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Saturday 13 January 2007

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    Saturday 13 January 2007

    Good Morning Absville:

    Made through a cocktail party by only drinking water....boy people act silly when they are drunk!

    Accountable: I am so sorry your feelings are hurt, my in-laws tend hurt my feeling quite often too. Hang in there and rise above the hurtful comments. If he cannot see the you for the wonderful person you are, then he is the one who is missing out!

    Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!



      Saturday 13 January 2007

      Blondie I am so sorry for your loss. Going 40 days af way to go. I know you will get right back to af days, escpecially with the group of people on here.

      Accountable I don't know what to say but what a horrible person your father in law is, or is he just thinking "I wish I could be that strong". I know how strong you are and you have to keep focusing on you.

      Good luck to both of you.

      :l :l :h :h
      "What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it."
      Catherine Pulsifer


        Saturday 13 January 2007

        Mornin abbers!!!

        Morning to you Blondie, I hope you managed to get some good sleep last night, you really need a lot of R and R at the moment...take plenty of you time for a while if you can sweetie,.....:h
        Newgrl...those adverts are a suck for you...why not get pauses there??? And make sure that each one is the thrilleriest thriller that keeps you glued to that sober seat...
        Kathy (your senior ship....touch forelock!) keepin the mumble going..... notanoptionnotanoptionnotanoption....right up to terrific Tuesday!!!
        Mags woo hoo!!! you must be proud of yourself! What a great feeling! And Abby as the abs partner...looks like you'll both be sharing that 'family bucket' tonight!!!!
        Lori...I think we may need to be 'chores' partners.....fancy a quick tidying two step? A re arranging rhumba?? The polishing polka???? I've got the rose between my teef!!
        Kizzie well done at the's funny to see the other side isn't it??? Thank the good lord Harry that you are the one watching, not being watched!!!LOL
        And dear Accountable.......some people are very unhappy individuals aren't they??? I can only think that this man is under the grip of some reality skewing depression or something?? Skendall is does say a lot more about him than you....You are a love, and he...quite frankly....sounds bonkers! What does your husband feel about all this??? Is there nothing he can do to try and ease the situation with his father..??

        Love to all...hugs for those that need it, and high fives for those's a mixed thread today isn't it???? weemelon


          Saturday 13 January 2007

          Hi Blondie,

          I just wanted to say that you've been through a lot and I'm sure as time goes by with you Mom in a nursing home you will have more hard times ahead.

          I will be thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers.

          Just remember: We can find a lot of reasons to drink. The trick is to find reasons not to.

          :h :h :h :h


            Saturday 13 January 2007

            thank you for the advie, i went to the store and bought alen carrs book, i am going to read it here shortly and then go to the store to get dvd's, i am ready to do this, i just need to push down that voice telling me i cant, and yes i have a boyfriend but he is out of town and doesnt know i need his help, i will ask him for it when he returns
            It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
            James Gordon, M.D.


              Saturday 13 January 2007

              Hi Accountable,
              You are doing so very well. Just be proud of yourself.

              There are so many people who cross our path, whether they be family, friends or co-workers who are negativity personified. They have an ax to grind or a shitload of personal problems that they are not dealing with. It is much easier to plonk their verbal garbage onto somebody else, who is obviously very vulnerable at this time. It's the bully mentality. They always pick on the ones perceived to be more delicate, so they themselves can feel bigger, better, more important. Inside, under their ugly skin, they are gargantuan cowards, no more, no less.

              That is the time for you to step away (even if you do it only mentally) and make a list of all the wonderful attributes you possess. He cannot touch you when you are in that frame of mind. His ugly words will roll off your shoulders and not wound your heart. You know who you are and there is only one of you in the entire universe.
              He means to trip you up, don't let him.
              Love Lori.
              *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                Saturday 13 January 2007

                That sounds like a plan. While we are at it, would you like to maybe, perhaps, try tangling a rendition of the "Throbbing Teetotaler Tango" whilst removing surplus cob webs. I plugged my Emu's tail, made a duster, which I am presently practising to clench in my teeth while dancing.
                Lemme know.
                *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                  Saturday 13 January 2007

                  I have gotten to page 80 in the book, not really too far in, i have taken my ssupps today on schedule, did the dishes, REALLY need to do laundy, someone want to do it for me, i will pay you?? i hate doing laundry, oh well anything to keep me busy. I am gonna eat lunch, put laundry in then head to the dvd store and get some stuff for me to watch, buoght calmes forte, so this is the plan, watch dvds till 9 or 10, then i am gonna take calmes, go im bedroom and read till i fall asleep, sound like a good plan?? today is day one, heres to making it for the first time!
                  It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                  James Gordon, M.D.


                    Saturday 13 January 2007

                    Thank you all for all of your kind words and super support! BIG :l's to you all. You are all truly magnificent people, and don't ever forget it!

                    Lush, thanks so much for putting things into perspective for me and allowing me to share a bit with you. You are a super hero all in your own.

                    My husband is apparently getting a dose here and there from his dad as well. Like Lush said, my FIL is probably doubting that our sobriety is too good to be true at the moment and my hubby and I probably will end up down that ugly road again. It makes sense. I guess I can just let it be, forgive, and keep going on. People are negative for sure sometimes. I have an issue with sensitivity and cannot stand being labelled. LOL.

                    You all are and have been my rocks! I took a bit of a snooze while my baby was napping and feel much better now. Thanks, thanks, and more thanks to you all!


                      Saturday 13 January 2007

                      Really glad you feel better, Accountable.

                      Not drinking today. I already put the 0 on my drink counter! We are going to a fantasy football party tonight, and at this same party last year, I was so drunk I couldn't play cards. I don't even remember going home from it last year.
                      Not this year! Hubby is going to be AF with me, so we are stopping to pick up something else to drink, cuz all that will be at the party is beer. Looking forward to breaking out of my rut!
                      Hopefully everyone meets their goals for today.
                      Newgrl, you can do it! Today, we are doing it, OK? zero drinks. It will feel great Sunday morning. I promise.


                        Saturday 13 January 2007

                        I am with you Becca, today we will be AF together, I am going to put my O in the drinktracker as well, I have no alcohol in the house, I have two books, two movie, a dart board, tons of food if i am hungry, andcalmes forte, i am ready, nervouse but ready I am going in an out of spells of wanting to g to the store, but i am determined not to, it is hard to not have someone here with me to help me through this right now
                        It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                        James Gordon, M.D.


                          Saturday 13 January 2007

                          Newgrl, it is just time, and it will pass. You will get through it. You've got good things to do, and you'll do okay. I'll be thinking of you tonight!

                          Accountable, your FIL was just nasty. I'm glad that you and your hubby are on the same page and can support each other. I think you're mighty fine, sweetie!

                          I'm off to watch football, although I'm in a bit of a quandry about who to root for. Such problems we should have, right?


                          AF as of August 5th, 2012


                            Saturday 13 January 2007

                            thanks I still havent gone to the store, I have read to page 130 in the book (about halfway) i am going to play darts for a while and then start cooking dinner in an hour, then i will put in the movie, when the movie is over i will head to bed with a book, okay this plan has GOT to work this time!
                            It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                            James Gordon, M.D.


                              Saturday 13 January 2007

                              You are not alone.

                              New Girl,

                              You have lots of friends all around you tonight who are giving you wonderful advice. I agree with every word I have read. Even the stuff from weemelon that I didn't fully understand.

                              Accountable, I am glad your day is finishing up better. I just read through the thread and have to say I was really ticked but it looks like the gang picked you up and carried you through. What a wonderful group of people strung clear across the world yet knit so close together. You are all truly a miracle.

                              Day nineteen and counting.

                              Thank you all and good night.



                                Saturday 13 January 2007

                                thanks birdman, you made me smile with the weemelon comment.
                                It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                                James Gordon, M.D.

