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phsycology assessment

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    phsycology assessment

    went for an assessment today which i thought would result in me being given some sort of med most likely campral as my councellor for C.A.T had led me to believe but alas no yet again the good phsycologist has come up with the conclussion that i am depressed,lonely, have no self belief and am very hard on myself i could have told him all this in less than ten mins instead of the two hours that i was there for so i have to go back to gp for anti depressants and i think to see a phsycologist once a week ,don,t know if it will do any good or not but will give it a try let you all know how i get on in due course and no laughing at my terrible spelling can,t find my spell checker (real thicko that i am)

    love maryt

    phsycology assessment

    Hi maryt,

    During the assessment (initial appointment) many psychologists say pretty much the same thing. Don't feel disappointed or that it won't help at this point. I found seeing one for a while helped uncover the layers into why I was feeling depressed, lonely, low self-esteem etc...

    If it weren't for their HORRENDOUS fees, I probably would of followed through with many more sessions with her.

    Don't give up hope quite yet. If you can afford it or if it is covered by insurance then take advantage of it! They help us to "Compartmentalize" our thoughts so we can see through the crap holding us back and live a relatively normal life. All the best to you. :l


      phsycology assessment

      Hey Maryt,

      I know how frustrating that can be. Sorry things didn't work out as you had planned. Who knows maybe this will work out in ways you hadn't thought of. I will be holding on to good wishes for your first visit.



        phsycology assessment

        Hi Maryt, lovely to see you posting again, know what you mean though, you go along to these things with such high hopes, then wham, almost as if some beggar has stuck a pin in your balloon, you feel so deflated....anyway you are sounding good so just approach it all with an open mind and take what you can from it....Good Luck.

        Love from Louise xxx
        A F F L..
        Alcohol Free For Life


          phsycology assessment

          Gotta give my "two cent" to this post. Don't give up on the may be very helpful in the long run BUT....many psychologists DON'T know much about addiction specifically. The logistics to getting help in this department are probably more likely to come from an addictions specialist. Also, psychologists CANNOT prescribe meds, and many don't even know what Campral or Topamax are. They are familiar with the psychotopics. The anti-psychotics, anti-depressants, anti-anxiety meds...etc. However, many of the psychological issues that may have caused us to choose to cave into our genetic pre-disposition to be alcoholic, and many of the emotional issues caused by our drinking can often be worked out in a good psychologists office.

          Just had to share my thoughts....From, your local friendly alcoholic psychologist and MYO member

          formerly known as bak310


            phsycology assessment

            thanks you guys i was a bit gutted about not getting some sort of med but soon realized i have to give everything a try if it goes not work i will just say so i also had it in my head that if i was not 100% about this then it would definately fail which i certainly do not want

            love maryt

