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Free and Fit February

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    Free and Fit February

    "Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently."
    ~Henry Ford~

    “What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an
    end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from.”

    ~T.S. Eliot

    The beginning of February marks the end of January. The beginning (again in my case) of an AF way of life, is the end of an old way of life. It is not without effort and some sense of loss, but it is a richer more vibrant way to live.

    May we all be fit and well this February.:h

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

    Free and Fit February

    Good morning all & thanks for starting us up Dill - love it

    I love beginnings even though they are sometimes hard - just means we have to try a little harder!

    I'm going to start my day with a trip to Curves then see what develops.
    Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Humpday!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Free and Fit February

      Hi everyone

      Dill - thanks for starting us off. Dont feel alone, many of us are like you, we have to make a few tries, the important thing is that we dont give up.

      Star - sorry you are not feeling the best these days, hopefully February will be a better month for you. Dew - you too, hope you got seen to this morning.

      Sooty -sorry about your dog. Having just lost our JR I know exactly how you feel.

      Rusty - as always you summed this thread up beautifully. It is a priviledge to be sharing this AF journey with some many wonderful people and as you say, its not all or even very much about Al. We mention our cravings at times and when we are struggling but there is so much else we have to offer one another.

      Just back from swimming. I must admit I did not feel like going this morning. It was cold and I found the last two weeks very difficult. I am not a strong swimmer and up to this never, ever went out of my depth. This instructor has literally thrown me in at the deep end! It's been sink or swim and you know what I did swim. I am totally out of my comfort zone but it is getting easier. I know I have to stick at it and today it was easier than last week and I came out feeling great. I also lost 1.5lbs yesterday at WW so all in all this has been a good week. Here's to a good February :H:H

      Happy hump day all to come.



        Free and Fit February

        Yay, Rustop, another 1 and a half pounds. I think with the swimming you deserve to lose more. I would have a hard time swimming in the cold, and I really admire you for your efforts.

        Dill, thanks so much for starting us out and the great quotes. Every day is a new one, but I love the start of new years, months, etc. I will try to make this a better month too. I do not know why I have been so down, everything in my life is OK. No big uproars or anything. I will contribute the negativity to the winter months. Even that is not so bad, so I need to push out negativity when it becomes part of my thinking. Dill, glad your journey is going well.

        Lav, I will be exercising too this morning. Little by little I will focus on strengthening and pushing myself physically.

        Chill, I agree with your affirmation that to allow any negativity is the way to depression. How interesting that with no TV you are as busy as ever. Probably doing more things instead of just mindlessly watching whatever. I don't mind working a few evenings a week for that reason. TV watching missed in the evening is not a sacrifice to me. Plus, I noticed that I like the silence so much more as time goes on. I often get sensory overload if the TV is on loudly.

        No big plans today, just work. I am thankful to have work, with positive coworkers, in a lovely setting. How is that for a positive affirmation? I am currently reading about three books at the same time, it is keeping my mind busy and interested.

        Papmom, I know you are the computer expert on this thread, so was wondering if you knew of any free online instruction on Excel or Powerpoint. I need to brush up on those skills. Also, I am confused about Facebook, and wondered if you knew where to get info on that. I was reading on line that when a person is in their 50's, it is vital that they keep up their technological skills. Hope work is going well for you.

        Cyn, I too love the snow, but not at this time of year. I am very very thankful we are having a mild winter, as I have a long commute. I could see where the desert sun could be draining. That is why I love the change of the seasons so much. Thanks for your kind wishes and the pink blanket imagery. It helped.

        The Superbowl is this Sunday, does any one have any fun low cal recipes they might like to share? To all, have a great day.
        Formerly known as redhibiscus


          Free and Fit February

          Here ya go Star:

          Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 Tutorial—Free & Online

          Just Google Excel tutorial - there are lots of them for beginners, different years, etc.

          The sun is out today (pretty much), it's heading back up to 60 degrees I should be happy as hell I think winter does leave us dragging regardless.....
          Enjoyed my trip to Curves though

          Hi Rustop, swimming is awesome. Haven't been in a pool since we moved here, miss it!

          OK, now I need to get something accomplished
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Free and Fit February

            Thank you Dill for starting us out in this new month. I have begun (again) on this AF journey too many times to number, but with the help of you all here, I have always kept coming back. So glad you have too. I love the quotes, and it is interesting to think that physically (on a cellular level) we are being created anew every day - and experiencing death too - cells come, cells go. So every day really is a new opportunity.

            Rustop - how I admire you, doing something that scares you. Great Job! I am reminded of that phrase 'Do something every day that frightens you'. I had no intention of doing that, but it has turned out in the last year that I have had to do it, over and over. And guess what, I'm still alive, and feel stronger for it (though I still wouldn't seek it out!) Chill, any guidance on this you'd like to give us - you are the Princess of Change...

            Star - agreed, driving in winter is the worst. RE: Facebook, I still don't have a personal page, but I have set up 3 business pages in the last 3 weeks, and I'm getting the hang of that. I think both you and I would welcome the ability to stay in contact with lots of people if we made personal pages. OK, FB power users (I know you're on the thread) give us a quick overview of the most important things to know!

            I have just experienced a nice beginning to the month - I just returned from my potential-employer-Tax-Attorney, and she loved my blogs! (Insert icon of mopping brow and flinging off the sweat.) I was so unsure if I was 'in the groove' of what she wanted, I was a nervous wreck, but it turns out that I was pretty close. She's requested that I do some edits, but basically is very happy. So, onward and upward...a new beginning for me for sure...
            Dew - hope you are better today -- wishing all well --
            to the light


              Free and Fit February

              Good evening Februarites

              I too love new beginnings, im ritualistic so the opportunity for perpetual renewal each day, each month, each year gives me a surge of enthusiasm.
              And would you believe I got another house sale offer today! :cheering:

              Sooty - It's lovely to hear you are spoiling your dog with love, its all they really want from us.

              Lav - 60o! We had 32 today with colder on its way....:upset:

              Star - Im with you on the silence, I just love it! Part of my other new ritual is having an hour before sleep to unwind when I switch off the computer and read or relax to music in order to empty myself of all the noise from the day. So far in the morning I have been doing 40 mins reiki when I wake up to set me up for the day. I hope I can continue to be so disciplined.

              Cyn - Change! Oh boy.... how I wish I hadnt had quite so much and there is going to be a lot more very soon. Sometime I wish I would wake up back home in my bed and find this was all a bad dream but a battle we never win is the one against the way things are. My belief in our lives all being about having experiences is what keeps me sane. Just think that you are having a much more varied experience than others and it will help us to evolve more quickly into enlightened beings
              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
              AF - JAN 1st 2010
              NF - May 1996


                Free and Fit February

                Helloooooo Fighting Fit Febberoo's!

                It's a glorious thursday morning here in Melbourne town, and i'm off to work shortly. I'm fortunate to have a job i love. Challenging, but rewarding, and plenty of opportunity to be creative.

                I've always been a runner, on and off over the years, and reasonably fit, but now i'm running first thing in the morning before work, followed by a shower, then meditation. Just a short run, but i'm finding it interesting how quickly i'm adapting to running so early, and as soon as i get up. I used to find this too difficult to contemplate, but i decided to put one foot in front of the other a couple of weeks ago, and it's becoming joyful, and effortless.

                Great news for you Cyn! Warm greetings to everyone, and wishing you all a magical week.


                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  Free and Fit February

                  Thank you so much dear Dill for starting us off and with an inspiring name too! I am going to work on both ?fit? and ?free? as I also did not make it all the way through January AF and my downfall was (again) a lack of skills addressing pain and immobility. Today was fortunately the first time I got the OK to exercise in three weeks because of the biopsies I mentioned and an unrelated problem in my foot that somehow came up the same darn day so I could hardly walk. It is not remotely dangerous (a neuroma probably brought on my years as a crazy skier when I once incurred a bad frostbite) but it was really painful, and during those three weeks I could also not take any of the indicated medications such as ibuprofen. I have never been sickly or particularly limited and don?t handle it very well. My biopsies were fine, just those bad guy wanna-be polyps du jour that insurance companies love, but the copay is absurd as I have to pay the deductible for the entire year up front. Don?t worry, I don?t ever drink over money. I am so glad I have this place to come to. One of the things that I have been aware of with sustained alcohol free time is how isolated I am, and while normally I am fine with my own company, I did find that when I was marooned and uncomfortable my thoughts started getting really dark. I am happy to have a fresh month ahead. Just because I can moderate briefly does not mean it is good for me personally or that I feel good about it, it lowers my awareness, I lose myself or the part that is the best. Love, Ladybird.
                  may we be well


                    Free and Fit February

                    Hi my Fit and Free Friends! Dill-thank you so much for starting this new month off-you did it brilliantly!!

                    LBH-I'm so happy to hear those bad guys weren't as bad as they could have been. I'm sure getting back into light exercise will not only help with the dark thoughts and isolation, but may help you figure out how to kick the beast to the curb once and for all. I drove myself insane the past 10 years knowing I had a problem but trying to moderate and failing miserably. It's just so much easier to accept that AL has no place in my life now, much like ciggaretts and drugs (I only dabbled in a few in HS and College-never really liked the effects). No more going back and forth.

                    Star-Lav gave you a great website to try. As far as FB goes, they are changing it dramatically but it's still very easy to set up a page. Just go to Welcome to Facebook - Log In, Sign Up or Learn More and following the directions for getting an account. You can skip the "find friends" prompt. I would put as little info out there in terms of personal stuff as you can. If you don't mind people seeing where you went to college or where you live then go hog wild with the info. Otherwise don't worry about it. Next you just have to connect with friends. You can search by name or your friends can invite you once they know your facebook name and can find you. The most important parts are the privacy settings. you want to set them to Friends Only. Once your set up, let me know and or Cyn know and we can take a look and offer suggestions. The new Timeline format is very different and even tho I've updated to it, I still haven't really looked at it.

                    Dew-are you OK? what did the nurse say?

                    Chill-congrats on yet another offer!! See,you are definitely open to the positive energy that was just waiting to come in!! I too have become quite sensitive to louder sounds these days. Most mornings the TV never comes on and I don't even realize it. At night it stays off unless there is a particular show I want to watch. I'm enjoying my nook right before bed these nites.

                    Rustop-I so love swimming but only get to do it few times in the summer at my sis's house. Any facility around here that has a pool with free swim is obscenely high in membership rates. I miss it.

                    Mr G!! You sound so good! Pray tell how are you dragging your butt out of bed to go running????? I can barely get the energy to hit the snooze button LOL!!

                    Cyn-congrats on your blog work being accepted!! That is fantastic!

                    Lav-we hit about 50 today but it was pretty overcast the whole time. The wind is howling now and the temps are dropping fast. I too am so grateful the snow has been insignificant and will be very happy should it stay that way through the season!!

                    Its been a busy week so far and will just get busier! But its not the mind blowing under deadline/pressure busy it was the past 2 weeks so for that I am grateful.

                    I have finished the table runner for my good friend and our wonderful Lav has made up some labels for me which I will sew on this weekend. Once that is done I will take and post pics before I ship it off to the Cape. My next project is a pig themed tote back for my neice. I hope she likes it! It should be fairly easy and done in a couple of weeks (where have i heard that before?? :H).

                    I go back to the NH on Thursday and Sunday and unfortunately am dreading it. I've gotten used, once again to the free time but my budget really needs the paychecks so I need to suck it up and hope to get back into the rhythm quickly.

                    Agility class went OK tonite but I still have no stamina and look and feel like I'm going to pass out after each run. This is going to take time!

                    Off to my nook and bed. Have a great evening!!
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      Free and Fit February

                      Late night check in.......
                      Ended up with family here for dinner & now I have EB overnight. Wasn't planned, just turned out that way

                      Great to see everyone here today. Hope Dewdrop is OK.
                      G, you sound good, that makes all of us happy

                      Have a great night everyone!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Free and Fit February

                        Hi Guys,

                        It was a full day of studying and physical therapy. I was in lots of pain today but grateful to be AF. The Physical Terrorist says it doesn't look like they can help me much. I'm positive and will take it ODAAT.

                        Rustop-congrats on the weight loss!:goodjob:

                        LBH-I can understand how AL wants to creep back into your life with you being pain and recovering from surgery/medical procedures. Feeling isolated is a huge drinking trigger for me. Wow, you've been through a lot. I can't imagine you sitting still for very long. This must be torture for you....hopefully Lord Bird Heart is helping out.

                        Chill-great job on the sale! I'm soooo happy for you!

                        G-great to see you as always.

                        Must get to bed now.

                        See you tomorrow.


                          Free and Fit February

                          Good morning everyone

                          Must say we all sound very focussed this February. I find it a time of hope with Spring just around the corner. Cyn - thank you for the recommendation - just finished My Stroke of Insight on my kindle. Very inspirational and so much of it ties in with what I am also reading, The Power of Now.

                          Very cold and frosty here this morning. My daughter has two exams today so will be in school all day for a change. It will give me a chance to get a few things done around the house. I dont like making too much clatter when she is here studying.

                          Plan to go for a nice long walk in the woods with my friend and doggies first so that is a nice start to the day. Not as energetic as Mr G but enjoyable.

                          Hope everyone has a great and AF Thursday.



                            Free and Fit February

                            Good morning all -
                            This morning I have been trying to accomplish the simple task of breathing deeply once in a while. I realize what a gift it is to be able to take a breath on one's own, what magic that is. The last couple of days it has been hard to focus and not be 'clenched'; we received word on Tuesday that two very dear friends of ours, in the city where we used to live, have died in rather horrible circumstances, and it is a police investigation. let me just say that these were two very very special people, generous and widely beloved...So, continuing the thought-thread that I stumbled on with 'My Stroke of Insight', I am intensely aware of each moment, and that Now really is all that we have.

                            Dew - are you feeling better? LBH - pain is a well-worn trigger for me, you really have been through the ringer. Rusty (and LBH) have you found anyone who does medical laser work? It is not uncommon (the doggie chiro has been doing it for years on my dog) and the benefits are many. I see my PT today, will let you know. PMom, how do you finish all these projects? I have not touched my yarn since last Thursday, aaargh. GMan, always so nice to have you drop in. Lav, lucky lucky family. Chill, great news about the offers...wishing all to come a good day...
                            to the light


                              Free and Fit February

                              Greetings Free and Fit Friends, I second Rustop's thank you on the link to My Stroke of Insight, Cyn. It was fascinating hearing her talk about her experience, especially from my point of view of being one who has worked with stroke patients. The brain is such a fabulous mystery to me, no matter how much we learn and know about it.

                              Cyn, I am thrilled for you that your writings were well-accepted by your employer. How cool that must feel.

                              Rusty, I am so sorry you are experiencing such pain. Have you been to a Pain Clinic to see if there is any help available?

                              LBH, I wish you speedy recovery so you can get back to your normal activities. It's so important to have control. I would have a very difficult time surrendering to a lack of mobility, even a temporary one. It frightens me to even think about it. Lord only knows what I might do to cope! You know I am with you, friend.:l

                              Short on time this morning, so a quick shout out to Papmom, Chill, Cass, G., SD, Dew (get well, please), Star, Lav, et. al.

                              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

