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Sunday January 14th

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    Sunday January 14th

    Good morning everyone,
    Day 18...Wow!
    I spent yesterday at Susan's mother's. I couldn't get near a computer, so I missed most of yesterday's posts.

    I hope everyone had a good Saturday.
    newgrl....well done indeed!

    Sunday January 14th

    Morning Paul and all to come,

    Day 2 for me today, it was nice to put my 0 in the tracker last night..I feel a lot better this morning..
    Will come back on later when more have posted...Just letting you know i'm back on the wagon as of yesterday..

    Have a great day all....Macks:l
    I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
    One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


      Sunday January 14th

      Hi Mack and Paul and all to come:

      So....I had completed 5 days wine free. Last night, I had no cravings (Campral) but had a little wine left in fridge. I had already talked to dbf so knew we wouldn't be talking again. For some reason.....I drank it. It turned out to be 4 small glasses. I got majorly buzzed and hated the way that felt after being AF for 5 days. I was of course, totally pissed at myself .

      This morning I dumped the remaining wine and now, back to day one AGAIN. Last time I had wine after my most recent "record." I wonder if there is some unconscious need to reward myself or even "test" myself to see if I can do it normally.

      I am truly starting to think I may never WANT to try to moderate. After last night, it actually felt BAD to be so buzzed. I have this fond memory of my wine and last night made me wonder "why?"



        Sunday January 14th

        I would like to sincerely thank all of you. As you know for the past two to three weeks,, everyday ,i told you all i was gonna quit, and everyday i was unable to make good on my promise. I am pleased to announce that with a great deal of support, books, a few movies, a lot of tears, and a not so great first night of sleep(thats okay) I am currently working on day 2AF !!!! Thats right, day two! Doesn't sound like much, but with the exception of situations in which i just couldnt drink b/c of my surroundings this is the first time time three years i have voluntarily put down alcohol. I appreciate the support of you all, I am sure will will need it today as well, but i am also sure just making it through day one and knowing that not drinking was not the end of the world was a nice realization, thanks. For the first time in a LONG time, I was sitting here alone, and i began to miss my boyfriend, I cant remember how long its been since i missed him, since i am usually passed out in the evenings. Thank you all
        It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
        James Gordon, M.D.


          Sunday January 14th

          I know what you mean, Maggie. I've moved from some pretty good moderation (last spring/summer), to being too drunk too much at the end of the year and now wanting abs. Still having the problem of over-doing it if my crazy self decides to drink. There's no moderating about it, I drink WAY too much on the days I pick up the wine. So I can do several days of abs now, which I did not ever used to be able to do BUT the binging is NOT good. I feel like crap for 2 days after that. A major part of the problem is that there is still wine in the house, even though we got rid of a lot of it, and the hard stuff is all gone. I drink a bottle, go down the stairs to get another one...and another one...
          Well, soon it will be gone. All gone. Finally! I've heard that not having it in the house is hugely important and helpful. I can see that, as I won't go to the store to buy something after I've already been drinking. And it's not so dang easy to give in and open a bottle. Easier to abstain when I start getting emotional or stressed, I mean.

          Newgrl, I'm sorry you were feeling so sad last night. Are we gonna do the AF again today? I am! I'll be here on and off and can chat, if you need to. You are doing GREAT. Remember what we said about day 1 being very tough. Especially your first time, but you DID IT:goodjob: :l .

          Macks and Paul , good morning! or afternoon, I suppose, huh? Thank you both for your stick-to-it-ness!
          Have a wonderful Sunday, everyone. No hungover Mondays, right? Sounds good to me.


            Sunday January 14th

            yeas i am going to do AF today and add another zero i cant wait to tell you all tommorow that i am working on day three, and remember tommorow is my doctors appointment so i really cant drink tonight, it will be a little easier for me not to knowing i have the appointment, I am going to clean house today of all things that remind me of drinking!!!!!!! And i have more books and more movies, I hope i sleep better though.
            It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
            James Gordon, M.D.


              Sunday January 14th

              hi all
              7 days now af....last night was my 1st real test..we were visiting some close friends and of course the booze flowed...i have to say i was really nervous before we left...anyhoo i elected to drive, although we could have walked, but this helped me prepare myself for an evening without cut a long story short it was so strange to see my friends get slowly merry (not drunk)...WHAT A LOAD OF UTTER TOSH PEOPLE SPEAK after a few drinks!!! I remember standing at the back door having a ciggie right next to the bottles of booze and thinking i really do'nt need, or want the contents of these bottles...i could easily have poured myself a drink or three and nobody would have noticed. But i was'nt even tempted....I actually liked the clear headed strange...inside the discussions and silly arguements went partner who had a couple of whiskies spent an hour discussing who invented the bloody BAGPIPES!!!!
              Anyway around 1.30am I drove drove home, dropping off one of my mates on the way who was still blethering a load of rubbish and no doubt woke up this morning with a severe sore head..he he....Me, i felt great...cup of to bed, and slept really well...NO HANGOVER...BRILLIANT....a few weeks ago i would'nt have been able to remember most of the previous nights jollies....
              anhoo onto week 2....


                Sunday January 14th

                I bought a book on alexander the great yesterday when i bought allen carrs book, i might read that too if i get bored. It helped me tremendously becca to know you were there with me, thanks.
                It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                James Gordon, M.D.


                  Sunday January 14th

                  sounds great davy, I cant wait till i am where yoou are
                  It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                  James Gordon, M.D.


                    Sunday January 14th

                    Good Morning All:

                    Glad to hear everyone is doing so well. Congrats newgirl!

                    I am on day 10 of abs, after I completed 40 days back in Oct-Nov. I too am unable to moderate.

                    I feel good day at a time!

                    Have a great Sunday, I am going to groom our messy pooch...poor thing, it's been so snowy here and when she comes in she looks like the Michelin Tire man, covered in snowballs, she can hardly walk.



                      Sunday January 14th

                      Good Morning All,

                      Just reading and re-reading yesterday's and this mornings posts--so much going on, so much emotion. I'll be with you in a few days, and I'll be all emotional too.

                      Victoria, good job, my dear. I'm really pleased for you that you told your boyfriend. I'll be thinking of you today on Day 2. I'm sending you lots of hugs through cyber space!

                      Same to you Accountable--I thinking of your post last night. I really admire you for being able to stay sober on Christmas when your hubby was drinking. I would have to avoid it for sure!

                      I'm thinking of you, too, Rivergirl. I'm wishing you the best as you deal with your drinking boyfriend.

                      Becca, it will get better when all the booze is gone from the house, I promise. I have a liquor store that I MUST pass right on the way home, and when I'm abs, I will fight with it mentally for the first number of days, and then I'm always happy when I arrive home for the first time and realize I didn't even think about stopping. It's a good feeling. It's good to see you fighting the good fight, Bec.

                      Congrats on Day 2, Macks. I knew you'd be back on the Abs Wagon again! I hope that you are feeling a little more settled with everything going on in your life right now.

                      Paul, you are doing so well! Keep up the good work, my man! You are always so upbeat and supportive for the rest of us, and clearly so happy with yourself! It is wonderful to see.

                      Maggie, are you reading Allen Carr? If not, I'm thinking that we both may need to read his book. I think we both may romanticize our drinking, but of course, we're thinking about how nice it USED to make us feel, not the reality of NOW. There is nothing romantic about how we use alcohol now! Anyway, keep moving love, I've lost track of how many Day 1's I've had!

                      Anyway, I'm just going to get to work on my to-do list for today (mostly paperwork, ugh!) and then watch some football. My beloved Saints won last night! :yay: :yougo: It's the first time they've ever made it to the Championships. At the same time, I'm feeling a bit lonely without my sister, even though I know I need this time alone. It's definitely a mixed bag, that sister thing and living with others. I miss having all my own space, but I also miss having company when she's not around.

                      Oh well, onward and upward. My to-do list is waiting. I'm sure I'll feel better when I get a few things accomplished!

                      Hugs to all,


                      Oops, in the time it took to write my long-winded post, davy and kizzie posted too. Great work to both of you!!
                      AF as of August 5th, 2012


                        Sunday January 14th

                        I am doing good to day, trying to keep drinking off my mind, okay, I have packed up all the used wine bottes in my wine racks ( save them to knwo which fancy ones i liked) i packed them away in boxes for the trash, I also havea shot glass collection. I cant get rid of it, there are not memories tied to alcohol with them, i dont use them you see (i dont do shots) but it is a collection i stsrted a while ago and everyone brings them to me, so this is what i did, i gathered them all in a box, and sealed, it,, once i clean out my closet today it will go in the back jus so i cant see anything alcohol related, then when my boyfriend comes home i will give them to him for safe keeping and an excuse to tell anyone who gave them to me where they are. I cleaned out my pantry, holy crao i have like 8 bags of trash to take out, this sleaning project of mine has turned out to be huge, but i am sticking with it, i keep finding old memories of before i drank, sutff i had done,, little accomplishments, like a few years ago when i directed a play, it was sooo stressful, but i didnt drink why do it know...anyway, just checking in. I am gonna go put the current trash bags in my truck and get started on the closet, holy crap...wish me luck.
                        It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                        James Gordon, M.D.


                          Sunday January 14th

                          i meant a lot of memories NOT tied to alcohol with the shot glasses
                          It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                          James Gordon, M.D.


                            Sunday January 14th


                            Hello everyone,

                            Today is a bit of a milestone for me. 20 days AF. This program has been wonderful and I know I am not very good at written communication (the plight of the plumber) but so many of you guys have just picked me up and carried me through. It seems like just being able to read what you all are going through has been a salve for my soul. I wish I could hold evryone of you amd make sure that you were safe and that harm would never come to any of you. So manyof us have experienced so much pain that led us to where we are and yet out of this blinding grief there has risen this army of seemingly unconquerable souls who truly will not be defeated.

                            I am honored to be in the fight with you.



                              Sunday January 14th

                              Birdman, i'd say you were a very adept communicator....That was great...Was gonna say lovely but thats not a very guy thing to say...Glad to be fighting by your side..
                              I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                              One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009

