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made it thru the weekend

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    made it thru the weekend

    whew....well I actually made it through the weekend not drinking. I feel pretty good about it, except I'm stuck inside now because of the weather and most times I would slam down a shot or two to liven things up a bit, but not now....I'm trying to keep myself busy or sleep so I don't think about getting that buzz....
    I have a nervous energy, maybe the supps, am taking a little more of the calms hopeing that gets rid of it.
    I couldn't post or read this weekend, my husband doesn't know I'm doing this, he doesnt get it, so I stayed away from the computer so as not to attract prying eyes. Anyway this is day 9 for me, being trapped inside doesn't make it any easier, plus I'm at that stage where I feel pretty good and my mind is likely to play tricks on me and make me think that one (which it's never just one) drink won't hurt. So that's my story for the moment...I hope everyone is doing well and I'm glad you are here!

    made it thru the weekend

    One is never one... isn't that the truth...

    My mother in law asked if she could fix me a drink and I said well I am limiting myself to just one... so could you make the martini in a fish bowl please...
    Control the Mind


      made it thru the weekend

      Oh...Good job on getting throught the weeked!!:goodjob:
      Control the Mind


        made it thru the weekend

        Shedot - that is great!! Your making it through the weekend and being on day 9. I know all too well about being stuck inside and enduring the boredom... We cancelled our cable last Wednesday, and I have been watching children's movies and shows since then... literally going MENTAL.....!!!! If it weren't for the computer I would be in an insane assylum! Thank God, satellite is coming in an hour and a half - THANK GOD.

        Rocky, loved your fish bowl comment!!!


          made it thru the weekend

          Well my inlaws moved in with us about a year ago now (so that father in law would not have to got to a nursing home yet)...which uped my alcohol intake quite a bit...
          Control the Mind


            made it thru the weekend

            No doubt Rocky... if I lived with my father in law - I would be dead right now. Self-induced drunken death....................... NO LIE.

            Sorry, I don't like the man - hypocrit he is..........!


              made it thru the weekend

              Love the fishbowl comment, made me chuckle out loud!! This last summer, my inlaws lived with us for a month or so, it's wasn't so bad, they are really nice people, but mum-in-law never shuts up. I would sip my vodka, night after night listening to her babble on, smiling and nodding till my eyes were crossed.....


                made it thru the weekend

                Oh the gabbing never stops from 7 am on I call her the roaming gabbing nome
                The father in law grunts out AAHHHAAAHHH about every 10 seconds, with every step, and every turn of the page AAHHHAAAHHH. Both are hard of hearing so everyone is yelling

                I keep sipping and sipping and sipping
                Control the Mind


                  made it thru the weekend

                  Can you buy earplugs????? I put them in when hubby starts bantering!

                  No,really, that must be really unnearving for you.......... you have my utmost sympathy......................!!


                    made it thru the weekend

                    You can always go live with my father-in-law. He is a morman, so alcohol would not be a problem. Maybe wearing the morman undies might make you wish you were back with your father-in-law.


                      made it thru the weekend

                      what kind of undies to mormons wear? had to ask

                      Shedot - good job on 9 just get thru today however you can - sleep, eat, do a crossword puzzle, clean your bathroom....anything. Day 10 is worth it.

                      After all the comments here I have to say being single has it's in-laws


                        made it thru the weekend

                        Well done Shedot on 9 days AF. Take it one day at a time and it will get easier. Best thing is not to think that "one drink won't hurt" because as you said it never is just one. (Touching on Rocky's message about the fish bowl, I actually had a wine glass that held a whole bottle of wine.)

                        BTW now that we are on the topics of in-laws....does anyone want to trade in my mother-in-law. I've been living with her for 5 years. For a woman she is totally against women's liberation:

                        1) I am "allowed" to work because it pays the mortgage, but as far as she's concerned primarily my role should be as a housewife.
                        2) She used to moan when I had an alcoholic drink, as men drink, women don't
                        3) She has a moan when I smoke, as men smoke, women don't
                        4) Doesn't like me having a get-together with my friends or going out with them, as men do that, women don't.
                        5) My husband should not help with the housework or cleaning, that's my job.
                        6) I shouldn't argue with my husband, but let him have his say, wait till the next day and then POLITELY ask him if we can talk things through
                        7) As a woman I am not equal to my husband and never can be.

                        So any offers??..


                          made it thru the weekend

                          Hey Mandy,

                          Just one word... earplugs!



                            made it thru the weekend

                            Mandy, your MIL is stuck in her beliefs/culture that isn't very complimentary with the modern times. It must be so hard for you to have to live in the same house with someone who isn't supportive and works against you in every possible way.

                            I really don't know what to suggest to you. It must be hard to express your feelings to someone who refuses to see things from a different point of view.

                            All I can say, is, keep your chin up. Keep doing what you are doing. This is YOUR life. Maybe one day she will just leave well enough alone.

                            And like Olly said.... buy some ear plugs....


                              made it thru the weekend

                              and sorry.... The LAST thing I need is another parent in law!!!! My FIL is a jack-arse enough for me.... LOL!

