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AF Daily~Sunday, January 29

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    AF Daily~Sunday, January 29

    Good morning, Abbers!
    Can you smell the coffee???
    Hope your adventure is continuing, Kas. I love reading about it.
    Pap3, hope that you are enjoying your weekend away from the madness of the job!
    Lav, hope you are getting some rest after all the babysitting. I'm sure your family appreciates all you do. How are the chickens???
    Sunni, hope the horse you've been doctoring is better now.
    Marshy, thanks for the encouragement about being "housebound." I am trying to take advantage of what I do have. It is nice not to have the stress of a job, and nice to spend time with the three poochies. The oldest will be 15 at the end of March, and I see how much he's slowed down. Every day with him is a gift.
    Shit--literally! Just saw poop droppings that I a have to clean up! Dirty Harry, for sure!!
    Have a great AF day, all.
    Do most of you go to chat at night?

    "One day at a time."

    AF Daily~Sunday, January 29

    Morning Abbers!! Thanks TDN for starting us off!

    Watching Oprah's Super Soul Sunday-the last one I can watch for a very long time as i go back to working Sundays next weekend. :upset: Todays episode is a repeat of Oprah's Life Class and is all about letting go of anger and forgiveness. Its been an eye opener for me. I want to post on the bulletin board they have but I can't take the chance it will be seen by someone from work so I will ask your toerance and patience while I try to work this out:

    Most of you know I applied for a job within my school that would have been a big promotion and given me financial freedom. A good friend of mine was on the 3 person search committee. I felt I was absolutely qualified for this position. It would have been a natural progression given my experience.
    I did get a phone interview but was not invited to be one of the 3 finalists. I have been so angry since then and it has been very hard for me to treat the person who did get the job with respect. I am constantly looking for mistakes she makes and inwardly gloat when she does. Ha! See-they picked the wrong person-I would NEVER have made those mistakes!
    Iyanda says that there are only 2 emotions-love and fear. Anger and hurt are manifestation of fear. Hear is what she asked us to do to move on:
    1. drop arms to the side, close your eyes
    2. Drop below the anger to the hurt in your belly
    3. I hurt because....... My experience and value were not respected
    My friend did not respect me enough to fight for
    candidacy even tho I trained her
    I was rejected
    4. What is my fear? I am afraid that this opportunity was my last
    chance to get out of my dead end job and to
    be able to make ends meet
    I am afraind I will never know financial freedom
    I am afraid that despite my experience and skills I
    will not be able to get a new job because of my
    I am afraid I will not be able to realize my dreams
    I am afraid I am stuck in this job until I retire if I
    can even afford to retire
    I am afraid that the lack of substantial salary
    increases and the increasing cost of commuting
    cost of living means that I will never catch up
    5. How do I let this go? Address my fears and change what i can and
    accept what can't be changed.
    Forgive my friend but understand
    that ?Forgiveness is giving up the hope that the
    past should have been different and moving on
    from here. It is not saying that what happened
    was OK, just that it was the past."

    thank you friends. I don't know if this will help or that I'll be able to move on but it certainly can't hurt and if it helps someone else on this thread then it will have been worth taking up the space and your time.

    Nothing specific planned for today-maybe some cleaning and organizing, reading and then dinner at my sis's to say goodby to my dad who leave for SC on Saturday and won't be back until March.
    :l :h
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


      AF Daily~Sunday, January 29

      Good morning Abbers!

      TDN - my chickens are about to have their house cleaned today
      Poop shoveling will take up most of my day. It gets dumped into the garden to be tilled in eventually. My summer veggies love it!! Glad to say my MIA spouse has offered to help today which is a good thing. I was rather crippled the last few times I did the job with no help.

      papmom, I am happy you have found a better way to deal with your feelings about past events. I left you a suggestion on the other thread for a book to put on your Nook
      Eckhart Tolle has helped me tremendously.

      OK, here I go.......chicken poop awaits :H
      Hope everyone has a wonderful AF Sunday!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF Daily~Sunday, January 29

        Happy Sunday to all in FABland!

        I don't even think I checked in here yesterday!?

        Been busy around the house/barn/shop/shoveling snow until my back semi-gently reminded me to take a break now and then

        TDN, lemme say you are doing a fabulous job of getting us started here.. thank you! Btw, I just love the name 'Dirty Harry' :H

        Today is Atlas' last injection... I did finally notice the swelling going down this week. Still not quite where it should be, I don't think but I may ask my vet to have a peek at it when she gets back from vacation.

        PapM... I'm sorry about your work situation. I can well imagine that I would have similar feelings toward the person who got the job. I can also relate to your worries and fears. :l My grandmother always said that when one door closes on you, another one opens... but you have to really look to see it. I hope you'll find your open door.

        I've got more of the same as yesterday planned here, still working on dutch doors for the barn (putting finish on now), some more finishing work in the tack room, some house cleaning, etc.

        Have a super sober Sunday, fellow Fabbies!
        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

        Winning since October 24th, 2013


          AF Daily~Sunday, January 29

          x-post Lav! :hallo:

          Yeah, I remember the great chicken coop clean out convention. About one of the stinkiest and least pleasant jobs you can pick. Good luck!!! Glad that YB is on hand to help out!
          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

          Winning since October 24th, 2013


            AF Daily~Sunday, January 29


            Fly by here.

            P3, I like Lav's rec of eckhart tolle. Here's another idea. Forgiveness with

            tally ho!
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              AF Daily~Sunday, January 29

              Wow, Pap3, I cannot tell you how I felt reading your post!!! I was coming here to relate what happened when I ran into a woman I know after church today. I knew I'd get some good advice, but had no idea that this was exactly where I needed to be to hear what I needed to hear!!
              I have a "friend" I've known since I moved here 19 years ago. She is American, but biingual in French and English, having spent many years in France after marrying a French doctor. (She was going through a divorce when I met her.) She used to help me in my classes. She is a huge complainer and pain in the butt, and cannot stop talking. Anyway, I was one of the few people who tolerated her. She moved to a different state last year to be closer to her daughter and family. That is another story I won't go into. Last summer we let her come and stay in a small cottage we have, and charged her a very nominal fee ($25 a night.) She stayed twice, for a week each time. Called me last week to say she'd be coming up this weekend, staying Thurs and Fri with one friend, and Sat and Sun with another friend. Would call me so that we could get together. I was dreading the call, and it didn't come. The woman at church today asked if she would see me later this afternoon. I had no idea what she was talking about. Apparently the friend she is with now is having a tea for her this afternoon, and this woman assumed I was invited. I told her I hadn't heard anything about it. She told me to come anyway--ha!ha!, don't think so! So I was angry, because I know that it's because of my DUI, but realize I was hurt more than anything else, even though I don't care to see any of these people, so should be relieved. I am going to go through the exercise from Iyanda--is this somebody on Oprah's show? And thanks, Greenie, I watched the short video clip on Rational Forgiveness, and am going back to check out the whole thing. I know how poisonous anger and resentments are and try to avoid them. And this is probably just the first of other "snubs" from people because I no longer fit the mold of the perfectly respectable woman I'd always been in their minds.
              I love the pastor of our church, and his sermons are incredible. Today was about forgiveness of oneself and moving on from the past. How perfect for me!
              Anyway, I respect you Pap3 for working on getting over your anger. It would take me a while to get over that one. I'm thinking that there is something better coming for you down the line! And thanks so much for sharing this with us.
              Sunni, glad Atlas is better. Think I told you that we had the largest horse in N America at the Castle where I worked last summer. He even has his own Facebook page!!!
              Okay, I am ignorant, but what does YB stand for? Wanted to ask before when I saw it several times in Lav's post, but felt really dumb!! Is this the MIA husband??? I never even knew what FWB was until a friend explained it!
              Just got a call from my temporary sponsor in FL. I'd sent her a CD of my husband's quartet and a Scottie dog sweater (She is Scottish and has two Scotties) and she called to thank me. Sweater is too tight, but is motivating her to exercise and lose weight!! She cheered me up a lot.
              Enough from me for a while!

              "One day at a time."


                AF Daily~Sunday, January 29

                Aww TDN-I'm so sorry you were snubbed. I wouldn't bet on it being because of the DUI. I'm betting no one really cares anyway and I bet in that small town of yours others have had a similar experience that may just have been kept quiet. Perhaps there was miscommunication somewhere.
                Yes this whole anger thing is something else. I don't think I've ever felt this angry or resentful for such a long time before I came to work where I am. Not to say I didn't get angry or have preceived injustices towards me, I just got over them very quickly (probably because after a bottle of wine I could remember them!!). Since starting this job 4 years ago, I have had more anger and resentment than I am used to. It's toxic I tell ya!!
                I'm glad my post was timely for you. I did go to the RF website and I read Jill's story and looked at the worksheets. Will probably download whatever free content I can get from there.
                Yes, Iyanla is one of Oprah's experts. Her story is pretty facinating in itself.
                YB stands for Yard Boy. I'll let Lav explain further . He's got other nickanmes too! :H
                Did you knit the scottie dog sweater?

                Sunni-glad to hear Atlas in on the mend. I think you are very very brave for doing what you are doing for him. Very selfless too. I am a little afraid of horses myself. Their size intimidates me to no end.
                Dishes done, one load of wash in and mortgage paid for Feb. Time to hit the shower and then head over to Sis's. Looking forward to palying with my 13 yo niece and her makeup kit I got her for xmas (finally!) and eating some great food. Bro and family can't make it due to colds. Disappointed but feel their pain!!
                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!


                  AF Daily~Sunday, January 29

                  Sorry TDN
                  YB does stand for Yard Boy which does stand for my MIA spouse.........
                  Married for almost 39 years & he suddenly doesn't know where he wants to live
                  He ran out a full year after I quit drinking. So, did he prefer me continually hungover? Kinda makes you wonder.....
                  Eckhart Tolle & Colin Tipping (Radical Forgiveness) both helped me work my way through this difficult period without resorting to drinking or smoking again or anthing else of that nature. I have Dill & Greenie to thank for those suggestions

                  Hi Sunni & Greenie!

                  Proud to announce the chicken poop job is done! The girls said Thanks!

                  have a nice time with your family papmom.
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    AF Daily~Sunday, January 29

                    TDN, I understand that you were angry and hurt and I'm sorry you were feeling that way. It is painful. One thing though... you DON'T know it was because of your DUI. I think you have a whole lot more going on in your head about that than other people do. Have you forgiven yourself for that? :l

                    Hey everybody! Sorry I haven't got enough time here to speak to everyone, but I do try to keep up!
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      AF Daily~Sunday, January 29

                      Boy - that forgiving yourself part is a toughie.....
                      Just when you think you've got it licked it seems to come want to bite you in the butt again
                      Never give up!!!!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

