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AF Daily~Monday, January 30

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    AF Daily~Monday, January 30

    Good morning, Abbers!
    Time to wake up and smell the coffee!
    Hope you all had a nice AF weekend, and are going to have a good AF week!
    Pap3, I hope you don't have any more run-ins with students like the one you had last week. And getting rid of that anger--or at least most of it--will hopefully make for a better week for you. I am going to practice the Rational Forgiveness thing today.
    Making coffee at AA noon meeting today, and am also going to a women's group at 4:00 p.m. Meeting a woman who usually goes to a Weds women's group, which both of us have issues with. No gym today, but will be back there tomorrow.

    See you all later!

    "One day at a time."

    AF Daily~Monday, January 30

    NORNING FABBIES, TDN and everyone to come by! Thanks for getting us rolling, TDN.

    Monday! New start to a new day of a new week! And a new month! (must reemember jackrabbit this time)

    Somewhere in this weeks agenda falls the purchase of a new leaf blower. I left mine in the back part of the tundra laying helplessly on it's side wheezing out it's last wisps of smoke from the motor. The lesson I learned is that when you have the plague of sweetgum tree toxic little sticker balls in your yard, don't use the blower as a mulcher. Poor thing never quite recovered. Now I hate the gumballs even more - they cost me so much not only in time but now in actual cash out of pocket. feckers.

    OK, moving on to happy note.... Everything else is good. When I came home from the oyster roast the other night I hopped into bed and I was simply overcome with grattitude for having a nice warm bed and a home to call my own. Even when I bitch about the house's small imperfections, I am ever so grateful.

    I think the time has come to do some onion peeling regarding my father and FH. They once again parallel each other in their phases of need. They have historically both been masters of manipulation and control but I always try to give them the bene of the doubt. (that phrase actually doesnt' make sense to me) When I see them express their sadness regarding their respective situations (lonliness is usually on the front page) to me I always see it as the result of my own shortcomings. Even though I know it's not mine to own, and that I cannot fill that void for them, my separation from their issues feels like a lack of compassion because I'm can't/won't be a stronger presence in their life. Wow, where did THAT come from?

    OK back to happy note - we are having GORGEOUS weather here.

    Hope everyone checks in for a FABulous start to the day/week! One thing's for sure!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF Daily~Monday, January 30

      Good morning Abbers & thanks for the coffee TDN
      Hope your day is wonderful!

      Greenie - dealing with 'Difficult People' seems to be a common theme in our lives. My Dad was the control freak from hell, we all did our best just to stay away from him to survive. My husband who I thought was nothing like that also turned into a control freak of sorts. I am not & never will take responsibility for their way! My Dad is long gone & that's just as well because there was no changing him. I have all the compassion in the world for my husband but it's up to him to pull his head out of his ass - I can wait
      You have to do what's right for you. If it requires keeping yourself distanced then so be it. I understand completely

      OK, off I go to Curves - good way to start the week!
      Have a great AF Monday one & all!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF Daily~Monday, January 30

        Hi guys,

        Sorry I haven't checked in lately - doing okay on the AF front but depression and anxiety was bad last week. I got a call from the insurance company stating that they were cutting off my benefits due to the 3rd party assessment. Remember the one that put me in the hospital because she was so brutal? Yeah, so needless to say I have been on the phone all morning with my medical team and a lawyer because there is no way I am able to work right now. So I'm pissed right off but I'm doing what I need to do. They better hope they pay me because if it goes to court they will end up paying way more than if they just finish off their contract with me.

        Anyway, not in the mood to talk, just wanted to check in and say hi.
        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          AF Daily~Monday, January 30

          Good Morning, Fabbalicious Friends!

          TDN, thanks for starting us off and have fun at your groups today
          Greeniebutt, what Lav said. Compassion and self preservation are two completely separate things.
          Lav, Yeah :H You're so insightful and got your head on straight. Happy curving!
          Uni, sorry to hear they're still giving you the run around. You're doing the right thing... call upon the support from the rest of your medical team and stand your ground. And try not to get too freaked out (easier said than done, for sure). Keeping fingers crossed for you.

          Well, Atlas is back to normal (in more ways than one)... his 'bits' look as they should and he greeted me happily at the barn this morning. Not in his pasture, where he SHOULD be. By the looks of it he tried to find the trail to the house, which is difficult to spot now with so much snow and the trees so laden that the entrance to the trail is somewhat hidden. On the upside, I'm glad I made sure that the ONLY way to the house he knows, is through the trail (and not on the road). What a bugger - at least I don't have to 'catch' him... he comes trotting right to me and follows me back to the pasture (I could swear he had a grin on his face, too).

          That's it for my morning excitement... already made me trip to town but will have to head out later to retrieve my truck from the cop shop. Why, you ask? Because it broke down pretty much right AT the police station, around the same time as Mr. Wonderful was being pulled over last night. Anywhoo... better get some work done.. have a fabby day, everyone!
          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

          Winning since October 24th, 2013


            AF Daily~Monday, January 30

            Hi Everyone in Fabland. I am in Victoria, staying in a little old hotel, I thought I could just breeze into town and find a nice condo on the H20, not so. But I have a few places lined up, so thats good. I have no idea why I am actually here again. I lived here for 25 years and in a fit of madness moved away to an exceedlingly dull little interior town, physically and geographically stunningly beautiful, but small? Oy!

            Hi to Pap3 and TDN, it sounds like you are both coping with issues and doing well. Pap I read your long post of a day or two ago, not sure time is moving so fast for me right now. Seems like ages, but maybe it was only yesterday. I really wish you could find some other job, but how attatched are you to where you live? Can u up and move to find better work?

            Greenie, your description of your smokin, chokin leaf blower on its side moaning made me smile. as for parental control freaks, there is an opposite to that, and its a parent who really doesnt give a rats ass as long as you dont embarrass her or need anything from her, and the other one up and dies on you when you are the tender age of 12. I dont know, but now that Im 29 I look back on my parents and think, what kind of hockey Karma put all of us in the same room? Anyway they are both gone now. I am with you about being grateful about what I have though, Because thats what its about. I DO have a lot to be grateful for.

            Lav, I sure envy you having time with your grandkids, but after mine were here last night jumpng on the bed, smashing the mirror repeatedly with toys, tearing back and forth like thier little junior asses were on fire, I dunno if I can take it.

            Uni, would going back to work not have a good side to it? Take your mind off your issues? Getting into lawyers is pretty much like work...Im just sayin'.

            Well I better find SOMETHING to do with myself. A beach may be in it. Everyone have a grand AF day.


            Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
            Status: Happy:h


              AF Daily~Monday, January 30

              Hello friends,

              Thought I'd check in this morning. We had a very hectic week of basketball. It really was fun though, my son played really well and got to see quite a bit of varsity action. He even made 2 -3 point shots and left everyone wondering where this kid came from.

              Saturday night, however I awoke feeling really nauseous and pretty much slept until noon, and barely left the couch. Last night the boys started complaining of the same symptoms so they stayed home from school. Ugh.

              I thought maybe this illness had been creeping up on me because I just don't have any energy or drive most days. I hope I find my mojo soon.

              Best wishes to all of you. Have a great sober week!:h:l
              NF since June 1, 2008
              AF since September 28, 2008
              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                AF Daily~Monday, January 30

                sounds viral to me lvt, bummer. feel better soon.

                Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                Status: Happy:h


                  AF Daily~Monday, January 30

                  Aww Sunni, Atlas was looking for you :H :H
                  I can just picture that too! Glad he's feeling better

                  uni, sorry you are having a hard time.
                  Every company in the world is trying to save money right now, regardless
                  Try to not take it as a personal assault, don't let it get you down!

                  Kaslo, the time with the grandkids is truly great but absolutely exhausting! You've gotta keep the upper hand with them, let them know who is in charge :H Enjoy your time in Victoria, sounds nice.

                  LVT, winter will soon be over & so will the viruses. Drown it with lots of liquids
                  Hope you are all feeling better very soon!

                  I really, really should get back to work but.....
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    AF Daily~Monday, January 30

                    Thanks Lav, no I dont let them try me on, I am more concerned that I am contravening some existing rule, and I am a bit rusty, so I do bring out the package of cupcakes when dinner is NOT quite finished yet, that sort of thing. THey just wear me out, and I want to be with a book or my camera. I love them to bits but there is no way I could put the time in that you do. Still they 2 and 3 so they are now getting to the stage where they will play make believe, with forts and tea time, that kind of thing which I can handle no problem. Whereas before this it was pretty much a goat rodeo as IJM would say. Two children so close together and no partner and no money since the eldest was 16 months, I dont know how my daughter did it.

                    Regarding Victoria, Im right at the Johnson Street Bridge with a veiw of the inner harbor and the Parliament buildings, its all pretty built up compared to what it was like in the 70s. It was a quite little government enclave, rolled up at 5 PM, but not any more. I am trying to find out if I really DO want to come back here or not. Most people would say why the F not, but its not for everyone, ferries, expensive, doddering elderly, tourists up the whazoon. Rains all winter, can be windy as hell. power outages, and summers are cold. But still, just about everything in North American can be grown here. Its almost always about ten degrees C. And the ocean is here. I used to love it. Now, not so much. But its very beautiful.

                    Well all day racing around with my daughter but I did get some sea wall time, and breakfast and some photos in, but thats about it. I tend to get coerced into buying stuff for people. Whats with that??

                    Happy evening to all of yez.


                    Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                    Status: Happy:h


                      AF Daily~Monday, January 30

                      note to self: for once why don't you read the directions BEFORE you fecking do an e-file for the feds?
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

