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AF Daily~Friday, January 27

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    AF Daily~Friday, January 27

    Hallo Abbers!

    Kas-our nomadic super woman-hope you're having a blast whereever you are!

    Sunni-did you get all that work done? Did you end up sans or with clothes?

    Greenie-I live 50-60 min from my job. hence the "commute" every day. Bah.

    TDN-good luck with the Pharm Tech job. I always thought that would be a cool job to have. Hope it works out!!

    Sid-yea for the computer almost being operational again!!

    Marshy-Joe Le Taxi? Never heard of him!

    Lav-we had sleety/rain early this morning but by the time I left it has all turned to rain. TG. Now the sky is trying to clear and the wind has kicked up.

    Horrible horrible day at work today. I was beaten up verbally by a new student for a couple of small, not life changings mistakes of omission I made on her record. She is one of those people who just can't stop spitting venom even when they get an apology and offer to try to fix the problem. For once in my life I was almost speechless (but not quite). She ended up hanging up on me as I was trying to explain how I could fix one error. For some reason it really bothered me and I almost lost it. I did tell my boss what happened and he was really really wonderful about it. I'm telling you, I want his drugs!! Unfortunately it set the tone for the rest of the day and I couldn't get out of my funk. On the way home I seriously thought of stopping for a bottle of wine-I just wanted the pain to go away. But, I didn't-I went to Target and Barnes and Noble instead and I treated myself to a Nook. I've been thinking about it for a long time but didn't really budget for it. I have some extra money in my account so I used that. Probably won't be able to send Mickey to day care next month so i'm feeling kind of guilty about that. Sigh.

    Looking forward to 2 full days off. Lots to do, none that have to be done so it's all good.
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


      AF Daily~Friday, January 27

      Lavande;1251882 wrote: I have no life of my own anymore. Really haven't had a life for a very long time. I've been thinking a lot about this stuff this week & this thinking led me down the wrong path years ago. I'm smarter now & will not repeat past mistakes - just putting it out there I guess.

      What I really want is for winter to just end, get spring started! I'm ready for a fresh perspective
      hummm... this smells suspiciously like my recent "Is this all there is?" What was it like when you had a life of your own? Is it something you can create again?

      P3 and hour! Yikes! Don't take another's attitude on board. It probably really wasn't about you. You were prolly just a convenient target.
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        AF Daily~Friday, January 27

        Pap.. what the green one said :l

        Lav.. I'm with you on the Spring bit. I bought myself a lil purple mum to sit on the dining table. Baby steps

        Clothes stayed on and now it's bed time. Night night!
        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

        Winning since October 24th, 2013

