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AF Daily~Friday, February 3

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    AF Daily~Friday, February 3

    Good morning, Abbers!
    Having trouble with this site this a.m. for some reason, but here I am--with my coffee!
    Read all the posts form yesterday. Kas, your photo was just beautiful! Glad the grand daughter calmed down. Tipping the table over on herself must have been frightening. I never had kids, but remember when my niece was little--she was quite a devil. I do like kids, maybe because I have never had any of my own. Sunni, I'd gladly adopt Peanut!
    Saw Lulu for the first time yesterday, so hope you stick with us. Great group of people!
    Thanks for the input on police chief issue. I spoke to a guy at AA yesterday who'd had a major issue with him as well. Left a message for the attorney yesterday. I need to get a release form so that my counselor from rehab can fax a letter, and I also want to ask him how we know that the jackass hasn't spoken to others about my husband and me. Just want to hear his reaction.
    Am home for the day today, as I didn't see anybody at AA yesterday I could ask to drive me home today. Hubby is taking Bud for chemo and won't be back until later in the afternoon. But Bud's blood tests came back good--liver enzymes were somewaht elevated last month, but I've been giving him milk thistle, and it seems to have worked. And his kidney enzymes came down as well. My vet called me because she knows hubby gets too emotional. Bud will have the MRI and scans next month, and I hope it will show that he is cancer free. DH the Devil Dog unzipped my purse yesterday and ate 34 pieces of sugarless gum! Must sound like we don't "Harry proof" this house, but we do. I usually keep the purse on top of the fridge, but had just come in and left it for a second.
    Have my interview for pharmacy job next Tuesday a.m.
    Have a great AF day, all!!

    "One day at a time."

    AF Daily~Friday, February 3

    ohhh TDN that is going to be one sticky poop today!! :H

    Sending pings that Bud continues to kick the C to the curb!!

    Kas-awesome pic! I'm sure a permanent non basement home will do wonders for calming the little imps down and giving them a feeling of security. I do remember my nephews when they were that age-whoo boy!! So glad I didn't have to live with them 24/7!! Can't wait to celebrate your 1 year anni!!

    Welcome to the daily abs Lulu!! It absolutely can be done and everyone on here is a testament. Its all about not putting AL up on a pedestal and deciding there are things much better, nice and more wonderful than the short buzz or numbness it gives us. Sure you have to learn to deal with feelings, emotions, relationships etc by yourself without AL's toxic help but it can be done and its done so much better!! Stick with us, we'll get you through the rough patches.

    OK, can't freaking remember what everyone else wrote about yesterday so I'll have to start fairly fresh. Shout out to all my fabber friends and have a great Friday!!
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


      AF Daily~Friday, February 3

      Morning abbers - sorry I haven't been posting, I was a little put off by the comment that I should just go back to work. And then I thought about it and realized that not everyone knows my situation and that I was being silly. The reality is that I wish I could have a job part time right now but the anxiety/panic and depression that I suffer make that impossible.

      Doing okay - has been a rough week. But no thoughts of AL so that's good. I hope everyone else is doing well.

      Love and hugs,
      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


        AF Daily~Friday, February 3

        Good morning Abbers,

        Chilly but sunny here in these parts

        TDN, so glad to hear Bud is coming along! Your Devil Dog sounds like quite a challenge!!!!
        A hundred years ago my German Shepherd poked her nose into my friend's open purse (sitting on the floor) & walked away with the wallet she extracted :H That was absolutely hysterical but I'm glad we noticed it right away or it would have been eaten - money, credit cards & all :H

        Greetings papmom, uni & everyone!
        Uni, try to stay positive - it helps

        OK, off to Curves then back to get some work stuff done!
        Kaslo, your picture was just awesome - print it, frame it, I'll buy it!!!!!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          AF Daily~Friday, February 3

          Good morning Fabinis. My thanks to all who enjoyed the photo yesterday, Lulu, Det (exposure details below), Sid, and Lav, Sunni and TDN. Ops like that dont come up very often where I live. Its good to be home here in Victoria, but I dont know if I can afford it.

          Uni, Im sorry. It was me who suggested work may not be a bad thing, and I DO know your history. I was interested in your background so I went back and read your posts from the beginning up to the present day, well, not all of them but I got the gyst of whats going on, whats happened, and how you have dealt with it. I am a real straight shooter, so I will just say I think getting into a different environment that challenges you might actuallly help you move out of anxiety issues. Mood disorders are complex and I dont pretend to be a psychologist, so I will butt out, now.

          I feel I need to move on. Being a quitter of alcohol has been a good thing for me, and I seem to have made almost a year of it, and I dont think I will go back to taking alcohol again for medicinal purposes. However, I dont see the point in dwelling on how much better my life is in writing and remembering how I was hurting my physiology and my spirit with alcohol, but rather making it better actively by finding interest and fun in what is around me, exploring my surroundings, my friends, my family, the things I like to do. Get out into the day.... you know?

          Lots of people have helped me feel better about things, laffed at my jokes or engaged with me, and you all know who you are. I WILL check in from time to time, but I have to say, if I cant speak the truth and be straight, then I should go elsewhere.


          Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
          Status: Happy:h


            AF Daily~Friday, February 3

            Hi, Abbers,

            Off to a movie today, One For the Money. Going with a good friend, daughter and granddaughter. It will be so nice to get out of the house for a bit.

            I am glad I am without wheels this morning, though, for some reason the stinkin' thinkin' has really popped up this morning. Probably because I am feeling so well. :H:H

            At least I will be with people who would not let me purchase alcohol or drink today and then with hubby this evening.

            I'll take all the help I can get to stay sober. I do know, this too shall pass.

            I need to consider how to deal with the thoughts in the future when I can drive, etc. I do love being sober almost as much as I love that first two drinks. However, it has been years and years since I had two drinks. I am truly one of those who cannot take the first one.

            Mom is in ER this morning with Shingles, btw. How awful, broken wrist, fractured pelvis and now Shingles. I hope she doesn't have to take pain meds on top of the prednisone. Pain meds make her dementia so much worse. She usually ends up calling the police on dad when she takes them as they cause her paranoia to increase so much. sigh.

            Meanwhile, it is good to be sober and I am glad I can come on to MWO and vent.

            Uni, Greenie posted a good resentment post yesterday. Never let those resentments linger, girl. They are poison. I am glad you started posting again. Keep working on the anxiety and depression issues with your counselor and doctors. I used to have panic attacks and understand how difficult they are to manage. But, manage them we must. I do use the deep breathing when I feel severe anxiety coming on, it does help. It's just hard to remember to do them when you are in the midst of one. Practice has helped.

            Love to all,
            AF April 9, 2016


              AF Daily~Friday, February 3

              Hey Kas, Uni and Cynders-Uni, I understand how you were put off by Kas's comment but I know with all my heart she is just trying to help. We have so many different personalities on this thread but the one thing we all have in common is that NONE of us tries hurt anyone on purpose. Some people see things in black and white and have different perceptions about depression and anxiety, others try to see all sides and come up with compromises, others have intimate experiences with D & A and can share their journey, others just sit back and observe. I'm glad you came back and are trying to see it for the helpful suggestion it was.

              Kas-nonsense. Everytime you tell it like it is and someone takes offense, you leave. Stop it. Your journey is just as important as anyone's here and the fact that you are coming up on a year makes you super special and your words super coveted. All of us long termers have lots to offer the newbies even if we don't talk everyday about how great AF life is or how horrible our AL life was. Just contributing to the conversation whatever it is is helpful and important. Just seeing the anni date in our siggies gives hope to those who are on their first day or week or month and struggling. There would be a huge hole in this thread if you were to leave us so please don't.

              Cynders-I'm so sorry to hear about your mom! I had a very very mild case of the shingles a few years ago and it scared the living crap out of me! I hope her's is under control very soon. :l

              OK, abbers, time for lunch and then scare up some work to earn my pay. What a dif 2 weeks make LOL!!
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                AF Daily~Friday, February 3

                papmom3;1255333 wrote: All of us long termers have lots to offer the newbies even if we don't talk everyday about how great AF life is or how horrible our AL life was. Just contributing to the conversation whatever it is is helpful and important. Just seeing the anni date in our siggies gives hope to those who are on their first day or week or month and struggling.
                PapMom, your words are wise and healing. I began lurking on this thread as a fragile newbie because it was so encouraging and reassuring to see people dealing with the regular ups and downs of life. I saw people who are living life fully without drinking. I saw people who deal with disappointments without drinking. And I took it in and it made me stronger. It gave me the courage to finally embrace an AF life.

                I guarantee you, today I would be heading to the liquor store as soon as it opened if I hadn't had all these months of 'normal' all of you shared. Long story short...the big project I was working on is in danger. I made a technical error in part of the electronic submission. We've been told that we will be disqualified. But there is an appeal. So. What will be will be at this point. And I may have to live with the fact that my mistake could cost an entire community their last best chance at saving something vital to their culture. I am devastated. But I will get through this, with your help. And, I will remain AF because of what I learned here...from all of you.

                Sober for the Revolution!
                AF & NF July 23, 2011


                  AF Daily~Friday, February 3

                  Oh crap Turn your grant application got glitched? That completely sucks after how much work you have done. Feeling bad for you. Hopefully you can appeal. Sid

                  Other than that I am still good. And happy I am.


                    AF Daily~Friday, February 3

                    Hello All,

                    Stopping by for a quick hello.

                    I have my yoga teacher training written exam tonight and the practical exam tomorrow. Can't believe how 6 months have flown by.

                    Uni, I have followed your posts but must preface my comments by saying I am not you, therefore, I cannot fully appreciate all that you have gone through. I do know from my own experience that being in action, particularly when it comes to depression and anxiety, is so important. So I am with Kas on that one. I have come to appreciate more and more how important it is to be in the here and now and not let the past define or confine me. Otherwise, I are not in charge of my own life and story; rather I am letting something or someone else write it.

                    Hey Papmom, Lav, Greenie Beanie, 3DogNight, Det, Cinders, Turnagain, Cinders, etc.
                    AF Since April 20, 2008
                    4 Years!!!


                      AF Daily~Friday, February 3

                      Turnagain;1255371 wrote:
                      Long story short...the big project I was working on is in danger. I made a technical error in part of the electronic submission. We've been told that we will be disqualified. But there is an appeal. So. What will be will be at this point. And I may have to live with the fact that my mistake could cost an entire community their last best chance at saving something vital to their culture. I am devastated.

                      Greetings Fabber's near and far!

                      Hi Turnagain,

                      This sounds like a desperate situation requiring a left field, and pro-active approach. Find out who the head honcho is, and cut through the red tape and meet with him/her/them, personally. Explain the mistake on the submission, and the fact you've made the effort to travel to them personally will show your dedication, your no nonsense and creative problem solving skill's, your passion for the project. Live with the fact you really did try everything you could. You may have to 'guide' them into making the best decision if they're just beaurocrats. Turn it around. Just a thought. Best wishes to you either way, and i'm sure your submission is excellent.

                      Wishing everyone a safe, sober, and magical weekend.

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        AF Daily~Friday, February 3

                        Hey G man -

                        We have pretty much done almost everything you recommend. While we can't meet - they are in DC...we are in the far frozen north - we did send a detailed appeal letter laying out the facts of what happened and then helped frame the solution we are hoping for. We did not hear anything back by the close of their business today. I am interpreting that as potentially hopeful news. I would think we would've received a 'so sorry, but' response right away if they were going to stick with their initial No Exception policy. Sadly, the person above me in my organization didn't want to do this, but the person above her did, so I am dealing with this internal friction now, too.

                        I am soooooooo glad I've been working on those AF muscles. Someone just dropped by the house and gave me a bottle of nice red wine. I am viewing it as if it was clorox. I am just going to get stronger.
                        I am not giving up the matter what.
                        Sober for the Revolution!
                        AF & NF July 23, 2011


                          AF Daily~Friday, February 3

                          momof3;1255403 wrote: I do know from my own experience that being in action, particularly when it comes to depression and anxiety, is so important.
                          Me too. Uni remember when I quit drinking and what unfolded in my marriage and work? Insane as it was, I had to get up and go to work in order to survive. On meds, but sober and active, facing my fears head on. That's what worked for me personally.

                          Guitarista;1255412 wrote:
                          Hi Turnagain,

                          This sounds like a desperate situation requiring a left field, and pro-active approach. Find out who the head honcho is, and cut through the red tape and meet with him/her/them, personally. Explain the mistake on the submission, and the fact you've made the effort to travel to them personally will show your dedication, your no nonsense and creative problem solving skill's, your passion for the project. Live with the fact you really did try everything you could. You may have to 'guide' them into making the best decision if they're just beaurocrats. Turn it around. Just a thought. Best wishes to you either way, and i'm sure your submission is excellent.

                          The owner is back at the shop. His teaching gig didn't work out for him. I have all kinds of thoughts that are monkey brain stuff and don't really matter because the page I'm on is that it's all good. It is yet another opportunity for me to experience whatever the universe has cooked up for me and learn from the unfolding of this whole scene. It is certainly sure to be some sort of adventure to be spending the day with these 2 guys I'm just getting to know.

                          M3 wonderful to see you - good luck on your exam. And sid, I'm glad you posted, I was about to ask your whereabouts.

                          Cindi :l, I'm glad you recognize the danger of driving with that sort of thinking.

                          Kas, you kick arse with a camera. That is all.

                          Shot out to lulu!

                          Lav, you have GOT to be buff by now via curves and babysitting. But I'm quite certain M3 can kick all our arses after all this training.

                          P3, what is it, feast or famine with the work load? How's the work with your brother going?

                          I am going to cook tonight no matter what! Off I go!
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            AF Daily~Friday, February 3

                            Turn, while I have no doubt whatsoever about your resolve, you could pour out the wine, just to be sure.
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              AF Daily~Friday, February 3

                              LOL Greenie-you are so right! This business has its ebbs and flows for sure! This afternoon after I finished a web research for my boss, I set up my Etsy shop!! I think you can find it if you search under People and put in pamh35. The name of the shop is Papmom3 Designs but for some reason when I search for that under Shops, 24000 results come up!! All I have right now is a banner. I have one item in the draft section for now as once i publish I get charged a whopping $.20 but also because I want to make a few belly bands first, have LM model for a pic and then I can open shop. tomorrow I plan on making a half dozen or so bands. We'll see what happens. As far as my bro goes, it's famine right now. I do need to fit in his friend tomorrow-I have the info needed (I hope) to be able to move around in his website and make some recommendations. I should be able to eek out at least 2 hours of work tomorrow. One other thing I have to do soon is seek out tax advice. I have no idea how to set up quartly payments or if I even need to this year. AARP supposedly has volunteers somewhere around here.

                              Turn-I'm so sorry to hear about your project. Hopefully the powers to be will accept your apology and appeal. Fingers crossed!! And yes, pour out the wine tonite or give it away. Even after 18 months there is NO way I could have wine in the house. I'm glad my post had some meaning for you. Warmed my heart.

                              Greenie-I like your attitude about the owner comeing back. opening yourself up to what is unfolding is so smart but so hard to do. Please keep us posted so we can learn from your example.

                              MOM3-my friend in Buffalo is opening her own Bikram studio!! I'm so excited for her!! Maybe this is in your future too!

                              Shower is done and I am in fresh jammies with Chronicle on the telly (NH Chronicle-love it!!). I've started taking showers at nite when I can and not only does it give me extra time in the morning but I really love how I can take my time and do some pampering. I also feel much more relaxed at nite and seem to sleep better.

                              Time for dinner (LC-no home cooking these days) and then some Nook time!

                              Hi G!!
                              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                              KO the Beast!!

