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Sunday January 14th

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    Sunday January 14th

    Bird, your post brough literal tears to my eyes. That was beautiful. I will say it. It was lovely!!!!
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Sunday January 14th

      You're awfully good at communicating, Birdman. I think you protest too much! Well done on Day 20. I wish you could hold all of us and protect us from harm, too! Since I'm a woman, I can say "lovely", and I think it is really lovely that you feel that way. The warmth and support of the people here is a really strong support. Isn't it great?

      Thank YOU for being one of us!


      AF as of August 5th, 2012


        Sunday January 14th



          Sunday January 14th

          It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
          James Gordon, M.D.


            Sunday January 14th

            I'm a bloke and I'm going to say that was lovely.
            Well done on your 20 days.
            I'm nearly there too.


              Sunday January 14th

              Hi all...Birdman that was so sweet and well done on 20 days!!

              Well today is day 6 for me and iv been ok so far but im really struggling so bored and i feel so boring cause im sober..if that makes any sence?!!
              Im really battling with myself not to go out and buy alcohol...this is by far the hardest day for me so far, i keep thinking how easy it would be to just go buy some...trying to persuade myself that one night wouldnt be that bad when i know it would. I feel like iv got a devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other both tugging my thoughts this way and that....i cant concentrate on anything cause my mind keeps coming back to the thought of drinking.
              Im feeling very weak willed at the moment...HELP!!!
              "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                Sunday January 14th

                i felt that way too most nigths, just think about being to post about day 7 going on 8 tommorow
                It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                James Gordon, M.D.


                  Sunday January 14th

                  Hi Lou.

                  Go for a bath, read a book, watch a film. Do anything you can to keep yourself busy.
                  If I can do it, you can do it.:l


                    Sunday January 14th

                    Yes, Lou-Lou, do something, ANYTHING, but drink! And YOU'RE NOT BORING!!! We love you! Hugs! Smooches! Beaming good vibes your way!

                    AF as of August 5th, 2012


                      Sunday January 14th

                      Wow- logged on late and had a lot to catch up on in this thread! Good job to you all!!!

                      Just got back from a long walk to the shopping centre. Man, it is ridiculously COLD out there!! We aren't use the horrible weather with all of these low temperatures and snow. It was invigorating nonetheless! My daughter woke up in a sour mood this morning and was practicing her "Terrible Two" trantrums uch:, so I figured I would get her outside and cheer her up. Did us both a lot of good. She fell asleep at Wal-mart (I could actually get some shopping done - HOLY COW!) and she is still asleep in her stroller! For me, my level of frustration has completely subsided. Ahh.... peace at last! LOL! It is amazing what some exercise can do for you eh?

                      Day 16 for me. I am starting to really feel in a groove now. For all of you who are back on the horse again - CONGRATS! For you who are building up the strength to start AF - WONDERFUL, you can do it! And for those of you who have days of AF under your belts - AWESOME. And... for those who are struggling, HANG IN THERE!

                      I honeslty wonder why I never quit a long time ago? The feeling of being AF is absolutely magical!


                        Sunday January 14th

                        Thanks guys, its so nice to know that there are people here that i can lean on when im feeling weak and who give thier support. Im gonna hang around here for a while and reread some old posts to remind myself why i dont want to drink then i think ill take pauls advice and have a relaxing soak in the bath then get stuck in to my stephen king book (insomnia)!!!

                        Loves and thanks

                        Lou-Lou x x
                        "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                          Sunday January 14th

                          Nice one Lou, just imagine how bad you'd feel in the morning...I know i did....This is your running partner ordering you to have a chill out night with the bath and the book....I am going to have the bath and then shoot some people in an online game i play..( Call of Duty )...Very immature..but very theraputic...I wish i could spell..
                          I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                          One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                            Sunday January 14th

                            Wow reading all of these posts is so reassuring. Birdman that truly was lovely. I am also stuggling wanting to go get a bottle of wine, thinking I am roasting a chicken and white wine goes so nice. I came on here to read a few jokes and then I came to this thread you don't know how much this helped me put things into perspective. Thank you all very much.
                            :l :l :h :h
                            "What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it."
                            Catherine Pulsifer


                              Sunday January 14th

                              Thanks Macks..... it really does help to have a running partner..and seems as youve ordered i guess ill have to comply. Bath and book it is for me, youre an absolute star you know!!! You go ahead an play your shooting game to your hearts content...whatever helps us not to drink is good. We'll get there mister..especialy you as you have the lovely Mrs macks behind you and im sure that will help me to...the stronger my running partner is then the stronger i'll be very!!!

                              Loves to you and Lisa

                              Lou x x x x
                              "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                                Sunday January 14th

                                My brother in law plays that game on-line.
                                I think his name is Moon. I've had a go. It is verygood.
                                I think I'll get it.

