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AF Daily~Wednesday, February 1

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    AF Daily~Wednesday, February 1

    Good morning, Abbers!
    Up earlier than usual this a.m. Dirty Harry came in to the bedroom at 5:00 barking. He was "badder" than ever yesterday. Managed to get into a bookcase and took an antique car magazine from 1999. Chewed a lot of it up. Hubby was pissed to say the least! Then, a guy I know from AA gave me a ride home and managed to get stuck at the end of our driveway because he somehow didn't stay on the driveway and ended up in a big ice bank!! I went out with a shovel and pick and worked for about fifteen minutes. I knew he was not going anywhere. Finally, a caretaker for a home on the lake stopped --he is a very nice man--and managed to get chains on the car and pull it out from the rear. While I was outside, DH (dog, not hubby!) got into my purse and ate sugarless gum, two tea bags and a bunch of Stevia, and I don't know what else! Ate through the plastic bag that held the tea items and also scattered all my makeup items around. I don't worry any longer about sugarless gum, as mine must have sorbitol and not xylitol. And he has eaten coffee before, so tea has to be okay, too. At least he didn't eat the money from my wallet.
    Well, have to hop in the shower, as I have to be at the attorney's office at 8:00. Not looking forward to it, but have to prepare for court and DMV in a couple ot weeks. Then I'll be going to a friend's floral shop to refamiliarize myself with order taking, etc. in preparation for Valentine's Day. Unfortunately have to go to court on Feb 13, so will miss most of that day.
    I hope everybody has a nice AF day!

    "One day at a time."

    AF Daily~Wednesday, February 1

    ThreeDogNight;1254185 wrote: At least he didn't eat the money from my wallet.

    One thing's for sure here!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF Daily~Wednesday, February 1


      TDN - glad you explained DH is dog not husband :H
      Good luck with the attorney. The story about your friend not inviting you the other day reminded me of a similar thing that happened to me. When I was finally invited, I turned it down because I didn't want to go in the first place! But we all like to be asked. :H

      Pap - How annoying your work situation must be! I know you've been applying for other jobs but is yours the sort of profession where you can call/email potential employers to see if there are any jobs available even if they haven't been advertised? Any contacts you can get in touch with to see if that would turn anything up?

      Mornin' Greenie!

      We had a great time in Chinatown on Sunday - thousands of firecrackers going off, watched the dragon parading through the streets eating lettuces hanging from shop windows (something to do with luck), and saw a long queue of little old Chinese women waiting to get into a casino. The streets were packed and all the restaurants were too busy to get into for lunch so we went home and made a huge pot of noodle soup instead.
      Soup on the menu tonight too - very cold here today but not yet freezing and no sign of snow.

      Have a good day all!
      AF since December 22nd 2008
      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


        AF Daily~Wednesday, February 1

        Good morning Abbers & happy humpday to one & all!

        TDN, your doggie sounds like he has some......issues
        I once had a German Shepherd who helped herself to a package of frozen pork chops I had just taken out of the freezer. No sign of plastic wrap, styrofoam, bones or anything.......gone without a trace Good luck at the lawyer's office, hope it goes well for you.

        Greetings Greenie, Marshy & everyone!
        Still way too warm here for this time of year but I'm not complaining.

        Off to Curves then I don't know what.
        Have a great AF Wednesday!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          AF Daily~Wednesday, February 1

          Good morning, Fablanders

          TDN... oh my. Don't you feed the poor DH? :H Hope the lawyer's appointment goes well.
          Harrow Greenie & Marshy! FYI it is NOT cold above freezing. Sheesh. Try -40C on for size. My youngest step son just came back from visiting his brother (even further) up north. Day time temperatures of -30 falling to -40 over night. Just barbaric. And illegal in many parts of the world, I'm sure.
          Happy curving, Lav! I'm not complaining either... it's above freezing here today as well. Mind you, the roads (glorified dirt paths in my parts here) are a right mess.

          I'm quite excited... looks like the riding season is getting started in April. Whoohoo! My friend and I decided last night to go to a 2 day clinic with a very renowned horse trainer (who's been helping me with Atlas last Spring, when we had some real issues) April 26th and 27th. 6 hour drive to get there but it's well worth it. I would have never thought that an hour or two with one person could make such a profound difference but it sure did for us. So, I will have 2 private lessons with him.. thinking to hone my ground work skills on the first day and get in the saddle the second day. Yay, yay, yay!

          That is all Oh.. and one thing is for sure...
          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

          Winning since October 24th, 2013


            AF Daily~Wednesday, February 1

            fABbies!!! Wow Sunny it's warm enough to ride here in northern Illinios USA TODAY! What an unbelieveable winter. It was in the high 50's yesterday. It's much chillier today - only high 40's. :H Sounds like you are gearing up for a good year on horseback!

            TDN I am PML at your story about DH eating your stuff. I too am glad to know DH is your dog. :H

            Greenie - no jackrabbit today???? (that is the first of every month IIRC? but maybe not..)

            Marshy!!! I had to attend a "cultural place or event" over the last week for my Diversity class. I had a nice visit with the Director of the Spanish Community Center but a group of friends from class went to the "city" to Chinatown for Chinese new year. I had a nice informative visit with this lady but I'm sure they had a lot more FUN!

            Lav - Mr. Doggy's older GSD has been known to steal bags of fast food off the counter - gone without a trace...... Hope you and the kids and G-kids are all fabulous! How are your DD's classes going? Mine are sure keeping me busy!

            Hello to all the other fABies! Hope everyone is doing well.

            I just wanted to poke my head in and say hello. Still sober and still excited about school. It's emotionally trying sometimes as in the process of learning about all these topics - addiction, family dynamics, etc. it is normal and natural to examine your own stuff and it sometimes dredges up difficult / emotional issues. I'm thinking about seeing a counselor to see what that is like. It's actually recommended for students in this curriculum for a few different reasons. Life is good and I have much to be grateful for. Got my "President's List" letter from the school earlier this week. I guess that's the junior college version of the Dean's list? I haven't bothered to figure out if there is a "Dean" at my school or not. :H There are plenty of teachers and homework though, I know that.

   thing is for sure....

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              AF Daily~Wednesday, February 1

              anybody around?
              I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

              To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                AF Daily~Wednesday, February 1

                In Chains, I dont know what time you posted but I am just in now from a walk.

                If youre not still here, hope someone answers you on another thread. If not hi to all Abstinence Fabbers. Staying in a condo next to a pub, and it seems there are several here that I dont remember being here before but its diet coke for me right now. Out shooting, now in thinking I wasnt really tempted but its certainly crossing several of my minds.


                Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                Status: Happy:h


                  AF Daily~Wednesday, February 1

                  hidy ho, cats and kitties!

                  Threedog, your dog has an appetite like I do

                  just a quick zoom through here. grateful to be AF


                  be well everyone
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    AF Daily~Wednesday, February 1

                    Hi Fabbers!! Its been a busy week so far and will just get busier! But its not the mind blowing under deadline/pressure busy it was the past 2 weeks so for that I am grateful.

                    Marshy-what fun Chinatown sounded like!! Glad you got to go. Thanks for the words about the job. I haven't been able to network like I used to because my boss isn't supportive of me joining the regional organization. Can't figure that one out as he is Past President. But, I did hear some things that weren't flattering about his "reign" so maybe he doesn't want me hearing more. He is being unusually supportive these days so if I can tolerate the commute better I might just stay and hope for a promotion that he keeps promising me. Sigh. No, I can't just call up potential employers and ask if there is a position open. Isn't done that way. It will work out one way or another.

                    DG-So good to see you!! I'm glad you are taking the time you need to concentrate on your studies but we do miss you! When a student at my school makes Dean's List 3 semester in a row, the 3rd semester they also make President's List. I'm thinking your President's List might be the same as our Dean's List and it might be the highest honor you can get each semester. Keep up the great work! Good luck with finding a counselor. I think it can be very helpful if you find the right one. You sure will have a lot to talk about in terms of all you are learning and I'm sure the opp to explore other things will be an eyeopener too.

                    Lav-hope you had a nice quiet day for once!!

                    Sunni-glad you can take advantage of a great workshop like that AND get private lessons to boot!

                    TDN-how did the lawyer's appt go or is that tomorrow? My dogs, DD in particular are Hoovers and 2 of them are tall enough to surf the counter. Even the smaller one has a vertical jump that gets him anything on the counter that is closer to the edge than 6 inches. I can't tell you what I've lost over the years but knock on wood, no obstructions yet. Just bad cases of the runs!

                    LVT-hope you are feeling better!

                    Deter-good to see you!

                    Kas-I was going to ask if it was weird traveling like this without Mr. Kas but it looks like he's joining you for the weekend so that's cool. I used to love to explore by myself. Hope to do it again real soon!

                    I have finished the table runner for my good friend and our wonderful Lav has made up some labels for me which I will sew on this weekend. Once that is done I will take and post pics before I ship it off to the Cape. My next project is a pig themed tote back for my neice. I hope she likes it! It should be fairly easy and done in a couple of weeks (where have i heard that before?? :H).

                    I go back to the NH on Thursday and Sunday and unfortunately am dreading it. I've gotten used, once again to the free time but my budget really needs the paychecks so I need to suck it up and hope to get back into the rhythm quickly.

                    Agility class went OK tonite but I still have no stamina and look and feel like I'm going to pass out after each run. This is going to take time!

                    Off to my nook and bed. Have a great evening!!
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      AF Daily~Wednesday, February 1

                      lion dancing holds a special place in my heart. when in Hawaii I studied traditional Chinese Kung Fu and our school had a lion dancing program for the New Year's festival. Lion dancing is a HUGE workout! your arms and legs get soooo tired.
                      even though I'm not Asian somehow I ended up doing the opening ceremony in front of a huge dead silent crowd. suddenly the drums and cymbals erupted in a cacophony and we were up! I was in a two-man lion and was working the rear end and was flapping the edges a bit too vigorously and accidentally pulled the guy in front of me (the head) backwards off his feet. oh gawd! I could have died. Whats the Chinese word for crazy dumbass lion? hmmmmm
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)

