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AF Daily~Tuesday, February 14

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    AF Daily~Tuesday, February 14

    Happy Valentine's Day, Abbers!:h
    Working in a flower shop for this holiday makes me happy that it will be OVER today!! Ugh! Never left until 10:00 p.m. Still exhausted. Won't be that late today, as it will end when we close around 5:30 or so. But the chaos will be worse, I guarantee it!!
    And I had to be gone for 2 1/2 hours for meeting with attorney and then court. Definitely believe the attorney is completely focused on himself and can't stop talking about stories of other clients. Anyway, I got just what he said I would. We followed him to the court house, and he met with the police chief, I guess, and then we went into the court, which was already in session. After a guy who was asking to go to jail for two days to avoid paying a fine for something--not economic, but a matter of principle--a guy in an orange jail suit was released on bail. Guess he had beaten some people up. Then I was called. I had seen Barny Fife (this is what a friend calls the chief) in the hall and just ignored him. My husband managed to say "hello" to him. Anyway, the judge was very nice--even said he'd had an issue himself and congratulated me for going to rehab. Then Barny spoke. He was very nervous, and he was shuffling through papers and told that I had gone to a citizen's home and yelled at him, drove over his lawn (untrue), was stopped and officer smelled alcohol, etc. High BAL. Then he said that I'd been convicted in MA--not true, as the lawyer had told us when we met with him. Placed without finding, but I had to nudge attorney and get him to correct that. I think he (Barny) did it on purpose. Judge was concerned about that, but I still got 18 month suspension--12 if I complete alcohol school, $930 fine, Interlock after a yr, etc. Still can't figure out how this is considered a first offense and aggravated was dropped, and yet I could have had 9 months as a minimum suspension and got close to the maximum of two years. Anyway, it's over, and I was calm through it. I will have to work on the resentment thing about the chief. The husband of the friend who owns the flower shop is a former NYC cop, and told me that the cops here are crazy and he has had a few encounters with the locals himself. Have way too much power, he believes.
    Enough about that for now. Mr TDN is a mess, but more about that later, too.
    Best thing--I didn't even think of a drink. Furthest thing from my mind, and I pray that continues.
    Bear--I was so happy to see you back!! Maybe when you see what has happened to me--something I certainly never expected--it will help a little in choosing to be AF. You can't count on hitting bottom without something awful happening to you or somebody else. Your disease will keep telling you it won't happen, but it can.
    I want to thank all of you for your support :l It has kept me going and will keep me going ahead. I just hope that I can help others in their struggle to get free of the demon.
    Hope to check in later tonight.
    Have a great AF day!

    "One day at a time."

    AF Daily~Tuesday, February 14

    Good morning Abbers & Happy Valentine's Day to those who celebrate (I sure as hell don't) :H

    TDN, I'm relieved to hear you came through your court appearance in one piece with your head held high! Small town police can be a nightmare & I'm sure Barney Fife has a very small weenie
    Your suspension time will go quicker than you think, we'll be with you the entire time:l

    I overslept, the sun never came up so it's not really my fault, right??
    I do have some work to get to today so I will!

    Wishing everyone a great AF Tuesday!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      AF Daily~Tuesday, February 14

      Hello friends and Happy Heart day!

      "Unless you want to look at it like this....the only thing you give up by giving up drinking is screwed up innards, self-loathing, anxiety, depression, pre-mature aging and an expensive addiction.

      As for what I've far, after nearly 7 months, my body has done some amazing healing. The weight has started to just fall off - I think my pancreas is thanking me now that it now longer has to pump out crazy quantities of insulin to counter the massive intake of alcohol sugar. My blood pressure is way down, along with blood sugar levels. My energy is up, my skin is glowing and the depression and anxiety have disappeared. I deal with daily inconveniences without stress and I deal with real disappointments without disappearing into a bottle.

      This quote from Turnagain was too good not to bring up. Alcohol is so over rated, and once we get it out of our system it really makes no sense to mourn the loss. Addiction is such a terrible disease.

      Which also makes me ponder Kaslo's statistic. 90 percent? Wow. I do think that there are varying degrees of alcohol addiction. Some have it bad--some it may be just alcohol abuse--but does it always progress to full blown alcoholism? When I watch Intervention and the ones that are absolutely scared to death to give up the sauce--THAT is full blown addiction. With me the guilt and remorse was awful to live with. I do know I am very grateful to be done with drinking and smoking.

      Which brings me to CONGRATULATIONS Lav on 1000 NF days. I wonder how many I have? I will never regret quitting that nasty habit either--although I will admit there are times I miss it as well as the beer that went with it.

      #1 son quit is dishwashing job last night. He has another part time job lined up with the local chiropractor which is great, because that is the career he wants to pursue. But I wish the kid understood that most jobs require putting up with other people's BS and he isn't going to LOVE every job he has. He got quite a long lecture from his dad (He must have been saving up for awhile). I had suggested he stick the job out until his other job started, and not to burn any bridges. He said his boss told him he could fill in whenever he wanted, but he has no desire to do that. So, I have to try my best to use the tough love and not give him any money.

      Well, I am going to try to bake a heart shaped cake today for the guys. I guess I better get busy! Have a great sober day all!:h:h
      NF since June 1, 2008
      AF since September 28, 2008
      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


        AF Daily~Tuesday, February 14

        Morning abbers and Happy Valentines day!

        TDN - I'm glad the ordeal is over for you - the stress of waiting on mine killed me, but once the sentence was passed down I felt better.

        I am doing really well with my anxiety and depression. Yesterday I woke up at 7:15, and was out all day! ALL DAY!!!! I did a ton of stuff and hubby and I had a nice dinner and then decided to head over to the new wallmart at 9:30 and just veged around. I went to sleep at 11 - completely exhausted of course but felt so good. Now, today I think I need a nap but that's okay. I'm getting there! I am sick of feeling like crap all the time and I am going to do all the things I was told to do because I know it will help me. So on the agenda for today: I have already filled out the forms for my disability pension and have to call my doctor for her to do her part. If I am approved I can work 8 hours a week which I think is about perfect for me. And then the pension fills in the rest. I am going to have a little nap but I have already put a nice roast in the crockpot for Valentines dinner. And then tonight my hubby always goes to a trivia group and keeps asking me to go and I keep saying no. But I've decided that tonight I am going to go. And I'm excited about it. It feels good to be excited about something!

        On that note, I hope everyone has a great day - thanks for the ass kicking and support when I need it. I'm looking forward to start living my life, day by day.

        Love and hugs,
        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          AF Daily~Tuesday, February 14

          Hey Absters, Happy V day.... UNI you go girl! Fantastic! TDN I am glad you have that behind you, and resolved as to what is in your future. Well done not drinking after that one. LAv, you can be OUR Valentine. LVT, thanks for the thoughtful post, I got a lot out reading Turns words again. The fact that we all respond and react and recover differently is an indication this condition is not a disease, in my opinion, because most diseases, caused by vectors, express very similarly across the population. I believe that a AL dependancy is so variable because it is a predisposition or possibly a biochemical pathway, that if they ever crack the genetic code for it, they will find that its variable in its expression because of its genetic complexity. I think the failure rate is the one constant they should be looking at to find that, but I would not know how to look. I LOVE your idea of making a Valentines Cake, thas a square pan and a round pan, right? Ha ha! The reason being, is today is my ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY.... whoooo hooo! Yep. On Valentines Day of last year, I decided I was not going to buy a bottle of wine for VDay and celebrate by drinking it alone while my husband watched the hockey game with the headphones on, I was going to try not drinking for a month. One month turned into 2, Then three. Then I found MWO and it turned into a year long quest. When I look in the mirror I see a different person now. The same but better. Thanks to everyone here for the support and encouragement.


          Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
          Status: Happy:h


            AF Daily~Tuesday, February 14

            Happy Valentine's Day, Fabs and Fabettes!

            TDN... glad it didn't turn out worse for you... and F*CK Barney.
            Lav... no sun here, either. DG must be using up all of it!
            LVT... thanks for requoting Turnip. Very true. Good luck with the 'tough love' It's so easy to SAY but I found myself caving many times when I shouldn't have.
            Uni... you sound good! Go kick some butt at Trivia tonight!

            CONGRATULATIONS Kaslo of the F. N.
            You rock! No really.. you do.

            Mr. Wonderful came home last night with a dozen roses; he was afraid they'd be all gone by today and apparently is taking me out to dinner at a LOVELY restaurant - by far the best on the island. It's called the School House... and that's just what it is.. an old converted school house. Owned by the chef and his wife.

            Looking forward to some fabulous food and a nice, chilled glass of... iced tea One thing is for sure...
            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              AF Daily~Tuesday, February 14

              Hey all - I am a grumpy ass bear today - boss seriously getting on my t**s with her patronising, arrogant attitude.I have found everyone a little irritating today though - usually a sign its not,erm them, who are being irritable!

              I think i am in need of exercise - nothing since last Tuesday due to bug/heavy cold - tonight I got straight in onesie and had plateful of marks and spencer lasagne and oven chips - sometimes only carbs will do!

              TDN/Turnagain - I need to keep focusing on your words - I STILL keep thinking ' could have a drink at dinner tomorrow'/weekend/music festival. I am turning it over and over - think i need to just watch the thought float in and out and not engage with it.

              I have a choice - I can spend time in turmoil - I can drink - or i can just suck it up and get on with it (not the booze - the situation!). My 'I'm not that bad' argument is ridiculous - bad enough to try to stop - wouldn't equate that logic to anything else

              - 'I'm not morbidly obese, so I won't try to lose weight yet'

              - 'I'll wait until I have lung cancer before I quit'

              I can't drink - boo hoo - I have lots of good things in my life and need to get on and enjoy it. For tonight that's my sofa and my cats, and the fact this place and you lot are here.
              one day at a time


                AF Daily~Tuesday, February 14

                Howdy all...

                TDN - I imagine you're neck deep by now in roses and thorns. Sounds like you made it through yesterday's proceedings without encountering too many pricks. (Sorry, couldn't resist! That's for Sheriff Fife!) Mr. TDN will continue to heal, too, as you continue to live an AF life. This is a process, for sure. Repair takes time and you are giving yourself that. Keep it up, girlie!

                Uni - it's great to hear how well you're sounding. Hope and gratitude are powerful healers. You are giving yourself a great dose of both! Have fun tonight at the Trivia group. Getting out and meeting new folks can be a lot of fun.

                LVT and two keep me inspired to stay away from beating the weed. Smoking was so intertwined with drinking that I just had to stomp 'em both out at the same time. The only way for me. The weird thing was...whenever I would break down and buy a pack again? The first one ALWAYS tasted just awful. Same with the drink.

                The other day, my husband had me decant one of the Malbecs from the Argentinian stash we brought back last spring. The smell made my stomach do a little flop - a great confirmation that this body just can't deal with that substance. Interesting that I seem to be getting to the point where I am repulsed by wine especially since I associated so much pleasure and sophistication with it.

                I got my calculator out again today. To date, I have saved $4,532 since I quit smoking and drinking last July. That is serious money and I am happy to use it on MUCH better things like feeding critters at the SPCA animal shelter and going on a cruise! Whoo Hoo. We begin the vacay a week from today. Going to see my dad in Florida for his 85th B-day and then off to San Juan where we're catching a cruise to the Southern Caribbean. I am treating myself to a pedicure on that damn boat. I hope our Captain stays away from the rocks. I have never had my toenails painted and I am not about to ruin a pedi by swimming to shore.

                If you have a chance... mosey on over to the "KAS has ONE YEAR Today" thread and wish our resident wonder-woman hearty congratulations on her admirable milestone.
                Sober for the Revolution!
                AF & NF July 23, 2011


                  AF Daily~Tuesday, February 14

                  happy Valentines day loves! you all have to be my surrogate Valentines if you don't mind as I'm in a hotel room for work.

                  at dinner I overheard the couple next to me celebrating 46 years of marriage. I congratulated them and was amused by thier playful interactions. very sweet. I miss my dear Dx immensely but know I'll see her in a couple more days.

                  Bear what a great post!

                  ThreeDog, you are setting a good example by keeping your composure and sobriety in the face of such adversity.

                  i'm being a very bad caveman tonight and eating German chocolate cake. oink!

                  be well everyone!
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    AF Daily~Tuesday, February 14

                    Hidie Ho Fabbers!! Wonderful posts today-especially from Bear! Listen to Turn Bear-she speaks so wisely. All of us here can attest to how much easier it all got when stopped thinking in terms of what we were giving up and started realizing what we were gaining. Yes, some mates went by the wayside but they were replaced with mates who were more in line with our new thinking. Is it easy? Nope. But when you decide to do what's best for your brain and your body and feed them instead of the Beast then all of a sudden it will click. I so want this for you and everytime you relapse I get so sad. Because I know it is possible, for anyone.

                    Kas-wonderful and special day for you today!! Your anni thread is the bomb!!

                    Det-we are more than happy to be your valentines today!! We love you!! :h

                    TDN-my god you rock!! I'm so proud of you and I know your DH is too. yep, F**K Barney Fife!! It must feel so good to be out of limbo and able to make plans again. :goodjob:!!

                    Uni-you're another one who rocks!! Hope you have a great time at the Tricia group!! I think your therapist is definitely on to something with getting you to do one thing each day. Good luck with the disability pension thing-sounds just perfect for you!! :l

                    OK back to Westminster!!
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      AF Daily~Tuesday, February 14

                      Papmom, I've had Westminster on the TV for two whole nights but Maxie always sleeps thru it :H :H

                      bear, be as grumpy as you need to be - as long as you come out on the right side
                      Grumpiness is a lot like Lavan-ittude - whatever it takes!!!!!

                      uni, glad things are looking up in your world

                      sunni, hope you had a nice dinner out!
                      YB stopped by for his free meal & brought me a sweater I guess that's better than what I've gotten the past few years (nothing)!

                      Det - German chocolate cake - YUM!!

                      Turn, quitnet keeps track of what I've saved by not smoking. I've spent it all on the grandkids
                      It's nice to share the $$, isn't it?
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

