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AF Daily~Saturday, January 28

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    AF Daily~Saturday, January 28

    Good morning, Abbers!
    Coffee is ready! I've been up for an hour, but trying to keep the woodstove going after it was nearly out. Mr TDN is now taking over. Next is dog feeding.
    Pap3, I am so sorry for your bad day at work. That student (bitch) should be slapped! At least the boss was supportive. I am glad that I don't have to deal with students any longer. Good for you for buying the Nook and not the wine! Now you can enjoy a nice AF weekend of reading and enjoying the pups. I didn't realize that you had that long a commute to work! In winter there must be days when it is a nightmare.
    Hope you enjoyed your time with the daughter and BF, Kas. Sounds like a fun adventure.
    Is That All There Is? I can relate to that! My world now is so small. I try not to think of how long it may be like this, but will find out when I go to court in a couple of weeks. In a way, I'm glad it's winter, when I don't want to be outside much anyway. I used to walk in the a.m. with a neighbor who is in FL until April, and we'd often see the police officer who arrested me. I don't want to walk and have all the neighbors see me and maybe see the police officer, too. At least at the gym I don't know most of the people, so can just concentrate on exercising. And I don't worry at AA meetings. And that's about the extent of my life right now. I look forward to coming here a lot.
    Well enough out of me. I hope everyone has a great AF day!

    "One day at a time."

    AF Daily~Saturday, January 28

    Hello abbers,

    Last day at work this week. About six hours to go... So me & GF are off to Chinatown tomorrow to see the new year celebrations. GF got the date wrong last week :H

    TDN - there's nothing wrong with easing back on "life" while you get some solid sober time under your belt. I hibernated in the early days of sobriety - didn't go out socialising for a few months until I felt "safe" to do so. It did feel a bit weird at the time but it gave me a good foundation. Did you hear anything about the other job you applied for where you told the woman about your DUI?

    Pap, hope you're feeling better about the work thing, having slept on it. Talk of commuting makes me wonder... what is/was everyone's journey time to work? Mine's about an hour even though it's only five miles. Yes, the traffic is that bad. (Actually, there's a bit of walking to/from bus so actual time on the bus/train isn't too bad).

    Greenie - Daffodils already! How nice. I've got some tulip bulbs in pots that we bought in Amsterdam last year that are poking up but we're due for a cold spell apparently so I hope they're ok.

    Lav - I'm with you on looking forward to spring - bring it on! I was very down last week (moving into a different stage of grief over my mum, I think, after talking to people about it) but perkier now. A bit more daylight would help!

    Kas - have fun wherever you are!

    Have a good day everyone.
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


      AF Daily~Saturday, January 28

      Good morning Abbers!

      Wow, two threads - is that a sign of good luck or something :H

      TDN, thanks for waking us up again
      Much warmer down in these parts, thank goodness! I have not bothered with the woodstove all winter (really don't like the thing). I do use the fireplace in the living room though.

      Marshy, an hour commute for 5 miles - that's really bad
      I'm enjoying the bits of sun breaking through the clouds this morning! C'mon SPRING!!

      Good morning to Greenie too. Enjoy those daffs. I noticed mine several days ago although it is way too early for them in these parts.

      OK, going to go do something useful (right after I refill my coffee cup).
      Have a fab AF Saturday!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF Daily~Saturday, January 28

        Good morning, I seem to have wifi here. Ima get me one of these coffee makers, I keep telling myself.

        All the discussion about worlds getting smaller and the Is that all there is conundrum got me thinking. There is definetely something about the addictive personality that makes us seek out something MORE than what we have on average every day, what ever that is. I had a friend whos mom used to say that men were like that if they hadnt been breastfed for long enough. Im not suggesting shes right about that either. But I wonder why I find myself at 29 wondering how I got here of all places. I didnt have any dilusions of grandeur, but I thought I would have a ton of friends, and stuff to do and places to go. And I do have friends scattered here and there in western Canada and the states, but its just I seem to want something more than what I have, and I can see why people turn to faith. Is there a biological basis for disatisfaction? I dont know of any other animal that has this tendancy. Except maybe horses, come to think of it. And I guess certainly other large primates if your take thier freedom away. Apes for example, get bored and deeply angry resentful as hell, when locked up in an enclosure.

        Anyway a big shout out to Marshy...5 miles in an HOUR? Holy hanna. To answer your Q, some days it takes me 1 minute to get to my office, and then when I have a site to go to, it can take me several days to get there and I stay in various accomodations. I have an office to go to thats 45 minutes away by car but I never go there, one day a week is the discussion I am having with the people I work with sort of but not really.

        GreenMachine, OOOh oysters. LOVE them. I dont care about the beer, bring on the grey slimy things. I have a baked oyster dish I used to make at Christmas but Im the only one in the fam that likes it.

        TDN, I would be all up in the books and home projects, if I was in your position, but I cant imagine it actually. I have never been in trouble with the law, never drove drunk, (I punished myself in isolation),

        Lav, you sure get a LOT of grandkid time. I wish mine were closer but then I am not sure I could put the time in that you do. At least you are in your gks lives. I am on my way to see mine, they are so far away now.

        Everyone have a great AF day.


        Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
        Status: Happy:h

