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AF Daily~Thursday, February 16

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    AF Daily~Thursday, February 16

    Good morning, AbberDabbers!
    I am still laughing over yesterday's posts! The erection and the ___________from Sunni--no such excitement here! Only thoghts of Barny Fife's tiny weenie!
    Seems like everyone is doing well. Det, driving that huge truck with no GPS??? After that, you deserve a medal for not drinking!!
    Bear, how did the evening go?
    It is starting to look so pretty in the early morning, here. The light is beautiful, and we have a view through the field across the street that is incredible. Neighbors cut down all the trees--not so nice, I know, but the view makes it worth it. No phallic symbols, but still nice! And the days are getting longer and warmer.
    Not much planned today, which is fine. A friend is picking me up after tennis to take me to AA and she'll also pick me up, so Mr TDN can have the day to himself. He's trying to decide what to do with my car, which needs some repairs. I won't be using it for almost a year, so we could get rid of it and then look for a new one later. I don't care about it at all.
    Got to the gym yesterday and will go back for the next three days, hopefully. My feet have been sore lately, and my joints, also, and I am waiting a bit before worrying about Lyme Disease. Had an episode in summer of 2010 with a rash and got an antibiotic for two weeks only. A friend in Maine has just been diagnosed, and we know a number of people here who are suffering from debilitating effects of Lyme.
    Well, will be chakcing in over the day to see if we have further excitement!
    Have a great AF day, all!
    "One day at a time."

    AF Daily~Thursday, February 16

    Morning TDN and all to come. I hope that going to the gym helps with the joints and that no Lyme disease is on the horizon.

    I am EXHAUSTED. Yesterday was a hard day in the energy department but I know that is just because Monday and Tuesday were so active for me which my body is not used to. Then I watched Breaking Dawn and had so much adrenaline and of course tons of tears which zapped any energy I had left. I slept for a while and then woke up for dinner and Survivor with hubby.
    All in all though, It wasn't a bad day except for the low energy. My mood was actually okay so that's good. Today I ended up waking up at 6:30am - it's now 7:40 and I'm ready to go back to bed. Nothing big on the horizon for today so I can rest up again. I don't regret having the 2 great days early in the week but I am realizing that they certainly do zap my energy stores big time.

    Oh well, at least I'm feeling better in the big picture!
    Okay, off to have a bit of cereal and then back to bed for a bit. Check in later.

    Love and hugs,
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


      AF Daily~Thursday, February 16

      Uni, I have to tell you that I had zero energy yesterday after the crazy days on my feet, running up and down stairs, lugging water buckets, etc. I fell asleep on the couch yesterday afternoon and started nodding off trying to watch tv in bed last night. Sounds like same thing for you, so rest up and get ready for more fun days! Get that energy back. I need to do that, too.
      You sound so good!
      "One day at a time."


        AF Daily~Thursday, February 16

        Phallic? :H:H It's called the Gherkin. Is that any better? :H
        30 St Mary Axe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

        Back at work today and coughing up a storm so at least everyone knows I really was ill. :H

        Uni - have a restful day.

        TDN - enjoy the tennis and AA.

        Hello to all to come.
        AF since December 22nd 2008
        Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


          AF Daily~Thursday, February 16

          Hello friends,

          All is quiet on the home front here in Nebraska. Valentines day was nice enough. I got a nice card (early-he actually planned ahead) and then instead of taking advantage of the boys being gone to a basketball game so we could have the house to ourselves and __________ hubby was nice and took me to the game instead. :H I made a lovely heart shaped cake with real buttercream frosting for my guys.

          Sunshine that is awful about the big leak in the new barn!!! How did that happen? Sounds like a huge mess! UGH!

          Uni--do you exercise? Didn't you used to be really active-softball? I don't suffer from the same illness (although I am currently taking AD's) and the fatigue isn't really debilitating, but a lot of days after I get up, rather than feeling energized for the day I feel like going back to bed. I hate that and I often wonder if it is because I am not getting enough exercise. :h

          Had some facebook drama so I am spending way less time there and way more time on Pinterest. Today I am going to try to make some cake pops for a raffle tomorrow.
          We had a couple of young ladies show up selling "life insurance" Monday, hubby was interested so he invited them back yesterday--we listened to their spiel and so they are coming back this evening. Hubby is sold hook, line and sinker. My guard always goes up when someone says insurance. This is not your typical life insurance and there are many in our area that have signed on that I respect--but maybe it is just because they have money to burn. Anyway, I guess hubby can take out a policy if he wants.

          So, it is time to fix my son's lunch. I hope no one discovers I NEVER pack any vegetables in there.

          Have a great sober day all!:h
          NF since June 1, 2008
          AF since September 28, 2008
          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


            AF Daily~Thursday, February 16

            Good morning Fabulous Abstinence persons of interest. Thanks TDN. You must get up pretty early to be ahead of all of the other time zones. OR you secretly live in Hong Kong. Bwa ha ha!

            Good morning to everyone who hath posted previously. Ah, thanks Marshy, before stopping this morning, I had to look it up and got the same website immediately with a search for "phallic building london".... popped right up with Wiki, as it were. Ha ha. LOVE the name Gherkin. Trust the Brits to come up with something a bit more precise regarding its appearance. And the fact that it was the site of the Baltic Exchange and the previous building was destroyed by the IRA, wow. Its beautiful, and one day I gotta see it.

            Yesterday was a renegotiation of whats left of the mortgage. We have 4 years left. Mr. Kaslo thinks he can actually handle it on his own. Because I would really like to retire now. The idea of being a dependant is foriegn to my existence, however. So we will see. Especially if Ima going to London to see the Gherkin.

            Uni, a young healthy woman like you should not be so tired you collapse just from living a normal life for two days. Thats gotta be one of several things, and possibly a combination....reaction to antidepressants, severe lack of exercise, vitamin D and A deficiency, or anemia. (Did I miss any Lav?) Anemia is a good one, I suffered from that most of my adult life. Dragged my arse around and AL was no help, half the severe ALs have a form of anemia...I unfortunately am half Scots and inherited it from my mothers side of the family and for a period in mid life due to AL I was both dehydrated and anemic. I still managed to work in the bush for 30 years though! I used to have to take massive amounts of iron and orange juice, then calcium later in the day. Occassionally injections (ouch). (and the odd blood transfusion). It can be VERY mild too by the way. Not everyone has to have her/his arse in the bin, chez moi. But then, I believe a few of us have made the suggestions to check this out before. Either way, hope you get some energy back, because doin' stuff is more fun than lying around all day. You get to lie around forever, when your dead.

            So with that possibly unpopular little diatribe, I think I will go and finish a report I am editing on Mercury and Lead in wood ash and human lungs....

            One thing is for sure.


            Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
            Status: Happy:h


              AF Daily~Thursday, February 16

              Kas - If you ever make it to London, I'll take you to the restaurant with the view of the Gherkin The building with the restaurant in was damaged by that same IRA bomb, hence the security I suppose, even though the IRA aren't active in London any more (touch wood).

              LVT - more Facebook drama? I'm glad I don't indulge.

              Heading home for the day
              AF since December 22nd 2008
              Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                AF Daily~Thursday, February 16

                day 1 again - out of 6 of us 3 people were sharing a bottle of wine - not a high risk situation - just me not paying attention/focusing - had 1 glass - felt s**T all day.
                I need to just develop my skills at ignoring the bs.

                gig tomorrow and i am driving -zero chance - it's not where i go with me - it's my stinkin thinkin. well - unless i went just to a drinking session - but I would not put myself in that do that anymore - so there is some progress.

                back to it.
                one day at a time


                  AF Daily~Thursday, February 16

                  Wow Bear-exactly what you said yesterday..."I'm driving, zero chance". It IS where you go! Your environment encourages the stinkin' thinkin' which you are totally not strong enough to deal with right now. When are you going to stop the insanity and get off this merry go round? I'm calling you out girl (with love and concern)!
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    AF Daily~Thursday, February 16

                    i know you mean well but last few times i have drank it has been in my own home - on my own.Staying away from my friends doesn't help. I agree avoiding big social events -yes -quiet midweek dinner at a friends - not the same. Honestly these really really are not big drinking friends - the problem was my thinking - not where i was - and i didn't drive.

                    I know aa advocates staying away from social activities - i'm not following aa - following smart which has a different approach.

                    thanks - i really appreciate it - but i just have a different take on why/how this happened.
                    one day at a time


                      AF Daily~Thursday, February 16

                      Ahh...the GHERKIN by Wang and Johnson (Just got that Det! Okay, I'm a little slow. I blame it on living on a cold, dark ice cube!)

                      I once blamed most of my aches and pains on aging. Interestingly enough, the longer I am AF, the less I hurt everywhere. Beyond not pouring poison in my body, the good healthy (mostly) organic food we eat around here can now do its job. We are eating a lot of salmon (ya just gotta in Alaska!) and we now buy good meat. Each fall, we buy a side of beef from a local rancher who raises grass-fed cows and this year split THAT with some friends. It all makes a difference.

                      TDN - I am taking a really great supplement that has pretty much done away with all of my joint pain. It's called Super Collagen type 1 & 3 by Neocell. I buy mine in pill form at costco. I would do commercials for this stuff. It's amazing. My hair and nails are simply fabulous - stronger and longer than any other time in my life.

                      Uni - beyond checking for anemia, you may also want to have your doc check for candida. It is a huge issue for those who abuse(d) alcohol. It can cause fatigue, indigestion and a whole array of other maladies. We start starving the little buggers once we cut off the alcohol/sugar supply. I put my internal yeast brewery out of business nearly 7 months ago but am still healing. It takes a while to get rid of it especially the stuff that went free form and moved around and then dug into other parts of the body. Yeast gone wild! There's a lot of info on this on the tubes. Now - WHY is that absolutely dreadful Tony Orlando and DAWN song stuck in my head?

                      Bear...Dear...Bear...Papmom speaks wise words. I think you are one of those people - like most of us here - whose body cannot tolerate ANY alcohol. Your body is telling you that. When even one makes you feel bad that's a big message about the bottle and your body. Acceptance is the key to freedom, my friend. It eliminates all the drama around the mind-killing question to drink or not to drink. After I made the decision to just quit for good I had so much more time and brain space for doing really great things in life. It is truly wonderful on this side of things. You don't hear any long-term abbers here bemoaning the lack of al in their lives. And, we are anything but dull! I have never had more fun or joy in my life. That's the truth.

                      LVT - when I was young...some 'friends' sold me on 'investment' life insurance. You know - it's earning $$ while 'protecting' me. Uh. What did I need life insurance for at 21? hmmm. I really dislike people who sell fear. And deception. I would've been a lot better off simply investing that money in the stock market instead of through a middleman insurance scheme. Guess what? I get a dividend each year from this after converting it to straight stock. I made $10.51 in 2011! whoo hoo! Mama's going shopping!

                      Kas - when I clean the ashes from my wood burning fireplace am I breathing mercury and lead? If so, I'll wear more sweaters and burn less wood! Wait. I'm not burning wood anymore! Got a gas fireplace insert for the Family Room. We burn one fake log a year now in the Living Room for xmas.

                      Sunni - I suspect you are probably still dealing with the Horse Mahal flood. I hope there is no lasting damage and hope you find the right plumber to keep this from happening again! Your V-day dinner spot sure sounds charming!
                      Sober for the Revolution!
                      AF & NF July 23, 2011


                        AF Daily~Thursday, February 16

                        Short answer Turnagain is no. Will send you a pm. Most of the wood burning issues with human health are dealt with effectively by making sure you have an effectively venting burner, with no downwashing and no escaping fumes from the fire into the rooms. Burn dry, keep a window away from chimney smoke cracked, and dont burn treated lumber of any kind.

                        I had forgotten candida, right you are.

                        PS. loved your description of the long afternoons with beautiful sunsets and sunrises, btw and meant to comment....

                        Kaslo of the FN

                        Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                        Status: Happy:h


                          AF Daily~Thursday, February 16

                          Good late afternoon Abbers!

                          Busy morning then went out in the rain, gloom & doom to meet old friends for lunch - nice
                          No one ever drinks or even dare to eat dessert anymore - such a wild bunch we are :H

                          Uni, fatigue can be a symptom of so many things. Even chronic depression itself could be the cause, let alone side effects from meds, etc. I hope you can push yourself out of the fatigue hole! Sunshine (when it's available), fresh air, exercise, good food are all natural remedies.

                          Marshy, your pickle building is actually very pretty!
                          One of these days I will get over there to see all of London & surrounding areas. Hope you feel completely better soon.

                          LVT, FB is basically annoying to me. I have just hidden the posts coming from my niece & her husband. I never realized what small minded bigots they are & am tired of seeing their rants.......

                          Turn, I haven't been using the woodstove since YB left - it makes me nervous & adds to my allergy problems I use the regular fireplace from time to time but not all that often.

                          bear, the only suggestions I have followed are from MWO & some of the elders here.
                          The 30 days abstinence idea is a really good one because that's when I finally realized that I just cannot drink AL anymore. The first glass is the worst glass!!!!!!
                          If I picked up a glass of wine today after nearly 3 yeras of abstinence I know what would happen & I absolutely will not go there again! You have to decide what you want. I wanted control over my life again more than I wanted another glass of wine

                          Sunni, hope you are OK with your barn situation. Wish I could help!

                          Hi to Det, papmom, Kas & anyone I may have missed!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            AF Daily~Thursday, February 16

                            Howdy Fabbinoodles!

                            Yep, barn is dry but no water now... not much fun lugging water from outside; on the other hand, I'm grateful not to have to haul it from the house.

                            It's been snowing here all day and really can stop any time now :yuk: Mind you, I was kinda glad for the cushioning this morning; dear Trouble effectively bumped me over while standing on my foot. Methinks, we need to work on walking in hand and personal space again.

                            Other than that, I've been busy with work - oh, did I mention? Mr. Wonderful is dragging me all the way to Toronto on the weekend and Sidney and I are hoping to meet up for a coffee or whatnot

                            Happy Thursday, everyone.. one thing is for sure!
                            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                            Winning since October 24th, 2013


                              AF Daily~Thursday, February 16

                              Hello again,

                              I had a pretty productive day here at home and I am "chuffed" about that. :H (I hope I used the term correctly Greenie)

                              The insurance sales-girls were here again, and I'll let you know in about 30 or so years how that all turns out.:H

                              Lav-my Facebook is usually pretty boring. The drama (or non-drama as I saw it) was caused by a post a good friend of mine made about basketball. It was not derogatory--just a frustrated mother venting concern for her son. (I can so relate--both of our sons sit the bench-alot) Anyway, one of the moms apparently heard about it from her sister and it appears accidentally sent my friend a text meant for someone else. Long story short--the sister (old friend of mine) deleted both of us. And I didn't even do anything! I never even clicked the "like" button. LOL:H Now here is the funny part--I mentioned to our chiropractor that my son wanted me to take a picture of his swollen knee and post on FB. He said that although he thinks the FB concept is a good one--getting in touch with old friends, etc., etc, it seems to make grown women act like they are in Junior High again.:H He hit the nail on the head there! And when I told him I found something else to waste time on the Internet (meaning Pinterest) he looked shocked and mouthed "PORN??" He is a funny guy. Guess you had to be there.

                              Bear--I'm with Lav. Commit to 30 days. If you really want to quit the alcohol, you are going to have to do SOMETHING DIFFERENT! I hope you get where you want to be, it can't feel good doing this over and over again. Esp if one drink makes you feel crappy.:h

                              So, I think I am about done for the evening. Supper will be leftovers, I may make that french toast casserole for the morning though.

                              Have a good night all.
                              NF since June 1, 2008
                              AF since September 28, 2008
                              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:

