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Free and Fit February - Week 2

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    Free and Fit February - Week 2

    Morning all, I hope that we are all feeling better.

    I signed up to receive Rick Henson's newsletter too Dill, so that's the Chopra Centre, Daily Om, Tut, and now this, my in box is always full of interesting things and all recommended by Lav! Do you think she's on commission?

    I had a very busy day yesterday so hope to take things a bit slower today. Mr S has done some tidying up in our garden and has planted his potatoes, its been too cold for me so I'll continue with my inside spring clean.

    I got my police check back yesterday so I can now start my volunteer driving, I'll let you know how I get on.

    Have a lovely Sunday gang whatever you are up to :l


      Free and Fit February - Week 2

      Good morning everyone

      Just a quick check in before I go off to do my pony/doggies duties.

      Dill - My daughter has the loan of a connemara pony named Oisin for the past 4 years. He is beautiful and she is mad about him. We dont have enough space at home so he is kept at a livery yard a few miles down the road. On Sunday's its DIY so guess who goes down early and throws him out in the field, moi!!. Dont mind as I am up anyways.

      Star - I have been good with the ww for weeks but went completely off the radar yesterday. Today is another day so I am going to try and get back on track.

      Chill - your day sounded amazing. People like Maggie come into our lives for a reason.

      Dill - I dont bother with professional pedicures but do my own regularly, particularly in the summer. Dont like other people near my feet and one of my daughters has a real aversion to feet, well other peoples.

      Had a nice day shopping with the girls yesterday. I did not buy anything but they got a few things.

      Just saw that Whitney Hueston has died, what a shame. Her daughter is the same age as one of mine, way too young to die.

      Hope everyone has a lovely Sunday, catch you all later.



        Free and Fit February - Week 2

        Hi, I haven?t had time to read back this week so hope everyone is well and there are no traumas taking place that I am unaware of. I?m feeling a bit nearer normality today and woke up in a good place, managed to meditate for 45 minutes and have been taking it easy so far. Nothing planned for the day and that?s just how I want it. I do have some knitting I can dip into but the weather is clear and quite mild so I may go out for a stroll later, I hate being cooped up inside.

        Have a lovely peaceful Sunday.

        Dewdrop :h
        Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


          Free and Fit February - Week 2

          Happy Sunday to all...

          Dill, sounds like your day was peaceful and cozy, I want to try it today! Get some cooking done for the week and just read and rest up for my week. Sometimes I think I do too much and need more down time.

          Cyn, how interesting that your Dad had native American things, lovely how you gave them back.

          I need to sign up for that Rick Hanson newsletter too.

          Chill, where did you meet the person who is giving the March weekend conference? It sounds fascinating. So glad you had a great day.

          Dew, happy to hear you are on the mend, it really takes time after pneumonia.

          Pap, sorry you have to get up so early on a Sunday, hope your day is good.

          To all, have a great day.
          Formerly known as redhibiscus


            Free and Fit February - Week 2

            Good morning Fit Ones!

            Up bright & early today thanks to my overnight guest EB!
            Honestly, I think he wants to move in permanetly :H
            I enjoy his company, we have interesting conversations.....

            Sooty - I wish I was on commission
            I love sharing really cool & helpful info with my friends here. Hope everyone enjoys their email boxes being stuffed with positive thoughts

            Dewdrop, good to see you!
            A little fresh air might be nice - just don't climb any mountains yet!!!

            Dill, I an anti-pedicure, just do my own thing.
            I developed such an incredible distaste for feet during my nursing career (won't get into the gross details), yuck.

            Hi Chill, papmom, Rustop & Star!
            Hope everyone is having a terrific AF Sunday!

            I am grateful to be sober & enjoying my grandkid time!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Free and Fit February - Week 2

              Happy Sunday! (That's 'Domenica' on the Italian wheely-calendar in my kitchen. The calendar sports a drawing of a Vespa scooter, with the month, name of day, and numbers all on wheels so that you can dial-a-day, and see them peek out of their little holes. Gives me a little thrill every morning).

              LBH - do you start your seeds in a sunny window, or do you have them under grow lights? I'm itching to start some seeds here, but there's no place to hang lights until the garage gets warmer, though I have plenty of sunny windows. I'm taking your entire crop list to plant! The last one sounds like it was named for one of the 'formidable' women in your water exercise class...

              Lav - I prep the taxes for 1 corp, 1 LLC, and our personal. HB is terrible at paying things from the correct accounts, so it's more like archaeology than bookeeping, and I would so like to borrow your sign more than once!

              OK, off to get everything done ahead so that I can leave (again) for another drive eastward tomorrow morning. Last trip, thank goodness.

              Hope everyone has a restful day - Dew, so glad to hear you sounding better; do take care though, go slow, we want you to get completely well this time!
              to the light


                Free and Fit February - Week 2

                Chill, No plans currently for my “big 6-0” but I like the idea of a party in chat. I’ll have to see if I can reserve a room!

                Papmom, You’ve sold me on the pedicure. After coming back to the thread it took me awhile to realize what “NH” meant. I always thought ‘New Hampshire’ and wondered why you went there so often! LOL! Anyway, you and I have NH in common. One of my preschools that I work in is housed in a NH and is advertized as an inter-generational program. The residents are welcome to stop in the preschool and the preschoolers often go to the activity room and interact with the elders. It’s a great concept.

                Dew, I'm glad you're feeling better. I hope you'll be back to full energy very soon. What is your current knitting project? I am just doing dishclothes at the moment, but have my eye on a pattern for a shrug.

                Sooty, my goodness! Sweep is planting potatoes already? Our soil is frozen solid and won’t be workable for weeks. What variety does he like? And does he plant enough to winter-over? We plant red ones and brown ones, and some Yukon gold. I don’t know the names because it’s usually Mr. D’s decision and I don’t think he’s chosen yet.

                Rustop, I have never heard of the breed so naturally I googled. The website for the American Connemara Pony Society says this: “The Irish have contributed much to this country, and any owner will tell you the Connemara Pony is the greatest Irish contribution. For along with great athleticism and versatility, the Connemara has a special kindness, a huge heart, and an ability to bond with their human handlers that is unique to this breed.” I read more about the breed and it is plain why your daughter would be so taken.

                Lav, I’m not fond of feet either, and I think mine are kind of ugly which is perhaps why I haven’t ever considered a pedicure. But you know what? My feet are probably no uglier than most, and, there’s a first time for everything. It sounds like the ultimate in pampering.

                Star, How did you enjoy the seminar you attended Saturday? Did you feel like the church resonates with you? Did HB go with you or are you alone in this quest? Mr. Dill does not attend Church and was mildly bemused when I returned to church-going. Neither one of us were very religious when we married. He was raised Baptist.

                Cyn, an interesting choice in calendars! My kitchen calendar this year is of barns. This month’s picture is the Moody Round Barn in Chisago Co., Minnesota. Nowhere near as interesting as your calendar!

                Have a sweet AF Sunday!:h

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  Free and Fit February - Week 2

                  Evening guys

                  I had my usual Sunday double spin class today and just love love love it! I just cant get the same motivation when I go to the gym myself and being in a class we all feed off each others energy and enthusiam. And I burnt over 1000 colories!

                  I had a rather disturbing dream last night about my ex, we were having a blessing to renew our wedding vows (?!?) followed by a big reception for all our friends. He never showed up for the blessing and instead arrived drunk at the reception party. I was mad but not surprised, I guess him letting me down is nothing new and maybe the dream was a message to reinforce the point. Lav, do you have dreams about YB?

                  This weekend has gone way too fast but I feel healthy and strong which is a good way to be heading into another week.
                  "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                  AF - JAN 1st 2010
                  NF - May 1996


                    Free and Fit February - Week 2

                    Yeah Chill ~ way too many disappointing dreams

                    I just wanted to leave you guys with another link. Sign up for the monthly Ezine & the thought of the day
                    Wholistic Healing Research ? Welcome: Home

                    EB is STILL here!!!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Free and Fit February - Week 2

                      Evening all, Dill yes Sweep has planted the spuds, he only plants a few as we don't have a very large veg patch. We don't grow enough to store we just eat them a few at a time over the summer. I know he's planted King Edwards and Maris Piper, I'll ask what else and let you know tomorrow.

                      Lav the new link looks really interesting, thanks so much, the WHEE thing sounds like it could be very useful. :thanks:

                      I'm really tired this evening so think I'll make myself a warm drink and settle down with my library book.

                      Good night everyone, sleep well :l


                        Free and Fit February - Week 2

                        Whoo Hooo!! I made it through a Sunday at the NH (sorry about that Dill-I guess I just assumed everyone knew what I was talking about! I do that often I guess!) and I'm still standing and NOT SICK!! It was a nice day. I found a very inspirational and beautiful DVD for the morning activity and got a surprise when I got in regarding the afternoon event. I thought I was going to do Gray Matters (searched the internet last nite for fun trivia and questions and puzzles) but turns out an Indian (not native american) Youth Group was coming to entertain us all. And that they did! Great dancing, violin, piano, clarinet and guitar playing and they all (must have been 15 or 20 kids) sat with the residents at tables playing games and making valentines cards. I didn't have to do a thing!! In fact, one my favorite residents who rarely takes part in anything (depression is a huge factor of why he's here) asked to be brought down and proceeded to corrupt about 4 of the kids by teaching them how to play poker and then soundly beating them!! They were the rowdiest table in the joint!! :H So much fun and I am beat!

                        Dill-definitely go get that pedicure!!

                        Glad everyone had nice productive and/or relaxing days. Good vibes on this thread for sure.

                        See you all tomorrow!
                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!


                          Free and Fit February - Week 2

                          Good morning everyone

                          Just a quick check in to start off the week. Pap you are right there are wonderful vibes from this thread. Lav - thanks for the link, I must check it out.

                          Tired but hungover free this am. Picked my daughter up at 1.30 a.m. so it was about 2 before I got to bed. Am up for my walk as usual but might have a cat nap later. Its midterm this week so I can take it easier.

                          Have a great week one and all.



                            Free and Fit February - Week 2

                            Good Monday morning all - ('Lunedi'...related to the moon I wonder?)

                            Dill, how remarkable - I know Chisago Co, MN and it seems like I know the barn as well -- I'm a bit of a barn fanatic. BTW - Do have fun with your pedicure, but do be sure to go to a high-end salon, it's worth the extra money in safety (sterilized instruments) and comfort...when I lived in AZ, it was more on the order of a necessity than a luxury!

                            Rustop - you are some devoted mater! About the pony, I was so entranced that your daughter rides a Connemara that I had a dream about a pony night before last. There was a thin little pony, unusual markings (dark reds and browns), quite abandoned. Somehow I saw it, and was begging my HB to let us take it in (which I have asked him in real life never to let me do...) I don't have horse dreams very often, but this one was very strong...

                            Speaking of dreams, Chill, I think you are right on with your interpretation. The guy can't even behave in your dreams! Looking forward to hearing your news about job changes, if any...

                            Lav, thanks for the link, I look forward to signing up. My oh my, your little soul-mate sounds very happy with you - so nice that he gets some alone-with-an-adult time, now that he's a big brother...

                            Sooty - love hearing about the potatoes, do tell more as you go along planting --

                            OK, off to pack and drive, I may be out of touch for a few days, will be thinking of all of you -
                            to the light


                              Free and Fit February - Week 2

                              Good morning Fit Ones,

                              Today I am 1000 days smoke free - just wish the little buggers would stop entering my consciousness

                              Rustop, I am surrounded by horses here & honestly don't know one from the other. I always know I'm driving past an Amish farm though because they have those huge work horses out in the pastures. I know quite a bit more about dogs though :H
                              Hope you get your nap!!

                              Sooty, I haven't grown potatoes in many years - now you've got me thinking about them. Maybe I will dig some in when the ground defrosts

                              papmom, glad you had a good day at the NH - they're rare :H

                              cyn, EB really does love the 1 on 1 attention he gets here, who wouldn't? Makes me wonder why YB was never happy because he received the same. I suppose it's true that there's just no pleasing some people. Wishing you a safe trip

                              I need to get myself to Curves this morning, missed going Friday & am afraid I may have eaten a tad too much this weekend.....
                              Wishing everyone a great AF Monday!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Free and Fit February - Week 2

                                Hello guys

                                Having listened to the endless coverage on the radio about Whitney Houston and interviews with those who knew her, like everyone Im struck by such a sense of sadness. Not for the talented megastar but for the girl inside who at the end of the day is just like you and I. I just feel like us all she probably just wanted to be loved by someone and to have peace in her life. The booze and anxiety pills help numb out the pain in our lives for a spell but they eventually only bring more misery and more dependancy and we forget why we took them in the 1st place.

                                When is society going to face up to that fact that people need to be helped to cope with life and its issues not numbed so they dont have to think about them. Its like sticking a band aid on a broken leg. Im heartbroken for her daughter who was her best friend and I pray she gets the help and support she needs instead of being handed a jar of pills to deal with her pain.

                                ok, rant over.
                                "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                                AF - JAN 1st 2010
                                NF - May 1996

