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AF Daily~Monday, February 6

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    AF Daily~Monday, February 6

    Good morning, all Abbers!
    Wow--a heat wave at 25 degrees here. Supposed to get up to 40 today, then back to 30's tomorrow.
    Watched the SB with hubby, even though I have never had a clue what football is about. Hubby played in high school and college--that's why he has a knee that is screwed up--and coached, too. But I like the ads and I loved the half time with Madonna. She is one talented woman, IMO.
    Greenie, a walk in tee shirt and shorts??? I'd love that, for sure!
    M3, so happy your exams are over, and I think it's just great that you'll be teaching yoga.
    Lulu, glad to see you!
    Lav, thanks for the advice about the Paxil. It really does seem to be making me tired. I am in LOVE with Maxie!!!! What an adorable dog! I will not call her Piggy, as she is too beautiful to be called a pig, LOL!! Have you ever tried adding canned pumpkin to her food? I know our rescue group uses it for overweight dogs, as it is nutritious and fills the dog up. I won't get on my soapbox about dog foods right now, but I learned a lot about this, and am still learning. Anyway, please hug her for me!
    Caper--WOW!! Huge congrats to you! Keep up the good work. So happy for you.
    Suuni, LOVE ATLAS and Twubble, too!! And that barn--a work of art. I'm sure the horses are very happy that it's finished now.
    Pap3, so sorry that you are sick again! Did you go back to nursing home? With all the sickness and germs in those places, it must be hard to avoid getting sick yourself. Hope you feel better. YES!! I don't know what the circle is, but added you to mine--actually, you're the only one in it right now! Trying to get one of my very talented friends to list some of her creations on there. She emailed me pics of two items she'd bought and both arrived broken. One she was able to glue together and it looks great, but both sellers refunded her money. Can't wait for your store to open.
    Miss you, Bear, and hope you are doing okay and will be back soon so I can give up the morning wake up job ! Miss you, too, Uni and Kas.
    DG, good luck with school this week!
    Anybody else I've forgotten, please excuse me.
    Adivce, please. Sorry if I asked already--can't remember. Have my interview at the hospital tomorrow. Am going to print the app today and have it ready when I arrive. Asks if you've ever been convicted of a crime. I am thinking a crime is a felony charge, and I don't have anything like that. I could ask the lawyer--if he calls me back! Just wondering what you all think.
    Well, enough out of me. Will check back later.

    "One day at a time."

    AF Daily~Monday, February 6

    Morning TDN and all fabbies to swing by!

    TDN, I can think of reasons you should and shouldn't. I'd just do what feels right in light of why you think that question is on the app. and how it applies to you and the hospital. Wonder if they do a background check and if it would show up if you said no. Lawyer should be able to answer that.

    I got some shrubs pruned yesterday. Hoping for the best for them in this crazy weather. how do you know when to do anything anymore when the seasons intermingle?

    Someone sent me this link to the Chinese lantern festival in Bejing, Marshy. Chinese lantern festival - in pictures | Life and style |

    Off into the busyness of the day!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF Daily~Monday, February 6

      Good morning all. Off to work I go. Just another 2 months. Mr. Sid is not retired yet TDN. We will work on the next. I don't know about the hospital thing. I know my daughter has to get a police check every year to work in the hosptial here in Canada.
      It is filed with the local cops and then checked with the RCMP. It is a big pain to get it.
      2 months waiting period last year. I doubt anything but a felony would show up.
      Hope everyone had a great weekend. Finally cold here in the Great White North.


        AF Daily~Monday, February 6

        Good morning Abbers!

        Woke up with a male person in my bed this morning - EB :H :H
        He decided to stay overnight & chose my room to make himself comfortable. He has a cold right now, I guess he just felt safer with me
        Now I need to get him dressed, fed & dropped off at home so I can eventually get myself to Curves.

        TDN, I'm no lawyer but I think the word 'convicted' is important. You have not been convicted of anything yet. I think the hospital HR dept is more concerned about drug, theft & assault convictions than anything else. It was a brisk 25 degrees here as well this moring - Brr!

        I can't wait to get outside to start some cleanup Greenie but it's way too soon around these parts. Enjoy your warmish weather.

        Morning Sid! On your 2 month countdown now ~ fantastic!

        OK, will check in later. Have a great AF Monday one & all!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          AF Daily~Monday, February 6

          Madonna kicks ass!
          That is all.
          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


            AF Daily~Monday, February 6

            TDN-we (as in all of us) can share the morning wake up post. Frankly I thought you were really enjoying it so didn't want to step on your toes but it isn't really fair to put all that on one person. So, if one morning you don't feel like starting, don't worry, one of us will.
            I'm thankful my products can't break in the mail!!
            As far as the NH goes, I'll go in this Thursday and if I wake up sick again on Sat I'll give my two weeks notice. Hopefully that won't happen.

            As far as the question on the app-if it wasn't a hospital, I would probably just say no as technically at the time of application you have NOT been convicted. However, because hospitals do CORI checks and I don't know what that encompasses (Lav, SD?) I would say no but would add verbally that you are awaiting trail for a DUI which is your first and only offense. Its what I would do anyway just to cover all bases.

            Aww Lav, that EB is just tooo cute! did he stay up for the whole game????

            I'm sorry I missed the season opener of the Voice. I so love that show. Hoepfully can see it on the free version of Hulu or something.

            I've called in, had 2 cups of tea and a bagel must find the energy to feed my version of piggy swissies or as I like to say, piggie pappies. Slippers, socks, tissues, paper towels and any form of real food, you name it they will steal it and devour it.

            TDN, I too learned a lot about food during my days of fostering. Quite the eye opener and I have changed my pets food dramatically. I would love to feed raw but just can't afford it. I did for a bit before DD and Mickey never looked better. I know that raw would totally heal DDs digestive system but just can't do it at the moment. Sigh.
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              AF Daily~Monday, February 6

              Hello friends,

              Monday morning check in time for me. We had another busy weekend with the boys. I love watching them play basketball, but can't help but feel bad for #1 son as he continues to spend most of his time on the bench.
              #2 son hurt his knee again during the first qtr of his game Saturday morning--it looked bad so we took him to a clinic--he doesn't think any major damage done, so we bought him a new brace and we'll see how it goes for the game tonight.

              Last Monday both boys were sick to their stomachs and I let them stay home from school, because the symptoms were so similar to what I had. Now this morning #1 son is feeling sick again. I don't think he is faking, but I also don't think he is "sick" either. I don't know what to think. He had friends over last evening, so I guess they could have overdosed on pop and chips. I don't think he gets enough rest--I wish I could get him to take better care of himself--but I can only do so much. He doesn't take his ADD meds on the weekend--it wouldn't be some kind of withdrawal symptom would it???

              Not much else going on here. My laptop died, so that may be someone trying to tell me I spend too much time on the computer.

              Glad to see everyone is doing so well in their sobriety! Have a great sober week all!:h
              NF since June 1, 2008
              AF since September 28, 2008
              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                AF Daily~Monday, February 6

                Good morning everyone,

                TDN, a background check will find the arrests. I went through this myself last year. On the application, if it asks about arrests, etc, be honest. If it only asks for felonies, you don't have any, I assume. However, the arrests will turn up no matter what.

                Everyone sounds pretty darned good!! Yay.

                LVT, not sure about the stomach thing except that my son took Ritalin years ago for a short time and it hurt his tummy. Did the tummy ache show up before or after taking his ADD med? If after, ensure he takes it with food. Otherwise, I would be at a loss just like you...

                Well, mom is in the hospital with heart issues. I will hopefully fly down there Wednesday. She does not do well recovering from any meds they might give her for stress tests, etc. They cause her dementia to go through the roof and she often ends up in a complete paranoid state. So, I want to get down there to help my dad deal with any side effects, etc. This means I will be down there quite a while as I am going to try to help them with their move to a new city as well.

                I would be very upset if we lose her before I get down there. :-( Unfortunately, I just can't leave my husband all the time. I wish they lived in my city. I am torn between being a good daughter (who loves her parents very, very much) and a good wife who enjoys being with her husband. After almost 15 years of 48 weeks a year travel, this time at home has been amazing.

                Anyway, I am sober, I am very happy to be sober and I will not let these worries change that at all!!

                Love to all,
                AF April 9, 2016


                  AF Daily~Monday, February 6

                  Ah Cindi,
                  Sorry about your Mom. The fewer the meds the better for the elderly. Just wish the docs would remember that

                  LVT, I really believe laptops are designed to last 2 or 3 years then then fail. My SIL convinced me of that a few years ago. Look for a good sale
                  Hope your son's knee is OK!

                  papmom, hope you feel better soon!
                  Chicken soup really works, IMHO

                  I do add high fiber, low calorie stuff to Maxie's food bowl - green beans, etc. Never tried pumpkin with her TDN but I'm sure she would love it.

                  OK, now I need to get something useful done.....
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    AF Daily~Monday, February 6

                    Hmm, I have a very fat cat. His tummy drags on the floor.

                    I wonder if adding pumpkin to his food would work?

                    Guess I'll go Google.

                    Since I have always fed my animals dried food, I have never had an overweight pet before. Generally, dried food does not appeal to the point of overindulging. (Sometimes wondered if the same would work for me. :H)

                    Thanks for the tip!

                    AF April 9, 2016


                      AF Daily~Monday, February 6

                      cindi-The Wellness line of pet food is inexpensive comparatively speaking and has a good low fat or weight loss line. I never free feed my cats-they get fed twice a day and that's it. I also switched from dry to canned years ago to help with weight and also to make sure they were getting enough water. Cats notoriously don't drink enough water. Also, its a huge myth that dry food helps with tarter control so I saw no reason to keep feeding dry. that and the fact that I have always been scared stiff that my male cat would develop a urinary blockage which dry food exacerbates. I've also intermittently fed my cats canned pumpkin especially when their tummies seem to be upset. Its great for binding or loosening depending on what is needed. Don't ask me how it can do both :H. I sure hope you mom hangs on until you get there and that the docs will be sensitive to the meds/dementia connection. I can't imagine the turmoil you are going through right now and how tough it must be to be pulled in 2 different directions. Huge :l and prayers being sent to you.

                      Hey Uni-she was pretty darn good for a 29 yo!

                      Lav-just finished my chicken noodle soup! I really want to go to the store and get more soup, tissues, juice, supplements etc as it's all gone from the last bout but I just don't have the energy. Maybe later this afternoon.

                      LVT-hope your son's knee heals fast! There has definitely been repeat viruses (when i was a kid they were called echo viruses) going around so I wouldn't assume his upset tummy is due to pop and junk although its certainly a possibility with teens!!
                      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                      KO the Beast!!


                        AF Daily~Monday, February 6


                        I have always used dried food for my animals and for some reason never had a cat who didn't drink a ton of water.

                        On the feeding at certain times, I am willing to do that but trying to figure out how to set it up so my not fat cat actually gets her share. Unfortunately, while I am gone, that will not happen. Hubby will not add another chore to his list.

                        Cosmo is about 8 years old and Baby is 12. Both seem healthy (other than Cosmo's weight) with the dried food. I did just pick up the food dish from Cosmo so he can't eat anymore right now. He went straight to the dog dish.

                        Pouhlan eats first thing a.m. so I can put that up, too.

                        A friend who teaches at a school with vet tech classes told me it is likely Cosmo has either diabetes or a thyroid issue. I guess I should take him to the vet. sigh.

                        AF April 9, 2016


                          AF Daily~Monday, February 6

                          A 'thyroid problem' is every fat girl's dream :H
                          Doesn't matter if it's a cat, dog or human girl.......

                          I had Maxie's thyroid level checked a couple of times - no problem. She's just a big girl & like to eat! She eats absolutely anything she can beg or steal. She follows the kids around & vacuums up the cookie crumbs. She'll eat chicken feed if she can get it - seriously. I gave her fiber tablets once upon a time, will have to look for them again. You administer them a while before meals so they already feel full by the time you actually do feed them.
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            AF Daily~Monday, February 6

                            Flying visit to post this snowman (snowwoman?) in the park yesterday. We had the first snow of winter on Saturday night.

                            Greenie, thanks for the link. Hope everyone is well. Zooming...
                            AF since December 22nd 2008
                            Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                              AF Daily~Monday, February 6

                              day one again for me, been back in the al world for... 6 months? 7? i finally want to stop for good, finally beaten me...
                              I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                              To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.


