Hi Fit Friends!!
Boy it has been a heck of week!!! I'm BEAT--I finally left school today when I realized I was the only one left in the building (besides the janitor). UGH!!
Chill--I watched your Youtube video...that place looks beautiful!! I can't blame you one bit for wanting to go back!! Those beaches were gorgeous!! I ended up clicking on a couple other videos and watched them!

Sped--I've been to St. Thomas...it's beautiful!!!!! I'd LOVE to go back!!!!!!! Actually when I went there, we were on a cruise so I was only on the island for about 6 hours, or something like that. I just remember laying on the beach in this bay we were in...so amazing!!!!!!! I don't know...my opinion is...if you want to go, and it's important to you, you/we/I can't live in a bubble because of this "drinking thing"...you've/we've/I've still got to live our lives. There probably is a lot of drinking...but where isn't there, really?? :l
Dill-Hope you made it through the day ok and if not went home and got some R&R!! I wanted to add something about pedicures (from the beginning of this week)...you should get one!!!:H BUT....make sure, like someone said....it's from a nice salon, not like a strip mall place....they really are awesome!!!
Lav--I thought it was nice that YB made a nice effort this Valentine's Day...I think he really seems to be trying to show he cares (even in little ways--like asking to help babysit)...which is sometimes the nicest way!:h
Sooty-sorry to hear about your dog's passing.
Pap3--So what color is the hair going to be?? I think I need a new hairdresser...she keeps doing the same thing even when I ask for something different??? AND...my hair seems to loose it's color really fast, does yours??
Rusty--welcome home....so did you get to do anything fun while in Canada, eh?? Any plans for the long weekend...do you get Monday off???
Star--Hope you got all that you wanted to get done today!!
Dew and Cyn--how are you both doing this weekend?? Hugs to you both!!:l Rustop--hope you have a great weekend with your daughter!!
Cass--how you doin' girl? Still showin' them who's boss in your workplace? LOL!! Hope all is well!! Weren't you planning a trip or have you already gone???
Well...it's getting late, and once again we have basketball in the morning....my son's dad is coming to watch which is nice...but as most of you know always causes mixed feeling for me....(another) UGH!!!
Have a great Saturday!!!