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AF Daily~Thursday, February 16

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    AF Daily~Thursday, February 16

    Good news about the barn Sunni - I though it was going under yesterday
    I have to hand carry water for my chickens too. It's a pain, feels like I'm going to disconnect a shoulder or something but what can you do??

    LVT, my niece's husband is a serious (unemployed) loudmouth & has taken to sitting on FB ALL DAY! He has a comment about everything & anything (that he knows nothing about). He manages to take every news event & turn it around to be about him. Whitney Houston's death (probably drug related) turned into a rant about how he dealt with drug addicts for 15 years when he worked as a paramedic, how horrible drug addicts are & how he got stabbed in the leg. WHO CARES? :H :H
    I'll be happy to no longer see the crap he posts

    I forgot to mention I also managed to get my hair cut today & pick up a new Mr Coffee at Walmart. Now that's exciting news :H :H
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      AF Daily~Thursday, February 16

      home! yay! woooo yeeee haw!

      exhausted but AF and looking forward to resting up.

      Uni, ditto the wise words of Kas and Turn and Lav. it's amazing how common our GI tract is acting up and we don't even realize what a truly profound effect it has on our entire body (including the brain).
      sadly most MD's don't have the slightest knowledge of these field of science (although there is a growing body of interest happy to say). I'd get a doc that really knows his stuff and get a comprehensive blood panel done to include androgen/hormone levels. you have something way out of whack my dear.

      now off to peel some garlic

      be well peeps
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        AF Daily~Thursday, February 16

        Hey all!

        Managed to keep my arse out of bed and did stuff today. I think you are all right - not sure if it is just a symptom of my chronic depression that I get so exhausted after having good days (the good days are usually high adrenaline for me so maybe it's the fall down of that which creates the exhaustion). Not sure. Either way I have a full blood test form in my purse that includes sugars, yeasts, cholesterol, vits etc. I have to be fasting to get the blood work done and I have been procrastinating on it but I will make sure to make it a priority.

        Took little uni to see a movie tonight, it was really cute. And managed to do 2 things on my list from the psychologist! So all in all it wasn't a bad day. Even though I was a bit tired, it was nothing like yesterday. Maybe I will always need one day of rest - who knows but I am making a commitment to go get that blood work done ASAP now.

        Love and hugs guys!
        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          AF Daily~Thursday, February 16

          YAY uni!!

          Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
          Status: Happy:h


            AF Daily~Thursday, February 16

            :rockon: UNI!
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              AF Daily~Thursday, February 16

              LVT25;1263536 wrote: And when I told him I found something else to waste time on the Internet (meaning Pinterest) he looked shocked and mouthed "PORN??"

              good job with "chuffed" , I need to get marshy to expand my repetoire
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                AF Daily~Thursday, February 16

                Way to go Uni!! Get that blood work done ASAP!! And if for some reason it all comes back normal, I would just try to pace myself. You did an awful lot in 2 days after not doing much for months. Of course you were exhausted the next day!! It's all about pacing. But, It is soooo nice to hear the enthusiasm in your "voice". I know you are going to beat this thing!!

                Sunni-so happy to hear the barn is dry again. What a rotten thing to happen! Hope your plumbing gets fixed very soon! I guess Trouble is aptly named eh? Have fun in Toronto and give Syd a hug from all of us!!

                Deter-welcome home!! Glad you got through all the hiccups!

                LVT-ahh, FB. I'm very happy to say there is no drama on the pages I follow. They only thing I worry about is my 14 yo neice. and occasionally my nephs (I insisted they "friend" me!). Hope everything gets back to normal real soon for you. Your chiro was hysterical about the Pinterest!! How did he get Porno out of that??? I just started a board of my own called 20 wishes. Its an idea out of a Debbie Macomber/Blossom Street book I'm listening too. It's also the title. I have 4 items on my Wish Board so far. I thought I had set the settings all to private but apparently not or it's not possible as someone repinned me almost immediately!! it's OK-my board is harmless.

                Anyway-time for some tea and poptarts and then bed. :l
                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!

