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Monday January 15th

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    Monday January 15th

    Good morning.
    I hope you all had a good weekend.
    Mine was OK.
    One of our friends phoned last night. Because we never went to any parties over the holidays, they were wondering if everything was OK. They have invited us round to their's next Saturday I think it is, for drinks. I have decided to accept as I don't want them to think that I have fell out with anyone. They are regular heavy drinkers but of the type that think they are a shade more sophisticated than most. They are nice people though. I'm not going to drink alcohol. I'm taking a couple of litres of tomato juice with me. It will be a trial, as they usually drink until the wee small hours whenever we go over. Also, the man reckons that I am wasting my life because of the job I do. He is a manager where he works and a captain in the Terratorial Army. He never ceases to remind me how well they are doing in life. He dosen't seem to understand that I can be content where I am.
    Anyway, that's this week's challenge, along with keeping off the booze this week.
    Day 19 AF today.
    Thanks for listening to me rant.
    This is a great place. I'm so glad I found you all.

    Monday January 15th

    Pauly my treasure .....did you neglect to tell this damn fellow that you are Melons 'Sooper Scot'!!!! Tartan teatotaller extrordinaire!!!! I know you are shy when it comes to revealing your true identity, but if the old Duffer starts up again...I strongly recommend pushing him through a wall with your sporan of strength....That'll learn 'im....

    YOU fine fellow, are the height of sophistedleycatedness....and a bloomin nice chap to boot...and that, in the Melons worth a whole territorial army...with nobs on xxx


      Monday January 15th

      so nyahhhh!!!


        Monday January 15th

        Good morning Abbers,

        Paul that does sound like a test.....As you quite rightly pointed dosnt bring you happiness....I've never had a skill or a trade...I've only ever done manual labour....But i've also never been too stressed when it comes to work either..Plus the fact that he has to tell you how well hes doing points out all is not well on the western front..19 Days is brilliant...Keep it up....

        Melon, always a pleasure to wake up and read your posts...You never fail to make me smile..

        Well its the 2 F's for me today...Fishing and Football....I love Mondays

        Have a great day all.....Macks:l
        I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
        One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


          Monday January 15th

          Hi Paul,

          Best wishes for Saturday... it sounds like a good idea to take your own tomato juice... especially if this fella's idea of a good time is to drink till the early hours (and was for most of us not long ago).

          Sounds to me like he's pretty insecure if he has to constantly tell everyone how well he's doing... Just a thought.

          And as for him thinking that you are wasting your life... I wish he knew what good works you do on this site, and how much you help everyone!

          Free since 26th February 2012


            Monday January 15th

            Good Morning all,

            Paul - Congrats on 19 days. I agree with Macks and Gem - if your friend needs to point out how well they are doing all the time, then things cannot be that good. They are lucky that you would consider lugging over your tomato juice to spend time with them!

            Macks, enjoy your Monday - it must be well past noon already?

            Gem - Hope you have a good Monday.

            Today is Day 15 AF (consecutive) for me. I used to not be so big about counting consecutive days, but it is nice to see that 0 going in Drinktracker! Happy AF day to all!



              Monday January 15th

              Hey Paul, Macks, Pansy, Mellon and yet to comer's (or in Mellon speak: yettocomers... smile)

              Good luck Paul with Saturday night. I just hope that socializing with this guy and his wife doesn't bore you silly now that you aren't drinking. I think it may be even harder to put up with Mr. BigHead while you are sober and with clarity. And, if he starts making digs about "what you do"... smile and know to yourself that you have an army of friends here who all count on you, everyday, for your good spirit and support!!

              I was thinking this morning, about socializing and just how much it really ever only revolved around drinking. I was thinking I should invite some new acquaintances over for dinner so we could get to know each other better. In the past, I LOVED having these sorts of dinner parties.... they were the "fun" in my life. And, usually, they were good times. However, now I'm struggling with the very idea of going through so much work and effort... for what? It's not as though I'm really that interested in getting to know them. (If I'm honest with myself) What once motivated me was the "excuse" to buy several bottles of wine, maybe drinks to start, make a great meal and sit down to eat while drinking the night away.

              So, either life without alcohol has now made me realize that I'm really not as "social" as I thought I was or "socializing" isn't really as fun as I thought it was. Hmmm.



                Monday January 15th

                Hi Paul, Mack, Wemelon, Gem, Pansy, Olly and all to follow!

                Paul...spending time with those folks sounds dreadful and not only because of the drinking challenge. I have a rich uncle who lets everyone know how well to do he is. We all know that anyway. I feel kinda sorry for him that way. I think he felt worthless until he had money. In fact, he has value without it. Anyway....

       have the most gifted way with words. Truly, you have a gift of bringing joy to so many and seemingly effortlessly on your part. Thank you Dear.

       and I are on about the same page with starting over. I have decided to count my AF days even though they were not consecutive. I've had 11 days. Hee haw!

                Gem....I don't know you (yet) but glad you're here!

                Pansy....15 days! That's half the drink tracker! Yippee for you!

                Olly....interesting observation about socializing. I have never really liked socializing and if there's no wine at the event, it becomes even more of an ordeal. I think I need to open myself up to people more. There are some very good ones out there. Like the folks here who I really do like!

                Have a good day all!



                  Monday January 15th

                  Day 17 for me. This weekend was so much easier to get through than last!

                  Pauly, pauly, pauly... Oh, those people who have to make themselves look bigger than anyone else really aren't that happy and fullfilled. If you are content with where you are in life, then don't let him bring you down or fill you with self doubt. My dad has been in construction since he was a teen, and he is now a millionaire - and that is no lie. (Just wish he would share - LOL!!) I have the utmost respect for the labour trades, I truly do. IT is hard work and very rewarding, so be proud and keep your head up high. Also, 19 days is WONDERFUL!!!! I am thinking that maybe he is trying to bring you down so you will drink on Saturday?? Our drinking friends don't like to see us change, and maybe he is trying to 'sublimally' get you to revert back so he will have his drinking buddy again? Or maybe he is feeling insecure about his own drinking ways, so he is trying to make you feel this way because he has his own issues to address?? Nonetheless, you keep up the good work!! We are all very proud of you and respect you in the highest regard!!!!!

                  My hubby said last night I am long-winded. I am starting to see that for myself... har har har... so I will end this. You all have a wonderful day!!!


                    Monday January 15th

                    Good morning Absville,

                    I t is so nice to come here and have so many nice "friends" to socialize with , isn't it?
                    Here there is no pressure to drink , but lots of acceptance to be ourselves.
                    Where do we find this in our "real" world?
                    Hopefully we have this in our family but that is not always the case.
                    I've been blessed with two or three really good friends through my life that I can share honestly with and they love me no matter what but there are limits on how much of my dark side I let them see and how much they can understand as they are only human also.

                    So my question to you today is:
                    Where do you go when the limits of earthly existance let you down?

                    I'm really interested in what other people do. I hope you will share with us.

                    :h Nancy
                    AF 13 days 2007
                    A 1 day 2007
                    "Be still and know that I am God"

                    Psalm 46:10


                      Monday January 15th

                      Starting Day 3AF....Congrats to all of you on your progress.
                      It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                      James Gordon, M.D.


                        Monday January 15th

                        Hi All-

                        Paul- another 'good luck' for sat from me. Just thought your comment:

                        "They are regular heavy drinkers but of the type that think they are a shade more sophisticated than most." Well, my mother used to say that the purpose of manners was to make others feel comfortable. I think that is true and try to remember that when I am around 'sophisticated' types. You are doing great by the way...congrats on 19.

                        Weemelon, Macks, Gem, Pansy, Olly, Maggie and Accountable: You are all sounding good and strong this morning!

                        I have the day off today for MLK day (Martin Luther King Jr). I am going to celebrate by getting a massage and cleaning my house. Probably not an appropriate celebration but I'm hoping Martin will approve.

                        So - hope you all have a great day- Hi Newgirl...posting at the same time - Happy day 2!!


                          Monday January 15th

                          Hi All,

                          Just a quick check in before I get ready for work. Already there are so many good thoughts here this morning. (Accountable, you're not long winded--I am!)

                          Paul, everyone has some very good thoughts for you, and I agree that people who truly feel good about themselves don't need to continually point out how special and important they are!

                          Nancy, sometimes I feel very alone until I remember that I can bring anything I need to to God. I must confess though that sometimes it is hard to feel God's "hugs" as easily as a person's. It takes a leap of faith.

                          Anyway, I will surely be on later, as tomorrow is D-Day! I'm staying positive so far.....


                          AF as of August 5th, 2012


                            Monday January 15th

                            Good morning to all.

                            Southern Belle could you elorate on your question? I am not sure it sank into my Monday morning skull.

                            Hi Paul,good luck this Saturday. I like the tomato juice idea. I still use the same glass I use to fill with gin only now it is full of diet ginger ale. Nothing else will do. Thers is still that tinkling sound when the ice hits the glass and the oral fixation of holding it in my hand, which I do, like a toddlers hanging on to his blankie.

                            You know Paul, I was thinking about five drinks into the evening on Saturday when your buddy's words begin to slur and then when he starts to show his ass on drink eight there wil lprobably be little thought of who is the better man. He will be the one holding the tomatoe juice, straight up.

                            One more question for some of you veteran posters. When you start to understand weemelon does that mean you are on the road to recovery or are you falling back?

                            It was great for me to start my week hearing from Mack, Weemelon, Gem, Pansy, Olly, Maggie, Accountable for Me, Newgirl and Lisa. It's hard to define which part of this program is essential but giving up you guys would be the last thing I would cut from the cure. Let's keep fighting the battle this week. The enemy has plans to trip us up. Don't let the bastard win.

                            All my love.



                              Monday January 15th

                              Day 20 for me!

                              Nice to see so much success from those posting here. Congrats to us all!

