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AF Daily~Saturday, February 4

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    AF Daily~Saturday, February 4

    Happy Saturday, Abbers!
    Hope you are all sleeping in, but, if not, coffee is ready for you! I seem to fall asleep most nights now by 10:00, but I don't fight it. Just remembering those horrible sleepless nights when I was drinking gives me the shivers.
    Cindi, I had forgotten to say that I hope your mom is doing better. I have had friends who've suffered with shingles, and know how terribly painful it is. I noticed last year that the local pharmacy had a sign in the door that they were offering a vaccine against shingles.
    Pap3. next item on the agenda is etsy to look up your shop. I'm thinking now that we might share the same first name!!
    Mumof3, you will soon be taking your practical--good luck!! Years ago when I taught aerobics, we had to take a written and practical exam, and I dreaded the practical. And I have to say that I tried yoga last year, and these were the most difficult classes I'd ever tried. When my dentist did a head stand right next to me, I knew I wasn't in the right class, LOL!! Will give it a try again in a beginner's class some time. Just remembered that at least ten years ago I took a class--my first ever--with a friend, and was so sore the next day--plus had flu like symtoms. She explained that it was the toxins leaving my body.
    Uni, hope today is a better day for you.
    Kas, I look forward to seeing a post and maybe a lovely photo today!! Please???
    Lav, do you do Curves on the weekends?
    Greenie, hope the boss's return won't be too hard to take.
    Think Guitarista was on yesterday, too? I read your posts on all the different threads. Love them!
    Sunni, hope we get a pic of Atlas. Is that the two of you in your Avatar?
    How are you doing, Sid? can you get into chat now?
    Lulu--are you out there? Hope so!
    Just listeneing to a.m. news. A guy is about to be released from prison soon. He's been in jail for eight years. What did he do? He would enter apartments around the UNH campus and cut clothing off women as they slept!! Jeez, even in my drunkest hours, I can't imagine somebody cutting my clothes off. This guy has to be a nut. And other big story is about two girls who brought brownies laced with a laxative to school and there was apparently quite a run on the bathrooms yesterday! Surprised they didn't offer them to the staff.
    Okay--three stooges demanding breakfast!
    Bud is still perky after yesterday's chemo. They give him a shot of anti-nausea meds and we have the pill form here if we need them. One more treatment in a month, then tests three to four weeks after that.
    If I have forgotten anyone, please excuse me. Still have memory issues sometimes!
    Have a great AF day, all!

    "One day at a time."

    AF Daily~Saturday, February 4

    ThreeDogNight;1255662 wrote: Think Guitarista was on yesterday, too? I read your posts on all the different threads. Love them!

    Thanks TDN. :h. This sure is an inspiring site. Keep up the amazing work!

    Have a great weekend everyone!

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      AF Daily~Saturday, February 4

      Morning TDN and Mr. G :h!! it's bright but coooollllldddd here today. Rain later in the day-hope it doesn't turn to ice. I don't really have to go anywhere today but probably should make a grocery run at some point.

      TDN-how cool we might share the same first name AND live relatively close to each other!! My nephew got into UNH for next year. He got into all the schools he's applied to so far and still has time to make a decision but he's having a hard time narrowing it down. He likes them all!! My sis is hoping for UVM. I just want him to be happy with his choice, at least for a year. BTW, you are doing a GREAT job starting us off each morning and your memory is tops!!

      Not much else to say right now-I'll be back later!!
      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        AF Daily~Saturday, February 4

        Hey Pappy!

        How are ya?

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          AF Daily~Saturday, February 4

          Wow, Pap3--we sure do share the same name! I have avoided Etsy just because of my shopping addiction!! Now I'll be hooked!! I saw your shop, and can't wait to see things listed. The belly bands are a great idea! Wish I was still in the pet sales business, as I had customers all over New England. I could always give you some to contact if you are interested. Belly bands seemed very popular, and I don't recall seeing too many in shops. When I get my license back--whenever that is--I'll come and meet you!
          Do you ever go to The All Dogs Gym for agility? That is the only place we'd ever leave the Three Stooges, but we haven't been away for about two or three years, so haven't been there in a while. I love that place. We had Brittany Rescue meetings there before--they probably still do. And they bought toys from me in the past.
          I am going to try not to spend too much time on Etsy before heading to the gym. But when I get back. . .
          "One day at a time."


            AF Daily~Saturday, February 4

            Yep, been there many times and competed once in agility there. If I enter a trial there this spring or summer, will you be able to come watch?
            Thanks for finding my shop! Do you like the banner? I will probably change it a lot as I get more into this.
            Hey Mr. G-I am doing great!! How are you???? summer is winding down a bit in Oz isn't it?
            No rain today-that was out in Indy-silly me!!!
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              AF Daily~Saturday, February 4

              papmom3;1255707 wrote: Yep, been there many times and competed once in agility there. If I enter a trial there this spring or summer, will you be able to come watch?
              Thanks for finding my shop! Do you like the banner? I will probably change it a lot as I get more into this.
              Hey Mr. G-I am doing great!! How are you???? summer is winding down a bit in Oz isn't it?
              No rain today-that was out in Indy-silly me!!!

              Good to hear you're well. All okay here, and battling on. Last month of summer here, and loving the beautiful blue sky's and beaches. Take care, and cool to almost catch up in real time! lol. New album for you mid year. (isn't that what i said last year?)

              Have a great weekend all.

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                AF Daily~Saturday, February 4

                Good morning Abbers!

                Thanks for starting us up again TDN ~ you're getting to be a Pro
                I don't go to Curves on the weekends. Instead I busy myself with back breaking chores here like cleaning out the chicken coop, etc :H Glad to hear your Bud is doing OK.

                Hi G!!!!!!
                A new album this year - sweet

                papmom, looks like a fairly dry weekend in store here although it is quite cloudy here. Feel bad for the folks out west getting dumped with so much snow.

                Well, it's almost 10 am - guess I'll go wake up my watchdog :H

                Have a great day one & all!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  AF Daily~Saturday, February 4

                  Table runner for my Cape Cod friends:

                  label by our dear Lav:

                  Reverse side (sorry the camera didn't focus too well!):

                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    AF Daily~Saturday, February 4

                    Ohhhhh... that's lovely, P3!!! Wow... almost looks reversible! What a talented bunch you all are!

                    Today is the day, dear friends and neighbours! The horses WILL move into the barn tonight! Gosh, it's been a long time coming and the barn is by no means 'done' yet... but I can't wait til tonight to see the boyz dry and warm snuggled in for the night

                    You think they look like they're ready? :H

                    Anywho, I best be off get ready for the big hour. Have a fabby AF Saturday, everyone.

                    Oh.. and Kas... Please stay. I very much appreciate your humor, insight, and honesty.


                    Late afternoon update:

                    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                    Winning since October 24th, 2013


                      AF Daily~Saturday, February 4

                      YAY! They're in the barn!! This was awesome to watch, thanks sunnybutt!

                      I am so tired I'm getting in jammies and I dont' care that it's only 7:30
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        AF Daily~Saturday, February 4

                        WOO HOO! I'm glad I was able to check in today to see that fABulous table runner - that is BEAUTIFUL P3!!! And the horses moved into the barn! YEAH!! Life is good.

                        TDN, it is such a pleasure to watch you blossom in recovery. Like a Phoenix rising.

                        Greenie - I'm on CST and my goal is to be in my jammies by 7:30 too!

                        :H Lav - waking up your watch dog at 10AM. I :h Piggy Swissy! Piggy Swissy for President! :soapbox2:

                        And a hearty :h for G-Man too!

                        Hi to all the other fABbies as well.

                        TWO weeks worth of homework done for my diversity class today. That is, if I guessed correctly about the work that will be assigned, and I sure hope he follows the pattern. That puts me ahead in that class until I get back from vacation - a BIG load off my mind.

                        Tomorrow will be an all day event working on prep for a Psychopharmacology quiz and hopefully 2 papers for Treatment Delivery Models - another ambitiously planned study day. But it feels so GOOOD to be ahead of the game instead of behind the 8 ball! Such is college life here in doggy land. I am REALLY looking forward to VACATION!

                        One thing is for sure....

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          AF Daily~Saturday, February 4

                          Love the colours in the table runner. So rich looking. Must have been a lot of work. You have lucky friends. TDN I can now finally get into chat.

                          Ahh the horses are in their new home! Just in time for winter. Was cold today.

                          Not much going on here. Went to the gym/rec centre with my daughter today. She is home from university this weekend. Cooking her stew to take back. Feeling pretty mellow. Heard this week I will be able to retire the end of March. Big life change to adapt to. I have worked at the library for 36 years. I see it as an opportunity. I am feeling blessed I am not drinking. I will have to work at keeping it that way. Sid


                            AF Daily~Saturday, February 4

                            Hey Sid, that's great news! We'll have a retirement party here for you

                            Sunni, I hope the boys love their new home as much as we all do! Great job lady

                            DG, you sound super busy! Vacation will be a nice break for you!!!!
                            It's close to 9:30 & the Piggy Swissy is snoring her head off - honestly :H
                            She barely did a thing all day.....

                            Had some rain mixed with snow today - wasn't expecting that but it's dry now.
                            I'm thinking Spring, so are my daffs.

                            Hope everyone is having a nice evening

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              AF Daily~Saturday, February 4

                              what a lovely day here in Abland....TDN - you are a rock. And you rock. I have seen some of your other postings out and about on the board and I've got to say you are owning your AF life with grace and courage.

                              PMom - I was looking back a few days to find your etsy handle. I can't wait to see what you put in your shop. Your table runners are works of art. I wouldn't be able to put anything on them - it would be a shame to cover them up in any way! Can you post the name of your etsy shop again?

                              Sunni - WOW - the boys are in the barn and it is so fabulous! It just must feel amazing to have that accomplished. It is a truly beautiful structure inside and out.

                              DGirl - I love hearing about your school and TWO Weeks - as in T- WOW - eeks worth of homework done in advance? Please go to the head of the class! You're going to the Carribean, yes? Me too. Doing a cruise in the Southern Carribean in late February and no, our captain is not from Italy. I plan on doing the safety drill on BOTH sides of the boat, just in case! This will be my first sober cruise. Whoo Hoo.

                              Sidders - I hope to see you in chat soon! That's great you finally heard about the retirement. It will be a big change but you will love your new freedom. You are one with limitless talent!

                              Lav - at the rate the snow is piling up here (another 14 inches last night!) we will not see daffodils until mid-May. You can tell your pal, Puxatawnee Phil to go crawl back into his hole!

                              Greenie - thank you for the advice about dumping the booze. I came here as soon as the booze arrived and then when hubby came home we went out. The damn bottle didn't have a chance to even start whispering to me. It ended up being consumed by friends later that night. I am grateful I was able to recognize my vulnerability and take positive action. I am soooooo grateful that I could come here and share my disappointments and fears AND find support.

                              I love being AF. I NEVER had this much joy or curiosity about life in general when I was drinking. Just for fun, I went to the sobriety calculator today (AA History Sobriety Calculator) I've racked up 196 days. Every now and then, it's just nice to see how long it's been since my life was painful, painfully dull and
                              Sober for the Revolution!
                              AF & NF July 23, 2011

