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AF daily - Tuesday, Jan 24th

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    AF daily - Tuesday, Jan 24th

    Hello abbers!

    Cool and wet here this morning, and it's just my fridge :H (it's leaking).

    We went to see the Hockney exhibition yesterday. Lots of new paintings (hundreds) of the Yorkshire Wolds, many of them done on an iPad. It was excellent. One room was called "The arrival of spring" and there was a sequence of about 50 paintings from January-May last year, showing the landscape turning from snowy dark days to light green leaves, flowers and sunshine. Very uplifting on a cold January day.
    David Hockney RA: A Bigger Picture - Exhibitions - Royal Academy of Arts

    Sid - my laptop died on me before Christmas and I was thinking I would have to buy a new one because it was totally useless. But I took it to a local shop and they put in a new hard drive, new Windows, Word etc and saved all my pix from my old drive for 45 quid (70 Canadian dollars). It works better than ever now. I was surprised they are so cheap to rebuild. Btw, I hate people being angry at me too so I understand how bad you felt.

    TDN - au pair in Backnell? Sounds like a hoot!

    Kas - I'd be interested in your thoughts about air pollution and Olympics.

    I'm off to my astronomy class later. One of the students thinks alien spacecraft were found on the moon so it's always entertaining to see what she has to say!

    Have a good day everyone!
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman

    AF daily - Tuesday, Jan 24th


    Marshy I did a little work on my fridge yesterday too. Now I need Kaz to do a study on the pollution in my kitchen. :H I put the vacuum on reverse to blow out the underneath parts - grates and all that- and this giant atomic mushroom cloud of black sooty dust came flying out out and engulfed the kitchen. Serious residue EVERYWHERE. Why was it so black?Seriously, I took off my sweater and shook it out outside and a cloud of dust came off it. And with the half-walls and no doors, it extended into the living and dining rooms. Grrrrrrr.... Reminiscent of the bathroom renovations. Silver lining? I was totally amazed at how calm I was about it. Beyond amazed. In the old days I surely would have been 3 sheets to the wind in the cleaning process. Could it be all that yoga?

    BTW, maybe the door seals need replacing. You can do it yourself, but it's a 2 person job.

    When you said "done on an ipad, I thought "Huh?" That's an interesting process. There's an opening reception at that gallery I like on Friday. I may come out of hibernation.

    Different guy belongs to an astronomy club and he has a special award for knowing the names of all the stars. He designed and patented a streetlight cover to increase the radius of the span and reduce light pollution.

    Off with the robe. I am bumping up my 8:00 rule because I was still running late.

    One thing's for sure. And the other is maybe I'll clean out under the fridge more often.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF daily - Tuesday, Jan 24th

      Hi, Marshy and Greenie and all to come today!
      Marshy, thanks for sharing that video clip. I really enjoyed watching it, and the colors are fantastic! Warm here--that means going up over 40F today--and now it is foggy, but I see a glimmer of sun tring to peek through.
      Bracknell was a hoot--although one of the two children was an absolute brat, LOL! I lost contact with the family a long time ago, and cannot even remember their last name.
      Greenie--the scene of your kitchen made me laugh--sorry!! I am just about to run the vacuum cleaner, and will steer clear of the fridge!! My husband is like Kas's, and would have a major issue if that happened!! (Kas, let me know when you can get into chat--would love to compare notes!)

      Have a great AF day everybody!!

      "One day at a time."


        AF daily - Tuesday, Jan 24th

        Mr. Sid calmed down. Not mad anymore. I dont really think he was mad at me so much as upset the computer is really screwed up. I always think everything is my fault. I got to get over that. It makes me so neurotic.

        Thank you for all your advice and kind words. What a great bunch you are.

        Seems we have two pieces of protective software on our computer. The virus or whatever was disabled them and won't let us reactive one of them. Mr. Sid most likely will be able to fix it. His issue is he doesn't want to rebuild it.

        All is well in the great white north. I was driving home last night and it was still light at 5:30.
        Don't you love the days getting longer. Again I so appreciate your support. Sid


          AF daily - Tuesday, Jan 24th


          Yikes!!! My mind is really going!! I meant to say "Sid" when talking about husbands, and I said "Kas." Sorry to both ladies!
          Sid, I really would love to chat when you can. Wow--I can share a lot with you on the subject!

          "One day at a time."


            AF daily - Tuesday, Jan 24th

            Anytime TDN but you know I cant get into chat right now!??? Figures huh. PM me if you like.


              AF daily - Tuesday, Jan 24th

              Morning abbers!

              I haven't read yesterday's thread so I apologize that I cannot comment.

              I did my volunteering at little uni's school this morning and at 1:30 I have my first concurrent disorders group. Looking forward to that.

              Did some homework yesterday and I have 3 assignments and then only one more course and I have my certificate in addiction studies. I may continue and get my diploma as an addictions caseworker - not sure yet.

              The insurance company is giving my therapist a hard time - wants to know when I am going back to work etc., etc. She keeps telling them that I am not ready to go back yet as it is highly anxiety producing and would most likely cause a relapse. Hopefully they will just let it go as they are supposed to pay me until December of this year. That was the original assessment a year ago. Gotta love insurance companies.

              Anyway, that's it for now - I'll check back later and let you know how the concurrent disorders group went.

              Love and hugs,
              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                AF daily - Tuesday, Jan 24th

                Good morning Fabistics and Fabologists. I wrote this long and entertaining description of the history of air pollution and athletic events and...poof.

                To recap for Marshy, athletes have huge healthy lung capacities and are not as negatively affected by various airpollutants as people with asthma, emphysema, congestive heart failure etc. And Olympic venues usually clean up thier air quite a bit before and during events because its an embarrassment. Why they cant just do that 24 7 is another story.

                London has done an amazing job on its air quality, considering its history. Which I went into in great detail, but will skip now, cause, um, I have to work on an air pollution issue.

                TDN, no worries re mistaking Sid and me, our respective DH's, both painful in thier own way. I am fond of Mr K, he can do wonders with a data set. When he feels like it. I could do worse, and as Sid says, it is what it is.

                Everyone have a great day. I am gonna bog off for Vancouver Island here in a day or two I hope. To see my grandkids and eldest daughter, friends, etc.

                Whoops, edited to say Greenmachine, was that black stuff dirt or aspergillis mould coming out from under the fridge? Hope it was just dirt. Your description conjured up an alarming vision in my head.


                Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                Status: Happy:h


                  AF daily - Tuesday, Jan 24th


                  I must learn to pay more attention when reading. I thought Marshy went to a HOCKEY exhibit and everything thereafter just didn't make much sense :H

                  Greenarse... oh, dear God... I fear the fridge. I swear mine (or its contents) develop a life of their own. 11th grade science experiment comes to mind. Hope all you blew away was dust, not the nasty stuff Kas is going to dream about tonight.

                  Sid.. glad the Mr. has climbed down from the high and mighty palm tree Hope the rest of your issues are going to be easy fixes.

                  TDN, Uni, Kas.... :hallo:

                  Had a fun morning, spent quite a bit of time out feeding horses (who put on a splendid show for young master Peanut). Atlas (my brave warrior horse) ran in sheer terror when Peanut and I walked up the pasture and Trouble joined him just for the heck of it (I think... nothing much really gets him too excited). So, Peanut actually got to pet both of them (while their noses were deep in feed buckets) which made him happy and left the equines unimpressed. He then got some mini hay rides.. I usually pile 2 bales onto my lil plastic sled and pull em to the pasture... today I did one at a time and sat Peanut on top. And, I only dumped him once :H Speaking of which.. I hear him.. nap time was late today.

                  Off I go! Tally-ho!
                  Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                  Winning since October 24th, 2013


                    AF daily - Tuesday, Jan 24th

                    Kaslo;1250300 wrote: Whoops, edited to say Greenmachine, was that black stuff dirt or aspergillis mould coming out from under the fridge?
                    Well shit, I don't know! I've never seen black stuff come from under it before or that quantity. Eek! Now I'M alarmed!
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      AF daily - Tuesday, Jan 24th

                      Ha ha Sunni, I am reminded of the wheel barrow rides my grand daughter loves.

                      Greenie, you would know by now if you had an allergy to Aspergillus or any of the black moulds if in fact that is what it was. Its a good chance it, ...dirt. I for one would not wish to have intimate contact between my lungs and anything residing under the stove, fridge, washer, drier, etc. All of my major appliances have a symbiotic relationship between the plumber and the microscopic fauna and flora of the West Kootenay. I dont wish to disturb any of them, all 4,678,543 of them. The plumber, Hercules, and that IS his name, is outnumbered, but he charges more.

                      Plez address the court, mz Green and say again why you hooked up the reverse vac and blasted under there like a Green Machine Leaf Blower?

                      kaslo, of the undisturbed, calm on the surface, totally, Frozen North.

                      Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                      Status: Happy:h


                        AF daily - Tuesday, Jan 24th

                        Kaslo;1250441 wrote: Plez address the court, mz Green and say again why you hooked up the reverse vac and blasted under there like a Green Machine Leaf Blower?
                        Tired old cliche that it is...... IT SEEMED LIKE A GOOD IDEA AT THE TIME! :H

                        I'm going with the dirt theory. Whole heartedly. Before I start imagining symptoms.
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          AF daily - Tuesday, Jan 24th

                          Good evening Abbers!

                          10 pm & I'm just getting a chance to say hello today!
                          Was in charge of 3 yr old EB today, his 9 month old brother Will & the Insanity Twins. Started at 7 am, finished at 8:30 pm & I AM POOPED :H :H
                          Everything went well but what a long day.

                          Greenie, I have found (sadly) that the dust that collects under kitchen appliances tends to get mixed up with other stuff like dog hair, cooking grease, etc
                          But living in the south as you do & with the humidity you have there I would be careful about mold growth........if you know what I mean. Maybe a little clorox or something to kill the evil shit.
                          Hope all is OK with you!

                          Hope everyone has a good night, see ya tomorrow.
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

