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AF Daily~Sunday, February 5

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    AF Daily~Sunday, February 5

    Good Sunday morning, Abbers!
    Having my coffee as I type this. Decided to fill my cup with water and heat it in micro before pouring the coffee--little trick Mr TDN does--and it works. Especially on this cold morning--13 degrees right now. But no snow predicted until later in the week, and that doesn't look like much. I like it this way, but all the snowmobilers and skiers are crying for more snow.
    Read all the posts from yesterday, and I want to thank all of you for being so kind and supportive. This forum is such a huge part of my life now and keeps me going even on days when I feel a little down. I love reading about everyone's life--good and bad--as it makes me realize how much we all have in common.
    After the gym yesterday a.m. we went to a local breakfast/lunch place. Kind of place where you know just about everyone and we all clear our own tables, pour coffee for others, etc. On the way in we met two guys from my AA group and they joined us. One of them goes to our church, and he has just started Bible Study. Told us that the pastor has a sister he had to get into rehab, so now I really understand why I love listening to him and his wonderful sermons. I am going to try to write him a note before church to tell him what his words have meant to me.
    DG, I admire your work (or should I say homework) ethic!! It's great that you are getting ahead before vacation.
    Sunni--I am in LOVE with the barn and the horses! Is Atlas the white one? And what is the other one's name? They are gorgeous animals!
    Lav, hope we see the piggy pic soon!
    Turn, don't know how you deal with that much snow. Must be very beautiful, though.
    Greenie, you always sound so positive. Inspiring.
    Guitarista--what is that about a new recording? Sounds wonderful to me.
    Sid, I hope we can do a chat--if you let me know when you'll be on. So nice that you can retire and maybe enjoy your hobbies or a little part time job. Is Mr Sid retired?
    Pap3--just as I suspected, Etsy is going to be another "browsing" spot for me!!! I've seen so many things I love, but am restraining myself!!! Your runner is beautiful! The wife of one of hubby's friends is quite a quilter. She recently got a major national prize for one of her quilts. Bet you could do that, too! Can't wait to see the shop fill up with lovely items.
    Uni, hope to see you back soon. You too, Kas!!! Could use one of your beautiful photos today!!
    Cindi, how is mom?
    Don't know who I have forgotten, but do sometimes have brain fog. Not sure if it's PAWS or the Paxil. Have had some mild headaches and am sometimes tired, so it may be the Paxil. I still have the Amoryn you suggested, Lav--a whole unopened bottle in the freezer-- and wonder how long you were on prescription before switching over. I don't want to screw up my mood, but do prefer non-prescription things to the drugs.
    Hope everybody has a great AF Sunday!

    "One day at a time."

    AF Daily~Sunday, February 5

    Good Morning 3DN and all to come.

    Happy Sunday. It actually feels a bit cold outside today. it has been such a mild winter here in Northern Virginia.

    Practical exam for yoga DONE yesterday. Today our class is celebrating by going on a hike. Looking forward to it.

    Have a great day all!!

    AF Since April 20, 2008
    4 Years!!!


      AF Daily~Sunday, February 5

      Good morning Abbers!

      Enjoying my cup(s) of French roast coffee here waiting for some sunshine......
      TDN, I sent you a PM about switching over to Amoryn. Just be sure to do a slow, safe wean from the Paxil & all should be fine

      Congrats on finishing up your exam yesterday M3! Enjoy the hike, sounds nice.

      I actually lost 2 lbs last week so I am NOT going to be stuffing myself with junk food just because it's Superbowl Sunday. I don't even watch football anyway :H
      The YB will be here as well as my DIL & grandsons so I'll just enjoy the company .


      Wishing everyone a great AF day!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF Daily~Sunday, February 5


        OK, who shot the groundhog? He for sure didn't go back in his hole, given this beautiful sunny 70 degree February day!

        Lavande;1256208 wrote: Just be sure to do a slow, safe wean from the Paxil & all should be fine
        Voice of experience here - DO NOT do it quickly.

        M3, I know you must feel great having completed the exams! My sister said they had a light snow this AM - brisk day for a hike. I'll be headed to the river in a bit - in shorts and a tee shirt.

        Hoping to do a little tundra work. Need to prune some shrubs. Home maintenance never ends and in fact is piling up, but I'm grateful to have one so I won't stress over it. Opened the windows to circulate the fresh air through the house. Maybe I'll smudge a bit later, I feel like I need to stir up the energy a bit - and mine. I want to keep moving forward this year; not just stay in the same place. Hopefully I can learn to direct the restless energy I seem to always have.

        I know who is playing in the superbowl and that's as far as I plan to take it. No junk food here, lav. I don't know how much I weigh, but my pants are a tad tighter. I had to reduce my river walks drastically when I started work. When the yoga groupon thing runs out, I plan to replace that time with aerobic stuff at the gym. My knee bothers me so I'm thinking swimming.

        tally ho and be glad that at the end of the day, you won't be a superdrunk in the toiletbowl. Go team!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily~Sunday, February 5

          Lav, she's such a sweet looking girl.... I wouldn't care if she snored
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF Daily~Sunday, February 5

            Happy Sunday, FABbies!!!

            Superbowl Sunday, huh? Giants and Patriots, I think? That's as much I'll know about it, too :H

            Ohhhh Lav! There's Piggy Swissy! And now I won't have to wonder (and not ask) about what species exactly she might be! :H She looks sweet and innocent... not at all like the stories we've heard! :H Have you ever divulged how she got her name?

            TDN, we hardly have any snow either.. and the snow mobile crowd is not happy. Apparently, the police are asking everyone to stay off the lakes as well... the ice just isn't thick enough this year.

            Momof3... Congrats on getting on the other side of the exam! How did it go?

            I'm about ready to head to the barn and see how the boys are, feed them, and let 'em out for the day Oh.. TDN, Atlas is the paint, and the grey's (white) name is Trouble Mr. Wonderful tried to convince me to spell it "Twubble" on his stall name plate. Noooo! :H
            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              AF Daily~Sunday, February 5

              sunshine_gg;1256223 wrote: She looks sweet and innocent... not at all like the stories we've heard!
              And not at all like MY dog, who managed to find something in the tundra to roll in. Fecker. Dog bath was NOT on my schedule today. grrrrrrr

              Sunnybutt, I had to laugh about you asking about PSwissy's name - Lav's other dog (may she rest in peace) was named "girl dog". :H:H Sorry Lav. But :H:H
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                AF Daily~Sunday, February 5

                good AF sunday... having a dinner party tongiht.. i invited all to birng wine if they want it but i won't be providing it.. I figure if I'm not drinking it ... i'm not buying it... is that fair of me? no matter thats what i'm doing.. lol

                Have a happy day everyone

                AF since Sept 2013...


                  AF Daily~Sunday, February 5

                  Caper, CONGRATULATIONS ON 30 DAYS AF!!!
                  I'm with you on the BYOB thing. Totally acceptable. My drinking friends do that. Wine can be right expensive. As we all know too well :H:H
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    AF Daily~Sunday, February 5

                    Hell would freeze over before I walk into a wine store again :H :H
                    If you're drinkin then bring it :H
                    CONGRATS on 30 AF days Caper!

                    Maxie is a Greater Swiss Mountain dog (emphasis on 'greater'). She was bred by a Vet in Germany & shipped over here as a pup with 'Maxie" on her little doggie passport. Her orginial owner only kept her 18 months. She was overfed & not exercised so she had a pretty good case of shoulder arthritis when I got her. I had a hard time but got her weight down from 118 to around 100 lbs.
                    She is super sweet, great with the kids but she is ALWAYS hungry & stealing food when she can. Actually it was DG who nicknamed her Piggy Swissy
                    I am starting to look into the possibility of getting a smaller version of Maxie called an Entlebucher Swiss Mountain dog. They are about half the size of Maxie
                    There's room for another doggie since Girl Dog departed.......

                    Not exactly looking forward to football all evening
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      AF Daily~Sunday, February 5

                      Monday in Australia. Beautiful day! Another weekend gone and more productive than most. Love reading all your comments.


                        AF Daily~Sunday, February 5

                        Hey all-sick again so just popping in to say hi.

                        Mom3=great job on finishing the practical exam!! So happy for you!
                        DG-good to see you. You really are student of the year and could definitely be a roll model for the younger "lets leave it to the last minute" students! Vaca is in 2 weeks?

                        Greenie-totally green about your 70 degree weather! Dad emailed from SC-same thing.

                        Lulu-:goodjob: keep it up-it does get easier!
                        Caper-congrats on 30 days!! Lets go for 60!!

                        Sunnie-so cool aboiut the horses being able to finally get inot the barn! Bet they thought they died and went to heaven!!

                        Lav-Max is adorable!! She does look pretty laid back tho!! :H

                        TDN-great job on starting us off today. Did you create a circle in Etsy and put me in? Cool! I have no idea what a circle is but I bet its fun!! One belly band is done. Just trying to decide if i should publish that listing or wait until I have some choiced for the hoards that will be knocking down my virtual door :H

                        Ugh, I hate nights and colds. Just can't stand the rotten feeling. Talk to you all tomorrow!
                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!

