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January Jewels - Week 4

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    January Jewels - Week 4

    Evening guys

    Dewdrop - Sorry you are not feeling so good, Im sending healing energy your way.

    Star - The winter sure is tough, I grit my teeth every morning walking Elle in the dark and this morning was bitterly cold too. Burrrh... :snowflake: The negative thoughts are hard to stamp out when we allow them room, best to zap them as fast as we can. I have one affirmation which is "I cannot afford even one single negative thought!"

    Rusty - Sister, we seem to have the same taste in men Make sure and listen to Nurse Lav and take plenty breaks from studying. Now I want to reiki your neck for you!

    Papmom - you sound like you have your usual great gusto for life back.

    I set my alarm early today so I could practise my reiki. One of the things we were taught was to repeat an affirmation each morning regarding the white healing light which will protect me from picking up other people's energy now that I have been opened as a conduit. I seem to have been successful in attracting good energy and recieved two offers on houses today!
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      January Jewels - Week 4

      Evening, jewels!

      isn't it interesting how we all seem to find a thought, or series of thoughts that seems to gather us in? As if we are moving about in a space, and then as a group we become drawn to a circle of stones to gather around? Just yesterday morning, having a 'treat' breakfast in a restaurant in the village I admired the 'om' necklace of one of the waitresses. Out of the blue she started talking to us about yoga, and then about 'the 90 second rule'. What's that, I ask. She quickly walks me through a technique - 90 seconds - of listening closely to 3 things (any 3 things) for 90 seconds, which allegedly stops negative thoughts. 'Get's you out of the brain chatter' she says. Hmmmm. Then she relates the author of this technique (you are probably all familiar with her, but I wasn't), Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, a neuroscientist who had a stroke (and wrote the book 'My Stroke of Insight), and who now teaches the Balanced Brain technique. This is from the website: "Life is too short to be caught up in pain from the past. Welcome to a new day! Open your mind and your willingness to take new pictures of this glorious life. I wish you all the very best in your personal journey. Please feel free to open your hearts in these pages." So I'm about to see if my library has her book...sounds pretty perfect for all we are discussing now. (website: Home - My Stroke of Insight).

      Chill - how is Elle reacting to the Reiki, can you sense a difference? BTW, from friends I know that practice Reiki, the shielding of yourself is very important...I'm glad you are taking it seriously.

      Wishing everyone well, Dew, hope you can beat the cold off (have you tried Oil of Oregano yet? I know I'm a broken record, but, really, it works...)
      to the light


        January Jewels - Week 4

        Cyn - I love the 90 second rule! Wow, never heard of it before but it makes perfect sense to me, like diverting the traffic in our mind.

        I had a client on the phone this morning who asked about my weekend and i told her I was learning reiki. We have never before discussed anything spiritual and she just suddenly asked me if i believed in reincarnation! I said I did and she said she was undecided but would love it if i would come over some time and talk to her about it. These people just keep showing up!

        I haven't done any proper sessions with Elle but i did a short one last night and very quickly calmed her breathing down to a very steady heartbeat and her eyes flickered as she went into a dream state within just 5 - 10 mins.

        Oh and Jill Bolte Taylor did some interviews with Oprah on her soul series which I think are available on iTunes, amazing lady and an amazing story!
        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
        AF - JAN 1st 2010
        NF - May 1996


          January Jewels - Week 4

          THX, Chill - as you were writing the above, I was watching the video of her addressing the TED convention. Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor's Famous Talk on Experiencing a Stroke - Video -
          If you watch, anybody, I recommend continuing to watch it all the way through...AMAZING. From a scientist, all the same thoughts, language, motivations, everything that we are talking about...
          to the light


            January Jewels - Week 4

            I have been trying to find Jill's book on our region's virtual catalog but so far no luck. I may need to actually buy it because I was so taken with her interview with Oprah (sigh, and I said I wouldn't buy any books for my Nook-this will be #3 LOL!!). Once of her quotes which resonated with me so strongly due to working at the NH was something like this: "brain injured people are wounded, not stupid-treat them accordingly". Powerful stuff!!

            Aww Rusty-thank you so much for the affirmations-you too SD! I have always been a fighter-almost too stubbornly so sometimes (I've been accused of not knowing when to give up or let something go). I need to do some more work on opening myself up to the things I deserve that are waiting to come my way and that means believing I deserve them. I'll get there!

            Chill-very interesting about sheilding yourself. Its as if you have entered a new very cool dimension!!

            Cyn-how cool about the chat with the waitress and learning about the 90 second rule. Something we probably should all learn!

            Lav- hope you had a good "me" day! Hope your kids left you alone!

            Dew-oh you poor thing!! I hope this cold doesn't stay very long. I fear your constant traveling may be compromising your immunity. I sure hope you can move into your new career soon! hang in there and take care of yourself!!

            Boring non eventfull day today but that is just fine. I'm totally caught up on the immediate work and can now turn my attention to projects that have been neglected.

            Have a great nite everyone!!
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              January Jewels - Week 4

              I think Dew needs a visit from Nurse Lav (with a big pot of chicken soup)
              Hope you feel better soon!

              Chill, cyn & papmom - I saw Dr Jill Bolte Taylor on TV quite a while ago & was amazed by what she went through & what she had to share. Makes me glad I always treated my patients appropriately (even if they were in 'vegetative states'). You just never know.....

              I was left alone today ~ not called into action by anyone for anything. So I was able to do what I wanted to do Tomorrow evening is another story, kids will be here.

              Hello to the rest of the Jewels!
              Wishing everyone a good night before the last day in January - yikes!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                January Jewels - Week 4

                Good morning everyone

                Hard to believe this is the last day of January. Did we decide on a name for February? We are getting a cold snap here at the moment but it is that time of year and as Dew says the evenings are getting longer so Spring is just around the corner.

                Dew - hope you soon feel better and manage to shake off that nasty cold.

                Cyn - the 90 second rule make perfect sense. One of the reasons I drank was the monkey on my shoulder and the incessant chatter. I am going to check out that book and maybe download onto my kindle.

                Chill - the reki sounds so interesting.

                Papmom - you keep on fighting, we are all in your corner.

                Lav - glad you managed to get a day to yourself. I really enjoy when I have the house to myself and I have gotten to a stage in my life where I am content to just potter about at home and not spend my time off running and racing here and there.

                Daughter has just one exam today so I wont have much time off. I intend to do a short walk and then a ww meeting. I am doing ok food wise, apart from the few biscuits with my cup of tea but we need something, right!!

                Hello to everyone I did not mention and have a great Tuesday.



                  January Jewels - Week 4

                  Good morning to all...

                  Rustop, I too love when I have the house to myself for a day...I love the quiet and peace. It is challenging to follow the ww points system for me at least, unless I plan ahead. Have a lovely day, and I hope you are right, that spring is right around the corner.

                  Dew, sometimes colds are hard to kick, I am sending healing energy your way, too.

                  Pap, I have been downloading too many books for my Kindle, so can relate to your enthusiasm with your Nook. My library has really limited books t download, but I have been placing some fiction books on hold. It is fun, learning how to download without ever stepping out of the house. I just think of all the gas I am saving .

                  Chill, would you mind sharing the protection affirmation? I believe that we are open to negativity, and it is important to protect ourselves. How nice to get two offers, let the postive energy continue.

                  Lav, have a lovely day, get lots done and enjoy your Curves.

                  Cyn, I am definitely going to check out the site you mentioned. Thanks for sharing the 90 second rule, will look into it. Just wondered how you are doing with the harsher weather. Is it what you expected?

                  My Monday was kinda rough, I am struggling at work, and just in general, I think. I have been worrying about money alot, more about the future. It is really stupid, I know, I think I need to work on changing my thoughts and attracting positive energy. I know, I will wear bright colors today, as the first step, then exercise. There, a plan. To all, have a great day.
                  Formerly known as redhibiscus


                    January Jewels - Week 4

                    Good morning -

                    Star! I'm so sorry you are struggling, I'm sending you lots of protective energy today. When I read your posts, I feel like you need to be snuggled up in a big soft pink blanket made by Lav, with some great affirmation on it. Maybe pick up a little bunch of daffodils for yourself to move into Abundance mode?

                    RE: weather. You'll be surprised, but I am actually longing for a good old-fashioned winter where there is snow, and the temps stay in the same basic range. This rain and crazy temps going up and down has me a little confused. Everything here in the country is so much prettier (I think) with snow rather than all brown... After living with that completely unrelenting sun for 8 years, I have developed a fascination with white stuff drifting from the sky...I know, crazy. Oh well!

                    Gardeners - I need to order some great seed catalogs (even though here it's not like reading them in the depth of the winter in MN, like I used to do, and dream). What do you recommend? I hope to do heritage tomatoes, and a variety of veggies; there are raised beds here at our rental house.

                    I hope all have a great last day of January. I feel like this has been an amazing month for all of us here - lots of seeds have been planted -
                    PS - Sped, please check in!!!!
                    to the light


                      January Jewels - Week 4

                      Good Tuesday morning Jewels,

                      60 degrees forecasted for today & tomorrow
                      Of course it's just a temporary warm up but I'll do my best to enjoy it

                      Don't you just get tired of money worries? Seriously at this age I feel I have paid my dues but still the worries go on
                      Star, I hope you can keep yourself present & just enjoy today. The exercise is one little way to boost our moods
                      Rustop, wish you could be here for this temporary warm up

                      Have a terrific AF Tuesday everyone!
                      PS: Our old friend Jolie is 30 days AF today - need to get her back here with us!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        January Jewels - Week 4

                        Hi cyn - cross posted!
                        I love Burpee ~ lots of Heritage tomatoes and other goodies there
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          January Jewels - Week 4

                          Good Tuesday Morning AF Friends,

                          Wow, the last day of January. Like everyone here, I am also thrilled that the days are longer. The sun is just coming up and it's going to be 45 degrees here today. I will reward my commitment to studying with a lovely walk one of my favorite places. It is home to the Wrigley Gum /Chicago Cubs(baseball) summer mansions, and is a beautiful 2.6 mile winding, hilly road filled with horse farms. Actress Darryl Hannah used to spend her summers here. Oh, the thrill of being unhung as I walk.

                          Rustop-I bet you enjoy your alone time. It's very important to be able to have that.

                          Cyn-My Stroke of Insight....what a powerful book and an incredible story of unmitigated strength. My mom read it and then I read it and neither one of us could put it down. Thank you thank you thank you for the link. I don't watch Oprah and neither does my my mom...but we will both enjoy this video. She knows about our wonderful site and my friends nice to be able to share this with her.

                          Dew-I am so sorry you are sick again! I wonder if your cancer treatments weakened your immune system.:l

                          Cassia-I've been thinking of you-how is the work situation....still untenable? I hope not.

                're not going to watch the Super're going to eat through it. After further review, I admit that I will be doing the same thing. You mentioned in an earlier post that you had Weight Loss Surgery? How old were you when you had it? If I'm being too nosy....just say so.

                          Dill-I am really sorry about your son's divorce. I remember a long time ago you mentioned that if your son had come to you and said "we're getting divorced," that you would have said..."I'm surprised this didn't happen 5 years ago." I am glad he has you and your husband for a support system.

                          Papmom-I was thinking this morning that you are a real problem solver. You're a solutions-based, take charge kind of person. Whenever someone is struggling here, you are one of the first to offer a solution. I'd hire you in a second.

                          You know why I love this thread? When any of us is struggling with work/family, one or all of us try to come up with tools and solutions that will really help....books to read....links to research....past experience....etc. We take the time for each other. I find myself thinking about all of you a lot when one of you is hurting...wondering what I can do to help....and I know you all do the same.:h Alcohol does not define who we is/was a problem that we have, but it is not the focus of our conversations here....which I think is great because I think that would keep us in a fugue state....stuck in the past that we can't change.

                          Star-I've been worried about money, too, today, and feeling anxious. Lots of big bills lately...but like you, I will dwell only on the positive.

                          Chill-I smiled when you talked to your client about reincarnation. Isn't it nice to meet someone new who shares your beliefs? I love when that happens! I don't embrace reincarnation, per se, but do believe in a life after death.

                          Sooty-Where are you?

                          Shelley-Check in, please!!

                          Lav-you are right on the studying. I have been taking breaks, per your recovery plan for me. I had my first PT session with my new therapist yesterday and it went really well. She had me in traction and stretched my neck a bit. I'm now 2 inches wonder my pants are loose!:H

                          A big hello to LBH, G, and anyone I may have missed....including active lurkers. Have a great AF Tuesday!


                            January Jewels - Week 4

                            Hi Jewels

                            A quick lunchtime check in for me in case I dont have time tonight. Since selling my TV I cant believe the list of things I now want to do with my evenings! Tonight is gym night, then my parents to collect Elle so I will be late home. There is so much I want to read and I have also vowed to watch (on my laptop) half an hour of good comedy as I realize I need to laugh more. Laughter is one of our natural healing abilities which we under rate and can benefit so much from.

                            On the subject of life after death and near death experiences, have you heard the incredible story of Anita Moorjani? This is a long interview but well worth listening to, her new book out shortly is called "Dying to be me".[/video]]Anita Moorjani's Recovery from Stage 4 - YouTube
                            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                            AF - JAN 1st 2010
                            NF - May 1996


                              January Jewels - Week 4

                              Thank you everybody for the information regarding Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor and Anita Moorjani, sounds like a good prescription for perspective and something I shall happily seek later today as my world feels a bit claustrophobic these days. Cyn, my favorite catalog is from Seed Savers Exchange. I have always loved everything I have ever ordered from them. I am a compulsive seed saver, one who has been known to stick a piece of heirloom tomato in my beaded handbag at a restaurant; there is probably medication for that sort of thing but I have yet to take it. Love, Ladybird.
                              may we be well


                                January Jewels - Week 4

                                Hello jewels, I am here Rusty, trying to keep warm in this freezing weather.

                                Things have been a bit hectic here, our old dog has been poorly and we thought we were losing him, but he has colitis and is slowly getting better. The vet doesn't think he will last the year so we're making a fuss of him. He needs coaxing to eat and help getting moving but he's not in pain. It's rather time consuming.

                                Hump day tomorrow and we're meeting a friend who's passing through the area, haven't seen her for 17 years! Should be fun.

                                See you tomorrow evening xxx

