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AF Daily ~ Thursday, Jan 26

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    AF Daily ~ Thursday, Jan 26

    Fabberhitians! Wakey, wakey!

    6 hours sleep last night... better, I suppose but still not enough. Even with sleeping pill. This is starting to wear me down a bit, I must admit.

    Just major catching up on work planned for today here. Oh.. and trip to store - I'm out of coffee cream. Huge no-no in my books.

    Have a fabby AF Thursday... one thing is for sure!
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013

    AF Daily ~ Thursday, Jan 26

    Hello friends,

    Hi there Sunshine! I have become quite attached to my coffee creamer as well!:H

    Not much news here. Busy with de-cluttering and basketball. I did learn my newly widowed friend will be taking over her husband's contract with the cemetery. I am happy she is able to do that, I'm afraid she is going to have some financial issues. I'm left wondering at this point where I stand however. She made the comment that she doesn't think she can afford to pay anyone. There is no way she can do it all herself--especially without a clue of what to do. I hope we can get together soon and get something worked out, or I will have to start looking for another source of income. I do not want to go back to work full or even part time yet--but you gotta do what you gotta do-right?

    Glad everyone is enjoying their AF lifestyle--I know I am!

    Have a great sober day all!:h
    NF since June 1, 2008
    AF since September 28, 2008
    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


      AF Daily ~ Thursday, Jan 26

      Good morning Abbers,

      Getting darker by the minute here.....the rain is on the way, wonderful as I am already up to my ankles in mud around here.

      Sunni, I finally caught up with sleep last night after several nights of crappy sleep. I think that's just the way it goes after a certain age See if you notice the same trend with yourself - getting about one really good night's sleep per week.

      LVT, hopefully your friend will realize soon that she needs your help. She must be feeling pretty overwhelmed right now. Even though I have maintained my nursing license I really hope I never have to go back into that profession. It pretty much sucked the soul out of me

      OK, need to go tend to the chickens then pay attention to a little work.
      Wishing everyone a terrific AF Thursday!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF Daily ~ Thursday, Jan 26

        Hallllooooo Faboooos

        Sunni thanks for starting us up. I am with Lav on sleep being optional as we age, but still, its harsh having to settle for 6 hours after many nights of almost none. I am willing to bet that it will get better with time, or I hope so. I have found sleep is FINALLY returning to me, now after years of not getting much and taking imovane for it, being AF for 11 months now.

        LV grounds keeping is a great job, I paid for most of my university doing that for the school district, can you get something like that, or is it too much?

        Lav, I can see how nursing would suck the soul right out of you through your eyeballs. Such long days, long nights, long shifts, thankless, stressful, illsupported in the system, patients NOT patient, etc. Blech. Is what Im saying.

        I am finally at last on some days off, worked pretty much straight from last may to yesterday with only a few days off here and there, because I took on way too much. As a contractor, I have always figured I have to do stuff no matter what because I never know when the bottom is going to fall out. However I am getting old fast as a result. I would LOVE to do something else, but what I do pays well, so MAYBE LESS OF IT? is what you are all no doubt shouting out to me as you read this. Mea culpa.

        I used to relieve the pressure by drinking too much in the evenings, but no more of that, and as a result I have emerged from under a tonne of work feeling pretty good akshually....Its looking like blue sky so ima ski this morning for a bit I think.

        Kaslo of the melting slightly North.

        Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
        Status: Happy:h


          AF Daily ~ Thursday, Jan 26

          I am awake...still here for any of you looking for me in chat. Computer is completely screwed. Mr. Sid rebuilding it from scratch. 8 Trojans! Big freaking mess.

          As for sleep I still don't sleep I wake up every two hours or so. I have learned to live with it.
          At least it is not the waking up still drunk at 3 am and feeling that horrible dread until dawn.
          However I feel bad for anyone who has sleep issues... its maddening. I just go into chat and enjoy myself and then go back to sleep. Sid


            AF Daily ~ Thursday, Jan 26

            Afternoon all. I've been sleeping like a baby recently - difficult to get up in the morning when it's dark though.

            Kaslo;1251122 wrote:
            MAYBE LESS OF IT?
            I have the same problem in turning work down. The first year I went freelance after being employed I worked every single day available, didn't take any time off at all because I wanted to establish myself and didn't want to refuse the work in case someone else got my regular slots. (It also coincided with me giving up drinking so it worked well for me to be occupied on Friday nights and Saturdays especially). Now, I try to plan regular days off/holidays a few months ahead so I don't get snowed under but I still have trouble saying "no" when I'm offered more work.

            Speaking of work... better get to it. Back later.
            AF since December 22nd 2008
            Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


              AF Daily ~ Thursday, Jan 26

              Good AF afternoon to everybody!
              Thanks for starting this, Sunni. I could always start it, as I am usually up around 6:00, but being rather new, I feel a little funny about it.
              Anyway, I usually take calcium and Sleepy Time or Nighty Night herbal tea before bed, and sleep okay--one of the dogs jumps down from the bed about every hour or so and starts making squeaking type noises until I throw back the covers and let him get under them. I know--it's crazy. But it sure beats the "drunken" interrupted sleep I used to get.
              Nice day here, but storm of some sort coming tomorrow. Nice thing about not working-not having to worry about driving. ! I really would like to have a job. Am going to help a friend at her floral shop for Valentine's Day--usually do that anyway--unless by some miracle I find a job by then!
              Went to AA early to make coffee/set up and hopefully going to gym later on. What an exciting life!!!:H:H
              Hope everybody sleeps tonight, and hope your computer gets fixed soon, Sid!

              "One day at a time."


                AF Daily ~ Thursday, Jan 26

                Hey Ho! Mid-day check in

                Marshy and Kas... I think it's the curse of the self-employed, this taking on work whenever you can bit. I'm the same. Mind you, I basically have to make my money during the winter months, as summer is dead as a door nail for me. I'm not complaining 'cause I like my free time to roam in the dirt and play with the horses when the weather is nice.

                In other news, I've administered the second injection to that poor creature out in pasture. SO relieved.. he seriously doesn't even blink. Certainly beats the 'old timer stabbing' my neighbour did. I'm very pleased with meself

                Oh.. and we're into bottled water here... something ain't right with our well. Not good. Shocked it last night and it will take some time to run its course. Until then, we get to add to the general garbage pile of plastic bottles (so not my cup of tea).

                Sid.. hope your puter gets sorted quickly. I have to admit, I actually LIKE formatting; gives you a chance to get rid off a whole bunch of junk. I also have an image on an external drive which speeds up the reloading very nicely. Anywhoo.. good luck with yours!

                TDN.. knock yourself out! Start the thread! Shake the rest of us up and outta bed :H

                K.. back to work. Happy whatever the day is today!
                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                Winning since October 24th, 2013


                  AF Daily ~ Thursday, Jan 26

                  Ahem. I hereby proclaim, as self appointed spokesalkie for the Daily AF Kingdome of My Waye Outte, and all its loyal subjects, do appointe, forsooth and whereas, that said Three Dogge Nyghte, of the timid realm of AFdom, may from this daye forward be First in Line of Succession as Official Starter of Threads, as she so chooses, fail safe and indemnify from this daye forwarde.

                  (bugles sound, stage left)

                  PS half hour drive up mountain road, cross country skiid arse off for 1.5 hours 4.5 kms, half hour drive down. Feeling chuffed about it too.


                  Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                  Status: Happy:h


                    AF Daily ~ Thursday, Jan 26

                    You could start the thread for us every moring then put a huge pot of coffee on & set out the donuts, etc. Maybe that would get the rest of us up & moving :H :H

                    Sunni, I have well water here as well for the first time in my life. So far so good though......
                    You are welcome to come clean up my computers - have 3 of them here

                    Kaslo, I never understood why patients were called patients. The name almost never fit the client :H
                    Be careful on those skis lady

                    sid, hope you end up with an almost new computer!
                    My ability to sleep left me at age 42 (even though I was only 29). It hasn't improved a whole lot but at least it's not getting any worse.

                    Marshy & Sunni, I work when I get work but there are times when my biz just dies. I try to use that time to do fun and/or useful stuff around here

                    OK, must get ready for an evening of grandson sitting.
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      AF Daily ~ Thursday, Jan 26

                      Lavande;1251247 wrote: TDN,
                      You could start the thread for us every moring then put a huge pot of coffee on & set out the donuts, etc. Maybe that would get the rest of us up & moving :H :H
                      Or, you could be a dear and put em on a tray and deliver them to bed side *ducking* :H

                      Oh Lav.. have fun with the little one(s)? tonight! I gave mine back.. really kinda miss the rug rat!

                      LVT.. I had a thought (yes, and it hurt a little).. is there perhaps a chance of you buying part of your friend's company out? Since you know what needs to be done, etc? Become a partner, rather than a contractor?
                      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                      Winning since October 24th, 2013


                        AF Daily ~ Thursday, Jan 26

                        Hello Fabber Abbers,

                        Just caught up on some threads over the past 2 weeks. So good to hear how everyone is doing although sorry to hear that Bear is off track again.

                        Life is extremelly busy these days but good. Have not had much time to catch my breath. I am teaching a 90 minute community class mid February for my final yoga teacher training requirement. I have to turn in a DVD along with a critique. Written and practical exam next weekend. Working at the studio part time and also doing an apprenticeship. My work during the day has really picked up since the beginning of the year. Good thing.

                        Sending lots of love to all of you.

                        AF Since April 20, 2008
                        4 Years!!!


                          AF Daily ~ Thursday, Jan 26

                          Kas, I appreciate your kind permission to be "wakey wakey" lady for the group! What an honor. I hope I can fulfill all the duties associated with the position! Coffee and donuts for all, unless I get up really early and make muffins.
                          Okay, will get ready for bed after my tea and biscotti!
                          Nighty night all!

                          "One day at a time."


                            AF Daily ~ Thursday, Jan 26

                            Hey Fabbers!!

                            Absolutely TDN-start the thread should you have the urge! It has nothing to do with how long you've been contributing. It mostly has to do with whose up and coherent first!! :H

                            I have to say I am OK with 6 hours of sleep now adays even if it is interupted by DD or Mick barking at one thing or another. After years and years of waking up at 3am due to AL rebound I'll take the sleep I'm getting. Especially after going 6 months last year with basically no sleep at all. Most nites I can get by with just my RLS med but everyonce in a while I need the assistance of benedryl or Ambien.

                            M3-very good to hear from you and to hear things are going so well. Its been a long haul with your teacher c ertification but it's almost over and will be so worth it!!

                            Sid-so sorry your pc has to be rebuilt but it sure beats the heck out of buying a new one! How cool your hubby knows how to do that!

                            Kas-glad you're taking some time for R&R. And yes, sounds like its time to cut back a little.

                            TDN-I'm very anxious about the commute tomorrow morning. I'm just hoping I'll be in the rain zone for once as I start out. I'm pretty sure the end of my commute will be just fine. It's always getting out of the hills of Central MA that is tricky.

                            LVT-I sure hope you and your friend can work something out that will benefit both of you.

                            Sunni and Lav-your posts about your grandpeanuts just shine with love and enthusiasm. I'm so glad you both are free from the chains of AL so that you can enjoy them to the fullest extent!! :goodjob:

                            Very busy day at work today-stayed 30 min late but did some good work with some difficult students. Also spend more time in my bosses office listeing to his prattle then I did working in mine!! God he likes to hear himself talk! My poor coworker is having a really rough time letting the incompetence of another of our coworkers go. The other coworker was forced upon us 4 years ago when the new Pres came in and didn't want her as his exec ass't. She does absolutely nothing of substance everyday and the few things she's been asked to do she screws up. She's very connected in high places which is why she's still here so there is nothing we can do about it. I've learned to just ignore her and let her incompetence go over my head a while ago but my poor friend just can't let it go. It really pains me to see her so upset over this. My boss can't do a thing about it either and believe me he knows. I just wish I could help her let it go. The kicker is this person make way more then either of us and her position is lower so it adds insult to injury. Anyway, that's the big issue this week so I guess I should consider myself lucky.

                            Hoping to get some decent sleep tonite so must get ready. See you all tomorrow!!
                            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                            KO the Beast!!


                              AF Daily ~ Thursday, Jan 26

                              weeeeeeee thud.

                              I guess better busy than buzzed.

                              Pap I feel your pain (in my best Clinton accent)

                              Sidney, missing you on chat!

                              Mom3, good to see your busy self here in ABworld

                              be well everyone
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)

