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New Phase

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    New Phase

    Day 17 for me - Yipee!!
    Could not have got this far without all the support here.

    Had some friends round for drinks last night, but stuck to Tomato Juice myself.
    Anyway I was cleaning up after they had gone and someone had left as half glass of white wine which I picked up and smelt....
    I could not believe how horrible it smelt really chemically & sickly.
    It was the same wine I have been drinking for years (by the bucket load)

    I feel like I have really moved on, felt that click people talk about when suddenly you stop wanting to drink and then don't have to keep thinking about it all the time.
    Anybody else know what I'm talking about here???

    Happy weekend
    Love Changling

    New Phase

    Hi Changeling,

    Yes, that "click" in the brain... the acceptance of my situation and the fact that I can never safely drink again... and that I never want to drink again. I remember it happening to me somewhere around day 10 or so. It's when I stopped struggling so much and had more of a commitment to staying sober than ever before.

    After the click happened for me, the cravings were less frequent but even now, at 4 months, I have to be on guard. They come out of nowhere once in a while.

    Congratulations; it sounds like you are doing really well! Keep up the tomato juice!

    "Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance." -- Samuel Johnson (1709 - 1784)


      New Phase

      Oh yes Changeling, I know what you mean...The same as Mike, I too have felt the click but I am not being complacent about it, you still have to keep your guard up and work at it, but if you are aware that a craving can strike just as strongly after 3 months, as after, say, 3 days then you are more able to deal with it....Sounds as though you are doing very well...Keep it up...

      Louise xx
      A F F L..
      Alcohol Free For Life


        New Phase

        Thanks for the inspiring words Changeling. I look forward to the click happening too. Awesome job!!!!
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


          New Phase

          That sounds great Changeling!....I have the same sort of thing every night. My partner drinks, and comes to bed a lot later than me....when he comes in, it's the smell of booze on his breath, not any noise that wakes me.....It DISGUSTS me....
          What a fabulous feeling that 'click' is isn't it??? I have found that after may be hard still, I may still have triggers, but the end of the story is always the same...I won't drink, I don't want to drink....the 'click' starts the old grey matter looking at this in an entirely different way, and it takes all the anguish out of it....
          I also feel though, that that click does not just appear as if by magic.....I believe it is YOUR mindset that enables it to be part of the process. I am sure that there are many that have never had a click, even if they have stopped drinking for a is always a struggle, and always seen as deprivation .....I think the C comes when you really are adamant that this IS the way it is going to claps and many a Riverdance to you Changeling...because you are the source of your own click!!!:h Great going........Oooohhhh I love it when plan comes together xxx


            New Phase

            Congratulations, Its like we have all taken on a new job, the job of having a better life and as in my job my hard work really does payoff.

            Inspirational is what is call alot of posts I read.



              New Phase

              Wonderful thing, that click! Can't wait for my own click! I'm delighted for you!
              AF as of August 5th, 2012


                New Phase

                That is so great Changeling! I too loved the sound of that ol' clickeroo!


                  New Phase

                  i want a click
                  It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                  James Gordon, M.D.


                    New Phase

                    I think my "click" is just around the on day 5 an feel really positive..started working out again and all sorts of stuff. Tis indeed a great feeling, i hope im not jinxing myself but im certain that this is the right time for so excited at the prospect of getting my life back...with the good and bad stuff cause i know ill be able to deal with the bad stuff whilst sober rather than just brushing it under the carpet and getting may be tough but i know i can sort it out if im sober...theres always a solution, alcolhol seems to make us blind to this...heres to sobriety!!!
                    And hi Mike..havent spoke to you for ages

                    Loves and good luck to all

                    Lou-Lou x x x
                    "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                      New Phase

                      do me a favor, when you get your "click" will you send the "click vibe" my way, thanks!
                      It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                      James Gordon, M.D.


                        New Phase

                        Will do newgrl....but i can guarantee that if you stick with us you'll find your own that's the best kind

                        x x x
                        "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                          New Phase

                          It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                          James Gordon, M.D.

