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AF Daily~Saturday, February 11

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    AF Daily~Saturday, February 11

    Good morning, Abbers far and wide!
    Just sitting here knowing I have to get in the shower pretty soon. Another day at the flower shop. Was there yesterday from 10:00 until 5:45. Lots of heavy lifting--those boxes of flowers and water buckets weigh a lot! And up and down stairs, as we are working in the basement where it's cold, but beautiful in vivid colors! We laughed yesterday when we thought that we might get trapped with no way out due to all the buckets of flowers!! Anyway, not sure how long I'll be there today. Wil probably be in tomorrow after church, too.
    Attorney called late yesterday afternoon, and I was able to go into another part of the building and speak with him. So, I know what is coming on Monday. No jail time and I don't have to do a seven day in-patient program, most likely thanks to the letter my rehab counselor wrote. This is what police chief was pushing for. I will have an eighteen month loss of license, reduced to a year if I do the alcohol classes. $934 in fines. Not sure what attorney's fees will be, but am guessing a few thousand, And after a year, they'll put the Interlock system in my car. I only know one person who has that and I've never seen it. Now, the best part is that I didn't get all crazy as I would have in the past. I didn't injure or kill anybody, and I don't have to go to jail. It's a fair punishment for aggravated DUI. I've already been almost three months wihtout driving, but think they just count from the day you officially lost your license, which is 30 days after the arrest. That seems so stupid to me--allowing somebody 30 days to drive when that person could easily get another DUI in that time. And the difference between MA and NH is amazing. (MA is much more lenient.) Plus, NH is one of the states that has no --not sure what it's called, but the license that allows you to drive to and from work and during daylight hours. But there is a reason why I have to go for a year without driving. I have to accept that God is in charge here--sorry if that offends anyone's beliefs, but it is what I have accepted. So I move on. Even hubby was just happy that I can accept this. I don't have to go anywhere he can't drive me, even if I get the job at the hospital.
    AFM, such wonderful news for you!!! My sister had breast cancer five years ago at age 46, had a double mastectomy, did chemo and worked every day through it. You are so strong and now you can focus on moving on. Your attitude is remarkable!
    DG is on her way--sounds like such a great trip.
    Greenie, okay--pigeon pose?? Not sure which one that is, but I am sure that if I got into it, I wouldn't be able to get out of it!!!
    Glad to see some people I hadn't known before, and hope you stay here.
    Have a great AF day, all!
    "One day at a time."

    AF Daily~Saturday, February 11


    Happy Weekend - quick zoom zoom here

    TDN... You are handling your situation remarkably well. Wishing you the best for Monday!

    SK - good to see ya, girl! What greeniebum said... stay for a while!
    DG... Ohhhhh.. T&C... you lucky lady, you! Have a fabulous time and don't forget PICTURES!
    Kaslo of the fr***ng paper... good luck! What a bummer, though.

    Ya'll know what? It's 7:46am on a Saturday morning. No hangover, no regret, no sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach... how cool is that!? Time for early and quick barn chores (poop patrol will have to be a bit less thorough today) and then off to do some very light shopping and fetch the peanut

    Have a super Saturday and one thing is for sure...
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      AF Daily~Saturday, February 11

      Good morning Abbers,

      Reporting in from a snowy southeastern Pennsylvania today. It's pretty & hopefully will stop when it gets to the 2" mark :H

      TDN, accepting your situation is the best way to go - least resistance & all
      We will be right here with you & cheering you on!
      I love flowers BUT I can feel my allergies kicking up reading your description of being surrounded by them in the basement!!!!

      Sunni, sober, guilt-free mornings are the best!
      So glad I only have chicken poop patrol today :H
      Have a terrific Peanut weekend!!

      Just housework planned for the day - nothing special for me.
      Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Saturday!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF Daily~Saturday, February 11

        Great attitude TDN! You can't change the past so best to just move on with the present and let the future take care of itself. Have fun with all the beauty surrounding you today!

        Lav-glad you can take it easy today. Just a dusting for us today. Hope it doesn't get any worse.

        Hey Sunnibut!! Have fun with the peanut this weekend!!

        No big plans for me except to do the dishes and work on my budget!! I tried to do some work for a new client but can't get into his website. He's in an all day meeting so can't get back to me until 4pm. I may sneak out for a pedicure later on. We'll see!
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          AF Daily~Saturday, February 11

          Good morning everyone. Thanks for starting us off TDN. Sunni thanks re the report issue, this has to be the worst client I have ever had in 30 years of consulting. And thats saying something. However, its a living, and I am in partial retirement simply because of this, which I cant complain about. Hope you have a lovely day with your grandchild. And hosses in the barn....

          Lav, same to you except switch out the grandkids for housework, and the horse poo for chicken poo. No poo here, I am happy to report.

          TDN, so glad you have a job in a florists, its a hard often cold work, but its a great way to make a living, i think. I will spare you the long sad story of my two years recovering from the injuries caused by a middle aged drunk driver. Drunk driving penalties used to be not severe enough in my opinion, but I AM very glad they seem to be focused on getting people to stop drinking, now, especially to stop drinking and driving. In the 70s and 80s it was still a bit of a joke, its much more comprehensive with mandatory programs. It sounds like your Attorney is working hard to show that you have made a lot of progress on your own, and thats great! I would be interested to know what the penalties are like in other countries besides Canada and the US. You are doing AMAZINGLY well to have stopped drinking and thats the main thing right? I think you are right, people do reoffend shortly after a DUI, but usually there is a bit of a gap, in the reoffending following a charge. It sounds like you have a nice job, thats hard physical work, but fun people and that makes a huge difference.

          Well I am going to take a break to go skiing this morning, fortunately cross country skiing is pretty much free here, after you pay a small annual fee. And then I am starting some of perennials in boxes under ths snow later today.

          Here are my grape hyacinths, for y'all, thinking of spring today....


          Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
          Status: Happy:h


            AF Daily~Saturday, February 11

            Wow! Hyacinths smell sooo nice and carry the essence of spring
            In England it is a similar story. When I was a kid the penalties/deterants were now enough to discourage anyone. Small fines and some points (usually 3 out of 12) on licence. Most people including my parents thought little of it seeing it as slightly 'naughty' rather than dangerous. The last twenty years has seen approriate change. Now in Uk it is almost certain to lose licence if over the 1 drink limit. There are sometimes cases where people are caught out the morning after where courts are leniant. If someone is a lot over the limit or does damage to people or proerty they can go to jail and if they seriously hurt anyone jail is certain.
            I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


              AF Daily~Saturday, February 11

              gorgeous pic Kas!! If the grape hyancinths are blooming where you are then surely spring can't be far behind? I have some daffs coming up so that is encouraging!! Hope you can get your report written in short order and to their liking. No pleasing some people is there?

              Hey Raven! Hope you continue to post here!!
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                AF Daily~Saturday, February 11

                Thanks Raven, I really appreciate your post, because its always hard talking about DUI penalties when people here are trying to recover so many aspects of a normal life. In my case, I was an innocent 17 year old kid, and was nearly killed by a guy way over the limit, driving on the wrong side of a winter road, actually on February 11, in 1972 thats 40 years ago today... And when I was discharged from the first 6 months in hospital in a hi spika cast that went from my toes to my chest, a nurse let slip that they all naturally assumed it was us, the teenagers, who were drunk and caused the accident. So THATS why they were all so rude to me... ha ha! So now I HAVE burdened you all with the story, its much longer than this too.

                I usually reflect on it on February 11th of each year.

                Well, I am glad I can ski, THATS for sure, along with ONE THING...

                Papster, I am after putting together a retrospective of last years blooms in my garden for a thing I do, every year. I still have a foot of snow or more and no blooms yet!


                Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                Status: Happy:h


                  AF Daily~Saturday, February 11

                  Hi guys, I haven't read anything yet, I was in the hospital for the past 4 days for my depression but I just wanted to say:

                  Kas - I am so glad you are back. You DID not offend me. If anything your honesty makes me look at myself and truely think of what I need. You are a wonderful and amazing person and I love you so much and am so glad you are part of our thread. Please don't feel like my opinions or thoughts of your opinions or thoughts are out to drive you away. We need you. And I need you. I need the kick in the ass. I need to look at my options. You don't BS - You say, hey - can you do this cause a, b and c. Sometimes I can and sometimes I can't but I want your thoughts. Glad you are back.

                  I had a rough week. I decided to go to the hospital for my depression and they sent me to a woman's unit for 4 days where I could sleep, cry, talk to counsellors, come up with strategies etc. I feel better. I have to deal with life on life's terms, I know that but for me sometimes it's hard. But they gave me a chart showing the cycle of depression and anxiety and where I need to kick it in the butt before I get bad. It is now on my fridge and my husband has been told that I have to do 1 thing on the list daily. Just one. But I have to do 1. And then after a while 2. And so forth. He is understanding it better and is ready to come home and say - did you do your 1 thing on your plan today? So all is good.

                  I apologize if I created any rift or made it feel that way by any means - was sooooooooo not my intention. I am so glad to have you guys and Kas - soooooo sooooo glad you are still here. Life without you on this thread is not the same. Feel free to kick me in the ass. In the future if it upsets me, I'll pm you about it. But to be honest - this time, I did need to think about it. So thank you.

                  Love you guys,
                  Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                    AF Daily~Saturday, February 11

                    Wow, Uni, your message brought tears to my eyes. I am truly humbled. You have had such a struggle, and I only want you to have a good life. Life without alcohol for people like us is a well earned gift. I have learned in one short year how much it can improve just from staying away from all alcohol. I realize that there is a lot more to it than that for you. But there HAS to be a way you can see it happen for you. I know it sounds trite, but we only have one crack at this life, and its very short, and it can end pretty quick or be miserable... I guess losing family members when they were still way too young really made that point stick for me. Anyways, thanks for posting this. I have had a very troubled mind on this, and I wish you well.


                    Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                    Status: Happy:h


                      AF Daily~Saturday, February 11

                      Luuuuuuurrrvly flowers Kas, they almost look edible!

                      Sort of slow at work today. Spent more than I made when I ran errands.

                      Cold and windy so I'm tucked in for the night. Think I'll turn on the fireplace and do a pot of tea, & a movie with little doggie tonight after I finish up some responsibilities. It is so cool to be sober.
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        AF Daily~Saturday, February 11


                        Just put the peanut away for the night and am ready to crash myself! :H Lav, how the heck do you look after 2 or more all day!? :H Anywhooo.. that little guy only had a very short nap this morning and nothing since... he held it together, though. I took my 2 fav men out to dinner tonight (truth be told, Oma didn't feel like slaving in the kitchen)

                        Will report more tomorrow... there are changes for grand peanut #2 on the horizon.. his mum and I will get together later this week.

                        Hope you're all having a fun and peaceful Saturday night... Uni, good to see you back!
                        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                        Winning since October 24th, 2013


                          AF Daily~Saturday, February 11

                          Uni-I'm so sorry depression is still affecting you so badly but perhaps this last hospitalization was a blessing in disguise. It certainly sounds like it. I'm glad you're back and I'm glad you're ready to tackle this other beast and send it on its way. Keep fighting the good fight sweetie-I know you will come out of this on top!!

                          Kas-slightly disappointed that those hyancynths weren't from this season!! Oh well, I know you will post pics when they do come up.

                          Went ahead and got my pedi today (ahhhh) and then did some shopping. There was a new crafts shop in the same plaza as the nail shop so I stopped in and browsed. A local quilter had a bunch of table runners, totes and kid's blankets for sale so I was able to get a good idea of pricing. She does beautiful work and I have a suspicion she has one of those machines that does the fancy machine quilting. Everything in the shop was awesome and mostly by local crafters.

                          Did some work for my new client, dinner then read a magazine. First time in a while for that!

                          Off to get ready for bed-early day tomorrow with NH at 8. bah. Just one hour later would make it so much more bearable!!
                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            AF Daily~Saturday, February 11

                            Well, you know how my 'quiet, personal days' never quite turn out that way :H
                            I ended being taken out to lunch by my DIL & grandsons. Then of course they ended up here for dinner along with YB (he brought chicken feed for me so he thought he deserved to stay for dinner.
                            Well, EB did NOT want to go home so he's spending the night here with me. I don't mind really, he's good company

                            Uni, I'm glad you went for help this week & now have a working plan

                            papmom, I always cringe when people talk about pedicures. Have never had one, never will. I developed a 'thing' about feet sometime early in my nursing career. I've been grossed out beyond belief changing dressings, etc I just won't let anyone touch mine.....
                            Glad you enjoyed yourself though!

                            Kaslo, it snowed on my daffs today - boo, hiss!
                            It's 25 degrees & very windy at the moment, not very spring-like. When does your spring actually arrive?

                            Sunni, watching these kids takes a monumental amount of energy, doesn't it?
                            The thing is, having the experience we have, we can actually get a lot more cooperation out of the toddlers than their parents can. I make him toe the line when he's here - no free rides :H
                            We do have a lot of fun together & he doesn;t give me half the crap he gives his parents!!!!
                            Hope your Peanut sleeps well, you as well!

                            Hey greenie, cold down your way too??

                            OK, have a cozy night all & yes I am grateful for the sober life.
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

