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AF Daily~Tuesday, February 7

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    AF Daily~Tuesday, February 7

    Good Morning, Abbers!
    Having coffee, and need it this morning. Bud did not eat anything yesterday--I even bought beef liver and cooked it, baked a sweet potato, and he didn't want it. gave him an anti-nausea pill and will give another this a.m. At 1:30 I woke up, aI felt some shaking. Hubby had briught Bud into bed--he usually is in the bed all night--and he couldn't stop shaking. Hubby went outside with him, and said he didn't want to come back inside. He also seemed to be panting. He finally laid down on the floor. He's up with me and the other two now, but just lying on the couch. I think this chemo hit him hard, unlike the other four. Hope we can get him to eat today. Hubby gets really emotional over this.
    Still haven't printed the application and haven't decided what to do in terms of the crime section.
    I haven't been able to stop thinking about the poor little boys murdered by their father in Washington (or was it Utah?) yesterday. JUst heard that the monster tried hacking them to death before setting the place on fire. And didn't do a good job. This is just too much for me to comprehend. I pray for those innocent little boys.
    Hope you all have a great AF day, and will check back in later.

    "One day at a time."

    AF Daily~Tuesday, February 7

    Good Morning Fabbies!

    *yawn* I slept!!! I think I'm still sleeping, actually

    TDN, I hope Bud comes around today :l Poor guy. It must be that much harder for animals to go through something like chemo... at least we know why we're putting ourselves through it.

    I put up a video of the horses moving into the barn on Saturday last night... if any of you are interested:[/video]]Timber Frame Barn on Manitoulin Island - YouTube

    Not sure what's on the agenda today... much coffee is at the very top, though. Oh.. and guess what!? 120 days! Yeah baby!

    Have a fabby AF day, everyone! One thing is for sure...
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      AF Daily~Tuesday, February 7

      Good morning Abbers!

      Thanks for getting us started TDN ~ more coffee please

      I hope Bud rallies today, hard watching them going through it all :l
      Such a horror about those young boys out in Washington. How crazy their Dad must have been
      Try to not stress yourself over the application TDN, do the best you can & remember we cannot change what happened in the past.

      Sunni, I slept a bit too well myself last night but not really complaining.
      I have to spend today prepping for a kiddie fest the next 2 days - more on that later

      OK, have a terrific AF Tuesday! Det - where are you??

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF Daily~Tuesday, February 7

        Hello friends,

        Way to go Sunshine!!! 120 days is HUGE!!!:goodjob: I loved the Youtube video. I can't get over what a beautiful barn you guys built. Your animals are very lucky to have you.:h

        As a matter of fact, it seems we have a lot of amazing animal lovers on the daily thread! 3DN I hope Bud feels better soon. Not many would spend the kind of money you are to give their dogs a chance at fighting cancer. Bless you.

        I used to have a voracious eater named Bear. He was obese and living on the farm with a calving operation it was impossible to control. (Without locking him up which I wouldn't do) I won't even gross you out with the things he used to eat. Some dogs (and cats) are just like that--like some people I guess.

        Cindi, best wishes to your mom, dad and yourself. You do sound wonderful and I love your advice and big heart!:h

        Lav-I think you're right on the laptop. I don't "need" one very bad, but it sure is handy at times. Thank goodness I bought myself a Kindle for Christmas!:H

        I gave #1 son a Pepcid and let him rest. He went to school and gradually felt better by the end of the day. When we got home from basketball the house was full of teenagers again. I enjoy that. Hubby, however, managed to piss me off right away, so I just put my jammers on, grabbed my Kindle and headed to bed. My son came in later and was in one of those heart to heart modes and talking to him made everything all better.
        #2 son played almost the entire basketball game last night. His knee is still swollen, but not to painful--so nothing serious I guess. I would not have let him play unless we had seen the doctor Saturday, so I'm glad we do something right once in awhile! I did kind of get into it with one of the other team's fans. He was being derogatory toward our kids and that is something I won't tolerate! I was filming, so I got up and moved, but not until I told him how rude I thought he was. Another parent continued the conversation after I moved.

        In Chains, stick around and tell us what you have been up to the last 6 months! You know there is a lot of support here on the daily AF!

        Okay, someone mentioned Intervention, I might have to go watch yesterday's episode before I get going for the day. Have a great sober day one and all!
        NF since June 1, 2008
        AF since September 28, 2008
        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


          AF Daily~Tuesday, February 7

          Morning abbers! Sorry I haven't been around, bad week last week. I have to read back and check up on things.

          sunny - good job on 120 days! woo hoo!
          TDN - hope your dog is feeling better today, i hate it when our animals are sick.

          Still here, still sober - check in again soon.
          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


            AF Daily~Tuesday, February 7

            Hey Sunni!! CONGRATS ON 120 DAYS!! Whoo hoo!! That barn is just fantastic-so gorgeous!! It looks like the boys adjusted quickly to their new digs and the kitty cat was definitely giving you the thumbs (or in her case, the tail) up!!

            LVT-gald both your sons are feeling better. Go for you for saying somethign to the rude kid. It's gotten so bad lately and the parents can be the worst.

            All I have to say about the tragedy out in Wash is at least now we know what happened to the wife. I just hope and pray her body or remains will be found at some point, hopefully sooner rather than years and years from now but I don't hold out hope for a quick recovery. Very sad and definitely some falling through the cracks in terms of assessing the husbands psych status and keeping the kids safe. Another lesson of always going with your gut (the grandmom said she had reservations about letting the kids go for that visit-they didn't want to).

            Another great job of gettng us going again TDN. Try not thinking of the application for a bit and then pick it up and fill it out however is right for you. I'm sorry Bud is having such a tough time after this last round. Can you call the vet today for some help and suggestions? It crucial I think for him to keep up his strength. Prayers and pings coming your way.


            I stayed home again today. Probably could have gone in but would have been miserable. I'll try to put in a half day of work and I've started the respiratory treatments as a preventative. Didn't sleep to well-lots of coughing and I rean out of cough meds. Will probably need to go to CVS around noon time to stock up on stuff. At least I think I have the energy for that today.

            I've made an appointment with a local vet/behaviorist for DD for the 18th. Although some things have gotten better at home with vigilent management on my part-walking him, aggressing towards other dogs and bullying my dogs and cat on occassion and stranger fear still continue to be a problem. I need to get some videos of what I can as this won't be an in home consult. Wish me luck on that one-the Flip is loaded and ready!
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              AF Daily~Tuesday, February 7

              :yougo::yougo:CONGRATULATIONS SUNNI ON 120 DAYS AF!!!:yougo::yougo:
              fABulous!! I bet the horses love their new digs!

              TDN - sending all the positive universal vibes I can muster for Bud to have a good day today. (and you and Mr. TDN too!)

              Hi Lav, LVT, P3, Uni, and all to come!

              Things are crazy busy in my life trying to get a bit ahead of the game at school in preparation for Turks & Caicos next week. I think it's going to be fun to travel and stay with a whole resort full of sober like minded people. This will be the first time ever I have gone to the beach looking for something other than the bar. I'm really getting excited!!!

              All is well here and I hope with all of you too.

              One thing is for sure....none of what is good in my life would be possible with AL in the picture.

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                AF Daily~Tuesday, February 7

                Sunni - I just got a chance to go back & look at your video - AWESOME
                CONGRATS on your 120 AF days :yay:

                Hello to LVT, uni, papmom & DG
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  AF Daily~Tuesday, February 7

                  Hello Abbers,

                  I didn't read back on all of yesterday's posts so I am sure I am missing something. Sorry. Being ultra lazy today. :-)

                  My plan for my trip to mom and dad's is a very short layover and getting to the airport just in time. That way, there will be no time to even think about a drink.

                  I have a question for my cat friends. Cosmo, the fat one, is also a chewer. He chews cardboard boxes, paper, furniture, etc.

                  We bought new leather chairs and I want to keep him from damaging them with his chewing.

                  Does anyone here have any recommendations? I have found sprays on the market, etc, but they do not always work.

                  Apparently this is a known issue with some cats and they are called "pica" cats.

                  He does not have any physical deficiencies just the habit.

                  TIA for any suggestions!!

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    AF Daily~Tuesday, February 7

                    Hi Cinders-there's been some research that says Pica is a nutritional deficiency but how one would find out exactly what nutrient is missing I have no idea. I also read and articel that say brand new research from Dr. Dodman and others have isolated a gene in dogs that is very similar to the gene in humans that may be linked to OCD behaviors. I think they also mentioned cats in this study. I have a cat that LOVES to chew plastic and electrif cords (I know-danger danger will robinson-he's lucky he's lived to 18 so far!). I had another cat that loved wool and clay litter. For the furniture,you can double sided tape on the areas most likely to be chewed or spray the piece with a Bitter Apple-just be careful and don't get it on your hands!! There are interactive toys now for cats just like for dogs that you might be able to use to redirect. Or as a last resort, make sure none of the items is available for him to get to and keep him out of the room that has the furniture. Yep, not the plan I would choose first.

                    Safe travels and don't let the airport bars call to you. You can do this!! And no, we won't know if you don't tell us, but you'll know. Ya know??

                    Wow DG-I didn't realize your trip was next week!! Very exciting!!
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      AF Daily~Tuesday, February 7

                      I'm too lazy to post about my evening again... so I'll just copy and paste:

                      I've spent 1 1/2 hours chasing horses up and down 2 roads :durn:
                      I decided to not 'lead' them to their stalls tonight but let them go on their own (since it worked just fine in the opposite direction this morning)... what I hadn't counted on was Atlas jumping the split rail fence in the back and Trouble following his lead. The rope fence we put up last Saturday worked great, though :H

                      My neighbour (cop) happened upon us and helped block off the road ahead of me... Mr. Wonderful was behind me... aaaand so the horses left the road and headed off into the bush :H

                      My saving grace was a hand full of scotch mints. Once I got close enough (again), Trouble finally clued in on what that clacking noise was coming from my hand and that was that. I only had to catch one. He's probably getting the riot act read as we speak: "MINTS! You and your bloody mints! We coulda been off the island by now.. but noooooooo... you had to get some MINTS!"

                      Bloody full moon :H
                      Hope everyone else is having a more peaceful night
                      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                      Winning since October 24th, 2013


                        AF Daily~Tuesday, February 7

                        Good evening, Abbers.
                        I'll keep this short, as I had a whole post almost finished and hit something and it disappeared!
                        Anyway, have to say CONGRATULATIONS to Sunni!!! 120 days--wow! And that video--loved it. And you are so adorable. Hard to believe you are a grandma!
                        Pap3, hope you are feeling better. You sure know your stuff about pet nutrition and behavior. BTW, a former customer emailed about an opening at a museum in Worcester tomorrow night. Something like Dazin--on Water Street. Art by Pets--paintings by shelter dogs, so that would be fun to see!!
                        Had my interview and decided to tell the pharmacist that I'd had a DUI. He acted like it wasn't a big deal. I liked him. it's a one to two day a week job, could be weekends, and pays $10-11 per hour. But they do train you and pay for the pharmacy tech certificate application. Spoke with another pharmacist and liked her, also. So we'll see what happens. Maybe HR won't like the DUI--and the one in MA if that shows up. But I felt good about being honest. And it might be good to start slowly.
                        Bud is still not eating, so hope tomorrow he'll show some interest in food.
                        I'll have the coffee ready in the a.m.!!

                        "One day at a time."


                          AF Daily~Tuesday, February 7


                          Sunnybutt!! HUGE Congratulations on 120 days!! :goodjob:
                          I loved the video. It was so interesting to see a virtual friend in real live motion. Stills are one thing but walking around, well you seemed so real! :H:H

                          TDN, The thing that stands out for me is that you felt so good. That energy is tremendous in the bigger scheme of things and that positive, feel-good vibe can only beget good, be it visible to you or not. It sets things in motion that will play out in a positive way sooner or later. GOOD ON YA!!

                          I need an early night. And less caffeine.
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            AF Daily~Tuesday, February 7

                            Oh boy Sunni!
                            I didn't know horses were so naughty :H :H
                            Can't believe they would take advantage of you like that after all the work you have done for them

                            TDN, I'm glad to hear you were received warmly & fairly at your interview. I hope something works out for you. And I hope Bud's appetite returns tomorrow.

                            Greenie, I'm tired too & trying to unwind after a busy evening with my grandsons. YB came over & was absolutely no help whatsoever...

                            Good night all!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              AF Daily~Tuesday, February 7

                              Congradulations Sunni on 120! You dont look a day over 30. Sid

