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Free and Fit - Week 3

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    Free and Fit - Week 3

    They truly are prehistoric looking bugs LBH - fugly
    If you need more company at your house, just let me know!!!!

    Rusty, I meant to ask you - how many pounds of weight do they put on when you're in traction?
    I always felt bad putting patients in traction but it did seem to do the trick

    Kaslo, I've never heard of Chinz & Co but we used to have Bombay & Co - same type of really neat stuff

    I just made myself a pretty darn good vegan pizza again - lucky chickens will get the leftovers tomorrow.
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Free and Fit - Week 3

      Morning all, it's been busy over this end too. I'm still decluttering and Mr S is leaving shortly with rubbish for the tip and bags for the charity shop, but still the house is full of junk!

      Some sad news which I saw on the Army thread this morning is that Draggy passed away in January. I mention it in case you have missed it. There is a thread link for lighting a candle started by Stirly if you want to do that.

      I did my first volunteer driving trip yesterday. A dear old lady, crippled with arthritis, deaf and now losing her sight, and still remarkably cheerful - made me feel very humble and put my own aches and pains into perspective.

      Have a good Tuesday folks, I'm so grateful to be AF on this miserable murky day here in south Wales. To be looking at the grey sky with a hangover would be really depressing


        Free and Fit - Week 3

        Good morning to all...

        Sooty, I agree with you, I am so grateful to be AF on this miserable murky day in the Midwest. We are due rain and snow and I wonder why I ache all over!

        Kaslo, loved your picture and pictures in the past. You are an artist and view the world in your own unique way.

        Rusty, hope your neck pain decreases soon. Traction does not sound like fun.

        Lav, I have had stink bugs in my house already when it warmed up. I let my cats play with them, and then my cats stink. I usually just get a paper towel and throw them in the garbage. What a pain they are.

        Dill, thanks for the vote of confidence regarding the chocolate, I said I would try, and I will. I too will focus on being AF through all of Lent. So glad you are there for your son during the breakup of his marriage. Let's hope the courts have them go through a mediation class for the kids....I know some individuals who have really gained a new view from those classes and how there fighting affects the kids. It is just tough, no way around it.

        I have my church class today, then work, till evening. It will be a long day, and I will have a good attitude. I am enjoying the Buddha Brain and the other book about the practices to incorporate in your daily life. I recommend those books to all. Thanks, Dill.

        Everyone, have a great day.
        Formerly known as redhibiscus


          Free and Fit - Week 3

          Good morning my feb and fab and fit friends!

          Sunny but cold here today-will probably get the murkiness from the midwest in a few days.

          Busy busy weekend for me. Yesterday was declutter the dining room day. I packed up 3 boxes and 1 large suitcase full of china; did some research on value but came up empty; found some pieces I have no idea where they came from but may be valuable. Started putting away some of my fabric stash but have a long way to go before the room is organized and presentable.
          Last nite was my 2nd nephew's last regular season game for his high school. they beat my alma mater and cross town rivals 3-0 so nice way to end the season. They are going on to playoffs but I probably won't be able to see any of the games so last nite was the end of an era for me. It's been really nice to watch the boys grow up on the ice and I'm eternally grateful that I was able to be there for almost every home game since they were 5 and some away games as well. Its very bittersweet. My oldest neph came to the game on his way back to college so that was super to see him. He's going to be 20 in 2 weeks!! Yeow!! It was a very late game and I didn't get to sleep until 2 am!!
          No desire to go to work today but must I must I must earn that buck!
          I have also told my NH boss that I will work on Friday nites as well until she can find a replacement for the girl who just left who had replaced me on on Monday and Fridays. Not looking forward to it but it will cover gas money each week. Hopefully this will be very temporary.

          Ok, off I go.
          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            Free and Fit - Week 3

            Hi kids - what lovely messages from all. Sorry to be away; I also 'hit the wall' mid-week, then spent the weekend hosting HB's daughter for belated Valentines and getting her Dad ready for yet another gig in another city. I woke up with cold/sinus/whatever yesterday morning, and am dragging myself around, trying to get caught up.

            Lav - I often wonder how you stay well with all the kiddies around - hope you and the chickens enjoyed the vegan pizza!

            PMom - so interesting about DD. My male has worsening car and leash I'm trying to figure that one out. Yesterday I took him for his first swim therapy, and he (eventually) enjoyed it, thank goodness. The PT was amazed at the change I have already been able to make with him, that made me proud. Maybe I do have that as a career option...

            Chill - I love Dill's quote, especially for you. You have driven yourself so hard, asked for so much, dealt with worlds of fear and disappointment, given and given to other people, sought and sought. Please take time to fill the well.

            Kaslo - wonderful to read your bio, thanks for sharing. I am a snow-lover who just moved to New England from the desert, anticipating a winter of x-country skiiing and snow-shoeing. As it happens, Not. But I loved your description, almost like being there. Welcome, and hope you post often!

            Sped - thank you thank you for continuing to fight the good fight. I love seeing your posts.

            LBH - what an interesting monthly name that would be for us: "cute and fragrant". Your light table is inspiring. However, I must say it is the tidiest of seed setups I have ever seen, a little daunting. Maybe that's what your beloved parrot was talking about?

            Love to everybody, Rusty, Rustop, Sooty, Dew, Cassia, Star, Dill, anyone else I've missed - more soon -
            to the light


              Free and Fit - Week 3

              Cyn-lets start a business together catering to dogs-good and bad!! Where do you take your boy for swim therapy? The closest one to me is about an hour away. You can take the dog for recreational swims with an instructor only-owner is not permitted in and that wouldn't work for DD. He needs his mommy! I'm not even sure he would like to actually swim but he does like water on his own terms. I would love to find a nice clean pond or lake around here that was dog friendly but no such luck. I swear Central MA is NOT the place to be if you have dogs!!

              I've had one cuppa tea so far and am feeling a bit more human. Time for #2!!
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                Free and Fit - Week 3

                Finally checking in
                What a day I've had - was on MiMom duty from 8 am until nearly 9:30 pm. I am exhausted :H
                Tomorrow I am going to work just a little, go to Curves then head up to the outlets for some birthday shopping. My grandaughter turns 1 on Sunday.

                Sooty, I didn't know about Draggy - will go light a candle.

                Star, I have seen stink bugs crawl their way out of the trash can ~ that's why I flush them
                Hope your weather clears. It's supposed to hit 60 here tomorrow!!!

                cyn, welcome back! Hope you feel better soon. My DIL has been on Abx for a sinus infection but has developed double ear infections - yuck.

                papmom, you're going to be full time at the NH before you know it - look out!!!!

                Wishing everyone a good night!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Free and Fit - Week 3

                  Hi Abbers,

                  Sorry to have missed most of February but here I am (again). I fell off the AF wagon around the holidays and have struggled to get back on in Jan and Feb but I'm back. Today is Day 1 and my goal is 3 months. But I'll take it one day at a time. I'm excited to get back to sobriety and look forward to my first sober night's sleep in a while. I'm tired of the bloodshot eyes, headache and bloat that red wine gives me. Sick of it, really. I joined a brand new fitness club 2 weeks ago and have gone 6 days a week, hardcore workouts. I've noticed some good improvements to my physique but since I was still drinking wine, I still felt bloated and gross. So, now I am excited to really see the benefits of all that cardio and toning without the wine belly!

                  Well, enough about me, how are all of you? Do not think that I haven't been thinking of you and hoping everyone is doing well. Missed you guys. Wish me luck. Off to the toolbox for more inspiration and I have a plan in place. Today will be long bubble bath, long workout, long walk with doggie, lots of water, tea and since hubs is teaching tonight, I plan to hit some great books I have been enjoying. It's good to be back...I had teetered on logging on to MWO again but know it is crucial to my success to be here.
                  Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                  BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!

