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AF Daily~Wednesday, February 8

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    AF Daily~Wednesday, February 8

    Good morning, Abbers.

    A little late this a.m. Bud still won't eat, just little tiny bites of chicken from my hand. When Hubby tried to open his mouth to put his last anti-nausea pill down his throat, he seemed like he was going to bite him. Hubby said he can't open his mouth all the way. I will call vet in an hour. This has never happened before. And hubby gets so emotional that the dog feels it and starts shaking and won't take the chicken. Guess it's good that hubby has left for several hours for service on his car.
    Supposed to help at the flower shop today, but won't be able to get there until this afternoon.
    Sunni, I must have cross posted last night, as I didn't see your post about the horses' escapade until this a.m. OMG!! No more mints for those two, :H
    Hope you all have a great AF day!

    "One day at a time."

    AF Daily~Wednesday, February 8

    TDN-tons of pings coming your way for Bud. Sounds like he might have a painful ulcer or sore in his mouth-a side effect of chemo maybe? Hope it all gets worked out. Hopefully they will give him some fluids as he is most likely very dehydrated and may have to sedate him to look inside the mouth. He sounds like he is in a lot of pain. Will be thinking of you today and will check the boards when I can for an update.

    Went to quilting last nite but got tired easily. Off to work today and will try agility tonite.
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


      AF Daily~Wednesday, February 8


      My aunt had a very old dog years ago. (26 years old!!) He could eat vienna sausages mashed up. Perhaps that is worth a try?

      Regarding the application, have you talked to your AA group about it? They will give you some very wise advice.

      Pap and friends to come, have a wonderful AF day.

      Have to pack and get to the airport. I'll check in later from Florida.

      AF April 9, 2016


        AF Daily~Wednesday, February 8

        Good morning Abbers!

        Happy humpday to all
        Waiting for a bit of snow here today that I didn't order

        TDN, sorry to hear Bud is still feeling poorly. I would offer him liquids & not try to push the food right now. Offer him popsicles if he's not interested in plain water. :l

        Greetings Papmom & Cindi.

        Off to get my day going, Curves first. Expecting my daughter & Ms Lily this afternoon for an overnight stay. Hope they get here before the snow arrives.

        Wishing a great day all around!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          AF Daily~Wednesday, February 8

          Morning Fabbies!

          Barn chores done, horses LEAD out to pasture and behind electric fences, had a half decent night's sleep - life is good!

          TDN... I was going to suggest popsicles as well. Hope he comes around better today.. poor thing. And I'm sure you're right... hubby's fear and worry is probably unsettling for Bob :l

          Cindi.. safe travels. Lav... get the snow shovel out. Greenie... really had a chuckle at your post from last night... yeah.. I'm 'real' (last time I checked) :H

          Papmom, how are you feeling today? Btw, thank you all for your support and encouragement yesterday

          Ok, off I go.. one thing is for sure!!!!
          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

          Winning since October 24th, 2013


            AF Daily~Wednesday, February 8

            Hello Daily Abstinencers, Im back from a ten day trip, and I want to thank all the people that wrote to me to encourage me. I feel as though I owe an explanation for saying I had to take a break, and I will be honest. I simply stayed away rather than lash out at a situation I think is just completely rediculous, its not my affair, and I needed a break to just tell myself to butt out and lighten up. Its that simple.

            I havent been on this site for long, only started lurking last February, when I quit. Or was it march when I found this site. It was a link from 43 Things. So when I found a daily posting that seem to be devoted to daily life of the recovering alcoholic, focusing on the daily experience of being AL-free, I was deeply impressed with the people here. Their enthusiasm for truth which is essential to recovery, especially calling each other on stinkin' thinkin' and on just general horse hockey. To me the solemn pledge...One Thing is For Sure. I love that so much. Its like a lifeline to me.

            Can we just explore that for a sec here?

            I want everyone to know that I sincerely admire the struggles you have all had and the way you have found yourself in a better place. But I would be dishonest if I said that the focus on really negative stuff is hard to take when it is not accompanied by some kind of recognition of a better life through sobriety. Its not up to me to judge others, as someone here wisely told me, that's their journey.

            One thing IS for sure...


            Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
            Status: Happy:h


              AF Daily~Wednesday, February 8

              hey everybody, day one once again, touch of de ja vu right? had a pretty major binge last night, now firmly back in the old af mind space, hoping to stay there. Feeling ok so far, havign some trouble with my other half - finally revealed to him the extent of the problem last nigth, he didn't take it well and refuses to talk about it, but whatcha gonna do eh? Least I seem to have acted as a cautionary tale, he quit drinkign yesterday so thats positive right?

              TDN sorry to hear about your dog, do keep us updated
              I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

              To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                AF Daily~Wednesday, February 8

                Kas - Glad you're back! I, for one, have missed your honesty and wit. And your pix~!

                Inchy - glad you're back, too. It's not too early to begin retraining your brain. After I got through the physical withdrawal, I got to work on the thinking. Al does a number on the chemistry AND circuitry in the brain. We have to be deliberate and consistent in blazing new and positive neural pathways in the gray matter. For me, gratitude was a potent path maker. That and visualization. I saw myself being successfully AF. In the early days, I was very specific in these visualizations. When I had to attend a family wedding reception, I saw myself having fun and enjoying the festivities sans alcohol. And, as it turns out, that's exactly what happened. You get the idea. I began simply by just saying to myself....I no longer drink. I focused on the amazing freedom that brings. You can be free of those chains, my friend.
                Sober for the Revolution!
                AF & NF July 23, 2011


                  AF Daily~Wednesday, February 8

                  Good evening, everybody!
                  Thank you all for the kind words about Bud. I called the oncologist this a.m. and he was not in today, but the tech managed to get him on the phone. He advised us to take Bud to our local vet and have a CBC done. Mentioned he may need hydration or even a transfusion, based on what I told them. Hubby almost lost it. But our vet ran the test, and he is still slightly anemic, but otherwise counts are okay, She could see from his eyes--weepy and sad--that he didn't feel well. But we are supposed to watch him and check color of his gums. He did eat ice cream and some chicken this a.m., then ate a few goodies crushed up and more chicken. He ate even more chicken and some sweet potato for dinner. I can see that he is looking better.
                  Inchy, try to hang in and keep trying. Glad your partner is going AF too. That will be a help.
                  Kas, I am thrilled to see you back! I appreciate your honesty. After being dishonest for so long while drinking, I know it causes nothing but pain. Hope your trip was what you needed after working so hard for so long!
                  I'll be back with coffee tomorrow a.m.

                  "One day at a time."


                    AF Daily~Wednesday, February 8

                    Glad to hear Bud is perking up a bit TDN. Keep trying to push the fluids on him - anything he'll take. Not much different than having sick kids

                    My daughter & grandaughter are here for the night & most of the day tomorrow - love it!
                    Lily has begun walking, so cute.

                    Kaslo, so happy to have you back where you belong - here!
                    I know you've just had a good dose of grandkid time - it's the best, isn't it?

                    Hi Turn, glad to see you emerge as well! It's snowing here tonight but won't amount to much (thank goodness). Hope all is well with you!

                    IC, if you are ready to take the plunge into AF-land, we're here to support you

                    Wishing everyone a good night!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      AF Daily~Wednesday, February 8

                      Hey Kas-Welcome back!! Glad your trip was fun-can't wait to see the pics.

                      TDN-great news about Bud eating again. Lav is right-keep pushing the fluids at the very least and let him eat ANYTHING he wants right now-no matter what (foodwise-he doesn't get to eat shoes because he's not feeling good ). Keep up the pawsitive thoughts and vibes.

                      Turn-great to see you. LOVE your new avatar! You are so right about the retraining of the brain. It really works!!

                      Inchy-you can do this. You have to do this because what is the alternative?????

                      Went back to work today. Felt like crap but made it through and even went to agility class. Unfortunately DD was totally unfocused and for the first time in 3 years I had to pull him off the course. Ok, to be honest he pulled himself off by going back in his crate after sniffing the whole perimeter of the facility, checking to see if anyone had treats for him (umm, excuse me sir, I had treats for you but you didn't want mine now did you!!) and totally ignoring my commands (which probably sounded more like begging). I'm blaming the full moon this week. So there. Can't wait for my new book to get here-the program it explains is supposed to work miracles for easily distracted and fearful dogs. Should be here on Sat. Written mostly for agility dogs but has since been adopted by owners/handlers/trainers for nonperformance dogs as well.

                      Need to get to bed soon as I have a 7am PT appt tomorrow morning. Ugh.
                      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                      KO the Beast!!

