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Tuesday January 9th

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    Tuesday January 9th

    Hello everyone. Sorry I have been away, but I was busy with work and the holidays. I've been doing pretty well. I've been able to string together four or five days of abs and then drink on the weekends. Overall, I'm still drinking a bit too much on the weekends, but I have to say I am very happy that the weeknight binges have subsided over the last few months. I have this site, my therapist and meds to thank for that. Anyway, hope all is well with you guys and girls. I plan on visiting a bit more often.


      Tuesday January 9th

      Well I am back to day one again. after 30 -ish days without.

      Struggle, stuggle struggle.
      Acc 4 me - well you have sparked my posting really after so long being a ' twitcher' ( that is a 'bird watcher ' )

      I have just had my bestest friend on the phone tonight, and it has been an emotional rollercoaster.

      She knows about my drinking, yet she has compared it to the addiction she has with her x partner, of 11 years. There is a little girl involved whom is 12 and he isn't biological father, yet he pays for her to go to private school ( and always has done) since she was a toddler.

      But my dearest friend cannot move on because he is always there, in the wings.

      Now she compared this to alcohol, always there to make you feel good, but in the same breath, it will knock you back down.

      The jury is out just now, I need to think think think. God Alive, isn't this so arduous.

      Can I ask Mrs Macks. who won the competion?

      Speak again to you all soon,



        Tuesday January 9th

        Evening All,
        There is so much good feeling here in abs. I'm reading and re-reading the posts trying to absorb the positive energy.

        Em, I have often found my relationship with alcohol quite similar to that of a bad relationship with a partner/spouse. You know the best thing to do is just end it but you spend far too much time hoping and trying to fix it. I think the hardest part is making the definitive decision to end the relationship and live your life without them.

        Lisa, I'm praying for your kitty. Let us know. Sick animals always have me in tears.
        Sleep well all.



          Tuesday January 9th

          Janet- thank you so much. Vet doesn't know what the problem is and he still isn't eating or drinking. I think my other kitty - Allie- may be sick too-not eating and hiding under the bed. My third - zooey (avatar) seems to be ok. I'm so anxious I actully craved a cigarette today - quit now for a year. Weird that I didn't crave alcohol. I may be up all night.
          thank you :l -


            Tuesday January 9th

            Hi lisa,
            I am feeling for you. We took in a lovely stray in November and he has been sick ever since. Pneumonia etc. I have had him on antibiotica all of September and he is still on it. So far we have spent a mortgage payment on him.
            Do you have an eye dropper. Perhaps you could feed them water with the dropper. Do they feel hot to the touch? If my kitties are sick, I buy baby food (chicken). They usually will eat that. It's worth a try.
            Am thinking about you.
            *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


              Tuesday January 9th

              Hey all!

              Yes, Lisa, re: sick kitties, you can feed them baby food, mine like ham or beef when sick. You can mix some water or pedialyte in with it to help keep them hydrated, too. If they don't eat it themselves, get strict and give it to them with a dropper!!!

              If they seem hot, you can also moisten cotton balls with rubbing alcohol and rub the the pads on the bottom of their feet. It tastes so nasty they won't lick it off usually and helps bring their temperature down.

              I guess you can tell that I've been down this road before! I am saying a prayer for your little guys right now.

              Other than sick kitties, every one seems good today, and that's uplifting. I'm happy with myself for accomplishing some good stuff. My sister and I also had a very good talk about my resentments and my drinking. It went a lot better than I expected, nary a voice was even raised! I am hopeful that things will be better in the future with her.

              At any rate, I'm pooped!

              Good night, and hugs~

              AF as of August 5th, 2012


                Tuesday January 9th

                Lori and Kathy - thanks for the advice. oh, Lori, sorry to hear about your kitten being sick too.
                I will get an eyedropper tomorrow and some baby food- I don't think he has a fever. Just won't eat or drink or do anything but sleep.
                I'm very happy and relieved to say that Allie seems to be ok - she came downstairs and sat in my lap and now just ate something. Tucker unfortunately is still under the bed. I keep going up and checking on him every 10-15 minutes! Probably just annoying him.
                Thank you again for the prayers and good thoughts and advice-sure helps.


                  Tuesday January 9th

                  Kathy...happy that went well with your sister. I'm sure that is a bit of a relief for you.
                  Good for you for addressing it!

