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AF Daily ~ Wednesday, Jan 25

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    AF Daily ~ Wednesday, Jan 25

    Morning, Fabbies... up and at 'em!

    Getting things sorted here for Peanut's departure (read, walk all over house and find stuff that doesn't belong!)... will be leaving in a bit.

    Hope everyone is well and well off to a fabulous AF Wednesday! One thing is for sure...
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013

    AF Daily ~ Wednesday, Jan 25

    Good morning Sunni & all Abbers!

    Happy hump day to one & all
    Sunni, funny how the kid's things seem to end up everywhere. Have a safe trip!

    Have been to Curves now I need to pay some attention to my little business before it gets any smaller than it already is :H

    Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Wednesday!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      AF Daily ~ Wednesday, Jan 25

      Hi all, been a while....

      I had no internet, cable, or home phone. I am in the process of having all bills put in my name finally. :H They were in my ex's.

      I am doing well. My chemo #5 of 6 yesterday was postponed until next week. My arm & veins (the only one they can use for bloodwork, chemo etc) is exhausted and I have not been feeling too hot lately. So my oncologist gave me a week off. :H Thank you Dr. LOL.

      Other than that everything is good. Emotionally happy, sober, and been doing so much volunteering work at Little AFM's school lately again. Need to find some balance while going through the rest of chemo. It gets to you; but for some reason I think I am not ill, and am super woman! hahaha

      I haven't had a chance to see what is going on with the rest of you. I hope you are all well. For now, I must get Little AFM ready for school and run some errands.

      Lots of love and hugs to all! xoxo


        AF Daily ~ Wednesday, Jan 25

        Hidy Ho ABenators near and far!!!!!!

        been missing in action but hope to catch up soon. Vegas was a wild ride but certainly doable AF and I'm utterly glad to remain in my sober state of mind.

        still extremely busy catching up on work but I'll pop back in later

        be well Sunshine, Lavande, Accountable for me and all to come
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          AF Daily ~ Wednesday, Jan 25

          Hi all I have been missing in action too my computer is still messed up. I hope it will be fixed soon. Missing everyone in chat. All is good here. Sid


            AF Daily ~ Wednesday, Jan 25

            Good afternoon, all!
            Hope you are all enjoying your day--AF, of course. Little cooler today after the spring like day we had yesterday! But no complaints. Finally got to go to the gym last night and did some treadmill and bike. Little sore today, which is good. Going back later on and hopefully 3-5 times a week. Felt good to just exercise after five weeks of doing nothing. Went to AA at noon and it as a really good meeting.

            "One day at a time."


              AF Daily ~ Wednesday, Jan 25

              AFM, glad you checked in - I was thinking about you yesterday
              Didn't you have some sort of port implanted for permanent venous access? Please excuse my nosiness.....I don't know, maybe things are done differently in Canada. Around these part anyone scheduled for chemo has one or another type of port implanted ahead of time to avoid all that wear & tear on the arms. Sorry that has been a problem for you.

              Hi Det, sid & TDN! Glad everyone is A-OK today

              Resting up tonight for another round of babysitting tomorrow night (not an all day event like yesterday) thank goodness.
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF Daily ~ Wednesday, Jan 25

                Lavande;1250852 wrote: AFM, glad you checked in - I was thinking about you yesterday
                Didn't you have some sort of port implanted for permanent venous access? Please excuse my nosiness.....I don't know, maybe things are done differently in Canada. Around these part anyone scheduled for chemo has one or another type of port implanted ahead of time to avoid all that wear & tear on the arms. Sorry that has been a problem for you.

                Hi Det, sid & TDN! Glad everyone is A-OK today

                Resting up tonight for another round of babysitting tomorrow night (not an all day event like yesterday) thank goodness.
                No, I didn't get the PICC line put in. :upset: They figured I could manage with only having 6 aggressive chemo's instead of the typical 8. My veins feel like tendons. But, adding the blood work each time, makes a lot of stress on the veins and arm. I do recommend to anyone else who may have to go through this to have one done. It is murderous for me when they cannot find a vein, and I end up being poked a few times until they get it. (for chemo that is). You aren't being nosy. I like to share my experience with everyone who is willing to listen. I want people to know that even having had cancer and going through treatment, can be not all that bad of an experience. Not fun, but attitude is everything.

                Missed you all. :l


                  AF Daily ~ Wednesday, Jan 25

                  Thanks AFM,
                  I'm still sorry you are going through this - shouldn't have to be this way you know :l

                  Just for general info - in case anyone else should ever have to face this situation:
                  Vascular Access Procedures

                  :h Lav
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    AF Daily ~ Wednesday, Jan 25

                    Yikes AFM :l
                    I better make sure I never get seriously ill... my needle phobia may have me end up like Liberace. Hang in there... you certainly HAVE the TUDE! You are really inspiring and you'll knock this cancer on the head, there's no doubt about it.

                    Oh.. and hello and good night, everyone
                    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                    Winning since October 24th, 2013

