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AF Monday Jan 23, 2012

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    AF Monday Jan 23, 2012

    Wakey Wakey!!
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!

    AF Monday Jan 23, 2012

    Good morning Abbers!

    Woke up at 7 instead of 5 ridiculous-o-clock, yay!

    Hope you have a good day papmom & everyone!
    I am going to Curves then back to my shop for a few jobs today.

    Have a terrific AF Monday!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      AF Monday Jan 23, 2012

      Morning abbers!

      Pouring rain here today but at least it's not snow!

      Little uni's team won their game yesterday and she got an assist. I love seeing her smile when she comes out of the dressing room. It's the little things that matter now!

      Bean - well done girl! Proud of you!

      Okay, I'm off - psychologist appt today and then clean clean clean.

      Have a fabulous Monday abbers!
      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


        AF Monday Jan 23, 2012

        Good morning to all!
        Very light snow here, and just hoping to avoid the freezing rain.
        Today--same as usual. AA meeting, and I am set up/coffee maker today and have to arrive an hour early. Then home to read, maybe watch a Netflix and enjoy the fire and my dogs.
        Hope everybody has a great AF day!!
        "One day at a time."


          AF Monday Jan 23, 2012

          Way to go Bean. That is a good lot of AF time. You should be so proud of yourself.

          I am having a terrible day. I was on the computer last night and this message came up to resolve an error. Stupid me I clicked. And now the computer is completely screwed up. What is worse is my husband is so angry with me. Furious. He is trigger for me when he gets in this mood. But I was able to push through. I know it sounds minor but I have this irrational fear of people being mad at me. Stems from my childhood. Makes me scared like a freaking toodler. Now...... when I am drinking I don't give a shit. Until the next morning and then its worse.

          Anyway the worst thing is I can't go into chat and bitch. So if you think I have disappeared I have not. Thanks for the support. At least it is raining and not snowing.
          Kaslo loved your picture from yesterday made me think snow is not so bad if it can look so beautiful.


            AF Monday Jan 23, 2012

            Good morning Pro Fabonos, don't work for free, is what Im sayin'

            I would have no problem at all starting out the thread. My problem is I am a British Columbian living in Pacific Standard Time, which means I am still asleep when most of you have made half your wages for the day and are settling down to lunch. We are perpetually behind everyone else in the Universe, and that is fine with us, because what we have to say seldom matters, we are mere blips post haste ad hoc infinitum. I think.

            Sid, I have to say I dont like the sound of that one little bit. No one should get furious with another person for merely screwing something up on the computer. Shit happens. Also those notifications, who knows if they are good or bad? I get them and and its a crap shoot. Click on it and you are instantly a hero or a bum. There is something Shakespearian about this fact of modern life with computers. Or Pavlovian. Those of you with dogs will understand.

            GOOD for you for coping with Mr. Sidney being an A-hole, but heck, I am starting to see a pattern here, and I just feel for you and hope you can somehow get out from under the yoke. I was going to write yolk, but stopped myself. Sort of. I know Mr. Sidney has his health thing going on, but thats no excuse. I gather this is a pattern. I wish I could somehow swoop down and intervene. But then I am a 57 year old somewhat pudgy female scientist with messy hair and a big nose and NO ONE takes me seriously for an instant.

            Love to all. Im supposed to be on holiday but some mofo asked me what would happen if they set fire to a bunch of contaminated wood. I cant stop myself.

            Kaslo of the F'ing N'orth.

            Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
            Status: Happy:h


              AF Monday Jan 23, 2012

              Hidee-Ho Fabbernoodles!

              Pap, Lav, Uni, TDN... have a fabby day!
              Sid... don't like the sound of the Mr. freaking out over a mishap. Funnily (word!) enough, we just talked about the flip side of that on the Canuck thread the last couple of days... the 'we don't want anyone mad at us' bit. I can totally relate.

              In any case... go to Malwarebytes : Free anti-malware, anti-virus and spyware removal download and download their removal tool. It's one of the best around and the standard version is free. Also, you can try the online scanner (and removal tool) at HouseCall - Free Online Virus Scan - Trend Micro USA - however, I found that if your puter is really screwed it won't even run the scan. Good luck!

              Kas, get thy mind off work and thy ear away from the phone! Go chase some cats on the slopes, or something!

              Really dreary day here... warmed up big time, rain, slush, ice underneath, makes for lovely driving. We did venture into town, though... Peanut scored 3 new toys from the thrift shop, Oma lugged some stuff for the fridge, and we got the horses fed. I even administered Atlas' injection myself today (cringe). He didn't even flinch. I'm glad I'm using a method I watched on Youtube (like 150x) instead of the 'stabbing' my neighbour does *shudder*.

              So, it's been a productive morning here... the lil one is napping right now so I can go and unload the truck and find some batteries for this really cool car he liked and brought home. Gonna have ourselves a crash derby when he wakes up. Dogs and cats are advised to stay out of sight

              Have a grand AF day, everyone!
              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                AF Monday Jan 23, 2012

                Aw sid,
                That dumb shit happens to all of us. Tell Mr. sid I'll let my Lavan-ittude loose on him if he doesn't settle down, geez!

                Hello to uni, TDN & Kas of the F'ing North
                Kas, what was the wood contaminated with????

                Sunni - OMA!
                Always remember to keep a huge supply of batteries on hand (it's part of the Oma job) :H :H
                Glad you guys were able to get out & about. Raining here too, still foggy & just nasty.

                Have a good afternoon kids!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  AF Monday Jan 23, 2012

                  Lavande;1249730 wrote: Raining here too, still foggy & just nasty.
                  Same here! Lucky I could find my way home.

                  Sid, ya think Mr. Sid needs one of my "special" haircuts? It's an "A" shaved in the back. Kinda like the scarlet letter, but it stands for arsehole.
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    AF Monday Jan 23, 2012

                    Thank you...dumb shit always happens to me on the computer...I thought it was a dialogue box from Windows... why do people do this? Sunshine my husband has that stuff he will fix it but I am sure it is going to take some doing it looked totally screwed up to me. He is an intense guy even before he was sick. I should not let him get away with it. But it is what it is right now.

                    However the good thing is even though I feel fussed up about the situation I don't feel like drinking and that is a huge thing for me. Maybe I can figure out how to go into chat from the Mac. Sid


                      AF Monday Jan 23, 2012

                      Greeneyes that is too funny! He needs something.


                        AF Monday Jan 23, 2012

                        :HOk if Sid wont take the haircut A for arsehole offer I have a few people lined up over here!!!:H

                        Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                        Status: Happy:h


                          AF Monday Jan 23, 2012

                          Hey Sid-Sunni beat me to it-I had the exact same thing happen to me (only I don't have a FH husband to get mad at me) and a geek friend of mine walked me through the malware thing over the phone. Worked like a charm and now I know to NEVER ever click on those fake notifications. Don't even click on the red X at the top of the box. Just close out your browser and run the scan. Anyway lesson learned.

                          Sunni-sounds like a fun day even with the horse shot!!

                          Kas-yes, get thee away from work girl!! And stop thinking so little of yourself for gosh sake!!

                          Lav and TDN-rain and warm wether here too. Tomorrow clear and high 40s. Whoo hoo!!

                          Greenie-glad you found your way home!

                          Uni-Hope you had a good day. Feel free to come down here and clean anytime you want!!

                          Except for locking myself out of the car this morning it was a pretty good day. It was a great feeling to know I had caught up and taken care of all the new transfers over the weekend. Today was just cleanup and helping out at the front. Looking forward to getting my inbox totally cleaned out by Friday!!

                          Last nite I took a shower at 5pm before I went to the hockey game. I decided not to shower again this morning, just redo my hair. Eureeka!! What a concept!! Shaved at least 10 min off my routine! I'm betting a nice hot shower tonite will really help in the sleep department so I'm going to try it.
                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!

