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AF Daily~Friday, January 27

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    AF Daily~Friday, January 27

    Good morning, all ABBERS!
    OK, as promised, coffee is ready! No donuts as it is not so nice out there for a drive to the local donut shop! Oh, and I can't drive anyway, and Mr TDN is still sleeping. One of the doggies got me up at 5:45. Pap3, I'm sure you can relate to the doggy crazies.
    We got just a couple of inches of snow, and it felt like rain when I let the poochies out, but guess it is a mix. Schools delayed two hours. Pap3, hope your commute isn't dangerous. Thinking maybe you are somewhere in the Worcester area? We lived in Westford until we moved here in 1993.
    Have been to the gym three days, and did the treadmill for 40 minutes and bike for 15 yesterday. Will start adding some weights. Feels so good to exercise, and I get to watch tv, so time goes by quickly. Yesterday watched Ellen since we went a little earlier. Mr TDN has quite the time with his cronies. He had warned me that the average age of the members is "deceased." I am probably one of the youngest, LOL!!!
    Miss Bear, and hope she is doing okay.
    Sid, hope the computer is fixed soon. look forward to chatting when it is done.
    Well, have a great AF day all! Will check in later.

    "One day at a time."

    AF Daily~Friday, January 27

    TDN-look at you!! See, that wasn't so hard and you did great!!

    Yes, Worcester for me. My dream is to get the hell out of this horrid city but doesn't look like it will happen soon. Westford is nice but I bet its nicer where you are! And yes, I can relate to the early morning whines to go out. LM will somtimes have to go at 3 or 4am and there is no getting back to sleep until I let him do his business. Of course I have to stand out there with him because of the remote possibility of him being picked off by a hawk or owl. He's just borderline on size and all white so he looks like a large rabbit to them. Thankfully as long long as I let him stay out long enough before bed and/or his tummy is OK these forays don't happen very often. Whew!

    Every bad thing that happens to us has a silver lining and I think you have found yours!! Don't gloat too much about your soon to happen weight loss (even if it's not needed) OK?? :H

    Doesn't look too icy out there so I guess I'll have to move my rear and get ready for work.
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


      AF Daily~Friday, January 27

      ThreeDogNight;1251474 wrote: it is not so nice out there for a drive to the local donut shop! Oh, and I can't drive anyway,
      :H:H Sorry, that just struck me funny.

      Well, TDN now that the ice is broken on the thread starting issue go forth and start our days!

      Get yer nose out of the books a moment and take note! I had to run to the store for milk for coffee (is that contagious?) and as I walked by the magazine rack, I saw a People headline that caught my eye.....


      That is all.
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        AF Daily~Friday, January 27

        Good morning Abbers!

        Good job TDN & don't worry about the donuts.....dom't need them anyway :H

        I often find myself the youngest at Curves but it's good to see some of these women capable & willing to get themselves out there for a bit of exercise

        papmom, be careful out there ~ just rain & rather balmy here!

        Greenie, Looks like DG is going to miss her opportunity with Johnny :H :H
        Won't she be sorry :H

        OK, speaking of Curves, off I go!
        Wishing everyone a great AF Friday!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          AF Daily~Friday, January 27

          Morning Abberoonies!

          Well done, TDN.. but... NO DOUGHNUTS? :upset:
          Sorry ladies, for the doggie wake ups... mine only gets me up when there's a thunder storm. Never bothered him when he was younger but it scares him silly now.

          Pap... I never thought of a pooch being prey to an owl or whatnot. Eeeeks!

          Lav... happy curving!

          Greenie... I read that, too!!! Standing in line at Walmart last week. However, it seems that Vanessa WhatsHerName denied the break up. Sigh. Well, good for them, I say. It's actually very good to see a few celebs guard their private life and stick it out in a relationship.

          I have the WHOLE WEEKEND to myself! Whoohooo! I have no idea why that is so exciting... since I will be working, work on stuff in the shop, and clean house. :H But I can do it in any attire (or lack thereof) I want, with tunes blasting, etc.

          Well, off I go then... have a fabulous Friday, dearies! One thing is for sure!
          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

          Winning since October 24th, 2013


            AF Daily~Friday, January 27

            nekkid housecleaning. Now watch G show up.
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              AF Daily~Friday, January 27

              Hi P3, lav & sunnybutt and all to come!

              Waiting for the cable guy. Too bad that has become a cliche.

              P3 What is the commute for? I have to say I'd have a real hard time owning a pet that needed to wake me up in the middle of the night. Feeling grateful mine over that.

              Went to a birthday dinner last night for a very close friend. Her kids put up a lifeline slide show that was really touching. We drifted apart for a while; well, one was a little snit that happened. and now I'm sorry I let that distance go on. But anyway, I'm happy we've reunited ~ I showed up in her life again after I pulled out of the dismal abyss of alcohol. This is the person I go to the river with. There are certain people in my life now that are showing me what it's like to feel really connected and loved. I had forgotten what that's like.

              Yeah, just a Johnny rumor. I thought People was above that. Anything for a sale, eh? Think I'll leave that for DG though.

              Artsy opening reception tonight and maybe I'll go check it out and mingle a bit.

              Cable guy better hurry up. I have a 10:00 haircut.

              One thing's for sure!
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                AF Daily~Friday, January 27

                Hello abbers!

                sunshine_gg;1251528 wrote: Vanessa WhatsHerName
                Don't tell me you don't remember Joe Le Taxi! Classic. :H

                Greenie - you're waiting nekkid for the cable guy? I'm too innocent to hear that.

                TDN - great that you're going to the gym regularly. Exercise was a huge help in getting me get sober. I went to the gym most days for a long while. I've slackened off over the last year and need to start up a routine again.

                Lav, Pap, and all to come, have a good Friday.
                AF since December 22nd 2008
                Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                  AF Daily~Friday, January 27

                  Whoo hoo computer is almost fixed. I have to work only 1/2 day to today which is very nice as it is finally snowing here. Having a luncheon with my girlfriends on Saturday but happy to report I am not worried about being the only one not drinking wine. I am getting use to that it seems. As long as they give me coffee.

                  Cable guy never comes...or comes when you are just ready to go out. And mine are always on the robust side. Hope you all have a great AF weekend. Hope to see Det, Sunshine and Turn in chat. And anyone else that wants to have a good laugh! That means you Three Dog Night. Sid


                    AF Daily~Friday, January 27

                    Good morning Fabnooodies. Whats with all the nekkidness on here this morning? Its January. You'll all freeze your N__ off. Oh wait.

                    Congrats TDN for a big start this morning.

                    I am after taking the big boat (4 runner) to the garage for a checkup prior to leaving for points elsewhere. Not sure where I will end up. Im taking my skiis AND my bathing suit, if that is any indication. (NOT skiing in my bathing suit, no worries). And a big whack o cash. Im trying to decide if I should take my inflatable kayak, or my sewing machine. There is a course I can take in Abbotsford. Its still winter on the coast, but I was thinking I could paddle around on the Gulf Islands a bit....

                    Exercise is truly the way to health and happyness AF, that is all. I love Dets signature line, from now on walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover.....(Homer Simpson). Wise words from a tv character, who knew?

                    Everyone have a great AF what ever it is till I check in again.

                    Kaslo of the F N.

                    Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                    Status: Happy:h


                      AF Daily~Friday, January 27

                      Marshy;1251537 wrote: Greenie - you're waiting nekkid for the cable guy? I'm too innocent to hear that.
                      Sure you are, knickerripper. :H:H Actually I got the impression sunnybutt was going to do some nekkid housecleaning. I reckon that's easier - don't get your clothes dirty.

                      Kaz, do tell when you decide! And hey, I'll trade uninvited guest visits with you. You didn't mention wanting to vist a southeastern humidity hole, but I could offer day trips Charleston on the coast or something interesting in the Smokey Mountain foothills. And there is the river 10 minutes away....
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        AF Daily~Friday, January 27

                        Well, Marshy, you jogged my memory with Joe le Taxi!! The lyrics just wouldn't come to me, so I did a google search and it brought up the lyrics AND a video of a very young Vanessa Paradis singing it! When I taught French, I used a monthly recorded magazine called Champs Elysees, which had all the news from France as well as at least one song. Kids loved the songs, and it was a great teaching tool. When I first started using them, they were cassettes; only later did we get CDs. I actually found a few several years ago, but have no idea where they are now. I'll have to google that, too! do you remember the singing child named Jordy who sang 'Dur dur d'etre bebe?" (Can't figure out accents.) Anyway, thanks for bringing back good old Joe!
                        Glad the computer is almost fixed, Sid! I'd be lost without my laptop--especially now.
                        Back from AA and probably not going to gym today. Hubby has to finish clearing the rest of the slush from the driveway.
                        Going to apply on line for a job at our local hospital--for pharmacy technician, which is quite different from pharmacy assistant, i guess. The job description lists high school diploma as a requirement, and the duties don't look very difficult. But it does say something about being able to handle stress!! Wow, a job with stress????!!!! It's per diem, which means they can give you any hours and there are no benefits, but it's worth a look.
                        Kas, have fun wherever you are headed with your bathing suit and skis. let us know how it turns out!
                        sorry if some letters are not capitalized--that's what happens when you eat a biscotti in bed and get crums stuck in the keys!

                        "One day at a time."


                          AF Daily~Friday, January 27

                          greeneyes;1251599 wrote: Actually I got the impression sunnybutt was going to do some nekkid housecleaning. I reckon that's easier - don't get your clothes dirty.
                          Well, yes, that was my thought. So far, though, I have opted for clothing - on the off chance that more deliveries show up here today! But... the day is young yet! :H

                          Btw... whazza cable guy? (I live in da woods, ya know?!) We don't have those here.
                          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                          Winning since October 24th, 2013


                            AF Daily~Friday, January 27

                            Ggggreenie you gggot it. i dont get to the south very often but I LOVE it. I would also be honored to have a visit, I do have a pool, and a guest room. I am in the bush in May and June though.

                            Im at the moment about 400 km northwest of where I posted last.

                            Taking youngest daughter and her boyfriend out for dinner and grocery shopping afterword. They are in 4th year Biology about to graduate.

                            Will check into chat later. I am SO glad to be away from home and office for a while here. Oregon coast is too cold this time of year? Any experts on that part of the US here?


                            Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                            Status: Happy:h


                              AF Daily~Friday, January 27

                              Never been to Oregon myself Kaslo. Maybe some day I'll get out that way.
                              Hope you enjoyed your dinner with daughter & BF

                              Sunni - the cable guy is the guy who services the cable (wire) from the street to your house so that you can have TV, internet & telephone They almost never arrive when they are supposed to, always keep you waiting & wasting your time

                              Got pulled into emergency babysitting today. My son had to run all over to find parts for his broken, aging heating system then install them. I have no life of my own anymore. Really haven't had a life for a very long time. I've been thinking a lot about this stuff this week & this thinking led me down the wrong path years ago. I'm smarter now & will not repeat past mistakes - just putting it out there I guess.

                              What I really want is for winter to just end, get spring started! I'm ready for a fresh perspective

                              Have a good night one & all!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

