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Monday January 15th

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    Monday January 15th

    OK... thanks Kathy, Accountable, and Fan and Lush.
    I'm SURE people here are frustrated with my bouts of drinking. I AM TOO! DUHHHHH!
    OK, moving forward now, as I have been doing for months now with the help from all of you.
    Still AF today. More days AF than not is a HUGE victory for me, and I only hope to improve upon it more. It's getting to be more routine now, which is wonderful.
    If I'm fooling myself, sobeit. I know the AA lingo.
    I really appreciate the kind words. REALLY. I moved to abs to get more of an abs mindset and do BETTER than when I thought I was moderating (which was discovered, it was NOT moderating). forward, forward.
    Scott is thrilled with my progress, btw. Over the past year and the past month since the "incident".

    Thanks again to all who support. Sorry again for all those I might be frustrating.


      Monday January 15th

      Oh sh.t,
      I just lost my post.
      To Becca and Lou, you have always been here with a ready helping hand for anyone who needed it. I am looking forward to your posts and you have every right to post where ever the hell your fancy takes you. Please do not pay any attention to one PM that must have been in incredibly poor taste and totally uncalled for.

      This is the beauty and the genius of this site. Nobody judges you and you are allowed to walk at your own pace.

      We are here entirely through OUR mutual support. I could not have done 15 days AF without all your encouragement. Everyone is allowed to post anywhere - ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE.

      If I have been self absorbed then I apologize. I did have a lot on my plate lately and have been white knuckling it for the past 15 AF's with all of your help. For that I thank you all, you have been my inspiration, no matter what thread you posted on.
      I love you all.
      *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


        Monday January 15th

        Wow- kind of late to be getting this in ... but Becca, please know that your posts are always welcome on the abs thread. You have been doing a great job with your AF days and I really think that all you have accomplished is very impressive. No one gets to decide who is AF enough to post on abs - I believe the description indicates that forum members choose their own goals, short or long term.

        It upsets me that someone would suggest that only those individuals who have managed to attain a predetermined level of AF days should post here. I shall be the first to admit that I sometimes get a bit sloppy on my AF days and have not always been a stickler for counting consecutive days. So, I suppose that would disqualify me from posting here too. Having slips is actually quite common on this path, so I am not sure what this person was addressing in terms of perfection with AF days. It seems like this person was simply out to be mean and their spewage is not reflective of the general view on this forum. Perhaps they are just uncomfortable in their own skin?

        Anyway, it is very common for people to post on mulitple threads. As we determined tonight in chat, I am a transposter because I post on abs and mods (when the muffins are doing something really fun). Generally, I read the mods board on a daily basis. I have never felt uncomfortable about posting on both boards. It would sadden me if people thought they could not pop over and post in abs - even if they mostly posted on another forum. When I first started this program, there were lots of transposters. I feel free to post in pretty much any thread (even the guys forum) and I really hope that others feel that same freedom.

        So, hugs Becca ... and can't wait to read your posts tomorrow! Oh, and I am going to buy some knitting needles soon! Cast on ....



          Monday January 15th

          Lou, I am not sure what happened that was upsetting to you tonight. You have done really well since your time in Egypt and I know it has not always been easy. You have really worked hard for your days and your presence on the abs forum is a welcome one. It seems like this time, things are really going your way. You've got a good doc now (it seems) and you seem so much happier. Please don't let one person diminish your success. You deserve to feel really proud of what you have accomplished.



            Monday January 15th

            Hi Becca.
            It is always a pleasure to read your posts anytime,anywhere.
            Whoever PM'd you is up to something sinister. Why anyone can't post anywhere is beyond me. I'm also sorry that you feel your posts have not got an adequate response. I'll try and do better.
            Please stay with us Becca. You post so well. You are defineately not frustrating me.

            Lou, I don't understand what happened. Are you OK? Keep in touch.


              Monday January 15th

              Hi Lou and Becca,
              I'm a bit late too.. it's already Tuesday morning here, but this is the first post I'm making.. and I'm sure the most important one of the day. Please... don't let whatever negative energy was sent your way stir up any thoughts of not being very wanted and very needed here!! I too post in the ABS threads because it really supports my mindset for not drinking... which I may or may not do again. I'm not fully commited to AF inthe longrun, but for today I am, and so today I am posting here. Hey, that's what this is all about: being free to be honest about our personal issues with alcohol and finding support whereever we can find it.

              I'm sorry if I've not been obviously supportive enough... I'm always short on time and trying to rush through these threads. I'm lucky to throw out a post here or there along the way. But trust that I care about both of you and really enjoy the thoughts, insight and wisdom that you share in your posts. You both are so very honest ... your posts are a source of real strength for me.

              Don't let the negative PM's get you down.... I sure as hell hope that they were a one-off and not a "recurrent negative force".

              :h :h Olly


                Monday January 15th

                Popping my snout in!

                Hiya Abs guys! I post on Mods and various other places - whatever takes my fancy, so apologies for popping my wee furry snout in here. Can I please ask a stupid question? If somone sends you a PM, don't you know who it's from and if not, why not? Doesn't it leave the system open to abuse.

                Second point, and I am not going to win any popularity contests for this, but what the hell - if someone is up to "old tricks" again, this time it's no more Mr Nice Guy. That's all folks - all the best to the Abs guys - "wags wee tail and exits"!!

                The Terror


                  Monday January 15th


                  I have been trying to connect to this thread for the longest time but was unable to because my pass word was changed to a numeric code that is longer then my arm. Sorry for asking qeustions and then not responding back.



                    Monday January 15th

                    Fan wrote: We are fighting a battle and can't afford for our concentration to slip. That's when things become dangerous.
                    Wow. Those two sentences hit me over the head (felt more like a punch in the gut). I forget how hard I'm trying, and how hard this all is.
                    Thank you, Mike, for reprinting Kate-sm's words.
                    With renewed strength, and fear-
                    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.


                      Monday January 15th

                      Lou and Becca - sorry you had this distracting post sent to you.
                      Lush - I think you are correct about who is sending these too
                      tartan - I thought you could see who it was from also...hmmm maybe there is an anonomous way?
                      not sure

                      Let's hope it goes away. I need this place too much and by 'this place' I mean all of you. We can't afford to lose people like you two...or three


                        Monday January 15th

                        I would like to take this time to thank all of you for being here, it takes a great deal of courage to come here, then it takes a whole other level to sign on and share yourself, then there is the level where you help others, there is no better addiction counselor than the one who has been at bottom themselves. Have you all truly read through all your posts and replies and seen how you have positively affected the lives of others? Well if you think you have not, you are mistaken, and you are cheating yourself. Whether you have beaten the demon of alcohol or not, or whether or not you can moderate your intake, whether you post once a day, once a month or have only posted once, there is at least one life you have each affected around the world. You should all be pround of yourselves. Yes, you came here for the purpose of finding a way out of your addiction, struggle, habit, whatever you want to call it, but in doing so, you have made have saved lives, relationships, marraiges,...can you fully grasp what you all have accomplished! Tonight I raise my glass of water to you..all of you..watever you are drinking...for joining a family that can only move forward and the most loving family of people I have ever had the privalege of knowing, thank you all from the bottom of my heart

                        With Love
                        It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                        James Gordon, M.D.


                          Monday January 15th

                          Here Here Newgirl,

                          I think that says it all, I know these posts have helped me a lot.

                          :l :h
                          "What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it."
                          Catherine Pulsifer

