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Saturday 13 January 2007

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    Saturday 13 January 2007

    Hello again absville people!

    Ihave just got back from UK. Unfortunately, my dad died over Christmas and my mum is now in a nursing home. I did 40 days AF but I lost it over the festive season! My partner has just left for 3 months overseas,but I hope to resume my af days!
    Missed you all and any words of support would be great right now :-)

    Saturday 13 January 2007

    Dear Blondie...I thought I hadn't seen you for a while...bless you sweetie! ...
    Oh God Blondie, this was not a good time for you over the festive season, you must be feeling very lost right now, it is always a terrible thing to lose someone close, but Christmas just seems to magnify the pain tenfold for some reason...Thinking of you and your mum today, is she still in the uk ?? If so, this must also be hard for you, it's a long way out isn't it...and your partner needs to be away too...You are really having it thrown at you left right and centre..:l :l :l Hugs are just not right over the must need some BIG real ones right now, and plenty of them. Do you have close friends nearby that can give you support?
    Blondie my love, if you are going through all this and still have the determination to go are a wonder woman..I'm still there, and it was your post to me about not wanting to start over that really helped on that weekend....I don't know what I can do, but if there is anything cyber related...posts, chats or pms...then I'm right here...strength my little Antipodean chum and MUCH love Weemelonhead xoxo


      Saturday 13 January 2007

      Hi Blondie..........

      I'm sending many :l your way. One of the hardest times of my life was when my dad died and then years later my mom had to have full time care and then she died. Just know that you will get through this and there is some sunshine on the other side.

      I hope you're not isolated at this time. Warm bodies help even if they are children or puppies!
      You did abs before and you CAN do it again! I just know you can!!

      Much :h coming your way.
      "Be still and know that I am God"

      Psalm 46:10


        Saturday 13 January 2007

        Hi blondie....I'm glad you're back. I'm so sorry about your dad and having to leave your mum in a home. It must be terrible for you. I don't blame you for having a drink.
        Well done for having the strength to restart your AF days. I take my hat off to you.:l


          Saturday 13 January 2007

          Keep going Blondie...bumping the thread


            Saturday 13 January 2007

            Hi Blondie,
            welcome back. You may not know me well but I do so understand what you must be going through. I also lost my mom just before this Christmas. She was the proverbial Mrs. Claus and Christmas was her favorite time of the year. It must be doubly hard knowing that your Mom is still there and you are so far away.
            Like somebody said, you need a real hug. Call your friends if they are nearby. Anything I can do via email please let me know.
            You are a very strong person, doing AF under the circumstances.
            Love and xoxoxoxoxo Lori
            *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


              Saturday 13 January 2007

              Hi Blondie-
              I'm so very sorry to hear about your dad. Nothing feels normal for quite awhile after losing someone you are so close to - especially a parent.
              Hope you have some close friends or family you can be near or talk to during this time.

              So glad you are taking care of yourself too- not easy to do under these circumstances.
              All my best to you-


                Saturday 13 January 2007

                didn't make it abs last night, today i am going to the book store, i neew stuff to occupy my time so i am not just sitting here moping about not being able to drink and then going and buying stuff, i will get a couple of books and maybe some movies, i notices i get involved in a tv show and then a commercial comes on and my attention goes to me wanting a drink again, maybe a movie would help keep my attention long enough to make it to bed time.
                It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                James Gordon, M.D.


                  Saturday 13 January 2007

                  Hello to everyone in absville!

         did 40 days! You can do it again. No wonder you drank some during that time of your life with multiple losses. I think it's impressive you're back here already!

                  I have completed 5 days wine free. My most probably in 5 years or so. Last night I wished I could have my wine after work but that was IT. I just wished I could. I did not crave it AT ALL! I am grateful for Campral, the mental "click" brought on by dbf, God and everyone here.



                    Saturday 13 January 2007

                    I'm thinking about you, Blondie, and sending warm thoughts your way. You have a lot of courage. We're all here for you, so don't hesitate to post. You've got a lot to deal with at the moment. I agree with Nancy--I hope you have some people around you who can give you love and support at this time as well as all your cyber friends here.

                    Newgrl, movies sound like a good idea. Also, if you like any kind of hand crafts, like knitting, it is a great thing to keep your mind off drinking. Works well with watching movies and stuff like that too.

                    Great work, Maggie!!

                    To everyone else, good morning. My sister just left.:upset: I'll miss her until she gets back, but it will give me the time and space to focus on me, and I really need that right now. Just a few more days....not an option, not an option....


                    AF as of August 5th, 2012


                      Saturday 13 January 2007

                      Hi everyone in Absville,
                      Blondie sorry about your dad. Can't imagine the pain of losing a parent. 40 days of AF, that is great! Glad you are back. My thoughts are with you.
                      Maggie, we should be AF partners. We both are on day six. I think Sat. will be hard. I am use to cooking a nice meal with a great bottle of wine. KFC maybe the on the dinner menu tonight.
                      New girl, I agree with Kathy... try anything to keep busy. Do you have friends/boyfriend who don't drink.
                      It is great to have a partner that will support you. Especially, when you really want to have a drink.
                      Kathy, I am exicted to have you in Absville. Although I am only on day 6, I never thought I would make it this long. Although, at my age I don't wont time to pass to quickly, I can't wait until I am 30 or 60 days of AF.
                      Xoxox to everyone today!!!!


                        Saturday 13 January 2007

                        Good morning to the folks in Absville,
                        Today I am starting on day 13 AF and I am still feeling really good. Pat on the back to all you other abbers and way to go. Kathy I am with you.......
                        it's not an option.... it's not an option....
                        The weekend is here and I have a lot to do, since I neglected my duties pittifully the last few days. I seem to spend an inexcusable amount of time on the puter reading and posting. But hey, I deserve me time, don't I? I need to get this AF thing down pat and make it a way of life, so I can face my coming days without that cotton batten brain that I suffered from for years. All, have a wonderful day. I wish you peace.
                        Love Lori
                        *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                          Saturday 13 January 2007

                          I am doing Ok - day 15. My lovely father-in-law called me a 'typical alcoholic' last night, which has really hurt my feelings.... This is coming from someone who drank a case of beer just to get out of bed in his past! He hates me and this makes me very sad. And not to mention we are moving to the city he lives in - far away from my own family..... I am just shattered. He made it very clear that he does not like me at all last night. Oh God, I sooooo just want to die. I don't want to move now..... I just want to crawl under the blankets and die.


                            Saturday 13 January 2007

                            Blondie, so sorry for your loss. You've been doing great and you can do it again. We are all here for you. Big hugs.
                            Enlightened by MWO


                              Saturday 13 January 2007

                              Accountable, that is just plain cruel talk from you father in law. My feelings would be hurt too, but remember that comment says a lot more about him than it does about you.

                              Great job on AF.
                              Enlightened by MWO

