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af daily wed 16 feb

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    af daily wed 16 feb

    Good morning all - had usual am wrestle with cat to give him his antibiotic/cystitis pill - working now - was getting seriously worried. Now he has upset stomach from antibiotics, that's pleasant to deal with first thing I can tell you!I am really glad the little man is better.

    Today I am focusing on what i want from life - health - to be fit - rollerderby - good friends.I am not arguing with ' the thoughts' today - I am just going to watch them float in and out - same with any irritable thoughts about work/colleagues.

    I am bringing back exercise tomorrow - cycling to work and hitting the gym. Dinner at friends' tonight - they not big drinkers - I will drive. It's my 100% bullet proof don't drink plan.

    Have a great day all of you.
    one day at a time

    af daily wed 16 feb

    Hi, Bear--and all Abbers to come!
    Bear, I am so thrilled to see you back, starting us up before many of us are even awake!! I know how hard the fight is, but you have so many healthy things lined up. Exercise is a great help, isn't it?
    Uni, wow--you are doing great, girl! How was the trivia game?
    Lav--and Pap3, I watched the Westminster last night. I loved the GSMD--thought of Maxie. Missed the first night, so didn't see the Papillons. I thought that the Dobie was going to win, but that Pomeranian took it all.
    Lav, 1000 smoke free days is terrific! Think I quit ten years ago. Was never a heavy smoker. Now I hate the smell of cigarettes.
    Turn, you are always great, and I am a tad jealous of your upcoming trip! Nice that you'll get to see your dad. You seem to be handling the grant situation very well. Loved your comments about Barny Fife!! Prick is right! And little weinie, Lav--so funny!
    Sunni, LVT, Greenie, Det, Raven, Amelia and anybody else I may be forgetting--hope you have a great AF day! I have to go to see my therapist at 10:45, then AA (haven't been in a week), then gym later on. I am still exhausted from six days at the flower shop. Yesterday was crazy, but we did it! I wanted to kill some of those last minute men coming in for a dozen boxed roses and thinking we'd already have it done. At one point I got quite a prick from a thorn and looked to see blood on the box!

    "One day at a time."


      af daily wed 16 feb

      Morning fabbies!

      Welcome back bear! I'm glad to see you here and I think the floating on by approach with the thoughts is good. Why entertain them when it turns into a wrestling match? A simple dismissal and send them on their way.

      Kas, congrats on a year AF!

      A SWEATER lav??? Someone musta coached him - since it wasn't an ironing board or something. :H Seriously, that's downright intimate for YB!

      A peke won the dog show, eh? I admit I didn't watch it, but is it more than fluff with a face? How do you even see his features and movement? And a couple got married backstage with the dog giving the bride away... Did anyone see "Best In Show"? What a riot of a movie.

      Hi Ho Hi Ho, it's off to work I go.... I wish I was on vacation with DG and mr doggy.....

      One thing's for sure besides the fact that I'm NOT on vacation!
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        af daily wed 16 feb

        X-post TDN You mean some guys actually got roses in advance?? Why do you have a thumbs down thingy by your post?

        And lav! congrats on 1,000 NF days! Woo hoo! Your lungs are grateful.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          af daily wed 16 feb

          Good morning & Happy Humpday Abbers!

          bear - nice to see you first thing today
          Keep that focus, ignore the rest of the bullshit.

          TDN, bleeding on that box of roses should teach that guy to plan ahead in the future :H
          Glad you got thru your busy day relatively unscathed

          Greenie, the sweater is nice but I need a new food processor :H
          I'm not complaining - really.

          Hope everyone has a fantastic AF Wednesday!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            af daily wed 16 feb


            I've been sick as a dog since the weekend. If I hadn't had a flu jab I'd swear it was flu. Off work today and keeping warm. We had a fantastic meal on GF's birthday on Friday even though I was starting to feel woozy. This is the view from the restaurant. We had to go through airport-style security to get into the restaurant (coats and bags through an x-ray machine, walk through a body scanner).

            We had to rearrange a couple of things we were planning over the weekend until next week because I wasn't well but still had a nice weekend.

            Hello to bear, ThreeDog, Greenie, Lav & all to come.
            AF since December 22nd 2008
            Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


              af daily wed 16 feb

              I have NO idea how I got the thumbs down thingie there, Greenie!!! Never even noticed it. Maybe it was for those last minute guys--subconcious speaking??
              Marshy, hope you feel better. The one time I got the flu shot, I ended up sick! Never got it again. That restaurant looks incredible!! Your GF is very lucky.
              Hey, Lav--you'll have the sweater a lot longer than you'd have some flowers! But the food processor would have been nice!
              "One day at a time."


                af daily wed 16 feb

                Good morning Abstinofabeenies! Woo hoo!

                Bear, GREAT to see you start up, and the plan thing? That is a good idea. When I quit I had NO advice. I went looking on the web after the worst part was over and I wish I had known about "plans"... Of course I used to plan to drink. Spent all day cooking it up.

                Marshy, that is quite the, er, building! Can you tell us a bit more about it? It sort of looks like a holly hock blossom before it unfurls. Or a splif, or a few other things come to mind, but that is a digression. Sorry you got sick on your big 3 day weekend. You are very composed about it.

                TDN, youve probably had enough pricks recently to last a lifetime!

                Greenie, the DOG gave the bride away? What does that say about the people in her life? And why does a bride have to be given anyway. When I was a bride (yes, I was), I marched up to the JP and said be quick about it buster. That was 28 years ago. Mr Kaslo still laffs about me checking my watch during the ceremony.

                Lavandergal, did I miss something....did someone give you a SWEATER? I got a half a choco bar and some roses. And I GAVE two very large choco bars and a bag of twizzlers, and a lunch, and made a fave dinner.

                Big shout out to Uni, Turn, Det, LVT, M3, P3 and all others.....

                I must I must develop my... capitol gains expenditure margins.

                kaslo, of the Fr. Snw.

                Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                Status: Happy:h


                  af daily wed 16 feb

                  TDN-I WISH the Pom had taken it all!! Not really, I was rooting for the GSD or the dachshound. Anyway-it was the Peke, errrr Tribble that won it. What an idiot judge. My poor boyz ran into their crates I was swearing so loud!! My associate didn't even want to come to work today because she knew my feelings about the Peke yesterday! :H
                  Seriously, they have totally bred the dog out of that breed. It can't walk, it can't breath and it probably needs the AC on even during the winter!!
                  No.... I don't have strong feelings about this!! :H:soapbox2:

                  Glad you got through the War of the Roses TDN!!

                  Marshy-I'm with Kas on what the building looks like!!:eeks:

                  Bear-re: going out to dinner with mates who aren't "big drinkers:": Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results . Albert Einstein. Something to think about dear. But good job on letting the stinkin thinkin enter and pass on through without action.

                  Kas-I saw bits of the wedding ceremony at Westminster-it was very sweet. I think you may have been in a minority group of how brides think about their weddings!! The dog actually pulled out to be judged for the final placements in the working group but didn't end up placing-gorgeous animal!!

                  Lav- a sweater! How sweet! Some thought HAD to have gone into that!!
                  My boyz didn't get me anything. Hmmmmm. bummer.
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    af daily wed 16 feb

                    Morning abbers!

                    Marshy, hope you feel better soon.

                    Have to admit, the dog talk isn't for me so I can't really follow - sorry!

                    I did it again yesterday! All day was active and doing things and have a lot of fun at trivia with hubby. Now today I am dead exhausted to the world. My body is not used to so much activity and today it is like whoa, stop already, I need to rest!!! So I am listening to my body and taking it easy today. Just reading a book and chilling. I think I will watch the twilight movie that just came out (Breaking Dawn, part 1). I bought it the other day. My daughter got me addicted to the twilight saga - I know, I know, pathetic. But at least I'm not lying in bed. (Yes, I will by lying on the couch but hey, at least a movie will be on! tee hee)

                    Anyway, that's it, that's all, have a happy day everyone!
                    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                      af daily wed 16 feb

                      Uni, my kids have been talking about those movies but I don't have any interest....I never even read any Harry Potter books either! Who cares? :H
                      Enjoy your movie afternoon!

                      Marshy, that IS quite a view & I wouldn't have thought anything else but since Kaslo raised the question........:H :H
                      Hope you are feeling better!

                      Papmom, watching the big doggies last night - I really thought the Irish Setter, German Shepherd or Doberman were total winners!
                      My Dad had an Irish Setter when I was very little & all I can remember that damn dog doing was taking food off the kitchen table. He was way too big for the little house that 7 people were crammed into

                      The sweater was a complete surprise Kaslo, don't know what to think or say. Always a quandry with YB.

                      Must get back to work - trying to talk some guy into buying sweatshirts & T shirts for his entire fire company
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        af daily wed 16 feb

                        Greetings FAB ones....

                        The darkness sure is lifting rapidly here in the far north...It's light now around 8:30 am and I don't need a headlamp to walk the dogs at 5:30 pm. The sun is low on the horizon which gives us hours of fabulous 'sweet light' where everything takes on a lush, glow. We are heading into the zone of 3 hour sunrises and 3 hour sunsets. Just fabulous.

                        TDN ...sounds like the V-day rush was hectic but satisfying - other than the loss of your precious bodily fluids!

                        Bear - Roller-derby and cat wrestling? You are multi-talented, dear one!!! You are inspiring me to get back to the gym. Just pacing around the house and walking the dogs isn't cutting it any more for my exercise needs. I am rejoining the gym in March when we get back from our trip out.

                        Marshy - I sure hope you are feeling better! What a great photo you took . I'm with Kas - tell us more! This is in London?

                        Kas - it sounds like you had a marvelous ValenAnniversary! We are so lucky to have you here!

                        Lav- I missed the sweater episode....I'll have to backtrack. Sure sounds intriguing. I know what you mean by a food processor. I just got my very first one. I am going to whip up more celery root soup with leeks. I love to cuise.

                        Greenie - I LOVE Best in Show - one of my most favorite mockumentaries of all time. I bought the damn DVD because I love it so much. I am such a fan...I can recite lines...the one that always cracks me up: Rhapsody has two mommies. And of course, I love the songs at the end about Terriers! I haven't watched it yet in may be time!

                        PapMom...sounds like you should have been in BIS! I got such a great visual of your little paps watching you with big saucer eyes when the Peke took the prize! You are just too cute!

                        Uni you are doing great. It takes a lot of energy to pull out of depression. You're doing it!
                        Sober for the Revolution!
                        AF & NF July 23, 2011


                          af daily wed 16 feb

                          I thought the building was right phallic. That is all.
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            af daily wed 16 feb

                            Leave it to Greenie to say what we all were thinking :H
                            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                            KO the Beast!!


                              af daily wed 16 feb

                              Quick hidy-ho from the cell phone here. Been a mega stressful day and
                              Now dinner alone. Staring down the cocktails and growling tokeep
                              Them away. Love to all
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)

