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Free and Fit February - Week 2

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    Free and Fit February - Week 2

    Good morning everyone

    Thought I would start us off on our 2nd week and wish you all a happy hump day.

    SD - good luck with the job application, fingers crossed that you get it.

    Hope our patients are feeling a little better today.

    I am off to swimming this morning. I dreaded it last week but got on ok and after swimming lengths and practicing in the deep end I am gradually loosing my fear. I know I need to stick at it. Only lost half a pound this week but it is off rather than on and as the lady said, half a pound a week is nearly 2 stone in a year. Again I need to stick at it so it seems perseverance is to be my motto for the month and indeed the year.

    Happy hump day to all to come.


    Free and Fit February - Week 2

    Gratitude helps you to grow and expand; gratitude brings joy and laughter into your life and into the lives of all those around you.
    Eileen Caddy

    Good morning Feb Friends, Thank you Rustop for starting us off so nicely with your reminder about perseverance. You are so right to think about the weight loss over the long term. I think that even staying at the same weight is progress in itself as it is so easy to be gaining.

    Get well wishes to Dew and Papmom. :h

    LBH, I have put myself on the waiting list for Boardwalk Empire at our library. I am number 61 of 61 on the waiting list for 2 copies of disc 1!:H

    SD, how exciting about the job possibility! Fingers-crossed for you, and keep us posted.

    Nothing much to report here as it is another work day and nothing remarkable going on in my world today except that I am full of gratitude for the gift of a healthy AF morning! Grateful for you all, too.

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      Free and Fit February - Week 2

      Good morning Rustop, Dill & everyone!

      Here we are in week two already ~ nice

      SD, good luck with that job app! You sound somewhat excited

      Rustop, congrats on the continued weight loss - just so it continues, right?

      Dill, I hear the snow storm has entered western PA & will be arriving here this afternoon. Did you get any? I don't want it but I guess I have no choice It really has been an easy winter so far.

      OK, off to Curves then expecting my daughter & Ms Lily this afternoon for an overnight stay.
      Wishing everyone a great AF Humpday!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Free and Fit February - Week 2

        Hi Guys - happy humpback day

        SD - oohh new job and new town sounds like a wonderful renewal for you, I so hope you get it, how far it is from where you are?

        I sent off my job ap off on Monday and will hear pretty fast if they want to interview me, I have mixed feelings about it and it will mean I need to travel to London for the interview which will be time off and an expense. I will leave it in the hands of the Universe whether its an experience I will be having or not.

        Very cold here and not forecast to be much above zero for a few days which I think is about 27f. Im getting frustrated at how difficult it is to sell all my funiture, it doesnt help that i live in a small town but 2nd hand stuff has just so little value and it will be sad to have to give it away as its all top quality made in Portugal. However I just cannt afford the storage costs when its unlikely I will have a home to put it in anytime soon. *sigh*
        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
        AF - JAN 1st 2010
        NF - May 1996


          Free and Fit February - Week 2

          Hi Everyone, so glad to be AF still. I havent posted much lately, not at all really. I was off on a quest to see grandchildren and my daughter in Victoria and take some photographs. Perserverance is a great theme to start with, and I deeply appreciate how perservering has paid off in terms of my personal health and well being. I will be AF for a year on the 14th of Feb.

          Chill, I travelled in Portugal for a month many years ago and was charmed by the country, can you give some of your favorite pieces to friends or relations to hold for you? You may not always be in flux, you may find yourself one day with the room, and wish you could get a few things back.

          Well, its been lovely here, sharply cold and a big hoar frost event in southern BC the last few days, so I have some interesting photos from the trip back yesterday. Lots to work on including taxes....blech! I do love the winter though.

          Happy Wednesday. I am off work for a while, thank goodness.


          Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
          Status: Happy:h


            Free and Fit February - Week 2

            Hey Kaslo good to see you
            You know I love your pictures so please post some! Glad you had a good visit with your daughter & kids

            Chill, I hope you can talk your family into holding onto some of your furniture for you.
            I'll keep my fingers crossed for you & your new adventure.

            Lost another pound this morning :yay:
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Free and Fit February - Week 2

              thanks Lav, Im going to post on the daily as well in a sec here.


              Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
              Status: Happy:h


                Free and Fit February - Week 2

                Thanks for the new week, Rustop, and so glad you are OK, Dew; mending, Pappy; and moving through those studies, Rusty. It looks like interesting vocational options and changes for a number of people here. I am with Freud in seeing the ability to work as being right up there with the ability to love, and I am always intrigued by how we make our way on both counts. Chill, I had the funniest memory of making out of state visits (some seemed more out of body) to my late, very difficult, elderly aunt in her oceanfront apartment building, and having some of the other residents thinking I was a paid ?companion? and trying steal me away from her with all sorts of incentives including a trip to Spain and (I am not making this up) ?a puppy?. They must have been ruthless in the boardroom:H. Good you are the ?list? Dill; when I could not see to read for several months I was once ?#82? at the library for an audio book with two copies. By the time I got it, I no longer had a CD player and had to get a download for my iPod from a commercial source. It is a wonderful series in any case, I can see why it is popular. Off for now to the grocery. Love, Ladybird.
                may we be well


                  Free and Fit February - Week 2

                  Sending massive positive vibes to SD and Chill on their job applications. After my dismal failures this past year, we need some more successes on that front. Go get 'em girls!!

                  Chill-the furniture thing will work out. Stop thinking about it so much! Let it just happen.

                  Rustop-thanks for starting off week 2. Short month this month!! Glad your getting more comfortable with the swimming. I think I mentioned its my fav activity ever but I just can't afford to join a gym that has a pool. :upset:

                  Way to go our WW members!! .5 or 1 or 2 lbs-its all a loss and in the right direction!

                  Hey Kas-welcome back! Post those pics for us K?

                  Went back to work today and was tired but managed to go to agility class. DD was totally unfocused tho and didn't even finish our second run. Very disappointed that I couldn't get him to listen to me. He's never been this bad before-must be the full moon this week!

                  Off to bed I go. Have a 7am PT appt in the morning and have to work tomorrow nite. I better not come down with another virus this weekend!!
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    Free and Fit February - Week 2

                    Good morning everyone

                    It is indeed a short month. My daughter has her last exam today and then has mid-term until Monday week so routine out the window again. My other daughter seems to be really enjoying her university experience. All the Balls are on at the moment, she went to the law one Tuesday night and had a great time. She is off to the west of Ireland this week-end at a debating tournament and is going on a class trip to Berlin in March. It is great to see her spread her wings and be happy.

                    Papmom - it must be the full moon. Our goldie has been asking to go out in the middle of the night all week, not herself. You take whatever nurse Lav has recommended and hope those nasty bugs stay well away from you.

                    Dew - hope you are on the mend and are taking good care of yourself.

                    Big hello to everyone else. Nothing major planned for today apart from meals on wheels. Have a great day one and all.



                      Free and Fit February - Week 2

                      Morning all, sorry I have been missing, I just have not found the privacy to get on line a my daughter has been home lots and things have been happening.

                      Mr S and I are planning some improvements to the fabric of the house, new carpets, decorating etc, all such an upheaval. Men are coming to measure for new carpets today so I must away and clean.

                      I was so grateful to be AF this morning when I took No1 daughter and boyfriend to the coach at 4.30 a.m. - they are on their way to Thailand for 2 weeks. To be able to drive around the city and not worry about being stopped by the police and being over the limit from the day before. So liberating.

                      Sending healing wishes to those who are poorly. Plenty of vitamins and soup are called for, which reminds me I think I'll do the parsnip today, haven't done that in ages!

                      Have a good day folks, I'll try and pop back after choir.


                        Free and Fit February - Week 2

                        Good morning all...

                        Sooty, love the parsnip idea, that was a memorable soup. It is fun but very stressful to redecorate, I wish I could put in hardwood floors and new countertops in my kitchen, but no extra money right now.

                        Pap, glad you are feeling better, if youdo get sick again, that NH has got to go. Sometimes, the first year in that type of environment can be killer. I worked at a center in the past and the first year caught all kinds of fevers, etc. After that, I was Ms. Superimmunity!! Ha, not really, but I did not get sick much.

                        Chill, hope you get the interview, somehow you will figure out the rest. Your furniture sounds hard to sell or give away, emotionally I mean. Wish I could store it for you in my basement. It is very cold here too, I am fighting depressed feelings and worry about all types of things. I have to focus on mindfulness again, but I always hate this time of year.

                        Rustop, good for you on the WW plan. I again suck at it, I have not counted my points at all this week and will maybe start again next week. I am going with a friend so feel pressure. I guess I just have no discipline and wanted some Burger King, a great comfort food for me, but off the charts pointwise, so I did not even bother to count the points and I don't care.

                        Lav, there is something about WW that brings out the rebellion in me, every time and I am never successful. Hope you had a great time with your daugther. I miss mine so much.

                        Kaslo, lucky you with time off. You like winter and live in Canada, so you are a good fit. Congrats on the almost year long sobriety, I have read your posts and know that you reap the benefits of being AF.

                        SD, hope you get the job, how exciting to find what you want in an area you want.

                        Dill, liked the quote.

                        To all, hello and have a great day.
                        Formerly known as redhibiscus


                          Free and Fit February - Week 2

                          Greetings Feb Friends,
                          Star, I am so sorry to hear you are fighting depressed feelings but I so relate as I sit here in the dark hours before dawn. I think the lengthening of the days will start to help soon, but then I often have a hard time with the season changes. I’m not doing too badly right now, and thankfully, getting al out of my system has brightened my mood considerably although there are moments that are quite difficult. Changing from Winter to Spring and from Summer to Fall stirs up emotions and also makes my effort to stay AF harder. I watched a John Stossel’s show on the weekend and they talked about the subject of happiness. One of the suggestions given was simple but proven and it was simply to consciously bring to mind pleasant thoughts and memories and keep them there for a minute. That sounds like meditation , does it not? I can’t recall the show exactly so I googled John Stossel and found his blog which told about each of the guests that were to be on the show. I think the guest that suggested this practice was Rick Hansen, author of Just one Thing: Developing a Buddha Brain One Simple Practice at a Time. He’s a neuropsychologist and author. Here is a link to his website:
                          Dr. Rick Hanson | Author of Buddha's Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love and Wisdom

                          LBH, that was funny about being on the waiting list so long that the technology changed before you got your material!!!:H I guess I'd better keep my fingers crossed. Do you still use your Ipod? I remember when you were having that eye surgery and the Ipod helped you get through. I still use mine daily. It keeps me distracted at important moments when the mind begins to chatter about thoughts that are best not entertained. Have you recovered enough to return to your normal activities yet?

                          Sooty, I am happy to see your bright yellow flower! I know exactly what you mean about how great it feels to be able to wake up early and be free to get in the car and drive, or do anything that takes a clear head. In the past I have had mornings when I didn’t wake up hung over, but still under the influence! Now that is something to be ashamed of. I don’t want to focus on that, and it certainly will never happen again. Have fun with your decorating. What color is your new carpet?

                          Now I’ve run out of time because of all the googling so I can’t address everyone. Get well, be well, stay well and let’s all be grateful!

                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                            Free and Fit February - Week 2

                            Hello all - just a quick jump on to say that I am back in CT. Looking at all the pages, I see that I have a lot of reading to do to catch up, so will just say hello now, and get to reading about everyone. Looks there are some struggles - wishing everyone the best --
                            to the light


                              Free and Fit February - Week 2

                              Good day to all

                              Cyn - Welcome back :l

                              Dill - Thank you for the link, I will check it out tonight, sounds like my kinda thing.

                              Kelso - How wonderful to have your 1 year coming up, its such a special landmark in our drinking careers and you have so much to be proud of. Yes Portugal is very beautiful and one day I will live there once again, it has part of me there.

                              Sooty - Good to see you, I here you may have snow on the way.

                              Rustop - I had 2 disturbed nights sleep around the full moon this time, now im back to my usual blissful sleep. It really does affect us more than we realize.

                              Papmom - you have a way of saying just what I need to hear, "Chill-the furniture thing will work out. Stop thinking about it so much! Let it just happen." And you are absolutely right.

                              LBH - Your life is full of such great stories, when are you writing your memoirs?

                              Lav - How is your world today?

                              SD - when do you expect to hear about the job?

                              Speed - Please check in.

                              Dewdrop - I hope you are recovering well and getting a clearer mind on what to do with the future.

                              Star - Im sorry you are feeling down, its a real grind and for me such a spiral. Once I get out of the loop I find it so easy to raise my mood, its just that initial surge required to pull us out that is the hard part. Its like being caught up in a crowd so dense that the only way is to go with them or be trampled when what we want to do is break free from the crowd in the 1st place. At the moment Im running free and praying they dont find me and pull me back in!

                              I continue to work vigorously at keeping everything extremely healthy as in food, exercise and rest. My continual research keeps throwing up just how much these things can alter our state of mind and eating inflamatory foods is such a depressant for the mind and the body. They have strong links now to this being the cause of so much preventative disease such as alzheimer's, arthritis and heart disease. I cant believe the difference I feel when I avoid sugar, over Christmas I ate so much and am convinced it was a huge part of the depression.

                              I have also been continuing my self reiki daily and swear its also helping me to feel so good. The atunements we underwent to give us lifetime clearance to be the conduit for reiki healing were pretty intense and we were warned that it would mark changes in our thinking. I so much want to make this and other holistic practices part of my life for good and having the dedication to keep it up is rewarded by my wellbeing which is a small price to pay.

                              Back to work and apologies for anyone i've missed.
                              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                              AF - JAN 1st 2010
                              NF - May 1996

