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Free and Fit February - Week 2

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    Free and Fit February - Week 2

    I understand the sadness, Chill. So many people are lost, poorly prepared, we learn early on that we have to compete, achieve, acquire but not how live in peace with ourselves and one another. Thank you for the information regarding David Hamilton, I am curious how you came to meet him, it is all very interesting and I shall follow his work. Thank you everybody for letting me know about Rick Hanson, again all new to me. All of these paths to learning those life skills so we don?t need to reach for a drink when out of our depth. Cyn, not sure if you will be around to read this but to answer your question I made a little seed table out of PVC and an inexpensive light fixture. Add a standard heating pad, a timer for the light, some cat box trays and you are good to go. I call it ?Seed Bed Hope?. The other photo is the goofy old parrot, Jordan, giving me a special look as I was taking pictures of "her" table. Off on a quick library trip. Love, Ladybird.

    may we be well


      Free and Fit February - Week 2

      LBH - Your seed table is great, You made that and with the light! im so impressed, its really neat looking.

      I need to point out that it wasnt David Hamilton I met the other day, it was someone who works in the mental health sector and just so happens to be integrating many of the ideas from David Hamilton who I happen to be going to see in March. David is a HayHouse author and I just finished listened to an interview with him on HH radio. He is from Glasgow too so if you imagine a female accent like his, thats what I sound like

      My news tonight is an very unexpected email from the financial advisor I used to do part time work for in Portugal before I left last year. He has asked me to consider coming back to work for him full time :shocked: it has certainly thrown another spanner in my works and I need to speak to him to see how serious he is and what it involves.
      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
      AF - JAN 1st 2010
      NF - May 1996


        Free and Fit February - Week 2

        wow Chill! That certainly is unexpected news!! I know you will get all the info you need to make an informed decision that is right for you in all ways (not just for your wardrobe ). Looking forward to hearing more about it!!

        LBH-nice job on the grow station!! You make it look easy!!

        Cyn-safe travels! Look forward to hearing all about it when you get back.

        Lav-congrats on your big SF milestone!! Just keep a vision of how black your lungs looked way back when-that should keep those lil buggers at bay!! Hope you have a Me day today after your busy weekend!!
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          Free and Fit February - Week 2

          I actually took a short nap this afternoon - it just came over me :H

          LBH, like your grow station
          I'm not sure if I'm going to start any seeds indoors. I did last year & ended up with millions of cucumbers, etc (remember the pics). I think I would be better off just picking up a few plants at a local nursery. It's a family run business, nice place, very inexspensive.....

          Chill, how cool for you! Make sure you call that guy asap

          I've done a good bit of cooking the past few days so I'll be feasting on leftovers for a day or two. Maybe I'll eat & then take another nap :H

          papmom, I can't explain why the smokes keep pestering my thoughts but the AL does not. Maybe because I smoked much longer than I drank?
          Will just keep my focus on my 3 year anni in May. My other 3 year anni is next month already - yay.
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Free and Fit February - Week 2

            Good morning everyone

            Lav - Big congratulations on your 1000 NF days. That is a huge achievement. They say nicotine is more addictive than heroin, its one of the hardest things to kick and you sure have kicked butt.

            Chill - wow, bet you never expected that. Get all the information you need and take your time in making a decision.

            LBH - love your Seed Bed Hope, well done.

            Papmom - looks like something is working and you are fighting those bugs in the NH, glad you came out of it in one piece this week-end.

            Dew - did you have your pedicure yet? When is the big 60, sorry 29 again :H:H

            Cyn - safe travels.

            Star - how are you feeling these days, hope the longer evenings etc. manage to brighten your mood.

            Everyone else big hello. Have a busy day, walk, ww, visit to horse, orthodontist appointments so it will be all go but am doing it AF and thats what matters. Have a great day one and all.



              Free and Fit February - Week 2

              Good morning and Happy Valentine's Day!!!

              I also loved the Rick Hanson site so much that I am currently reading two of his books and trying to understand how to have peace and love in my life. Also, how to spread it to others. I am attending this class at church and had a really horrible experience at the intro class on Saturday that I was too upset to share, but know feel I can to people who I know will understand.....

              The usual spiel, which I am fine with, but I asked a question about their views on sexual orientation because as you know that is important to me. The main pastor hemmed and hawwed, tiptoeing around it. Bottom line, they accept anyone in their walk, but will not place any actively gay people in leadership positions, as they would not put someone living together in a leadership position, etc. So, I felt really, really, really upset. All day. Maybe I overreacted, but I really needed my husband and cried in the afternoon. Did not go to the church on Sunday as I had to think about it. So, we went to another church and it was so boring, it was painful. I have decided I need a church, and will never find one that is fair to women or GLBT individuals, they are haters. Jesus was not, as he hung out with the outsiders and never said one thing about gays or denying medical care to women. But, I know from the past that if I become involved, I will make new friends and do interesting activities to help others, my goal. Would love comments from you all.

              Chill, what cool news, and what choices. Totally different countries, lifestyle, climate. I say think it through and make the best decision for you...thought your dream was interesting and so real. Wow. Just wanted to agree with you about taking pills/drugs/alcohol versus dealing with real issues through counseling, therapy, self-help etc. Poor Whitney Houston and her daughter. It is so important to deal with things rather than numb feelings, think I have learned a few things in the last few years on this site.

              LBH, you are so creative, I loved the setup.

              Lav, hey, how is it going.

              Rustop, good to hear from you, I am back on the WW wagon. 26 points does feel good on a daily basis, it is just a total change of habit.

              Pap, dill, Cyn, Rusty, SD, and all, have a great day.
              Formerly known as redhibiscus


                Free and Fit February - Week 2

                Morning all,
                LBH, what a fine light table! Very cool. Is it your own design or a kit? You are always delighting me.
                Chill, that is amazing about the job opportunity! I can't wait to hear more.

                Rustop, I am the one turning 6-0. Don't put that one on Dew, she's got enough struggles!:H

                Papmom, I'm asking around to see if I can get good recommendations on a shops that offer pedicures in my area. I'll let you know if I take the leap.

                Lav, hats off to you winning the battles against the demon nicotine. Some say that's even more addictive than alcohol. :l

                Cyn, that's amazing that you knew the barn I mentioned! I love barns too. We have an old basic barn here built sometime in 1860. It isn't fancy and we do what we can to keep it up. I simply love the feeling you get when you are inside an old barn. It's almost spiritual somehow.

                Star, I'm sorry the church experience did not go well. I understand your feelings. I have always thought about the imperfection of organized religions. Even as a grade school student this was an issue for me. Christianity is based on the teachings of Christ, but then, when people get involved and try to keep it going through organizing and/or creating institutions to preserve and perpetuate Christ's teachings, the limitations of being human always seem to get in the way. I recommend to you a book called The Sermon on the Mount According to Vedanta. I really think it would help you clarify your spiritual desires. It really puts things in perspective. Another suggestion: are there any Unitarian Congregations in your area? I think you might look into that as an avenue for yourself.

                Have a great day, one and all!

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  Free and Fit February - Week 2

                  Hi Guys

                  Star - :l I feel your hurt and frustrations and confronted with such prejudices I would be exactly the same. I have long since accepted that intolerance of minority groups comes from ignorance and those who hold these views just dont know any better. I agree that it is so sad when done in the name of God who has no such disctictions nor did Jesus who as you say embraced all equally as it should be.

                  One of the things I find unbearable about living in a small town is the narrow mindedness which comes with it. People are judged my how they speak, where they live, what school they went to etc etc. Im screaming on the inside! My previous circle of friends were from such far flung parts of the world that we embraced each others cultures with fascination and its educated me so much and allowed me to drop any previous misconceptions I may have held. I know my family are horrifyed by some of the people I interact with as even they look down their noses in superiority. They are not bad people but they are ignorant of the fact that we are all the same, trying our best to get through life regardless of our backgrounds, skin colour or religion.

                  I have emailed my old boss and we are trying to find a good time to talk on the phone which hopefully will be tonight when I will get a clearer picture. I wish I knew all the answers, I was looking forward to trying out life in England but I realize this opportunity may never present itself again and if I didnt take it, I would always wonder what if....
                  I will check back in when I know more, Im so so scared right now, instict is always to stay where we are in a comfort zone even if we are unhappy, big changes are difficult and take extreme courage. I just hope I have enough left to cope with what this move would take.
                  "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                  AF - JAN 1st 2010
                  NF - May 1996


                    Free and Fit February - Week 2

                    Good morning Fit friends!

                    Overslept & work is piling up but I wanted to say hello!

                    Chill, get all your facts & figures first, then you can make an informed decision. Maybe your boss is willing to help you with moving expenses

                    Dill, quitting smoking was much, much harder for me. The difference this time around (of course I've quit dozens of times) was that I stopped BS-ing myself & learned to say NO to the 'just one won't hurt voice'. I still hear that shitty little voice from time to time.....

                    Star, I'm sorry you had that experience at church. Honestly, that's what keeps me from going back. I find that small minded thinking very offensive & not at all Christian. I am comforting my spiritual self by reading new & interesting books, meditating, etc.

                    Hi to Rustop, papmom, LBH & everyone!
                    Must get to work now. Have a great day one & all.

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Free and Fit February - Week 2

                      Star-I'm far from a church goer myself but I've heard the Unitarians are probably the most accepting of all the congregations. I actually went to one service a long time ago and what struck me was the low key atmosphere, the environment of acceptance and the singing!! Folksy, not hymny. The other thing you might look into are services at local colleges. At my first college, we had a non denominational service open to the public every sunday and I sang in the folk group (i can't sing people!!). I never enjoyed "church" more than I did those 2 years. YOu will find your way.

                      Whoops gotta go-have more to write but will do so later.
                      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                      KO the Beast!!


                        Free and Fit February - Week 2

                        Hi, Valentines. Opportunities seem to be winking at you Chill. I love it when that happens. Thank you for sharing what happened Star. I get so rattled by such things, its like stumbling upon a racist, they can?t really be thinking that, how can anybody actually be thinking that. The juxtaposition of sincerity, confidence, even piety, with ideas that are scientifically preposterous and morally bankrupt is something that I find physically agitating, a pit of the stomach churn. You are not alone. I?ll get left behind with the likes of you any day. Love, Ladybird.
                        may we be well


                          Free and Fit February - Week 2

                          Popping in to wish everyone a Happy Valentine's Day!! :h

                          Been busy with doing taxes and getting ready for Valentine's Day parties at remember having to fill out all the valentine's day cards??? It's always something...still waiting to hear on the job...I see it's still open....things are really happening for you, Chill!!

                          I'm going to try to get to bed before 11:30 tonight...I had the HARDEST time getting up this morning!! Yikes!! I'll write more tomorrow...there will be more time (No Biggest Loser to watch...heehee!!) Is anyone watching that this season?? Alright, I'm heading to bed...good night Friends!!
                          "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."


