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    count me in

    As the reason I found this site is b/c I called in "sick" (hungover), I think perhaps it's the thing to do. Pretty much nightly drinking for several years, and most of the nights I drink waaay too much. It's time! Drinking has affected my work performance (although being a high-functioning drunk, only my closest colleagues and friends know), has affected my heath, relationships, etc.
    Wondering about the book, tape, meds, etc.

    Here we go, my new friends. We're in this together!

    count me in

    Hey Sami,
    Welcome!! You've come to the right place. You'll find great support. If you go to the Members' List above and find "Mike Up North" and read some of his posts, I think you'll find great eloquent conviction to help with the early days. But, I'm not singling MikeUpNorth out intentionally... there are so many wise, caring and helpful souls here. I'll catch up again with you later... it's now way past my bedtime and here I was thinking that I'd be getting to bed early tonight.

    again, welcome!

    PS: I'm officially 9 days Alcohol Free... went 25 before the holidays... and I lurked this site for almost a year before making the decision to join in and post. Things have only gotten better since.


      count me in

      hi sami glad you decided to join us it really is a great place to start to be honest have not read the book,got the tapes been hounding my doc for meds (i get them free on the nhs)but cannot get them for love nor money so have been trying it alone with varying success you really have to want to do it and to find a another focus who ever comes at my back will be able to give you better advice than me but good luck and welcome

      love maryt


        count me in

        I am still in no way in shape to give advice yet but i can tell you that Olly is right, when I read MikeUpNorths previous posts it gave me such great hope, and he really makes a lot of sense, but reading everyones posts helps. I am going to my doctor on the 15th to ask for topa, i was against geting it b/c i didn't want to admit to her i have a problem, but i am taking the supps and they help a little but they are not enough for me yet to change my habit, but I am hoping with the topa, supps and there great people in here it will all work out. I am scheduled to be AF beginning friday. Good luck to you!
        It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
        James Gordon, M.D.


          count me in


          I remember those days of calling in sick because I was 'truly' sick but it was self-inflicted. Like the others have mentioned, read through the posts and post with all of your heart's content. It is a tough road, but one well worth taking. Be kind to yourself and give yourself a big pat on the back for wanting to get well!


            count me in

            Hello, you sound just like I did about two and a half weeks ago. You will do well here cause you have found the right place to change your life.

            Keep Possting

            The other Sammys


              count me in

              Thanks for the welcome! Your words are encouraging! Think I will order some of the stuff...just have to wait until next payday. Daughter's first tuition payment kinda deleted the bank account! LOL!
              But the stories are inspiring, and I intend to keep reading and internalizing the inspirations. Isn't it funny how similar so many of our stories are? We are so ashamed of this one area of our life that we have lost control of, and that is influencing other areas of life? And we think we're the only one? Filled w/ hope one minute and despair the next. Then the false sense of well-being that the alcohol brings, then the cycle continues.
              I'm so grateful that I have others who can empathize and are willing to share the journey. I hope that I can be of some assistance on your journey too!


                count me in

                Hi sami.
                There is a wealth of support and advice here. I've been coming for about 2 months and already my life has changed, much for the better.
                Stay with us and enjoy the journey.


                  count me in

                  The best thing I have found though is to keep in touch daily. It's easy to stop posting at least for me, and go back to old habits. Good Luck!


                    count me in

                    Hooray Sami and welcome!
                    People are right - MikeUpNorth is brilliant and offers much insight. Give his posts a read. We have many insightful and brilliant members, in fact, it's unbelievable the level of intellect, compassion and insight on this site.
                    Welcome - I'm sure you'll fit in just fine!
                    Over 4 months AF :h


                      count me in

                      any suggestions for which posts of mike's to start with?


                        count me in

                        Hey Sami,

                        They're all good... I'd suggest the ones from December as I read all of those (I think) and there were some great words of wisdom about making the decision to choose sobriety...



                          count me in

                          Good morning Sami,
                          welcome again and good luck on your journey to sobriety. Just trust your instinct, if coming here and reading and posting feels better than a hangover, then it is better.
                          *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein

