies!! :H
      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        January Jewels - Week 4

        oh Papmom I wish I could give you some reiki, the front knee is our phyiscal connection regarding forgiveness. Our teacher explained that when we forgive its fine to still think that the person did not do the right thing, forgiveness is not overlooking anyones action. Instead its the acceptance that at that time they did what they could with the tools they had, and that it was all they could do given the circumstances of their lives. Try repeating this with your affirmation of forgiveness and hold your hands over your front knee for as long as feels good.
        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
        AF - JAN 1st 2010
        NF - May 1996


          January Jewels - Week 4

          Good Sunday Afternoon My Bejewelled Friends,

          It's a beautiful, sunny winter day here in Wisconsin and I am taking a break from my studies to pop in and say hello. My apologies in advance for not addressing one here. This time around, in my studying journey, I am trying very hard not to spend too much time our thread is a very addictive (and wonderful site and last year when I was studying for my exam, I found that I spend WAYYY too much time, reading, lurking posting. So, this time it must be different but I just wanted to reach out to our beloved Papmom.

          Oh, sweet friend, I was heartbroken to hear you had not gotten the job you wanted and read with interest your struggle to overcome the anger and hurt you feel. I post this with love, and a true desire to help heal your sad heart.
          I hurt because....... My experience and value were not respected. My friend did not respect me enough to fight for
          candidacy even tho I trained her. You are assuming this is what they think. Don't assume. You know what they say about the word assume, right? It makes an ASS out of U and ME. No, it's not that that the search committee didn't respect you enough or your friend didn't respect you enough to fight for your candidacy. The search committee is made up of 3 people. Maybe your friend DID fight for you but the other 2 people wanted someone else and she was outvoted.

          I have been so angry since then and it has been very hard for me to treat the person who did get the job with respect. I am constantly looking for mistakes she makes and inwardly gloat when she does. Ha! See-they picked the wrong person-I would NEVER have made those mistakes!
          I know you are hurting, but please resist the temptation to feel this way. I did that once when I didn't get the job I wanted. I only made myself look bad...because it made me look like a sore loser. Everyone makes mistakes. You are way too classy and professional a person to try and find chinks in her armour. I am sure the committee did take your value and experience into consideration. I know that within the next year or two, you will find out why you didn't get the job and/or be grateful that you didn't get the job. Believe me....when I think that people have the WORST motives, and I am fixated on only the NEGATIVE aspects of a situation that is unfavorable towards me, I end up finding out that I as dead wrong all along. Please know that I believe in you, and I am always here for you. I am forever in your corner.

          When I really look back at why I didn't get a full green pass on my exam last year, I can see why: My attitude SUCKED! I resented having to study when I wanted to be doing something fun. I was just studying enough to pass, not really studying to get a better understanding of areas in my field that I MUST be really well-versed in in order to be a better consultant and trainer. And when I did study....I got distracted and bored easily, and too many times, I said, "Screw it....I'm tired, hungry"...blah blah blah. Whine whine whine. I had been consumed with anger and resentment that I came SO close to getting a full green but failed to do so. And yet, one of my colleagues, who was also my boss for awhile several years ago, got GREEN in all seven topics and then bragged in a group an e-mail that his scores ranged from 91-98%. Wow, was I pissed! But you know what? He EARNED those grades. That guy studied every night for 3 months before the exam. He has every right to brag. Plus, he's bi-polar, and an alcoholic who still drinks every now and then (he admits it) and a pothead (he denies that). I know he brags out of tremendous insecurity and self-loathing (confirmed by 3 of my male co-workers). Things for me are so different this time around...I am ENJOYING the studying and learning a lot.
          Shelley-we are all w orried about you....are you ok?

          Sooty-where are you, my lovely?

          LBH-awww....your dogs are so cute!!! You mentioned that your career and wise saving and investing on your part has allowed you to retire. Do you mind telling us what career you were in? I am guessing that you have a PhD in some incredibly challenging field like molecular biology or that you were an English/Journalism professor for a major university.

          Big hugs to Lav, Chill, Star, SD, Cassia, Rustop and anyone I may have missed....have a wonderful AF Sunday afternoon/evening.


            January Jewels - Week 4

            Poop job completed :yay:
            You have no idea how happy I am :H :H

            Enjoy your books papmom! I am used to the montone speech of Eckhart Tolle - for some reason it just doesn't bother me although I wouldn't listen in the car either.

            Chill, sounds like your weekend was a success!
            Now you just have to figure out how to create a paycheck with all that. I know it's being done by some.

            Rusty, when is your exam (you probably already mentioned?)
            Sure hope it's easier all around for you this year

            Still looking for Shelley.........

            OK, gonna go heat up leftovers for YB (since he did the majority of the poop work this afternoon)
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              January Jewels - Week 4

              Good Sunday eve, bijoux!

              Wow, I didn't have the chance to log on for Fri and Sat, goodness, what a wealth is here again.

              PMom, thank you for the post about forgiveness. You are so well on a pathway with it all, and are taking such great steps to disengage yourself from that terrible soul-devourer.

              Lav - AND YB helped with the poop? Verrrrryyy interestinggggg. I do hope that you get some 'Lav' time soon.

              As I am writing this, I am noticing that it is 5:30 PM, and there is still light on the ridge that I overlook. People: I said it is still a little light out at 5:30.....!!!!! Progress on the spring front.

              I just put HB in the car on his return trip to the city where he is currently working. He came home for the weekend, such a luxury for us that we are close enough to drive to see each other. His visit accounts for my not being able to drop by here. Friday was spent helping a friend with her FB business page and organizing, then pedal to the metal getting all my work done, plus washing the dogs, washing the dog linens, etc. (Are you getting the picture that I am married to a charming, adorable, but maddeningly OCD and somewhat self-absorbed fellow?) Since we are seeing each other only on weekends, I know it is best for me to have my things out of the way so that I can devote full attention to whatever projects he brings home for me to 'help' him with (there is always at least one). So I am sorry to see him go, but can sort of breathe a sigh of relief as well. Thank goodness for the doggies as company....

              Chill - I got 'chills' reading about your weekend, how fantastic. I wish I could find something here so comprehensive. I opted out of my class, as it occurred on a weekend, which (see above) is out for me at the moment. How wonderful that you are practicing on Elle - that's what I desire most, to use it on my boy is suffering right now, and I'm half-mad trying to help him.

              Wishing all all a good Sunday evening, I know it can be a blue time...sending you embraces...
              to the light


                January Jewels - Week 4


                Thank you so much for this quote. The wisdom in it speaks volumes.

                Finish every day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.?
                ― Ralph Waldo Emerson
                Chill-I am thrilled that you enjoyed your reiki class. You sound so positive and happy. I had no idea you could use Reiki on a dog.

                Papmom-:l:h You sound like you're right back on the horse. GREAT job in turning down the wine on the way home. Also, if you're looking at getting a used car, check out Enterprise Car Rental. No haggling, and you get to keep the car for a week, and if you don't like it, you can return it. In that week, have your mechanic check it out if it has over 20,000 miles on it to make sure it hasn't been in an accident...or you're getting a lemon. Enterprise certifies their vehicles, but I took my Enterprise Explorer to my mechanic and he found something wrong with it that Enterprise had NOT revealed that was still under warranty. For $25, my mechanic did the check on my new car, and Enterprise paid for and got the work done on my car for free. I love my Explorer but it's a gas hog. My nieces both have Escapes and they are very happy with them.

                I, too, loved your post about forgiveness. Wow....powerful words from you. My drinking spiraled out of control because I was consumed with anger and resentment towards people I felt I had hurt in the past and people who had hurt me. I had to learn to forgive people because Lord knows they've had to forgive me over the years. Harboring that anger was like picking at an open would day after day.

                Lav-I am glad you are done shoveling chicken poop and you have time for yourself. My exam is March 2.

                Cyn-it's great to see you. I am so excited about your new opportunity. Your HB sounds like a sweetie....good thing he's married to a great woman. How is your stepdaughter doing?

                Back to studying!


                  January Jewels - Week 4

                  cyn, you are starting to sound like me a little - enjoying the quality alone time
                  I do appreciate help with these extra heavy chores but then again - I did not create all this work myself now, did I? This was supposed to be our retirement
                  Hope you can find your doggie some help soon!

                  Rusty, I am actually in my shop catching up on a few things. Almost forgot my son left a uniform shirt for me to put his name & rank on - oops!
                  I'm also working on a little something for a certain papmom we all know & love

                  Another 15 minutes & I am done!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    January Jewels - Week 4

                    just popping in to say good nite everyone! And to thank rusty, lav, Cyn, chill et al for all the kind and supportive words. I do feel like I turned a corner today and I believe I will have a new attitude going into work tomorrow.

                    Rusty-you take all the time you need to study for that exam. We will be here when you get back. I'm glad you have a different attitude this time around but don't envy you that you have to take exams to stay certified.

                    Very nice evening at my sis's tonite. I went early and gave my neice a lesson on applying makeup. She's got such beautiful skin and eyes she doesn't need a speck but i think it will be fun for her to get gussied up for dances if she wants. I know I didn't start wearing makeup until I was at least 16 and she is only 14 but the girls grow up so quickly these days. Anyway, I focused on her natural beauty so hopefully she will remember that more than the makeup lesson.

                    My oldest nephew came for dinner on his way back to Boston to school from a weekend at UMass Amherst where his girlfriend is. It was great to see him and I found out that he will be transferring once again, this time to UMass Amherst . The big city and NU didn't turn out to be as great an experience as he had hoped and he feels much more comfortable at UMass. Plus he goes out there quite often. He also told his mom that they didn't need to spend so much money on his education-he can get just as good a one at the public University. What a great kid!!

                    We watched the hockey all star game before dinner. What a snooze!! No hitting or defense. I think the score was 11-9 or something like that. The team the Bruins were on won I think.

                    Dinner was yummy and conversation was super. I'm sorry my dad is leaving for a month on Saturday as I really like these get togethers but it is only a month and he deserves some warmth in those old bones of his. Plus he really enjoys visiting with his sister.

                    OK, guess I did more than pop in!! :H Nite nite all!
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      January Jewels - Week 4

                      Papmom-thank you for your sweet words about my exam.:l Words cannot describe how amazed I am that despite the workplace, you have incredible recuperative powers. You recharge your batteries.....pick yourself up....dust yourself off and you keep fighting. KO The Beast (whatever the hell the beast is....sometimes it's a PIA, histrionic student we wish we could choke! ). Now that I think of's not your attitude or your's your Lavinitude!:H I reread your post about that student, and I'm with you...if someone apologizes to me for a mistake, I forgive and forget immediately. I'm sure she felt like the child she is when she hung up the phone. And you are such a talented and smart lady, the reason you didn't get this job is because there is a much better one out there for you. And you are NOT too old.

                      Lav-you ARE working late. Ummmm.....well, as long as you're working......please check your e-mail.... I've made a decision and I'm ready to dump more work in your lap.:H

                      Star-I am so sorry your HB was nasty the other day. I'm so glad you didn't have drinking thoughts, though. I forgot to add that, yes, like took me until I was 37 years old before I got my dream job....and I just walked into it by accident.

                      Rustop-where is Trinity?

                      Cassia-ugh...the workplace bullshit never ends, does it? Yes, you're right....alcohol brought us together but I think even without our common goal, we would all be great friends anyway.

                      Hello G:h. I now have a huge crush on Colin F. after watching The King's Speech three times. But you were my at MWO, anyway.

                      SD-since our beloved Packers blew it and are not going to the Super Bowl....who are you rooting for on Sunday? I'm rooting for the Patriots.

                      Ok, my neck's killing me so I think I will sit in front of the fire and watch "The Good Wife." Chris Noth. oh yum.


                        January Jewels - Week 4

                        Evening Friends-

                        Pap3- I really liked how you walked us through that process on forgiveness and the questions that went with each phase or step....very powerful, reflective and insightful!! I would have to agree with Rusty and everyone else on here...I think there was another reason that you didn't get that job and in time you'll know why and be very glad you were so willing to be patient as well as forgiving!! Good things are still yet to come your way!:l

                        Lav--Yea the POOP COOP (or whatever you called it) is clean!! I think it's AWESOME YB is helping you so much!!! Not to be you guys ever talk about him moving back in?? Sorry....super nosey, I know!!

                        Rusty--Oh...oh....the Super Bowl huh???? I'm afraid I just can't force myself to cheer for Tom Brady...I'm sorry. I don't care for the Manning brothers either...but not as much as I don't care for Tom Brady!! Sorry....I know NY beat GB to get there's just gonna have to be a Super Bow that I concentrate on eating!!!:H

                        Cyn--sounds like you got a lot accomplished this weekend!! Good for you!!! Me, not so much!! My son is not feeling very we kinda just laid low all day today (and most of yesterday). OH...I did go TRY to play volleyball tonight....HORRIBLY embarrassing!!! I actually missed hitting the ball once and another time it bounced off my head as I TRIED to block one at the net...SO BAD!!

                        Cill-I'm so glad you had an amazing time this weekend!! I actually got online and looked up Reiki....what it was and if there were retreats/seminars anywhere close to where I am...NOPE, none in my state!!! LOL!! Not surprised!! Sounds very very interesting though!! I'd like to learn more about it!!

                        Dill--I LOVED your quote (wish I knew how to copy and post like you all that grey box)...anyway...I read it about 5 times today!!! Awesome!!

                        Ok...I better go get the last load of laundry out of the dryer and head to bed....night all!!! FEBRUARY starts this week....yea!!! AND yea, I, too noticed the days are staying light longer!!!! Yippee!!!!!!
                        "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                          January Jewels - Week 4

                          Good morning everyone

                          Papmom - Thank you so much for your post on forgiveness. As SD said it was powerful and insightful. I particularly liked Chill's take on it. I just downloaded 'The Power of Now' on my kindle and I really enjoyed it.

                          Lav - glad you got all your poop scooped!! He deserved the leftovers.

                          Dill - glad you had a nice time with the grandkids and thank you once again for all the wonderful quotes.

                          Chill - your week-end sounded amazing. It is defnitely the path you should follow. I am sure there are retreat centres all over the world so you keep all your options open and I am sure you will realize your dream.

                          Cyn - you sound as if you had a nice week-end. It is bright here now until about 5.30 p.m. and I love it.

                          SD - Hope your son is feeling ok again.

                          Rusty - Good luck with your exams. Trinity College is bang in the middle of Dublin, it is where the Book of Kells is kept and one of the main universities here.

                          Walked in the rain yesterday and it looks as if it will be the same this morning. On well, could be worse. My daughter starts exams today so it will be messy regarding drop off and pick up times all week.

                          Have a great week everyone.



                            January Jewels - Week 4

                            Good morning all...January is almost over, thank goodness.

                            Pap, loved reading your wisdom and work on forgiveness...there are always challenges in life, and it had to be so disappointing to not be recognized professionally. Office politics is always a pain in the neck an d hard to understand. I just kept looking for new work as I was so unhappy and it took a couple of years...don't give up, you will find your place.

                            Chill, your weekend sounded just fantastic, and apparently clarified to you what you are good at. Now you have to find out how you can get the skills to become a healer and make a decent living. I hate having to be concerned about money, but it is always there.

                            Rusty, your analysis of your studying last year was so interesting. Attitude is everything, is what I got from your experience. You have moved forward emotionally, physically and spiritually, and it comes out in your posts. Thanks for contributing.

                            Lav, sounds like the marriage thing is going better, you were wise to just wait it out. My husband and I had a better weekend, I just think that being married forever to the same person, you have to be patient and forgive, ALOT.

                            Cyn, men do need someone to take care of them, don't they? I see it all the time.

                            Dill, you sound stronger and more at peace with each post. How is the journey going? Having your grandson to love has to be a joy, so sorry there is a divorce in the family. They are rough and everyone involved needs support.

                            I had a peaceful weekend, it snowed here, and so we pretty much stayed inside, read books (I did) and prepared food for the week. I am working on making it through the winter, this is a hard time of year for me, and I tend to get depressed and experience anxiety. Thank goodness I have a job or I would really freak out with so much time to ruminate. I am trying to focus on all the things I have to be thankful for, and I have alot. It seems that with negative feelings, I find I focus on negative thoughts, so to be aware and change them helps.

                            Hello to all, have a great Monday.
                            Formerly known as redhibiscus


                              January Jewels - Week 4

                              Good morning Jewels,

                              Catching those negative thoughts asap & kicking them out of my head is the way I survive these days Star. It's what we have to do to stay the course No snow around these parts & I am perfectly happy about that. Hope your husband remains chilled out, it is difficult being married for such a long time. I think we become somewhat inflexible over the years & that makes changing difficult.

                              Rustop, Trinity College certainly does add a lot of excitement to Dublin - loved my visit there
                              Hope your daughter sails thru her exams.

                              SD, I stopped asking YB about his plans for the future. I realized somewhere along the line that he really didn't have any. I'm just sitting back & letting him do his own healing work. I hand him books, send him emails, etc to help raise his awareness a bit. His head has been up his ass for so long it's just going to take time for him to see the light. I do think he is making some good progress. Is he going to move back home? Good question! He is going to have to make that decision on his own & be prepared to answer the 1000 questions running around in my head

                              Rusty - too much studying time gets your neck hurting. You need to take frequent breaks & move around lady!! I am so used to working strange hours, a habit I developed as a teenager :H I always get my work done though!

                              OK, I need to get myself to Curves before I do anything else. Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Monday.
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                January Jewels - Week 4

                                Busy, busy weekend and guess what my stinking cold has come back and I?m feeling crappy again :upset: However on a positive note the mornings are lighter and the evenings are slowly starting to get a bit lighter too so Spring is just around the corner. I think we are going to get a colder spell soon though but what can you expect at this time of the year?

                                I?m changing broadband tomorrow so am keeping my fingers crossed that it all goes smoothly but if you don?t hear from me for a day or two don?t worry! Lovely reading all your posts and you are all (each and every one) in my thoughts :l

                                Dewdrop :h
                                Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....

