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Monday January 15th

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    Monday January 15th

    Thanks everyone for your kindness once again. This truely is a wonderful place with so many lovely people.
    Well done on the AF days. It looks like most are rolling along nicely.
    I can't say that I'm looking forward to Saturday; It's been a while since I looked forward to any social gathering; It's really just something that I have to get through for the sake of politeness. Still, I've a few days to go before then, and I intend to enjoy them. I'll check in later.



      Monday January 15th

      Good morning (I'm late) to all Abbers,
      Sounds like you are doing really well. Congrats to you all (Won't even try to remember all that have been on this morning).
      I am starting day 15 today.
      Yesterday was hard and I could feel the liquor cabinet beckening me on several occasions. But I know what the trigger was.
      We started to go through my mothers things. It's the first time I have been there since she passed on and it was so surreal. I tackled the paper work first and oh my God, my Mom kept every birthday, Christmas or other card anybody ever sent to her. It was bittersweet. We cried but had a lot of laughs as well. My husband poured about 50 jars of preserves of various vintage down the toilet. Mom didn't believe in Botulism, I think.
      Ah well, it is a huge task that simply needs to be done. Oh you guys, think about me in the next couple of month. And by the way, there are more preserves, anybody want some?
      Love Lori.
      *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


        Monday January 15th

        Good Morning everyone in Absville,
        WOW!!! Everyone is doing great. You all give the hope I can continue to keep this monkey off my back!!!
        Today is day 8 for me, third day of exercising in a row. Boy, life is all about change!!!
        Pansy,way to go!!!! Lucky you are the woman!!! Kathy, can't wait for you to join starting tomorrow.
        Paul, good luck on Sat. I am not sure how I would react in a drinking situation. But you have made it this far, Saturday will be a piece of cake. Mack, glad you back in the saddle. Lisa, you are 2 days of from 3 weeks!! I can't wait for day 30 myself. New girl, you can do it!!
        Good day to all.... Snowing like crazy in Minnesota...


          Monday January 15th

          Just a quick one....i wanted to say Lori.....I will be thinking of you....Yesterday must have been very tough:l
          I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
          One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


            Monday January 15th


            Let's question is:
            When you are all alone and there are no family or friends around, what or whom do you draw your strength from?

            If it is just you, yourself and no one else. Have you ever even been in this situation?

            "If I"m not ok alone with only myself, then I am not fit for community". I can't remember who said that, but it has stuck in my head.

            Maybe it has something to do with being satisified with who we are and where we are.
            I think Tawnyfrog started me thinking about this on another thread. She asked where we would like to be and with whom...if not where we are.

            :h Nancy
            "Be still and know that I am God"

            Psalm 46:10


              Monday January 15th

              AF 25....

              Paul...ugh..I feel for for you. My sister in law's husband is like that. He knows EVERYTHING. Christmas Day at their house entailed a half hour debate between him & my husband's uncle about the cost of pellets for stoves. Any topic he has his 2 -no- 5 cents. My conclusion: inflation of depleted manhood.

              See with me...when I see my hubby's side of the family they all know I'm an alcohol so I automatically feel lower then them. I always hate standing next to them carrying a conversation while they sip their drinks in front of me. Annoying. I know eventually this feeling will go away once I get more time under my belt.

              As long as YOU know you're happy at the end of the day ~ that's all that matters...who gives a hoot what anyone else thinks!:moon:

              Remember...we're all behind you on Saturday!
              :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                Monday January 15th

                Birdman, I do not think it is possible to ever understand Wee so just nod and smile.

                Lori, I wanted to say I am sorry for you and so amazed you did it all without drinking. I had exactly 24 hours to go through all of my mother's things and it was one of the worst days of my life. I drank the whole day. So you have made some real strides in your path to sobriety. Be very proud of that.

                Paul, I have a brother that is just like your friend, except he married into his money so is not deserving of it so it makes me nuts. I applaud you for being able to hang with them for an evening. Will be interested to hear your sober perspective on it.

                To all of the rest of you. Thanks as always for the inspiration.............
                I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                  Monday January 15th

                  Made me laugh....Everybody knows somebody who likes to rub there money and supposedly superior breeding in your face.....For me its my wifes uncle.....Except hes about 4 foot tall and has teeth like a horse......( The little Jocky )...
                  I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                  One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                    Monday January 15th

                    hi paul.....i got through sat night in similar circumstances...the only problem i had was listen to the drunken so called discussions which to me, being sober was complete and utter TOSH!!! day 8 af for me and feeling GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



                      Monday January 15th

                      Hello all,

                      Well i made it through last night thanks to you day 7 for me WOO HOO!!!! and a huge thank you x
                      Been back the docs today and she has given me some more librium but in reducing doses just to keep me on an even keel for now so all is good with me today. Exept i had to take my poor kittys to the vets for thier annual boosters so there not speaking to me now!!
                      Anyways im off to cook dinner, will be back later.

                      Bye for now

                      Lou-Lou x x x
                      "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                        Monday January 15th

                        Macks...not exactly sure why but I laughed out loud and almost spit out my sandwich when I read your post!
                        Guess there is always someone trying to prove themselves as better than the rest. The funny thing is that the humble ones always come out looking the best. Not too many like hanging around with know it alls.

                        Lou- your kitties will come around Took one of mine to the vet again today- he was pretty mad. But now he's following me around the house and being all lovey dovey. Maybe he knows it's for his own good.

                        Lori- you did really well on a very tough day. Bet your mom would have been proud of you.
                        And thanks for the preserves offer - but the fact that the rest of it went in the toilet....well I think I'll pass on that



                          Monday January 15th

                 are two girls will not leave me alone now and are permanently stuck to my legs....which nearly caused a terrible accident when i was rushing down the stairs earlier!!!! They are so sweet and trusting. I love them to bits...Bless em!!
                          "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                            Monday January 15th

                            another day, another '0'.
                            Thanks everyone.


                              Monday January 15th

                              Great job, Paul! good night, sleep tight.

                              Yes, speaking of the hanging around with people who are drinking when you are not, it certainly a tough one. Especially when I was usually one of the drunkest people there...
                              Good advice to me was to go a little later and leave a little earlier! Just spend a few hours, drink whatever it is you are drinking (AF!) and have as pleasant and normal a chitchat as you can muster. Some times are better than others. If it is fun and you are getting along fine, stay! If not, hightail it outta there as fast as you can manage. I brought our kids to the football party this past saturday, and just used them as an excuse that we had to leave early. We left just as buddy of ours was saying "we've got a lot of beer to drink here, boys!!". We left before 9pm. They partied til 2:45am!
                              Problem is, I can't say I don't miss the fun. I miss it. BUT, BUT, BUT, I don't miss being drunk before everyone else, making an a** of myself, and wasting my Sunday with a brutal hangover and fighting with my husband.

                              Belle, Lucky, Pansy, Newgrl, Macks, Davy, NP, Kathy, Weemelon, Gem, Maggie, Accountable, Lisa, Lori (:l for what you had to tackle.), Birdman, Lou, SeaBreez ....
                              GREAT JOB WITH ALL THESE AF DAYS!!!

                              As of today, my AF days officially exceed my drinking days. OK, not abs, but better than when I was trying to consistently moderate and drinking all but 1 or 2 days per wk. Now to work on the old binging. yuk.

                              Victoria, you are doing really really great. Your head is in this and it can only get better, OK?:h


                                Monday January 15th

                                Just got back from the doctor, she was perfectly understanding, (i got choked up and felt embarrased) she gave me topa like i asked and all she asked it that i tell a close friend so i am accountable to some one. Holy crap I have been stressing over that for two weeks!!!! I was totally ready to give in today, even when i was at the doctors i was telling myself, okay i will tell her whats wrong but what is one more night even if she gives me the topa?? so then she came in, she was really concerned, so i am gonna put my "0" in the drink tracker, no drink for me tonight, thanks guys! I really couldnt have done this without all of the encouragemnent from all of you, a couple of weeks ago i was hell bent on not involving my doctor in this, now i am thinking it was the best decision i have made other than joining MWO!!!
                                It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                                James Gordon, M.D.

